� � k , _
<br /> . ► :
<br /> � �,����� , 4 � �, _
<br /> �,��:_� I
<br /> notlflct�tlan lo Truetou nnd 0onotlalary, In Ihio avan!pny polluy harounde►10 nol ronowod on or boln�n tiltoon�15)doya prlar to
<br /> Ile uxplrt�tl�n dc�lc�, Truotoo ur qan�llnlury mny prucura suCh Insurp�oo �n pacorclnneo �vlth thp ptn���elpno of Paraflrnph Y. :
<br /> Tru�to�:�hAll dollvor to Bonoflolar�Ihe�rlpinal pollalua of Inouranco aRd ��nowt�le thorool or ocap►c��►ol suoh pollclao Anc! . , :
<br /> _-. _ ronowatp Iharaaf. Fotluro to fNmis�such ineurence by Truator, or ronot^�AIA Ae roqulrad horc�unclpr, �hnll,nt iho opUon of .
<br /> _ _..- ------
<br /> ,_ _ _ _ _ t1nnE�flr.ipry,can�Ututo n dolupll.All unv�mad prnml�ime tup harobY�aelqno•J to Yrsuto�as addltini�Al�•vcu►ily,pnh�:.ato nnd `
<br /> • � Convoyanao of tho Proporty by t�o Truotoo ehall oporate to convpy to thv purchayor lha Trual�n'y�niwMhl in unu lu i+li Nuiiuin6
<br /> ot Insurnnao upon tho Trust P�ope�ty.
<br /> 5.Texee end Aee�saments.Trustor shall pny�II taxqs flnd apoolal on�ossmonte Ieviod ar ass�sec�q agalnat,or duo upon,tho
<br /> Properly bolora dollnquuncy c�nd wlll dolivor to Boneflolary copiqa of r�colpfe sho�vin� paymc�nt UI auch taxas and spocial
<br /> aea000monts. �
<br /> 8.Additipns)Ll�ne.Trustor shall meko oll pnymonta of Intoreet ancl principnl,nnd pAymt��te of�ny athor charpoe,fedA,and
<br /> expan9es contraotod to bo pald tu any axleting Ilon holde►9 or prlor k�onotlolerl�e undp�any prlAr[7�Rd o1 Trust,Mo�t(lopo or
<br /> � othar 5oourlly aflruomont, bofara the date thoy t�rp delinQuont and t� p�Y Any olhor �It�lm whl�h �ct�pardlxofl tho socurlty
<br /> � grr�ntad hereln.
<br /> � 7. Prot�ctlon ol8ensllolary'e 8aourity.Should Truetor fpll ta mAkp any pAyment,fall ta da t�ny c+ct as horeln p►ovldAd�r If
<br /> ; c�ny Aotlon or pracoedlnp le aommenced whlch mate►lally attc►ots Heno}IClr�ry's Inter�st In th(1 p�Aporty, Includln9, but not
<br /> I Ilmitpd to,aminent domaln, Insolvoncy,arr�ngamonta or praae4dlnqs Involvinp a bankrupt ar d�rGadc�nt,then �oneflolnry or
<br /> I Truetee,but wlthout obllflatlon to do so,t�nd without notico to or dom�nd upon Truatar,2nd wIfNA►tt t�laAOInA T�ustor irom a�y
<br /> , olblgatlon hereundor,muy mc�ke or do tho samo,and may pay,qurchase,Gantost ar aom{�romiaE�F�ny pncumb►t�nce,chergo�r
<br /> � Ilon,whlch In thq Judgment of eNhor c+ppears to affeot sald Property;In�xHrCl8ing any suCh powE+r;s,the�enaticlsry or Trust�e
<br /> may Incur a Ilablllty nnd expend whAtc+eer t�mounta„Includlne dlsbu�Rein4nte of roasonabl���ltqftlny's feos,whlch In thclr qb•
<br /> solute dlecrotion may be neaeaeary. In the evenl that Trustor shall it�ll ta prpoure Inaura�cE�, full to pay tAxas and spoGial
<br /> � aeaeasmenta or fall to maka nny payment�to exisitn�or prinr lien holdsr9 or Geneflolflrio�,tha fiano(Iclary may proCUro such
<br /> Inaurance and m�ke suoh paymente.All sums Inaurred e�expFndod by Ronoflolary ar TruAtAe�In �ccordenCa w�th thv Rrpvt-
<br /> � slons o�the DECad ot Trust are seoured hereby and,wlthout demand,ehall bo Immedlately duE��nu payahlc�by Trustar And shall
<br /> � boar Intoreat at tho rate provided for advances under tha Loan Agtnemqnt; providpd, hawe�ver, that �t the optlon ot 4he
<br /> Bpnellalary or Truatee,such sume may bo odded to the princlpai bal�a��co a1 any Indabt�dnE�;a aocurod herot+y end ohail b�:��
<br /> I tho 9eme Interest ae such Indebtednesa ond shall bo pnyablo ratabl.y�vor iho remalnlnp t�rrri►hereof.
