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. . i ._i.i:+4a:R�___._ - .a;:.-',.� r l - '4i iTr �raG �. <br /> k ,' ., - .. __ <br /> � � '.�. '_ __— _— .., _;;-� _ -`'_ - ` a <br /> t_�.�� -_ - - ' _ _ . . ._ . .' : . _} 2 — <br /> _ �.._.. - ' - - . . .. .. ,y _ . "_7.- <br /> - . " ��g� �o��, ; _ -- <br /> --- p�yr�cros,wNch are rafemd to!np��h 2,or chenge�he�moynt a!eucd p enu. Yox p ver 6n <br /> p nMow[tequ!red ro pay ell outnandtng L�de6tfOnex�under the hito and JQs SeaM�Luwment shatl be pald to ae entiry — <br /> _ Iega11p entltled thertto. <br /> ---� 9. Fea. l.endermaycolkctfeeaendchntgeaauthodzedbythe8urciary. <br /> - - 9. (}roun2+fo�ACalentlonofDtbb <br /> :,z-r'•?� (n)De�au1G lender nay,except ae L'mited by ngulaCOOa iesued by the Secretery in�he case ot payment detaui��, . <br /> reqwrolmmediata�ayattntinfullotallsumnsecaredCythis8ewdtyLumementlk <br /> ---:�---� (i)Hortower dufaWU 6y[alflag ro pay In Po11 any montdl nem � ` <br /> °� ro oron tho due date ot�he next momhly paymenR or y P� �uirad by NI�3ecurlty Ina�umen[pdor <br /> „o� �- - <br /> (iq Boaowu defaulu by fdMg,tor a pedod of thiny day�,a peAam eny o�her obligadoro wntelned in th!a <br /> r:�; - 8ecudry Tnmumenr. <br /> r n (�)Balo Without Credit Approval. Lender s4UI,If permitted by eppliceble lew end wlth the pdor approvel of the <br /> f3 -�� 3eeretary requUe Imm�iare paynent in PoII of�I tha tumn securcd by dile Secudty Inp�ument If: <br /> , .-+�, p)All or pert of�de Propeery,or e Ixnaficiil intueat In a trust owning all or pen of tM1e Properry,la sold or <br /> 3,.=_.. o�e�wiso transPomd(othtt�hen by de41s6 ordeseenq by the Borroaer.end . . <br /> '7r "'i OU'@e Property i�nbt tAepurcfiaset or grantu a�h!t a her principal resideoce.or tha parchasu =_- . <br /> + � �.i:- or Bantw doei w occupy the�Propeity.,Duj hl� or hu credit hae not been epproved In eocordana <br />. _:x:^`•-� wtth the rcqulromenls of tha Sec�etary. _:. <br />--��>t�f�;,:�:__� (c)No Welvea If drcumataneea occur thet would pemdt Lendu ro requim immediaro payment in Poll,but I.ender __ — <br /> =���"=' ' doea not requirc suchpeymenro,I.ender daes not waive iu dghte wf�h rcspect to cubsequen�evemo. <br />- �;;",��;i"': (d)Regulatlons o!HL'D Secretary. In mmy circumsa�cea reguladom issued by�e Sectetary wPl Itmit Lenderb --- <br /> '" �''' dghn, ln�a cau of payment defenite, roreqotre Immediate payment in full end fosclose if notpaId 71da <br /> :��'`h:s�-,.:: - <br /> ` r z �� Secudry Instrumrnt daa not authodu acceleration or toreclosurc ifi�ot pertnlued by reguletlona of�he Secrctary. <br /> '�' -_:� (e)Morigage Not Insured. Bortower egrecs�hx shoutd thu Savdty Insmiment end the nae seeured�hereby not °-`_ <br /> , bo eligibie for inaura�ce under �e Nationol Housing Att within from tfie �` ,:�"����- <br /> ` date herwf.L.ender ma e�iu o �on end notwi�Mstandin en �hin In P+ra h 9, uiro immWiate a ent in �-� -- <br /> 1. �p�" Y. P� 8 Y 8 SroP rc9 P Ym .a�c�:;�: <br /> ,.���i-,-„i full of ell suma saumd b �hie Sauri Instrument. A wriuen amtemem of a� amhoduA e em of tlx Secee ���4,;,�,,, <br /> r ,. Y �Y Y 8 �' <br /> �,.r deied wbsequrnt w Rom�he due hercof,dulining ro Insure this Sceudty ;_ -_ <br /> c -` Inswment end ihe no�e secured�hereby,ahall he deemed conclusive pnnf of cuch Ir.eligi611iry. Notwithsrending �( � <br /> a 'y tl�; the forcgoing,�h(�op�ion may not be exe:cised by Lrndet when the unavailebility of Insurence ia solely dae to "' <br /> s f� LenduY f�ilure ro ttmit a mortgage iasurance prcmium to�he Saretary. ' � <br /> �Y 10. Rdtutetement Borrower has e right to be rcinsta:ed if Lender hes aqWred Immedlete payment in full 6ecauu �..