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<br /> ' ` ;: 'IY)tiF'sfNl;lt�VITH all�hc im�n�u��cmen�s nuw��r hrrd:►Itrr�mc�ed a���hr prup����ty�nnd nll ci►,emcnts,nppu��icnan��c�y, '.. ,�, _
<br /> ,�;._ .
<br /> 3•�� .,' , nnd tixturc,��iu�v on c�rcallcr n 4�nrt ui'diu propc�yy. All repl�urmriu�:ni�il u�tdUl�.n+rhidl :dsu I�u r��vcrc�t by Il�i.r• Sccuri�Y �_t, -
<br /> �:.
<br /> ��,--.. �;.-• - In�tn��ncut. All of tho furc�t��l��g is rofcrrrd t��in this 5crurity Invtrumrm n�Ihc"F'r����ctiy," f' _', �--
<br /> � _;'` — tiOI21tOWt:t2 COVC:N�N'PS thut Hun�owcr is Iu�vtUily+cisrd af tlic rrtutc hrirlry runvcy�d und hns chc ri�;ht tn grant �: ��, _
<br /> � ' � �, .,'� nnd convuy 1ho Nruperty miJ Q�u�thc ifiu�xrty is uti��nc«mhcrcd,cxrrpt fur rnr��ti�d*re�n4�y ul'rerurd, lturrnwer�+�urruat�and N.' - _- -
<br /> ,� _ will dci'�:nd ucncadly dic title tu thc���periy u�,dn.t nli cli�imy�nd ctcm�mdx,ruhJt�:t tu n��y enct��ti�hrim4ey�+t'rec��rd. �l.` ;,:�r���Y�
<br /> �.-�:�
<br /> �,�.. : ..� 'TNi� 5tit'Ut2f'TY iNSTEtUNiBN'i� �Ufl�t1I�1@ti U{1�I(iiill l'ii��fl.�n1. f�tr nutltmal ust� At1tl !���n.uni i ortt� cuv�nitu li 1 4'l i h ;,� -
<br /> •'�� ��fi� a,•�t. .
<br /> �•�_;� , Umitcd w►rinUimv LY Jurirdictiun�u r„nrtituta u uniiiim��rcurity In.t��tmwnt covcrinb itul pn►}H:ttY• c ������ ,.,,,�i
<br /> � '� ' ' 41NIFOttM CUVRNANTS. llurtuwcr«nd l.rndcr c�,vennn��unl u�reo o�1'alluwx: '` �`'' ~�- "`
<br /> �a, �� • ; ` . .
<br /> �_�;,,� .,.,. ., 1. PnynzeM oP Prfncipul and Interesl:1'repuymeM nazl I.i►te ChurFey. t3arc��wcr sh�dl prnmptly p�►y whcn duo thc ;� ,±:'i
<br /> '�; . principul oi';i�d InteRtit�m thc dcbl�=vWcnad hy thc Nuw und any pivpirymcnt und law ch��r�cw�luc un�tcr Ihc N��tr. '' ` • .`
<br /> -:�T .' ' x. i�t►ttcla far 7luxes nnQ Insurance. Sub er��u u I lcnhle low or t�+i�v�lttei��vniver hy 1_endwr,flnrn��vcr,hnll pay tu 'i '1!��Y� .
<br /> ` � � l,endc�•Am Ihe d�ry munthly pnyntcnts ara due uadcr thr Notc, until thr N.�tc is paid In Adl,n tium(°F�tmd�"1 ibr: lul yciu.�Y �; .' ``,
<br /> ;�;�: � tnrcy nnd a�suysmenls�vhich muy nunin pri��rity uve��his Scrui�ily Instrumcnt us n licn «n Ihe{'mperq;(b)yourly Icnxrhold " : �• .
<br /> , - puym�nu ur ground rents on the Propcny, ii'i►ny; l�l ycarly hnxur d nr properry insura�rnc p rc m i u m s: l d 1 y ec a l y tload ��"1;;,;:�„'�`' •
<br /> , Intiuntnc4 prctnitmt.r•, if'uny: le) ycarly matlt:agr insurui:�� pt�miums. it' uny; cmd (f� nny sums puynble by H�m,wrr ro �I','\`''�:•��' - .
<br /> � l.cndcr, in nccordtuicc wilh thc prcivision�ot'��arnura�ph R, in Ilcu of'the paymcnt of murlgugr insur�.ncu prrmfu�tt�. '11�4sr � � , . . ..
