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' � . <br /> � �� - <br />, ���.��a�ki � - . -- - <br /> . . � � <br /> ` ' af poslponOmont ehall Uo plvon py publlo doolerallo��Iho►oof by�uoh par9pn M tho tlma ond pinoo In�j)�ppnlntod for tho , <br /> aaln;provldnd,If tho aeltt lo pnaiPonod lor lon�ar Ihan one(1)dpy boyond iho doy doulpnntud in thn nollao ol onl�,notico � <br /> IN�raal eh�ll l�o piv�n In th�oamo mannor uo the��Iqlnal natico af aalt�.7tuutao at►nll oxm�t�tp and dallvur to tha p�rohaaor : ' � <br /> - --- Ite[�asd aonveyle�fl ttto Prvpnrty oo pald,b�l wNhauf Qny covenAM ar�varrMty,oxprpae or Imnllad.Tho rualtals In tho dood i . _. _ <br /> - - nf�nv nisttere gr aota nMflll p�aanolusivc+proof ol tha truthtulnaae thproot,At�y pu�s4n, Inaludtnp E]anoAclnry,mc�y pur• , <br /> oheeo Ot ih0 aBtEf� <br /> (H) Whan Truotoa eollo pu►ouant to tho powore horoln, tho 1'n�D1�18 Ahpll m{�ply Ihe procoad�nf tHo sate Eo R�Y�ant 0t the <br /> co9te nnd oxponafle af oxe�rnla!np tho powor�f salo�nd o}Iho et+l�,Inoludlnn tho p�ymont ot tho rruetoc�'s fooa c�otunlly . <br /> Inourrod, �yhlah Truotaa'e loos shnll not In thq�(�grq�nlo F�xaoad tho lollowinfl emaunt based upon tho amount�oaurod <br /> hc�r�by And►omAlnlnp unpald;S paraontum an Ih�11ret St,OQO ti�oroof,l poraantum an iho balonco tharoof end thon to tha <br /> Itom�In flubpnr�prnph(C)In Iho ordor Ihare atntud. <br /> (C, O'�OCIOaUfB Afld�AI9 f lhQ BAIOIQfl pUfaUQflt lO�UdIGIA1�10t@Q'Iq:IUaQ,th�p�CO d9 Of Bfll�fl�u aa Uapii�a i i no orao 91 l9d <br /> �o tho paymonf of: <br /> (1) Cost of any evldenco of tltlo proou►ed In oonneatlon wlth suoh a�lo and of any rAVOnuo at�mp�; <br /> (II) All suma the seaured horeby; <br /> (Itt) Tho ramAlndar, If any,lo tho patean IegAlly er,tltled thoreta. <br /> 13. Dutl�t►And Ob9lg�tlona at Trueteas.lA)�ho dutlea and ab114atlona ol Trustoo eholl bo dpterminad aaloly by the axpross <br /> provl8lana af lhle Oeed ot Truot,And Tn�stee shall not be Ilablo oxcept for the po►formanco of euch dufl4a and abllflatlons t�o <br /> � aro epeollloally aet forth horoln,and no Implled covenante or abllpatlona ehall bo Imposod upon Trusla4;(b)No provtelane a} <br /> tht�Oeed of Truot ahall requlre Tru9tee to expend or rlsk Ita own tunde,or othorwlsa Inaur any flnanclfll obllflntlon I�the par• � , <br /> }ormonce af Any ot Na dutlea hereundor, or In the exerclse af any at Ita rlghte or power, It It ahall have�rounda far bolleving <br /> thal the repayment ot suoh funds or adaquate Indemnity egeln9t suoh rl�k or Ilablllty Is �ot r�asonebly aesured ta it; (c) <br /> Trustee may consult wlth couneal of Ne awn choosing and the advlCe of euch cnunsel ahall be full and completa authorizatlon <br /> a�d proteotlon In Ihe respeot of ony actlon taken or euifered by It hereundar In good tallh and rellance the►eon;(d)Trustae <br /> shall not bo Ilnblo for any actlan tnken by It In flood faltn and�eAA�nably t�olleved by H to bo authorfzed or wNhln the dlsc�otlo� <br /> o►rlghte and powars canforred upon It�y thla Deed ol Truat. . <br /> �a.Addltlonel Securlty Inetrume�te�TfU810f,AZ 118 6XpQf18H,wlll axeaute and doltv�r to 1he Tru9lee;piompily�upon dpm�nd, <br /> auch securlty Inatrumenta as may ba roqulred by Trustoo,In form and eub3lenco satlslaatory to Tru.:te:,aovering any ot tho <br /> Proparty Gonveyed by thlo Deod of Trust,whloh securNy Inat�umenta�hall be addltlonal seourliy for �r�.910f's lalthful porfor• <br /> mAnoa af ell a}the torms,covonanta and aondltlona o1 thle Ueod o1 Ttust,the Loan AgreemenL any pramlaAary notea aecured � . <br /> heroby�nd any ather seaurlty Inatrumanta axecuted In aonneotlon wlth thls transactlon.Suoh Inatrum�+nts ehall bo recardod <br /> or fllad,�a�d re•recorded and relllod,at Truaior's oxpena�►. <br /> tb. htlsaellaneaus. <br /> (A1 In tho event any ono or more of the provislona contalnad In tho peod a11'rust,or the l.aan Agroement ar any promisaory . <br /> • note,or any other security Instrumoni glven In aonnaotlon wlth thls tran�actlon,shall for eny reason to bo hold to bo in• <br /> � VAlld, (118gAI Q� unontoro�ao�e in any reaPeoi, auan i�ivd�iui�y� iiia'Hc�:�:� vi :i^CRZO'»-��`���L; o�sll at iha nntlnn 0) <br /> Beneflolary,not affoot any ather provlslon of thls Deed of TruAt,that tnle Deed af Trust ahall bd eanatrued as IS scaah in• <br /> v�lld, Illegal or unantor�eablA provlslon had never been centaln�U horaln or thereln. <br /> (B) Thls Deed o1 Trust ahall be conatrued