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<br /> �tipi�w A6wr 1'hls IAno I��u ftccurdin���)em� �
<br /> �� DEEI) OF TRUST � ' �-
<br /> Y� ` ��, _
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<br /> 't TNIS p&HD Uf�TRUST("Secu�ity Instn�ment")iti�nade on Jul10 Z7, 1991 ��r�y� 4s��,
<br />_?*��s- ,;is`: C' � ... . , .' '..
<br /> �� , ° ���,,�;� Thctnisti�ris Mark S. 5pintig and l.ori E. Spint�.�, each in hia and har orvn : _
<br /> ��" � r�ght and as spo��sa of each othor ���� � "'S ':— �
<br /> f�,�. , • . ("[iurrawcr"). Thc tni�:tca is , .
<br /> �'���.� �
<br /> ''�"� - Eart p. Ah].achwede, Attorney h ,__-
<br />-_;;�: ("'IYustcc"l. Thc henoflciary is `'�� �-
<br /> �:� . � . ��'r �._.
<br /> Tha �quitablo Building and LoAn Aasocia�ion • ; -_
<br /> `: which is organixcd und existing undcr Ihc luws ai' t h e St et e o f N e b r e s k e .nnd whn`�t'dJn.s`�` �:• •
<br /> ��"'t' � 113-115 North Locuat Street, Grand Island, NEbraska• 688Q1 .`};; ,• _ -
<br /> ;�Y �.2�:� . . __..._
<br /> '��' ,: (°Lcnder'l. Burrower c�wes l.endcr the principal ht�nf u! _____
<br /> ,.. ;�.. ;1��.: .
<br /> •,.;,.
<br /> '.i�.� ....-----^------�-- �+�"cfi=t� _
<br /> _ . Farty Nine ThousAnd Three Hundred and noF1Q0 _°--'_""_ ��;,�{; -
<br /> � - : - Dollurs(U.S.$ 49 .300.OQ )� This debt is eviden�ed h}•S��n�o��•ce�n��tc datcd thu sumc duto as Ihiy S�r.unt) ,,�..�
<br /> Instnimen� ("Nnto"), which pmvides far monthly paymenis, wiih �he full debt, if nc�t p��ld eurlier, dua iiod pay«biu em y_
<br /> �s a Lendcr: l.il th� rc ayment of' th�i debc '�`,��
<br /> '� July 1, 2U21 . This Security Intitn�mcnt secur� t P � ���'
<br /> , c�idenced by the Note,with intcrest,i�nd ull rcnewnlx,cxtentiion�and mu�lificati�ms of Ihc N��tc;�n��>>�naymGne nf all nAF.�r ,,;:�'�
<br /> .`,:,.,�a.• �.;
<br /> , sums,���i1h inlcrost,udvunccd undcr paragraph 7 to protcrt thc sccuriry of Ihis Sccurity Insl�umcnt;and(c1 thu performan�:r�S ,,;�Z�c��'�;,,�.;',:.
<br /> _, BarrowcrS co��c:i�ants und agreements, i'or this purp�sc. B��rnyiver ii�av:kaht}gr:�:zt�:snt�caznYtiys lc.�7Yukt�•c.,i�� vur,t.��,ic`: �� ' `-.= �..
<br /> �� powcr of�i�le.the follawing descritx:ci pro}wrty locatrd in �,
<br /> Ha 11 Cocmty.Ncbra�ka: `;. '�•
<br /> ---- - -----� .
<br /> �__ �:�.` _ _ .
<br /> ... .. _ .:
<br /> ` �^ A txact of land comprising a part of Lot Two (2) , of Gorret�'s Subdivision � --- �;
<br /> af paz�t of the Ela of Sectian Nane (9) , Tawnshi.p Eleven (11) Narthr R�nga .;,;
<br /> ,.�;: Nine (4�) , Wast af the 6th P,t4 . , Nall County , Nebraska , deaar:ibad �►s fo�lows :
<br /> ��t';� Beginning at a poinx on the East �.ine of said Lo� Two (2) ; sAid poanfi, bning
<br /> 205 Feet North of the Southeast Corner of said l.ot Two (2) , thance r�nning ,
<br /> Northerly along the East line of said Lot '�wo (2) , a die�ance of One Hundred
<br /> � Sixty-Seven (167.0) Feet; thance running Westorly and pArollol ta �Cha South
<br /> lin� of said Lot Two (2) , a distonce of Two Hundred Sixty�Ona (26�) Feet;
<br /> th�nc� running Southerly and para11e1 to the East �ine of seid Lnt T�ro (2) ��,;. ' _
<br /> a distanc� af 1G7 .0 Feet; �hence running Eastorly a dis�anco a� T�:ao Hundred .;.1r,
<br /> �'--� . Sixty-Qne (261) Feot tn the paznt of beginning, ,
<br />.
<br /> whichhn+�hcuddretisof 1AQ4 North St . Paul Road, Grand Island ��'��,►
<br /> , . �sine�l ,
<br /> Nebr.�ski� 68801 �°F'rop�rry.lddm�,"J:
<br />- �%ip t'ndel j
<br /> . , i .
<br /> � NF.HRASI41••sin��c fanui�•••F+mnle S1ttt�Ycddlc�1nc 1\IF'11N�1 I\�'fRl'�1F:T�'1' Flw•m ill:3 v 40 ilx��r 1 nI np�iuru ; •
<br /> . � ITEM 1015 1�121 �;rc.n l.iu�Ni�rr.��.v Fnpn.v.IPe � ,
<br /> � fn�qm7 Call 14��P33Pth�!)9 Cl I'At 01t�7n1.11l1 i
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