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<br /> == .� mr�mvey th��Pruperty nnd shiili ���rrende.r this Sztiud�y l►�strt!tin+�n! wtd idl uotes avida��4iuK.telu �r4tir�cl by tNft� Sccurity ---_ .. . --_._
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<br /> _n =�:i �° iVi�hout cnnvuyiutcc nf thc !'ruperty,thu su«otizt�e Irustci shull succccd tu +►U tho tillu, po�vcr und dudcy canfcrrcd u{xu� ___-_
<br /> -` ,-=- = 'il�uatcc hcrcin nnd by ii�pU�ublc luw. __-- —
<br /> �� '-���v' Y4, Request for�olice.v. H��n�u�v�r itiNuesty thnt c��p1GS�►t'thc nodur uP dci'nuU und hnlu tw,en�ta I�orci�wer�addras+ ---
<br />---- whi�h isthc 1'roperty Addru�.r•. �`_
<br /> - - = � ZS, Rlders tu Ihiw Secuwlty Instrnm�:nt. il'u�w or murc i�id4n ur�exrculcd by Ilw��uwer and n:curdwd togc�hur wilh �__—_
<br /> `-~=��� this Srcurity Intitrument,l�lU COVI'1111I1�F IIl1lI 11bCCl'1114111H 11I l'i1CI1 tillCll 1'IlI4�tillilll �►0 Illl'lll'f101'il�Cll inta un�f �hull�uncnd amQ --
<br />__�-_ supplcmcnt thc c��vrn.�nis i�nd ugn:�mcnts ot'Ihis 5rcurity Instrumant ns il'ihc ridur(�)wc�c n pi►r1��t this Sccurily Instrumm�t, s
<br /> ,�_ -, �
<br /> , • �C'ticrk applicuhlo huxlex)� - --��---
<br /> 1•4 I�antll Ridcr °°`�"
<br /> '$' .. �AdJustablc Riuc Ridr.r �C�mdaminium Ridor � y v - �,. .._.:,���
<br /> ``` ��,u.,��
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<br /> _>>s•, �Grnduatcd R�ymenl itidcr �Piunncd Unit l�cvclopmcnt Ridar �Hiwc�kly P+rymcnt Rldar �� ' _-
<br /> - _ . ' �BaUoun Ricicr �ltutc Impmvema�t Ridcr �5ccand Namc Rldcr = ..`.--
<br /> " "� --
<br /> :�� , �Qihe�(.)�spccii'Y1 � � , . - -
<br /> � • _
<br /> �� ��- •��� BY SInNING BFI.nW,florrc����er uccepts und a�;rcc.tu thu tennr and covcnants run�iiined in thir Sccurity Instrumcnt • ; -
<br /> . �;�e��;�,, • °�-
<br /> • • �_'`•��'•� i�ncl in uny ridcr(s)exccutcd by Borr�wcr and recurded with it. ,
<br /> � . '.ci's�� Witne.�cy: , � ��
<br /> -- ,. — .
<br /> '"` , =r:;.�(��. S �I � __==`.:
<br /> � _ l,ci ) :��'�:
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<br /> "t` ti; �3x'k S. Spinti.y •uon������er .,
<br /> �• `,' .r,, aaciu c�uiity tiu t�P .���-.�435 - .-- - _-
<br /> r f �� V—Li(_ GCZ���d��'l �_(Sl`i\�� -- -- ' ,�.
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<br /> ° � Q7 8Q 93 - '
<br /> _ .,.:
<br /> '�` ;'.,;' Suci.il Sccurity Nu��►hvr M ���-- � . .: .. , '�a_
<br /> ` � STATG OF NESRASKA, H 811 County tis: �
<br /> ' :.• Qn this 27th dny��t� June, 1991 ,boforc mu,Ihu undcrsigned,c�Natary Publia
<br /> �' � '''`f duly cammissioned and qunli�ud for�aid county,persi�ni�lly rumc M a x'k S. S p i n t i g e n d L o T i E . S p i n t i g,
<br /> � each in hie and her own righ�, and as spouseaf each ather.tomeknow�tobetho , .
<br /> � idcnticnl per+ons(s)whusc n��mc(s)are subscrihcd to the fongoing instnimcnt and acknowlcd�;cd tho cxccutian thorcuF to .
<br /> , bc t h a i r voluntary itct an�i decd. ,
<br /> � Witnoss my hnnd tind nrnuriul�cul m G r�n d I s 1 a , N e b r a 9 k� in`aid counly,tho .
<br /> :�.•�,� dnte afarasaid. /�J ,�i"�
<br /> ;�:_f',;;i �-« �ta.�i� C�-�-�`- '�..�_�. _. �
<br /> •;�•�::;:i My Com ' �.' '_�"�' Nowry R�bUc � .
<br /> .�� ���:,. .. GEIIER6l IfOTAAY•Sqb c�M�
<br /> SHEILAJ.AIOBR �(��)�ST FOR[2ECONV�'YANC� � � •
<br /> •�:; � . : �1 TO TRU. Ilh�Comm.Exp.Nov.a 194� �,
<br /> �_,�'��i�`�' 'Phe n crs�gnc ih t c hutder of thc notc or notcs secured b��thiti Deed af"Itu��. Said notc or natrs,together wilh ull ��
<br /> . othcr indebtcdncss sccured by�hi�Dced of'nust,huvc Nccn F.jid in full. You i�rc hcrrb}•dirc�tcd to cunccl said nate or notes ! .�.,
<br /> und this peed af 7tuht.which nre dvlivered hcreby,und to reconv�>�,wi�how��•ar�anty,aU thu estate n��w hcld by yau under I ,
<br /> .- thls Deed oP 7tust to the��erson or persons legully entiUcd thcrctn. �•
<br /> Dntc: _— � .
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