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<br /> t .�_��-. .L�.'.Y..i . . � . . . . . . -.._.._.��..�.�_._.�._._ . . ' "_.._.._'"'—'_^ `... . -'.«-_"_ __ "
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<br />. ' .. '7�Q��� i�O J O Li� �� rr . _���.
<br /> � (t� .. . _ v �... ^ ..�.y_
<br /> , . ,. oppllat�hln tuw nu�y �pt'clfy fu►'�•cinrtutcntent) beti�lr; tiz�lu uf 1hn i'rc��x�iy pursui�nt t�� nny p���vcr .d'sidc roninined In Ihls �� °� --
<br /> � ticcud�y tn�;tnun�nC�►r lb)mitry�►t+�j�id�ununt rnfurrinp Ihiti 5crurUy In,tn�ment. 'I'hus��cun�llUuns nre Ihu�13nrruwcr. lul ,,,. .y,��`;" �...
<br /> ,�-;'' - � pnys l.cndwr ull �unr,+ a�hich Ih��n would lw cluo under tids Sccurity Insm�mcnt nnd ihr Nutc uy It' nu �ccelr.r��Nun hnQ _ _
<br /> ---�-- - accu�rcd;ib1 e�trr.h c�ny tlullt111f�If:1��v ptiWP c:avCniuttN��r tign:t:mcnts:lc)puys idl�xpr�n+cy ipcurrcd in r�ifurcin�!thiv Sccu�iry - _-
<br /> ^�x- In�+ttumcm, inrluain�;, hul ttut Ilntlu�d t�,rc��s�nnbla►ittu�tu.y��'ic�r; un:l (dl I+�krs su�:h :tctlntt n� Lrndrr may rrn��,uah{y `?
<br /> . tn;�+in�t�►nvw��o�h�u�ha li�m��f thbt Sciurity 1�1!;p'w1lt:nt.Lcudcrs ily:his in th�Pnq�r�ty+ui�i llc�rrowr��uhii�;allon ta p;�y thc � �
<br /> w�:-. - � - yumK sccureii hy this Secaii�y insttluttuitE rihi�11 c:ctniinuc anrhunged. U�nn rclnst�itt�ment hy Norrowrr, this Sccurity �.__. ' ._ _ _
<br /> ' Imt�vntent iu�d thc t►hliKaqi��na a+�cut4'd huroby,�hnll ►tmaln I'ully rt'1'cctive ns it nu+►cc�leaulon hi�d nccurced. Hotivever,�hls
<br /> � -.. riE;Ill IO 1CII1tillllC SIIIIII f101 ii�)j1IV II)II1A CllSC Of itCCCII'Yt11IU1)(1111�CP ril{'Ujs�il�}II IT. -
<br /> �9. S��ta ot N„te:l:hunii��`l.��mn Scrviccr. Tho Natc or i► p;irual intcrrsl in thr Nutr ttuztc�hcr with this Scrurity
<br /> , If1h1111111Q111)Itl11y hc�uld u�io nr mnru �Imcs �vith�uu priur na�tia� ta F�c�r�ixvcr. A xalc muy rc�ult In n chungc in th�unlity ,.
<br /> ° (katown ny thn"l.onn Servic�r")�h+►1 c�+Uect�munlhly pirymun�s�fue�under thc Nutc i�nif Ihi�S��uritv Institii»�i�l, 'fhcrc idsa
<br /> � may ha unu nr m�rc�:h�in�jati oi the L.aun Scrviccr unraluted ta ii yale��f thc Nulc. IP tlierc is u chn���;c uP�hu Guan Sr�viccr,
<br /> . Flo�ti•uwor�vill 4�u�tivu�t written nottcc��f thc chnngc i�i accordimcc�vith piva�;raph 14 ubi�vc and appUrahlc luw. l'hc nudcc
<br /> will htatu th��numn nncl ndd�titis of tha ncw l.o,�n Scrviccr und tho uddrexx to which puymcnt�shuuld bc muda. Thc noticc will
<br /> id:cu coutnin tiny othr.�inl'ormi��iun nNuired hy i�pplicabic Inw. ,
<br /> � ZQ. Har�irdous Substunces. Rorrmvcr shnll nol ciiu�c ur pcnnit thc prc��ncc. usc,disp��sul, stor+�gu,ur ralcas��ut'imy .
