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, <br /> -. -�: :• . .� .. � -,• -, �,,,���. . , _ _ ,� <br /> ' ~ �'�.. ,T�t_^SK7'Pr'±��'.�".��.:. � � .-.. `~. . ... _.. �y^. . .__� � . . '—.'_. ' ' , _ . . .._ :-��nr.-+sa. — _--���. <br /> ''�` )V ..^�iC^.^_a "�...�- . t -�_-_�:e-.�+�+.�•T�-°ea:�a:�-�.—�..a...�r.. —'-_ <br /> � - _.._.�..A_::.v�c.�.� <br /> _— ������ <br /> _v __�- - -- �:�y�,��hut�3er ryulecs. 'I't►o insu�enco cnc�icr�rov:din�tha U+sar,veco ahaii he ch�fscn��i+itU�VCY BUG(ect tu I.�ncl�rb �_.-.:_.-- <br /> - - - _ . o��rcwnl�vhich ehaN aat he un�e���nm'�ly wlt}►held. IPl�onr��ver iails to mninta[n wvemgo descrihed abnvo,Lr�teic��uuiy�nt _� <br /> ����.� <br /> - .,�� - t.:nd::r3;�pttnn,:�bt�in cat:ra�ta pmtcst l.cndcru rlgNt�in�t�c 1'�r�.tty Ifl fttCt1lY�9tMB WItFf fr;fYti�ffl}►�i 7. - <br /> -��_- ---- , Ali Ineu��anrc�puticlew und rrnc�vats ehnil tic iu.rcptublo tu nn�l utt�ill incluclo c►etnndi�r�l maei�oga��lauso. Gcndcr `-------� _ - <br /> , shnll hnvo tho rl�ht tn hold tho�n�l�3ay nnd renmvni9. IP Lcn►i�r rcqui�es.t�o�rower ehnit promptly�ivo t�l..ender c�il eec:aiFtq <br /> _=- ------ - ��f patd�1jen�iuu�:a un<i r���o�vul��ati�cs. 1u tha uvant�►Y t�►r��.pur►�o�vice shaU givo prarnpt naQco tu tho in�ur.-►nse rnrrier nn�l ----- <br /> -.�� <br /> ---- Lcndcr. l,cndcr atiny m�lcc p�uof o�'laaa if nat m��x'omptly by Uarrawcr. <br /> - -- � <br /> == — , - �_ !lnla��,�nder u�ul H�rn+wer�+thr-r+�lhe e;;rer in writlaQ,ingurwic� c+sced.y 4t►ull !�n;y�li4d tt��-�tcuutlon or ropalr of <br /> — _ _ _ - - ----_ <br /> t" ' thu Rr�pcny dumc�cd� If tho ��sturuti�n or reputr iy econo�nirully fc bic nnd Lendcr� secuelty ly not lesscttsd. It'tho <br /> _ � rc4tnr��tian��r rcralr is nnt �cnnamicoliy Peiiefblo or I.enderI�necurity �vould ba lessened, tI10 �tl5lli'101Ctl rfUI:CC�3 6ht1�� I)0 - <br /> � appllcd ta thn 4umy scrured by thi9 Secudty in9trument,�vhether ar nat then dua,1Y�tI1 lUty OIlCCS!1 pA�(I l0 L�RI"f'OWOf, lf - <br /> -� Honxnvcr abundanH thu f'roperly, or daca nat unswcr within 3t1 duya a nnticc from I.s:ndcr that tho insur�u�ca cnrrier hny ���. <br /> �r r� offercd to se1U��►rintm,then 4endc�muy collect tho ingurnnco pru��eedK. I,ender muy uso tho prareeds to re�nir or�estom <br /> -n ' Ihc lhc�pc�ty ar t�pny a�umy�;cc:u�ed by thle Serurlry Inatrumen�,whether nr not then duc. 1'ho 30-day pertad will begin whon <br /> -� � tha nodcc Iq given. <br /> !�-�"��� Untess I.ender and Aorr�iw�:r e�thenvitic i��ree in wri�ing,uny upplicntion uf proecedY tu principal shntl not oxtend or <br />_�� "-"�`��"'``� �st nnc thc duc dato af thc monthl -- <br /> =- Fx p y puyments roFcrrcd to fn purnsruphs I nnd 2 ur chungo thc cuiiount af tho payment�. If <br /> under paea�truph 21 tho Proporty iu ucquired by Lender. Barrowork i�wht ta m�y insur�►nce paliriex►uui prucecds resultiag <br /> , from dmm�gc ro the Propony prinr ta thQ ncquisitlan eh�ll pus9 ro l�cnctor ta tho exteni crf tho xums necurcd by this 5ecu�i�y � <br /> _���; Instcument immcdintoly pdor to�he ncqidRition. _ _ <br /> ���:�•���.