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<br /> ��. .,-., r�lirrrcd tu in p.►rnt�r.iph �, ar rh��ul4�' Ihc uutuunl ul' st�rtt p;�ymc��t+. An�� exrc+� prurr«Ir uvrr ;n►umuu�tt r�c�uircd t�� p��y ull ' � y;�uv
<br /> , .,: � ��Ulyl111211IIIg IndC�IlGtI11C�5 Ulidt�r�hc N��tc uud Ihly Sreurily In.rlruiucnt tih�dl I�c p;iid tu Uic rutity Ir�<<Ily cnlitliil Ihcretu, : '` �.°.;_rt T-`-
<br />, � t,, _ � .._
<br /> .,:r � , .. w`:_
<br /> `_��.: .. • " '` H. I�c�.w.I.ri�di�r mny c��llcct frr.s an�l cl�ur�c�uulhurircd hy�hc tireretury. ::r- •...,_
<br /> � . .__,.__ , .ts
<br />_ - —=a--=•- . .
<br /> �-:�.
<br /> --- �� � 9, lir���nc�s ti►r Accelcealtnn os 1)cht. �' _ ._ . -
<br /> �. �� (_ �- .
<br /> ��`�- (n1 1)c6iiu11. l.rndc:r muy, rxrcpt us limitcd hy rcgt�lutlanr i�,uc�l hy U�c 5rcrctui�y in �hc ui�r uf paymcnt ctrFawfty, - � � _ . -,
<br /> ' _ rci�oiro innrntili:uc:puyment in Cull ui�ill�umti�crun�l hy� Ihis 5c�urit}• Imu�umrnt il';
<br /> � lll Burr���vcr�lcFnults hy ti�iHng tu pi�y in 1'ull �my mumhly p�rynunt rcyuired hy this tirc�u•ity In�trumcnt priur tn ur
<br /> ' w�thc duc dutc ut'U�u next mun�hly p�►ymciu. ��r
<br /> ._ ' �ii) Hur��uwcr deti�aliti hy t;�iNnK, lin• c� periud ut' thirty duy., tu prrli�rm uny ��ihcr uhlfgutium�untuinc�l in this
<br /> , Secw�iry Listrumcnt.
<br /> (1►) S»le Wlthuut l'rctUt r�pprmul. I.cndur +hull, if pcnuiucJ hy uppliuihlc law und wiUi thc prior lippruvail of thc '
<br /> . Secretury, rcquirr irim4diuta puyment in t'ull ul.�ll sum��ccurc�l hy thiti Serurity In.ru�ument if:
<br /> . • (i) All ar part uf thc Prupony, ul' u hcn�:fi�inl iniurc�l in u trusl u�vniug uU ��I' pt►rt u��th� Pruporty, iti �old or . r
<br /> .: uthcrwi+c�ransfcrrcd(uthcr th+�n hy devi,c ur dcsrent)hy thc Harrowcr,nnd , .
<br /> `: !ii) Thc 1'r.�pcny is nut ucrupird hy tlic purrhn+cr ur hrunt�ti ati hiy un c�r principul rrsidcncc, ur �hc .,;,
<br /> purcht�ser nr griu»ce duus�a uccu�y�he Proprrty hut hi�ur her credit hns nut heen uppro�'ed in uc�urdunce with the ;�„'�•:,;,,
<br /> rcquircntent.r• oP thc Scrrctary. � . , ' '.``,i`�`';
<br /> �';?�.:s;:;;��r�;;.
<br /> ,•;_..�;��t:c;;i",::•;
<br /> �..,..
<br />• � (c)Nu Widver. IF cir�un��t;mrr���rcur that a•uuld permit l_rnder tu rryuirc immcdiatc paynt�al in tlill, hut �.cndcr dc�es ,. �;•j,,;l°`�
<br /> ,- r....
<br /> ' not reyulre surh p��)'mcnts. Lcndcr d�k�s not ���alvc its�•i�;htti witlt rc�Exrt tu suh.rcquciit cvcnts, :. .;f,y��;�
<br /> � . '. (dl Re�uludons oP HUU S��r4tnrv. In muuy cirrum�tnnces ra�;ulatiun, istiued hy the Secretury will limit Lunder'� I . �; �. , _
<br /> � . rights in thc ca+c ol'puy�iuni �iel'tui Uti lu rcquiro immr�lia lc puymcn t in l u l l a�n d ti�rcc l u ti� i i n o t pa i J. T i�i, S«u r i t y f , �-^_
<br /> Instrumcnt duc, ni��a�uhuri�c urcclrrntiun ur ti,rrclusurc ii nut permittcd Ny regulutiun�ul'thc Sccr��tnr��. � ,:;" ';
<br /> (e)I�fort�i+ue N��t�sitiu�cd. Borrower a�mt� ihiil shuuld Uii,Scrurity Intitruntent and thc Nute�rrure�l th�rcby n��t bc ';
<br /> 4 R�
<br /> •I'�iblc li�r inst►ran4c undcr�he Nati„md H�nuin� ;�rt �+id,tn b0 day,11•um �hc datc hcre��f, l.cndcr muy, :U its uptiun f ,.'