according to the la�vs of the State of Nebreska. <br /> (C) The Deed o1 Trust ahall Inaure to and bind the I:alrs, legaleas, dovisoea, administratore, exeoutar�, eucaeabors and <br /> asalgns o1 tho partl�a hereto. <br /> �p� assessments whlch may pe lov'ed,agai�etgthe 7r s'tee oi Boneilclaby oQthe 84alrholde�oftthe Lo�h�Agreemena n9aa <br /> � count o1 the Indebtednaas evldenaad thereby. <br /> �E� pplloAbla toeail genldarsean'dthe torm •Benetaalaryl shalh clluda any peyee f the�lndebtednefla haf�by sec eed oalany <br /> tranafai'lheteaf,whether by oper�tion ol law or otherwlse. <br /> 16.Suoaeasa�T►uatee.Boneflclary may f�om tlma to tlme substNue a succeseor ar auccessors to any Trustee n�med hereln <br /> or aating hereundar to axacute thla Truat Deed. Upon such Appalntment and wlthout canvenyance 4o the aucaeasorTruslee, <br /> the lattor ahall bo vested wlth All tltle,powe��and dullea canterred upan any TrualeA hereln named or acting h��oundar.Each <br /> suoh appalntmeot and aubatltutlon ahall be made by wrNton Instrumant by Benellolary,contalning roforence to Shls Deed of <br /> Trust and Ita place o1 reoord,whlch when recorded In the alfloa o}tha Reglater o1 Qeeds of tha county ar countlos In whlch <br /> aald property Is altuated,ahall be concluaivo proot of proper appalntmant of the sucaoasar Trustaa.Th�tar�goinp power ot <br /> subatHullon and the prooedura therelor ahall not be axcluaivo at the powar end procedure pravlded for by law ior tho aubatltu• <br /> tlon o}o Trustee or Trusteas In the placa o11he Truatee or Trusteas named hereln. <br /> 17. Forberrance by Benstlolary ar Truatae N�9 w Welver,A lorbaarance by Benellclary or Trustoe In axarai�ing any rlpht or <br /> romody hereundet. ar oiherwlsa attorded by 2�pIlcAblo law shall not be a walver of or p►aaluda 1hF exerclsa at any rlght or <br /> remedy hereunder. l.lke�wlae,tho waiver by Bonvllclary or Trustoa ot any default of Trustar undpr thls Paed of Trust ahall not be <br /> deemed to ba a walvor o1 any othvr or slmilar delaults subsoquently oacurring. <br /> �&.Tn�a9ar Not Relaaeed. Extonsian �1 the tlma tor payment or madlflcatlon or Amartl�211qn ot tho suma secured by the <br /> Dead oi TrutiS �►an�ad by iiensttcta:y ta an�suCC889as!n ininre9l Of Tttln�or sha11 not opo�ate to rele88e.In any mannor, tho <br /> Ilability oi the orlginal Trustor and Truslor's successar In Intereat.�enaticiary shall not ba requlred to commance proceeding9 <br /> again9t 9uCh auccessor pt r9fuse to Antend tlmp 1or paymoM ci plhArwlse modily�mAtt�z211on af the Auma aecured by lhe <br /> Deed of Tru81 by reasan a} any dornand made Dy lhe arlglnal Trustar and Trustor's succ:Ha9ora In Int�r�at. <br /> 19.Optlptl to Forenloae.Upon the occurrence ot any detAUlt haraunder, 8eneflclary ahall have tha pptlon to fareclose thle <br /> Deed o1 Trust In the manner provltled by law tor the taraolasure of rt�ortgages on real property. <br /> 20.TruOtor'A Rlghte,Abaen9 DofHUN. Until�ny default In tho paymont ot indebtednass horeby seCUrpd,or until the breech of <br /> any covenant heroin Contaln�d,the Trustar,Ils successors and asslflns,shall possess and anjoy the property and recelve the <br /> rents and ptoflts theretrom. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Ooed at Trust, F�anoticiary shall request Trustoe to <br /> reconvr7y tho property and shall Burrender thls Daed ut Trust and all notes and l.oan Agroemants evidoncing Indebtodness <br /> � 98cured by the Qeed ot Trust to Trustee,Trustee shall reCOnvey the proporty wlthout warranly and with�ut charpe to the par• <br /> I sons legally entltled therato.The Grentee in any reconveyance may ho described as"the parson or pprsons entltled thorelo", <br /> and the recllals Ihefpin ot any matters or facts shall be concluslve prool 01 the truthlulness theraot.Such person or persone <br /> � shall pay all costs af recording, It any. <br /> i <br /> 2t.Trenalet o1 the Pro�eAy;Asaumpllon.If all or any part ot the Property or an Interest theroln is solci or translerrod wlthouf <br /> BenetlClary'9 prlor wrltten consent,axcept na oth�rwlse provldod by law, k3oneflclary Beneflciary's optlon,declara all <br /> the sums securod by thls Deed o1 Trusl to he imrnodlptely due and peyablo. Bonoflciary shall havo walved yuch optlon ta ac• <br /> coleralo If, prlor to the sale ot trens}E��,Beneflcl�ry and tho per9on to wfium Ihe Proparty Ia to be sold Or transfoired re�Ch <br />- .uan�5��,po� <br /> I <br />