��� 6. Uccupuncy� I'reservutl��n, Motntenance and Protectlun ot the Property; Sorruwer's I.aAn Appiicntlon; --=__ -- <br /> '�"'�`���-� I.enscholde. donowcr ehnli accu � <br /> ,�,�=n;;;>;•,• •�'�`� py.estnblish,nnd uso tho Piroporty av ponnwerk�rrincipal rc�idcnw wUhln sixty days after -- <br /> � � � the executian�►f this Security lnatrument and ehu�l enntimio tu occupy tho Prnp�rty ns 9urcuworti principnl rewidenco far at �;�:s-:�� <br /> ,;'::,+:,"''- . � -{�l r„___� <br /> p�r,' , Ieayt anc yci►r uflcr tho date of accupnncy, untess Gonder otherwiso ngrcca in writin�;. which cunsent shnll nnt bo -Y•�,.�,� <br /> { _. , �' unrcuvonubly withheld,or unless extonuuUnB circumsti�ncc9 axlrit which nro boyond 8anawer4+cant�al. Horcaa+cr ehull nat ,,'='.-'= <br /> . ' '" , ' dastruy,dnmoge or lmpidr the Pmprrty.allaw�ho Prope»y ta detcdornte,ar commit wnxte on the Proporty. Hi�rrawcr�hnil =��d��- <br /> " • - . +�'. �•ti, bo in dofault if nny Farfoitun.ncdan or pmcet+ding. whethor civil or criminnl� ie+begun thnt in I.enderk�ood fidth,�udgmont 'r._',.�:=- <br /> � . _ _ could result in fa�foituro of th� Propeny ar othanvlRe mnteriully impnir the 8en created by thiA Secudty Instrument or ,;�;�;.,_ <br /> �,� , � � 4ender�tiecurity inter�:st, sarra�ver may cure such u defnult aad roinstate.a9 pravlded in paroRraph cnuy�ng the uctiun � .���''`���.-_-___� <br /> , • . � or procccdinU�o bo dismisticd with n niUn�thnt,in LcndcrW gocxf fi�ith cictcrmfnnNan,prccludcs farfuUure of tho Horrowcr�+ _ .: .� =^� <br /> . inten:.r•t i�the Piraperty ar c►the�mc►teriul impairmcm i�f tho 8en crei�ted by this Securiry Inxuumcnt or Lcnder!� necurity .. <br /> � intrrort. Bortawcr ehi�ll iilsa ln+ in dofault If BoROwer, during the lann npplicmian praccAS. govo mntcriully fulsc ar ..��'.��� <br /> • . ' innrrurnte infnrmntian ar suuement�ta Lander(or fuiled to rovido Lender wlth nm m�terial iofarmaNan)In connecilun with - -=��"= <br /> ' - ' the I��un uvicleneed hy the Nnte, i�cluding, but nat limiicd to, reE�rosentntiany cancerning t3arrawcrY acup+�ocy af �hc �^�;,;�::+�_ <br /> . ' Ffiaperty ns u principul roxidenca If'thi»6ecu�ity Instrument ia un i�lecisehc�ld,Bur�awer Hh+►11 cumply wlth uU tha proviytons ��..�s.t'�,"- <br /> •. oF iho lcutia lf Hnnriwor acq�dros foe titlo ta tho Property.tiie Icnsehald nnd ihc fce title tihaU nat mergc unless I,cndcr agrces _ •-!=:�:,,�� <br /> , � ta�h��mcrgrr in wriNng, v -F`` �� <br /> • 7. 1'�atectian af l.euder'r+ Rl�hta lo the Property. If Anrrower ti�il� to perf'�rm tho covcntmt� amd n�reements "�"'"' <br /> ---•— <br /> ,,,.,_ <br /> ---- ------� contuined in ihis scc�u4ty lnxt�mf-nt= �r lh�re �y �� leg�l �+rocr.c�l�ng 41wt 4►u�y �Ignlfi�•�ntly efl��! l.�er�d�r1� �Ights in thc .': �5�,��: <br /> � I��uprrty(yurh uti u pr�xeeding in bunkruptcy,prabi�te,far condemnutian or forfcitu�o or to enforce Inwv ar�egulatIonti),�hen � . `�i•�,' � <br /> ' • l.ender mc►y d��und puy fi�r whtitevor is necetisnry ta protect the viilue��t'lhu 1'rciperty und Lenderk�ights in thv Praperty. ' �s�.' <br /> I.endcrk aciianv mny includc puylnb imy sum�sccurcd hy i�Ncn whirh hiix priuriry nvcr thin Sccurity Inx�rumcnt,nppc:►ring " ��`= � <br /> --- - ln:nurt.