<br /> tlnY�tnlous 5ub;�taaGes �m ��r in tha 1'roperty. H��no�ver shnl) nut do,nur a►Iluw imyane clsc to du,anything affectin� ihc •
<br /> �,•,,; . Pr�}w�Yy Ihut i�in viuli�Uun uf imy F.nvironmmui�l Luw. 'fhe pmcediog twa senteneeti shnll n��t upply to Ihc prcuucc,use,nr
<br /> st�r:igw on Ihe Prc�puny uf rmc�ll qunntldus c�f Ha•r.i�rdous Suhstunccs 1h��t ure gencrally rca�gniiecl ta ha uppropriatc tu itonnitl
<br /> ' retiidcqdal usrs und to a�nintenancc uf'tha f�roperty. • ••
<br /> ' ~ Borcu�vcr shnll promptly givc Lcndcr�vritten nnticc��f i►ny invcxligaUun,rl:�int.dcmand,lawsuit ur uthcr activn try uny � �;,,.`,.
<br /> ' '`,� ' • ge►vommenti�l nr reguluwry ugency c�r priviite puny invalving thc 1'�rupeny i�nd uny Nur.itrdous Subs�nnce ur�nvinnmcnti�l : � ,}�;i.�..
<br /> •• � �� � Law �f which Bi�rrowcr hi�s acUu�l hnawled�e, If Bom�wcr Icarn�, ar is irotificd by any govcmmcnt:d ur rrtidutory ,;,
<br /> • uutharity,thiu .my rentovnl ar ather remediution ot'any Hn�uniaus Suhst�mcc aflecti�t�;thu Pruperty is necestian�, Brrruwer ,. ,;;;,;
<br /> � '' ' shtdl promptly tahe nll necessury rcmcdiid actions in liccurdnncc with�nvirunment+il I.�iw, � - '��`
<br /> .��;.;;;•
<br /> As uscd�n this parngraph 20,"Ha•r.urdaus 5uhstimcc.r•"i�re Ihase suhstn�ucs defincd u.taxic ur h:�r;:rd��us xuhstamces hy �;�:i
<br /> � �r�vironmentnl 4i�w nnd the fullowing ruhstunces: ��soUne, ke�osene, uther Oammable ��r toxic petr��irum prc�ducts, toxic
<br /> ,. ,�:,. pcsticidcs unQ hcrbicidea, v��liuilc solvcnt�, mutcrials contnining iisbestos�,r formnldchydc, und r:idir.11'l1Vl I11:IiCT1ilI�. Ati
<br /> . ',,�;;,i :,���� uscd in this pna�griiph«l),„Environmental I..uw"mruns i�ccicral I+nvz,md I.�wz uf thc jurisJiction«•hrm the Property ix locutcd , ; �� .
<br /> Ihat�elnte ta heulth,safety or environmemal protcciian. ��,1 �� • •-
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CnVF.NANTS. t3��rrower and Lender further covenant+md agt�e t��follows: �,,`
<br /> Zl, Accelerntia�; Reme�iies, l.ende� shnll �ive nottce to Bor�owe� p�iur tu neceleratiwn R�Oo�vinK Horrawer's � • �s.;;;�:
<br /> ,.,...-
<br /> breach us um cavenc�N or u�rcemeM(n this 5ecu�ity Instrument lbut not prinr to uccelc�ata��n�a�der paruA�pPh 17 ���;,�.;:.