<br /> . � ib b
<br /> ,uid nut�+�ithslan.lin�: am•thin� in parai�;ruph ��, rcyuirr immc�liute paymcnt in full ul':dl .um.r.crurcd hy this Sccurity i � ,
<br /> ;., ,
<br /> InstrumaiU. A ���riucn �tatemcnt��t��oiy auth�,riicd ,i,•cnt �d' th�� Scrreiurv datcd >ub�cyucnt tu bU �I;ryti I'ruin �lic�latc t-------• , '
<br /> :-- .— - -°
<br /> hcmuf. decliniu�to imurc �his Serurily hi,u•ument .uid thc Nutc�c�ure�!thercby, .hall bc dcem��i ci,nclusi��c proui o �-- - ` - :-
<br /> � • � ,urh incligibility. Nutwith,t;mdin,; thu I�+n�:ring. thiti��pti��n may nvt hc rx�rriuJ by l.cndrr���hen thc uni�vailahilitp � • � �,
<br /> `� � �,1 in,uri�ncc is�ulcly dur t��l.endri'�ti�ilurc lu rrmil a m��rlgi��c in�ui'anc�prrmium ro Ihr Secretur��. I ,. +
<br /> --- - �.. .. .
<br /> -
<br /> ----... _
<br /> �- _____ _-----
<br /> � 10, Rcln�tutement. Hurruwur ha> ;i right ��� hr rrintitatcd it'Lrrnlrr ha>rrquirrd imnu:diatc puyment in full hcrautic al' � -
<br />- Burrowrr'ti fuilur� tu pay an anwunt duu undcr thc Notc or thi� Sccunt�� In�u�ununt. 1'hi+ right upplicti c��cn +il'tcr li�rrclutiurc
<br /> prucccdinti�arc institutc�l. Tu r�intita�c thc Sc�urity� In+trumcnt. F�urru��•�r.hall tcndo�• in a lump �um ull ;unountti rcquircd Ii� �
<br /> bring I3orrnwcr'� ,tcruum rurrrnt inclu�ling, tu thu ruunt thc}• nrr nhligutiunti n1 I�urru�vrr uiidcr thiti Security Intitnuncnt, ;
<br /> ti�rccl��surr r����y und reu,unuhlu :md cu,tumar}• :iunrnr}�•' frv� and cxren,�s pruperly a��„riatcd with thu i'arecl��sure �
<br /> pn�rcedin�. Upun rcinsuucmcnl In Burru�rrr. thi, Sc�uriry Insirumcnt and thc��hlipa�iunti th;u it ,ucures �hall rcmain in rftrct �
<br /> as if Londer hud nul required imnte�tintc paymcnt in t'ull. Hn��•c��cr, l.cndcr i� nrt reyuir�d t��permi� roinstutemrat if: li) L�nder �
<br /> � hus ��rrcpted reinstutam��u .i1'tcr th� rumnwitcrmrnt uf liucclmurc prurec�linga aithin 1���, �•�arti immcdiatrly prcccain� �he
<br /> commenrumrnt c,t' .� eurronl ti,rc�lu�urr pruccedinL, iiif ruinstutrmrnl will pnclude tin•�clo�ur� un dift'erent gr�,und. in the ! .
<br /> - • . futura ur(iii)rcinstatcmcnt will adverul}�affcrt thc pri�uity uf thr lirn�rcat��1 h��Ihi.Scruriq•httilruntcnt. ; .
<br /> . • 11.H�reruwer No1 Rcleaticd: Forhwtruiuc IB� Lender 1u1 t��1'ui�•cr.E�cen,i�m �,I'thr timc�,F paymcnt ur modificuti�m uf ' � .
<br />° a�murti�.cUion uf tho .um� �ccurrd hy thi.Sccuri�� In.trumcnt crum�d h�� l.rn.icr ���anr .ur�•c�,ur in inwrr.t��t'Hi�rmwcr�hall � •
<br /> . � nut oprrutc li� rcicutic ihr liuhiliry uf thc„riginal Hrrrc���•rr ur B��rra���r'. .u�•rr�>rr �n �n�rrr��. I.cndcr tihull nut hc reNuirc�l tn ,
<br /> rumm�ncr prrrcrdings il�'i1111d illlY �UCCI`�ti1�1'Itl Illll`I'Ctil �tt 1'Cill��l0 V\IcU��Illllt` 1��I (�:I�I11CQ1 t�i Ul�1CfWI�C Il101�l�y i11110CIll:IUlfO i �
<br />�- ot' thc �uma a�rurcd hy thi� S�curit� lntitruntrul h�' rua,�m ��( :un �l�man►i m:ide h� tho uriLinal Burrawrr ur B��rr�i�ccr's
<br />—� surceywr, in int�n,t. ;�ny G,nc�uranrr hy Lcndrr in rxcrci.ing am n�ln ��r mnt��l} ,hall nol hc a waiver uf or prerlude the
<br /> cxcrcisr uf uny ri�ht or rrnnn�ly�.
<br /> _ ��nain!e� ' .
<br />-�_. . a '
<br /> �. � �
<br /> i.
<br /> ��
<br /> .i
<br /> �
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<br /> � �
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