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''� � � rr ��`� ' � `,� `-�' 1 �1�'-,�-�.. _ ' � , \ �_ <br /> . � �' � <br /> � ' _'1N�P�._—.��.---==",,,_"�. e ._ ---:. _� _ .• ,;.-�ti,,,,:.:erc^--_;_ . � � . _ r.. - . -- — = ` _--— <br /> ..___-___ . . , .R.� <br /> � '__.'� ::. ... <br /> �" - <br /> _� . ' . . � • • • . • • � <br /> ___ _._...__..� _-� �\� .- __�-. <br /> ��� <br /> ■��������� <br /> .. .��...�_.�._r„_�_.�r et���tbm►tr�t�un�e other tat:l�;oi'«y�,rt nf the C�.,}�;rty.c�r i•�r crnvcy��nr�.�11 HGU t�Y Gi3ilt�ciTiit3tiCsi4 aid Slcii:Gy tt•i3i�t«t:il1d - <br /> -,���-,�� cli�ll tx��,aid tu�eYUicr. . <br /> - ----- <br /> �--- I+� tAo eveut oP n tcitul INkluti��►f �iro Irru�knty. �h���reu�rcdy nh��Il IW 11�1�1IICiI IU III(! 41111l9 4CL'U(i.11 Uy I�IIY 'icrurity <br /> -----` <br /> - --- - ____..._______- ln�tR�ntcllt.�yh�lhrY lN Itut t!x'!1 d+�c�,wl�h�riy exCt��q p��i tn l�mrnwar, tn Iho nv�nt��f n��nrUul tnktng uf ttt�!'i'u(iePty lp �_.__V.�.---__--_-,_- <br /> „=r which tho fiii�murket vnb�e of tho F'ro�+cny im►�icdlntely hct'are�I�e mhin�is c+�u:il co��r pmator th,u�the m�i►►nnt nf�ha F�un� <br /> z_ �._, secured tiy Ihis Sect�eity instcnmont ir�iu�cdiiilniy Geiurn Utn ta�fn�;�anlcs�Hn�-�•u�vev nnei I.ender niher�vino nIIrs�s In wriNr�p, <br /> -�---a3��= tha n�utts sccurcd ny thfs Scct�riry lnstn�mcnt 9ha11 tr�rrduecd hy thc mm�unt c�f tho pmrccds middpHcd h thc faitn�ti�ing =-- - <br /> _------------_-- fi-ucdan: (a)thp t�ln!nuznnnt nf[h�atwis srcun:d lu�mc�lntely t�rfn[a[he tnkiq�,djvtded hy tb)tlt�talt tna�t uatuo uf ihe -�==- v- <br /> --- ---- _ Proposty immedlatQly 6efn� tho tnkln�. My balnnso shall ha pc►Id to Horrower. ln tha event of n pnNn! nf� - - --------- <br /> �__�_ - _ � <br /> _ <br /> _ _ Nrop..rty in which thv fnh rnuekct v�duo nf tf�o�ti��ony Immriliatcly t+Lfarc thc tciking is IcsH than Iho i�mnunt of t u numq <br /> .-.- =° --� - - secuiecl imuudintety �ieEoro eho�okia�. u�ites5 �#orc►we�nnd t.ender �ihunvie,c apreo in wehing or uutexa uvpilru6lu tuw " <br /> ���'r � atbc�wisa pr�videy.thu p��ceeds ehiill bo�►pplled t<�Iho Rumv xr.rurcd by thiy Sccur{ty U�st�Y�ment whcli�er or irot�ho sumy�ur� � <br />-_ - then duc�. <br />-';�;- If tho Property ix abundoneci by Dorrowcr,or it;ntier notiro by l.endcr tu.8urrcnvcr thnt�hc condemnaP O`�CfH�0 I11III(C <br /> r�F nn aword ar�►;�ti�a:.lnlm far damnsey,Uanrnvc:r faila t�rospond to l,cnder within 30 dc►ys nilcr tho cinto tho nutico le g(ven, <br /> - - - �ender ta autharired tn collect w�d apply thc p�cuced�,ut!ip apAan,cither ta reytu��utiun��r repuir uF ti�e Py���xriy nr ta thv <br /> ;,' sums secured by thiy Securiry Inst�ument,whethrr ur not then due, <br />�,� Unlesv Lcnder and Hurrower athcnvlh�ii��ec in wdting, nny uppNcudon ot'prureecly to principul �liail riut extend ar <br /> postpone tho duo dato af thc niUnthly pnymcntx rcfcrred to in parcigrctphs i imd 2 or channo�ho i�mount af�such pnymentx. <br /> ' 11. Dorrowcr Not RclEnseda hbnc�aru�c� Ny I.ender Nuf o Wulver. &xtenytan nf tho dme fur paytttent ur <br /> modificadan af n�nartir.utlan of the »ums�ccured by�t�iK Secu�•i�y Inhtrun�ent