<br /> � unle�.9 appllcAble low provtdes other�vi.r•e). 7'he nutice tihall speciPy: lu1 the deQwlh 1b11he aciion required em cur�Ihe , _'�''�,'.`
<br /> defi�ult;(cl u date�not Ics.o thAn 30 dayq flrom ihe d:�t�iG�c nutice l.r• {�iven tu Borraw•er,by�vhich the delauE¢must be �
<br /> — __: _. . _ _ �
<br /> cured:und ldl Ihat Pnllure tu cure the det'nutt an or beiorc dhe di�ir.pceiiY�ti i�i�e nr�:tc�ma}r.:,u!!!se a':i:°�s�'•3::u o4' __ _ ._ _- _:_ ; :
<br /> the aum9 securcd by this Srcurity I�wte�e��+ant und sule ui'the PruNcriv. The noUcc shaU Purther inPorm Borrnwer uP ,r•s�
<br /> the�i�hl to reinstute ui�er uccete�atiun i�md ehe ri�;M to brin�;u cnur!actian to���.tiert the nan-exi.stence uf u dePautt ur �;',;�
<br /> -_-. u�y gthar rigfPnce n�ilorroweP tu Accelet'�Itioll illld Sillr'. IP tha defnult is not cured on or 6efnre the dAte speci8zc�i in � -
<br /> _ .- -_ _ -_ _
<br /> - - ' the natice.i�cndrr at Its option ntuy require immediute p��yment in Pull of ult sums secureq by ti�is�ecuruy�nsurumrn� �=: � • _
<br /> . �vithaut f�rther demi�nd imd mi�y invuke the po��•cr oP sule u�d uny other remedie` prrmitted by upplici�bl� law, �
<br /> l.e�dei shull I�e entitled ta c��llect i�U expenses incurred in pu�suin� the remedies provided In ihis puruFra�ph 21. i
<br /> including.but nut Umited tn,�eusoni�bte alturnevs'Pces�md rost.r•i�P litle e�•Idencc. ,
<br /> 1P ihe p��wer oP yale is invoked.71�usics�+hi�ll recurd u ntUice uf defi�ult In euch couoty in�vhich uny piut �►f Ihe �
<br /> Prope�ty lc I��ca�ted uud shnll mul)copies of.r•uch nuUce In the mi�nner prescribed bv uppllcublo li�w ti�Horruwer und to �
<br /> ihe ather persony p�escribed by upplicuble luw. Af�e�the time �cyuired b�� uppllcuble luw,7lrustee yhtdl{;ive pubUc �
<br /> notice oP tiule tu the per�ons and in the munner presc�ihed by upplicuble Inw. 'Iru+tee,withou!demund ou Horro�ver� �
<br /> shnll sell the Prnperty iU puhUc nucNon tu the hiuhesl hidder ut the lime imd pluce i�nd under the terms deri�nz�ted in �
<br /> the notice oP�le in unc or n►ure pa�rcels und in i�ny nrdc�7Yustcc determinrti. "Irust�e muy postpnne ssde oP uU or uny
<br /> pA�cef aP Ihe Property by pubUc unnouncr�nent ut the pme nnd pl�rce uf i�m�pre��lousl}•scheduled�nle. Lender ur its 7;
<br /> � desi�nee muy purchase the Property ut unv sale. i
<br /> • Upan receipt of puymeM oP the price hid. 7rustec sh,dl Aeliver lo the punhuser'il�ustee's deed con��eyi�p 1he '
<br /> ��"`�� Propert�. 'fhe rechtals in the'BYu+tee'.r deed tihidi be prlmn Pucie evidence oP the trutE�uP the.r•tutements mude thcrdn. , •
<br /> • 'i1���;ee cCtal!apply the pruia�s uf the sule in the PuUu��•In}�urder; li+)1�►i�ll costs und expensev ui'exerrisin�!thu pa«•er � •
<br /> • i
<br /> ' , ','_
<br /> „
<br /> .
<br /> ' Furm�02A 4190 �p,i4,•�"�n����eru � .
<br />_— , :.I; . � .
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