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<br /> ,1� .. - 1�, titteciwsn�w ttnd r�59Ih119 Hututdt Jnittt tutd ticccn�) I.luhllllti'; Cu-tilKncr.r•, 1'lic covruan�+ un�l u�;r��en�entti uf this ' ; ;_ �. -__
<br /> ., Se:CUrily Inslrun1�11t �•htdl hbiJ und hCnClll thc �ur��ssurs un�t u�yi,yns ��I' l.��lder ;�nd H�u'r��wc�, tiuh��cl t�� IhC p��►vi�iony ui' . •. .. -.- -
<br />' � �. purntiriiph ,�,h. l���rmvi•cr's ravcnanir and ;igrecntcnt� �hall bc Juinl ;m�l +cvc�•�i i. Any I l��rrmccr w hu ru••Ihuv �h fs tic►u r l'v ,' " ._
<br /> - Inruu�ucnt hut Jcn, nu�ex�c►�tr d►c Nutc: H�1 is cu•tiipi�ing thi�S��urUy Instrumcnt unly tu murtg�i�:c, �rnnt i�rn) cunvcy Ihul .
<br /> -. ----_;- `-- -.�' - lJ��rn+�a�r'.r Intcr�st lu thc Prupertg w��l�r Il�c t4rm.ul'thir Security in�trumr��t; th)i� nut pr�:�unully uhli�;utrd tu pay tl►a.um. _� _.__:_.__. ,
<br /> - _y__� S�cure�l hy Ihiti ti�:curity Instruntcnt; and lc1 i��;r�r��h;u l.endcr und i�ny utlier H��rr��arr msy:�grcr t�,rxtrud, m�nlil;�, t��rtn�s�3r _ _ --
<br /> -- ..� I11�IkC �uly u�CU111111u��:111uu� ��'il�� �egai�l lit ih2 t:.r�n�at�thh; ��C:iiTII� ltltitri:t21Cl1! t�!tftt` N��t•• wiih�au �h+�t ikirr��wcr'ti Culltitt[. �: - . _ - .
<br /> -•--. . _ ...
<br /> �
<br /> ' 1 i. Notic�w. An}� nutirc tu lli�rruwcr pruvidcd far in thi� Srcu�1ty tnsUumcnt til�idl hr tii��cn hy drlivecin�; it ur by nn�iUp�; `
<br /> ---_ it hy lirst rlusr mail unlcss lipplicnblr lanv rcquirc.usc uf'imuthcr mcth�,d. '1'hr nutiru.hnll Nc�lirectcd tu�hu NrUEx�riy AJdre:•ti ,
<br /> ,. iir any uthcr address Borrut�•cr dc�igitulcs hy nutica tu l.cndcr. Any nuUrc tu L�ndcr +hull bc giv��n by tir.l cl:te, ni:til ta '..
<br /> Lrndcr'�uddretis.tatcv her�in ur uny uddress Lendcr desiguutcs hy nutirc tu Hurruwcr, A�Iy �tulic4 peq�'id��l Cur i��Ihir� ticc�u�it.Y +;,,�
<br /> In�trumcnt shull bc dcemcd tu huvc hccn tiivcn tn Hurn�wcr ur Lcndcr whrn givrn�is pn,��iJcd in thi:�pat�;��;raph, • ' , '
<br />� , 14, G�►vernin�; lan�•; ticvc�7�bllit}•. '1'hiti Srcurity Instrumcnt �hall hc govcrncd hy fcdcrul lu�v :�nd Nia laa� ��f thu `" , , , .'
<br /> ,,.�`,, :
<br /> .luris�li�d�m in �vhich thc Prupcny is lucat��d. [n thu c��ciit thut any pru�•i�iun ur �lausc of this Srrurity lnnu-wncnt ��r tliu Nut� , • .
<br /> , cunllirtx with iippli��thlc luw,xuch r„nflict .hu91 nat aflcrt�uhcr pruvi.iru.��f thi�5rcurity In,iruntGnt ur thu Nutc whiwh caa hu
<br /> gi��cn eftcct�vithuut thc runtlicting pnwi�i.�n. Tu this cnd thc prr�i�irT�.rf tliiti Sccurity Insti•un►unt and Uir Nua:;�rw dccl:�rc:d �, .
<br /> ta hc scveeuMa • ,
<br /> /S. Horro«cr's Copy. Hurn��ser,h;dl bc pi�•rn��n.rrntl�rnt�tii cop�•��f SS��.ticcuriry ln�trt'1ncu�. . ���� _
<br /> � ' 16. A�.yi�;nnte�ri of Etc�ts. Barru�ccr imrunditirnall�• ussicn. an�� tra+��tcrs t�, Lrndo�• ;�II Ihu rcntti und revrnucs uC �hc . � , .
<br /> ,• . •• • Prrperry. Hurro�ti�ur iuuhnricc�L.rndcr ur Lrnder':;itg�nis t��cnllrrt thr rents:ind re�•r�ouc>.u�d hu�chy direrts e:ech t�n:on ui'thu , , �
<br /> - Property tu pay the r�nts t��LenJcr��r l.rn.ler's.igcnts. Hn��•evcr,rrirr lu l.endcr's nuticc tu Uur�u��•�:r ui Hurri•��ee's brca�h ul' I .. ,, .