<br /> 8.Aesiqnmsnt of ReMs.Ban�flolary shall heve the righl,pow�r and puthprlty durin�thp continuance al thla Deed of Trust to
<br /> I collect the rents, Issues and proflts of the P�operty and at any porspnal property lAaat�d thereon wlth or without taking
<br /> • posaesalon of the Property effacted hereby,and Truator hereby Abs4lvtealY and uncAndillanaily,�aslpns alt auch rente,tesues .
<br /> end profNa to Benaficlary. 8eneflclaty, howeve►, hereby conaonta to t�o Tru&tor's collc�cllan �nd retentlon of auch rents,
<br /> � 19auos and praflta as they aacrue and hocome payabla so long as Truator IS not,at auch tlme.In defAUlt wllh re�pvct to pay
<br /> � �an� nt any Indebtedness seaured herebY pr In thR pFrtorm�nCe of any agre9ment h�r�undar. Upon any fluch default,
<br /> 6e�eficlary may ot any tlme,elther In persen,by aQent or by a recelvar la bo�ppolntAd by�caurt,withrut natiGe An�W�thout .
<br /> regard to th�adequacy of any aecurlty tor tho indebtedneas hor�by sec�arfld:(a)enta►upan and take possesslon p!the Proper-
<br /> ty or any part thereol and In Ita own nama�uo for or otherwlse co�lect such ienis,Is:�uea and p►oflta.InClud�ng tha8e past due
<br /> • anci unpaici,anu aNpiy ii�o Sa�Tio, i8oa C.wia�+�u vn�8���v^�O�Rr�:�::C•^• �•^•����1°-^-��^^. �•^•�!�.���^4 fQf1AAf�8ble SI�Of(19V fR89. _
<br /> � upon any Indebtedneas securad heroby and In such o►der�as�aneficiary mey fleterml��p;(b)Deriprm auch actS 41 rppnlr or pro•
<br /> tecllon as may be necessary or prpper ta conserva the valuo a}the Property;(c)IoASe th�sAm�or any part he�eol for auch ren•
<br /> tal torm and upon auch oondlifone as Its�udpment may dlctata•Unlq9s Trustar and Heneflaia�y agroe othorwl9a In wrlting.any
<br /> applicatlon of renta,Issues or protlta to any Indobtodness aocurad h�rvby ahnll not extend ar poatpone tho due dAta ot the In•
<br /> atallment payments as provided In the Loan AgrAement,and tha applicatlpn th�repf as atoresald ahall not walve o�cure any
<br /> default or notice ot default hereunder or Invalldate any act dono purnuant to auch noticp.Trustar also ae8lgns to Bene}Iclary,
<br /> ; a�turther security for the performance o1 tl►e obliflatlans secu►�d horeby, all prepald rA�is and all monfos whlch may have
<br /> � be�n or may hereaftar 6e deRoaltad with 9ald Truetor by any lesaaa ql the PropNrty,to S�CUre tho payment o1 any rent,and
<br /> � upon delault In the perfaramnce a1 any of the provisions he►eol.Trusfar agre�s to dAlfver suah renis and deposita to the
<br /> BeneflCiary.Oelivnry pt writipn nollCe qt 5c�neNicary's oxerClse ot !he rlflMt� f7rs�ntod hOreln t0 any tenaM oCCUpying S�id
<br /> premises shall be sufflcienl to requlre sai0 tenant to pay&ald rpnt 1�the Bonetic{Ary untll furthar notice.