<br /> itents ttre et�Ued"E,uru►v It�nts." Lender m��v,;U uny ume,culiect�utd�ot.l l�tmds 111 tlil i1tTt011itt Illit t0 l'Xl'l'l'lI lI1C 11�:1Xi0Tqf17 ;1.,
<br /> � nmaunt a► Icnder f'ut• a fcder,�ll}� n:lmed ntt�rl;;age loan nti�y i�equire tur i3nR��wcr�esrru�v uccuunt under the Icden�l lZral �,I . .
<br /> . �stute SetUcmcnt F'rocedtu�es Art��f I'�7a as.imc�d��d fmm time tu tima.12 U.S.C. N'_c�t�t c�t sry.("ttESf'A"),untc���noti:er �< ,
<br /> , 1�`:,,;�•�';;:,;�,;;���� Inw that npplics to thc FUnds sets a lesser itntount. lf.v.l.rndcr nu�y,iu i�ny 1fmc,crllo:t;md huld runds in iin nnwunt nut tu :{,':.:,: .,:N{
<br /> .,��:,,�,;..,`�. uxcccQ tho Icsscr umount. L�=ndcr ma�• rslimntc Ihc umuunt ut' F1mds duc ��u thc haxis of currcnt dut�i und reiison:�blo : s;�',-:: ,� ,;
<br /> ,s'1 `
<br /> esdmutes��f expenditu�es ot't'uturo�scra��•Itrm+or ather�vire in nccordanco with a;���li:able lmv. '�r`` ' ' '�' 4',<���;;
<br /> ' � � '`' Tho hlmds shi►11 tx hcld in i�n inxtituUan whasc deposltr urc iasurcd hy u fcdcrad ugcn��y, ins�rumcn�alily, or c�niq• � ,:`;t . -
<br /> •,,i:,.�:: .
<br /> � ,�,.,,. � (lncluding I.ender,ii'l.ender is such im insdtutian)or in uny Frdera►I Home I.uim Hiinlc. l.onder shull apply thu FunJ�to pay _;,.,��.; . ;;=�;�
<br /> „�,�. , , , �inctl tin! th�e�cro�v •
<br /> lh�ks+crow ltcnts. l.cndrr may not chiirgc Horrawcr F��•haldin�, and applyin�, thr F►mds,nnnually • y f r
<br /> .:•i�;�`.:� uccount. or vcrifying the �scm�v Itcros, unlcss l..cndcr ��ays C�orn�wcr mtcrctit un th� Funds lind upplicubtc la�v Exrn�ith � �' .
<br /> � l.cndcr to muke sucl�u chartic. H�wcvcr,l.endcr may rcquirc Barcmver t��pay u unr-timc ch:vice far nn indcE�mfcnt rri►1 I . _
<br /> • eslutr lur reportin�,scrvicc used by l.ender in cnnnectiun wilh Ihi�loan,unlcss upplicuhl�luw providcs othurwtsc, Unitss;m .
<br /> li�;rcement iti madc or appUrabl�la�v rti�uirc.intcretit to be pnid,t.cndcr shall nut bc re��uired ta E�a>� �3oRV�vcr uny intorest c�r ±
<br /> � ciirnings im thc fl�nds. H��no��•cr:►nd Lrndcr miiy agrer in�vriting,hawevcr,tht►1 intcrest shall hc�:�id�m thu tlmds, Lcndur - "�..
<br /> ���,,.",:,, .. xhi�ll givc ta�arru�vcr,without chargc.an annu+�l uccoundnb uf thc Flmds,showing crcdits iind dchity tu Iho Fundti amd U�a , .. j
<br />` ,.�;j.;;:,�• purpase fi�r which curh dcbil t��Ihc Funds�eus mudc. Thc Fbnds urc plcdgcd us udditiona!scrutity for all uimr,eeured by ' I.
<br /> thix Security Inslrument. ��
<br /> ' It �ho Funds held by Lender cxcced ihe umaunt� pennittcd ta be held by n��plicat+le taw, l.�ndcr shiill a�c��unt tu �
<br /> • ----____. f�orrew�r fer 4he excess['unds in uccordnnre with the rcyuircmcnts ot applic�ble law. lt�the :�rnv:«�t i�f ihu Fun�l,I�ald by � :'
<br /> Lcndcr+u any time is not s�d'Gcicnt u� pa►}•thc Eiscn�w Itrms when duc, t-.endcr muy �l�QUiit}' S��ar.���'ef itl wrii�li�i,�irtd,i�'�
<br />