<br /> a�ry ruvenun���r a�;reemont in the Secu�it�• lmu•umcnt. Burri�wer�h;►11 colle�l and recci�•u ull renta;u�d rv��rnue.of chr I'raperiy i :
<br /> � u, truslcu i'u�• �hC bcnrft uf Lcndcr unJ �auu�vci. Ttii, a.,i�nm.�u �+4 r�ntr c��u�titut�s .in ahk,lut�: assignmcnt atut n„t ;=T� � . ,_-
<br /> uysignment fur ud.UUunid.ccurity c�nly. ,
<br /> - f :
<br /> : . If l.endcc�ivc� �tuiirc uf hrcu�h t��Barrotvcr: la)iill rents rcrri�•ed hp tlui�����'�r �I�ull h hcld l+y f3urr�,���r;�.triixtc`c f��r ` ' (
<br /> bcnctit��t'Lrndcr unl>',lo Me applicd tu Ih��umti s�cured hy th�tiecurii� Intitrum4�u: 1h11.cnd�rr �Iti•.ill ba entitled t���aftoct ai:�l { . .
<br />- recei�•r ull ui' tl�r rent+uf thr Pn�pert�•; unJ �cl ruch ton:nu ��f�hr Praperry �hall p:iy ull rents du4 anJ unpaid t�� LenJcr ur f .
<br /> I..cnd�:r'�:�gent an LrnJcr'.��•ri�lcn J�nwna ti�the t�ni�nt. ! '
<br /> _ - -
<br /> - L--------
<br /> � —
<br /> ' Hnrru�vcr hu�n��t cx��u►ecl any priar atitiit nm�:nt ��f Ih�reni+and hu.r n��t imd ��ill not periunn ;�ny uct that ��.�uld prcvcnt
<br /> � Lcndcr from rxci•ci,in�its ri�:hts un�lrr thi.parugraph 1 h, ' '•
<br />- - - _.._ ._. . �__ �
<br /> _ . . .. .__-
<br /> _ ,
<br /> � � l.cn�lcr�hnll nut bc r���uircd a,rntcr upun. 111I�C l'OIIU'OI UI !11'I11J1111:11t1 Illt�'ri�p:rty hrluro„r;iftvr�!ivlu�! u��d�a uF bre:ich � -
<br /> lU I�ltifOW41'. HOWt`V�1', I.cudar ur:►,judieiully appuintrd recci�•rr may �lu ,u at any tint4 �hucr i��i hrr;tch. Am .�plic.uion��f' �
<br />- � renls shull n�,t curo i�r��ai�•c an}• �Ieluuh ur im��ili�lat� imy ��th�r ri�;ht �n• rrnu�ly ��t' l.cndrt Thi� u�tiignment uf rer�t. n!'thu �
<br /> Pruper�)' tiliull trrminatc��•lirn Ih�dcht .ccu�rd hy thr Srrurity In,u�umcnl iti�,aid in i'ull. .
<br />� NON•tJNIF�QRA1 COVhNANTS. Rarr��w�rr and I.rndrr I'urthrr ru�•rnant au�l acr��a, tiillu���,: � .
<br /> _ !7, f�u�•ecl��suru 1'ni�•��1utr,lf Lcncicr rc��uircr Inm�ediutc pu}•mcnt In f'ull u�tdcr puru�;rupl�'), Lcnder mu� invuke the '
<br /> _ ' pu�tivi' uf y��le und uny uthre• ren�edic+ permitted h� uppUcnhlc lu«•. I.cndcr ,hi�ll be enddcd tu cullE�i all expenr�w
<br /> incurrctl in �nu:r•uin}� thc remcdics undce-�he, p»r:+�r.�ph 17. inrludlo�, In�t��ot limitcd tu. rci�sonuMc uUora�e�: f�tiy�n�d
<br /> � ' custs uP titlt:�'r•idenre. �
<br /> . lf the pn��er oi'�ide is invohed. 7'ru.rtce tihull na�rd u nuUce ��f tlet'i�ult in euch count�• in �ti•hich um Nurt uf tQ�e
<br /> - . 1'ro��erty Iti loci�ted und shull nuill cupies nP+uch nutice In the munner prescrihed h�• uppUci�hle (mr to Buriva���er and to
<br /> � the��ther per:+iins prescrlhcd h��upplicnblc lu�s. Aftcr the Nmc rcqulred h�•upplicuMe lu��.Tru�tcc shull�i.�public n�tirc
<br /> - uP hulc to tlit persom nnd in thc ntu��ncr prescribcd b� uppUcuhlc I:+«. '1'rurtcc. ��ithout d�m.u�d on H�►rro��cr, �hal1 s��l
<br /> the 1'r��pert�•ut public uucdon tu!ht hi�;hest Mdder at the timc uud pliicc und undcr Ihe tcrms c���i�nutcd in the notE��e�ef
<br /> - .r•ulc in onc ur murc p�ircck und i�i �u�� urdcr'1'ru�tc�c�cicrmiu��. 'Prurtec ma� putitp��nc+ate nY i�U ur anv purcc)ni'thi
<br /> _�`, Propert�• h�� puhllc unnoumrmcnt at thc Umc a�nd plit�r uP un� prcrluusl� .chc�cluled +nlc. L�ndcr u�• it. dc.i�;n��e may
<br /> �,, purchusc thc Prupert�•ut un�•ralc.
<br /> 1: �•aRiNe► �•�.,�,4��•;
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