grc►nted by l.ender ta nny aucceKSar in inteceat <br /> _���� -,:. _ of Hurmwar hhuU nnt apermc ro relci��Q thc lii�bilily aP tho ariBinal aanowcr ar Hiurowcrk ,,uccassorx in intcrcvt. l.cndcr -- <br />_ Rhul1 not bo requircd to commcncc praccedingc; i��ninyt nny huccessar in intcrest ar refutic ta cxtcnd tima far pnyment ar <br /> -• �:-••-�''� �• ° uthcrwlsc modify amanlzution of thc hums hecurcd by thiy Scciuity Instrumcnt hy rcason uf nny dGm�nd mudo hy thc ariginid - -_ <br /> `"�`�`�'`� "':^``"" B�rna�ver or Borrnwerk vuccessars in lnterest. Any farbcarance t�y I.ender in cxercfsin�any ri�ht or remedy tihAU nnt bo n <br /> ifi^� �� .; — <br /> �4�,, �. � �, waivcr oi'or preclud�tho oxorciso of nny right or rrmedy. -- <br /> _- � � '._,x lt, fiurce�sor�an�l Aesi�ny Hou�d;Jufnt+md Severnl l.inblilty;Cu•si;;aere. '1'he covcnunts ond iigrcemonts of'this <br /> `-� • - ,f =: Seeurity Instrumont shnll bind nnd bene�t the r:uccessurti�md usriE;n+af Lcndcr und Aarrc�w�r,tiuhJec4 tn Ihe provisian�:of i- - <br /> . a �_..�s- - <br /> �•����• ��` � �: pnrograph 17, earrmvot�: c�vennnty nnd ugrcemente hhi►il t�e Jalnt nnd noverad. Any Honmvor wh�co-si�nx thie Securlty �_�,,,a„ <br /> - �� Instn�ment but daev nat oxecute the N�te: (�►)i�co•signing thi�Security Intitrument anly t�man�uge,g�nnt imd canvey that �''!�*r''��- <br /> �u • . . �• , ��" 8ar�o�verk lnteeest in tho Prup�rty under�h�+terms af�his Securlty Inxtrument; (b)ix not persomilly ohUgnted to pi►y thc sumv �`���:- <br /> . • . secured by thls Sccurity Inxtrument;and(c)ugtces thut l.endcr und any uther Horruwcr mi�y nFrco to oxtend,macfify,fart+cur -` `°�'�;.�_�� <br /> � ar mako any ucrnmmaludnns with reKiud ta iha temis uf this Sccurity In�it•umcnt ar ihc Notc wi�haut ihut Borrawort� �-�;._��;���_ <br /> , _... conecN. . :�_.:_:.r�.. <br /> :�;.;:� . . 13, l.oun Chnr�;cy. If tho loan sccureJ by this Sccurlry Instrument Is subJcct tc u luH� which �ctx maximum I�an =:�:�i:.����'_�'�. <br /> ::.' �_. , ehnrgey,nnd thut Ic�w'is�unlly interpreted nu thut thc intcrext ur ulhor I�un chnrges collerted ar to be callected in canaectian � '• ��__ <br /> � wi�h tho loun oxceed tho pormitted limlt�,�hen, (:�)uny such luun rtwrg.�hhull he�tiducrd by the,m�nimt nrresvnry ta reducu �::r�.�',.� <br /> -'�"""'` �� ` the charge ta the permitted Umit;nnd(b)uny sumti alrcad,y callectcd fram Aorrnwer which exaceded p�rmitted Umit�wili bo -` �`�- <br /> . .'� �, �efunded ta Har�awcr, l.cnder mny ch��ase tc�muke�his r�fun�l hy reducing the principul�wed under tho Nate or by muking i� f• l�a <br /> `• • - <br /> • • ditcct���+mcnt to Bc►nower. If'u r�duccs�rinripid.thc rcducdon wiil bc trcated us a puniul prepnymem without uny � -�•`�"��•• <br /> - _- � -� <br /> � ' prcpnyment churge undor�ho Nn�c. :;�;�., _ <br /> , 14� Natleev. Any noticu tu Harruwcr prnvictrd fi�r in thiti 5ecurity Instrument r:hitll h��;ivrn by deUvcrinA it ur by �,-,-� '� <br /> .' mniUng it by firtit rl,�sti muil untrtis applica�blr liiw rryuires usc ut'unuthcr mcthad."I'he nuticc shnll be dirccted to the Prn�uny `. ' •,- �' <br /> A�rQSS¢r�tty uthss:uldrs:�� f�t�r.n�:�er:l.