�;:ying raasananl.: att���y�'f�c�a���etii2�3�i�;t��iiia�c��ty t,�rai�:: ic�c�Iin. �Ii�tuiibn{.diit�cf iiic�j�ia��a:.t3z�n �Y�,�,�. <br /> -.. .. ,_,. _,. _.- . <br /> - undcr this p�r,�groph 7.[,endcr dacc na�hnve ta do s��. -- ° ' : <br /> ' . Any �mtountn diyhurhed by l.cndcr undcr thlr: parii�rnph 7 shull becumc uddid�sn�il dcbt af Bnrrawcr ncrured I��y thix `.''� = <br /> . Security Instrumcnt. Unlcsr Borrowcr+md Lcnder uZU'cu tu uther tcrms�f pny�nent,these►unount�xhnll hrar intoretit from thc . • �° <br /> . dntc��t'dihhurscm�nt au thc Ni�tc�uto an�l yhull h� puyul�li�,whl�interuyl.upun nudcu Prum l.enilrr u►8urruwcr requcrtin� `� <br /> . puyntunt. ` <br /> " � tl. MarlpnRu Inauruace. If Lunder required mangn�;o in�ur.�nre ur u condlUan of muking the lo.�n securcd hy�his , �'�� r, <br /> • � ' Securiry Instrumcm, eunowur r�huU pny thc p�cmiums rcquired to mnintain Ihe mun�ngo insurance in ciTect. It', tar uny , <br /> . rcuri�n, thc morl�;agc inrurancc cnvcrn�;c rci�uircd by I_cndcr l�ip�es or cca�cs t�� hr in cffcct, �orrow•cr tihuu puy ihc <br /> premiumx rcytdreQ tu uht��in cc�vcrugc ruhrtunHully equivalrnt tn thc munNugc lnsumnru prcvi��uslv ln cffert, cit i� cnst � <br /> subvtuntiully cquivulcnt tn thc c�nt to Burrowcr of thc murt�abv in�urancc prcvioucly in cifcct,f'rom un uitcrnutc manpugc , <br /> • • insurc�npprovc�i A�y l.endcr. If suhtitnntiiilly cquiv,�lrm m�mguF;u insuranru ruvuru�;e ir not irv►iilable,Barrower hhall puy ta <br /> ' ' l.cndcr ruch mnnth u sum rqu�il t��unc-twrlfth nf thc yei�rly mnrtgagc in�ur+inca premium being puid by Sarrawcr when tho <br /> insurimcc covcrugr.Icip�ed ur rcuscd tu hr in uflcct. Lendcr will►icrept,u,c��nd retuin thcsu puymcnts nti u lasti�esc�wc in licu • . � �� <br /> �"R �• a�f mnngugc Inauruncc. t.u��r��ccvr puymcut�nu�y �iu I�m�ur bc r�c�uircd,ut thr upti��n��f Lcndcr, if martgago insuruncc , ' ' , <br /> rovcri�gc(fn thc umaunt�md f'ur�he �xriud thiu l.endcr rrqulru.r•1 providcd hy:�o Inrurcr.�ppruvrd hy I.rndcr iigidn bca�mos <br /> uvidli�blc und ix obUdned.Horrawcr shull pny thr prun�ium,reNtdred tc�muinti�in m��n�;u�v incurnncr in off4ct,or tn pravldc n ' <br /> li�+�rescrvu,undl �hu reyuire�nrn�fi�r mongngc inrurm�cc cndti In nccu�dunrc �vi�h uny����iuen ugreemeni hctw�cn Bc�rr�►wer . <br /> ttnd l..cndcr nr tipplfet+hlc luw. <br />� . 9. In�p��tion. l.endcr or Uti t�gcnt mt�y mukr rc��tic►iu�hla entrirs upnn und intipertiun+��f thc F'ropeny. l.cndcr shi►II <br /> • give Rorruwer nutice ut tho timc af ar prior to im intipectinn speclfyio�mi�tiunuble cuuse li�r the intipecticm. , <br />. ' ��'. ' 10. (:imdemnntlon, 'T'hc pror��dti uf'�my awurd nr rlaint Pi+r dumu�;rs,dimct ur cunxcNucntii�l,in conncctiun with uny , , <br /> � � ' .l'iq�lr I�.nn11y..l�;mnic!11nc/FYcrldlr�Utr 1!NI}'IUt�11Nr'1'N!'11f:N'1'..1�ndomi('nern:mt. U/INi {ray,r+,f n p.��,,�ci <br /> ' �. <br /> � f�eat 4iYr,Buetneu F„tnu.Inc.■ <br /> � Tn onur cml-�dupG.9DUJ93�7 YA�Uta70t419t <br /> ---� �- <br /> _ �- - .._ ...._- -• <br /> � � . <br /> 1`. . • " <br /> . 1 � • <br /> � � � � � <br /> ' ' ,. � t <br /> . � . <br /> , . •, • - <br /> . , . . <br /> r. ' � ,. - <br />