<br /> 9.Cortdemnellon.It tltle to any part at tho Property sha�l be taken in r,pndemnatlon pracaedings,by right ot ominent domAin
<br /> or simllar actlon,or shall be sold undor threat of condemnatlon,all awards,dama�lea and procaeds are hFre�y assigned and
<br /> shall be pald to Beneticlary who shall apply such award.damag48 and praceeds to the sums securod by tha Oeed ot Trust,
<br /> wlth ihe Axcesa, If any,pald to the Trustor.
<br /> 10. Future Advances,Tho Loen Agreerr�nt �ro���des for advances trom tlm�to tim�fo Tre+:ter by Benellclary as proviavd
<br /> � thereln. In addNlon,upon�equeat ot Trustor,Bene��c�ary. at Benaflcisry'�optlon,pripr to reconvpyanCe of the Prpperty to the
<br /> Trustor,m�ay make additlonal future advanaes to the Trustor.Such future advances.w11h Interest thereon, snall be secured by
<br />' this peed at Trust when evldenced by prpmissory notes atating that sald nate�►are socurad hereby;provic�ed that al no tlme
<br /> shall th6 aecured princlpai and lulure advances,not InCluding aumS advanced to protoct the securlty,exceedone hundred per•
<br /> i cent(100°!0)01 the orlglnal prinClpal amounts secured hereby.
<br /> I 11. Remedies Cumuletive. All remedles pr�vided in this Uead of Trust ara cJlstinct and Cumulative to any oiher rlflht pr
<br /> � remedy under thls Deed af Truat or afforcfod by law or equity,and mav bo azerGiSVd concurrAntly,independently pr successlve-
<br /> l Iy.
<br /> i 12.ACC918f6110f1;Remedtes;S916.A d8laUlf Sh�ll pxlsl �n ihB�vpnt af:
<br /> ; (A) Any traud or misrepresentatlan by the Trustor in connctclion v�ith Iho Iine of credit which ihis Deotl of 1 rust secures;
<br /> (B) Any failure on the pert of the Trustor to meet Ihe iepayment tE�rms in respect to Ihe Loan Agreement and any alh�r ad•
<br /> vances under thls Deod of Trust hereby spcured; and,
<br /> (C) Any actlon by the Trustor prohibited by the terms at tho Loan Agrc�omont or this poed ot Trust o►any lailure af the Trustor
<br /> to act as requlred by Iho Loan Agreement or this Dood of Tru3t, oech ot which Trustar horeby agroes hava an advarse a1•
<br /> , toct on Ihe Beneticlary's securlty for the Ilne o} crodil ostablish�d and ihe right& ot tha Benaficiary �n such security,
<br /> and upon thQ happoning of any auch Avent qf dofault. BenAlir.iary may docl�trt�111 sumS secured horeby immediatoly du4 and
<br /> payAble by doliverY t�7rusteo ot wntton tlt�c�aration ol c1ol�uit Th�Trustcc shail have Ihc,powe�r ot sal�of thn Propony,and i1
<br /> � Benellclary des�ros Ine Property to bo sold, �t shnll dopos�t w�th Trustoc� ihis Deed ot trust and all pramissory notes and
<br /> documents ev�aonc�ng c�xpenditures saCUred horaby .�nc1 sh�iii rlehvc�r to Trustoe a writton notic�ot rlola►dt and election to
<br />: . causo the Pr��erty to bo sold, and iho Tru9tee in tum shail pr�pare a noUCO in 1hE��orm rc�puupd by iaw.which shall ba duly fil•
<br /> nd Ipr record by TruslCv
<br /> �A1 Atlor!ho lapse ol such timo as may bo requ�red by law fnuounny the rocordation pt said notico ot de�ault.and noUco ot
<br /> ' q�taul!and noUco of salo hAVinfl baon�Iven as rr�qu�roU by iav�.Trusto�.wrthc�ut domand an Trustar,shall soll tho Propor•
<br /> I, ty r,n tho Uato nnd nt tho t�mo anU plpco closipnntad in�3au1 noUCef of s��l�,at puhlic auction lo tho h�ghost bidUar,tho pur-
<br /> � cha90 pnce payablo�n lawlul rnonoy ul th�Unqrrd Stat�e at the timo of salo Tho porsc�n conducUnn Ihn SalEf may,tor�ny
<br /> r.aus4 he doams oxpocfiont.postpono Iho sal�Ir�m tu�iu lu t�m�3 unu�il snau bo complc�tod and.in E+vory SuCh caSO,notic0
<br /> I�f�•`14 il N�•
<br />