�3�:,tt�l�:n; ssusl��su l.en�;:r. Any nczs:c:to!«�l�r::ls:i!!!�.g!ti•ra!�y t'ir•t rla�� ° <br /> � '��° - -- ntnit ta i.�ttder�uddre�.r ytutcd ttcrcin ar;my uthcr addres�t.cndcr dcyi muW+hy nntice ta Hnrr�wer. Any notico provided far ` - '��l,� � <br /> , in thi�,Security Inti�rumcnt shull t+�dcrin^Q tu huvc txen �tiv�n tu�iur�u���cr ur l.cndrr when �iven u+ pruvidcd in �hi� . 3,'`- <br /> pflrAgraph. • ��_.. <br /> 19. (;avcrnlnp I.uw= ticvcru6pily. 7'hl�: Scc�rcity In��rumcnt,h:dl h�ltcn•rrnrd hy i'cdarui liiw cmcl thr Inw ��f'tho , = <br /> Jud�diction in whtah iho Prn{x:ny Iti Inciuc�l. In thc rvrnt thau nny provitiinn��r cl►�usc ui'lhis Srcurlt,y Instrumunt��r thu Nato <br /> cunfllcty with itpplici�blu luw,such c��nf'llct�hull n�+t uft'rct��thrr pruvi�tun�ut'thi,Sccurity In.r•truiucnt or�hc Nutc widch cun <br /> • � be glvcn efPect withuut ilw cunflicting pruvl�i�n�, 'p� �liis end the provi+iu�iy ul'thiti S�r�n•i1y In,trumrut und thc Nuw i+ru <. . <br /> i d�r.larod t�hn ti�+v�rnhl��. ,. . . ` .. <br /> � l6� Ilarrawer'y Copy. H��rruwer rhuli he�ivcn uur confi,rnud c��ry uf'Ihc N�ne und of thiti S��curlry Inrtrument. .. <br /> ' 17, 71�un!�fcr oP thc Nroperty��r i�Hcncflrii�l Intcrest in Nurruwc� II'nU ur nny purl uf thc F'�uperiy rn•nny intcrest in . <br /> it iy sald or trnn�furrr�i�nr il'c� txneticiul imcroyt in Hurru���rr i,.�+ld u�h•un�lcrtcd nnd Himu��cr ir nut i� nuwrul perxon) .� <br /> without l.endcr�prlor written canycnt, Lender m.�y.�u ii.upUun.ruquir�imm��liutr pu��mm�t in 1't►U uf ull r;umr ,crured hy ' <br /> ' , thih Security Intitnnncnt, H��wrvcr, thi���ptlun�hidl nut he cxrrci+r�l hy l.endcr if exrrri,c i�prohihitcd hy f'edcrui luw uti uf � • � <br /> , ' iho dnto of thiu Sccurity lnrirumrnt. , <br /> � • � !f'l.endrr uxcrcises thi�uptiun.t.cnder rh�iil�ivr Ni,rn►�����r n�+tirc c�i'iicrcieratiun. 'I'ho nuticr rhuil pravicic ii purlud c�i' •. . <br /> ' , not(oss thim:�O duys fr�,m the duw the nutfcr iv dclivered ur mnilrJ wid�in whiel�Hurruwer n�u,t p,iy lill�um.�crurcd hy this � . <br /> .. . Sccurlty Inw�tument. It'Hnrruwcr ti�ll� <<�r�►y� m«� .umti priur t�� thr expir�Uiun ul'thi, prrfod, l.rndcr muy invuku imy <br /> . remodicr rmitted by this SecurltY Inxtrumrnt��ithuut 1'unhrr n��tirc ur�Irmi�nd un fl��r�uwcr, ' � <br /> • •; la, �oreawcr's Itipht to Rclnsit�te. It'Horr����•cr mcct+ ccrtnin runilUiun.. Hurruwr� �h;�ll huvc thc rfght to huvc . <br /> � enfarcement i�f this Security InsU�ument di�cuntinued ut a►n��tlmo priur tu tl�c euriier ut': lu)5 da�y,(ur tiuch��thrr{xri�xi ur <br /> � ., <br /> • timgtcham�ly••Fimnlcllnr�h'rcAdlu�lncl�tilFi)HltltitiTH1��1F:til�-•t'nuurm('uven.mlti V140 qa�gr�J�,/n1�u�i•�i . <br /> •', , ' •. <br /> , .r, . <br /> � ,. � . <br />. . <br /> .� . • • <br /> , � . , . <br /> . . - _ . r. I'.1 • . <br /> " '1 (. . ., . . ' ' ' . <br /> 4� , .. <br /> � , ' <br /> .: . " �. . <br /> . 4+'S � � � . ' <br /> .�rJ , . <br /> �. . , ' .. � L . � � ' � . ( � . . ' � ` � <br /> .. . . - - ,. ' � <br /> ... . <br /> . <br /> �� . . . �� . . •_ � ' <br /> � . �. �-. . � � � � • . <br /> . <br /> � • t �� �' I. . � - _.. . <br /> r <br /> j • .. <br />