- <br /> i -�<< �` of Bortowerh feilurc m pay m emoua�due under the�Note or this Secudty hnwment. 1Lis d ght epplla even after t X__ <br /> r -'� foreclosure proceeding: ue i:u�ituted. 7b rcinsu�e the Secumy InawnenG�rrou'er�hell tender in a lump wm all -: <br /> ''���;�.�-��-� amwms ufrcd ro brin Bortower§accocnt cumnt includin to the extent the are obli ationa of Borrower under�hb �"�'- <br /> ' t'- ge�����;[�n�m.nt.TeteBlns��••ees�s end re��•nehle e.^.dtu�.8:.r;etteem�s't Y�rS ez�n::r.prcr.dy a::�isted::I�h ---° --- - <br /> ".�;t�;,.a(;i� the foreclosurc ptoceeding U�on reir.s�atement by Borrower,this Securi[y Inswment end the obl(aetfona[het it aecures --- — <br /> ','.;,�� nhall remain in effat as if Lender hed r.ot reyuireA immediere payment in full. However,Lender ie not rcquired tope�mit �'=°"= <br /> ;v•�?.i?: <br /> =a_.1�. _„ rc(nstemmen[ iF. (i) Lender has aaeptW rcms�atemrnt afrer ihe commencement uf forcclosure within two �"' <br /> s� ;- ytac+ immedia�ely preceding the commencement of a cumem forcclaarc proceeding. (ip rcinste:ement will preclude � _;� . <br /> �_= foreclosure on difkrcnt grounds in the tumrc,or(iii)rxinetattment will adversely affec[�he prioriry of!he lirn crcated by � -�--- <br /> �hiaSaurity Instwnent. � - <br /> � _-�_ 11. Dorro�rcr Not Rdeamd; Forbenrantt b7 Iznder Not e Walver. Bxmns!on of �he time of payment or �-_ <br /> � modificetion of amotti�stion o(�he:ums securcd by th�s Securit�Inswmem gruned by Lender[o eny successor in Intercst ' y `� <br /> Z of Borrower shell nm operate w relexsc the liubili�y o(�he oriamal Borrawer a BorroxnrS sutt�eswr in intercat. Lender 44°.!: ,.`f <br /> %='r� -' ahall not bc rcyuirW to commencc proceedings ngainst aa successor in inmrw or rcfuu�o extend�ime for ymem or '�:�-°`���' -� <br /> .`..i;,_i:-.� Y Pe t,�x�c .. <br /> - - othernise maddy emonimtion of the sums xcurcd by�his Security Ivs�mmeet by �euon of any deme�d made by ihe -�y "�� - <br /> _ �, �'` original Bortower ar Borroweri<uaezsors in inte¢xt. Any(orbearnnce by Lender in exercising any right or rcmedy yhall •�i t4c`.•�iUZ'�: <br /> _ not be a wniverof or prcclude�hc exerciu ot my riaht or mmedq. � ,,s : <br /> � 12. Successora ar.d AsslRna ISaund;Jolnt and Se-erel I.Iebility;CmSiAners. 77ie covenams end agreemenn of " <br /> '��'' �his Stturily lai�mmeni ehali biuJ mid In:nefil Ihe aucceswrs and nssigns of Lender und Bo,m�ver,subjcel m�he provisions z s`=f� s <br /> - ' '• of PntagmpM1 9.6. Oorroweri covenon:i and agnemen:s ahull he joint anJ xrer.d. Any Borro�ver who co-signi this ^�.e; � � <br /> �� Security Instrumcnt but docs noi cxccu:c IF.c No[c: (a)is co-�igaing Uiis Sccuri:r Insimmcnt on�y to mortgagc,gron[end 'F<<�w;-:. <br /> s� mnvey Ihnt Borrowcrl inmresl i�Ihc Propeny undcr�hc mmu o(�his Securily Irt�:umenL•(b7 is r.ot pertanally obligated lo --r <br /> pay Ihe sums securtd by thi�Secunly InsuumenL and(c1 agrca�hut Lender and any rnher 8urtower may ugrce lo u[end, �$3�(-.-',.,� <br /> moddy,for6car ormake any acmmm�Ma:inn.�vith ngad lo�Iw�cmn of Ihi.Stturi�y Irtarumcni nr IF.e No[e wilhoul Ihni °{s r` <br /> 8orro�vch conum. F . <br /> _ ",: <br /> `��':;;- 13. NoHcea. Any na�i�c�0 6una�acr pmviJed (nr in thf.Securily Imtrumm�t .hall hc Firen 6y dclivering it or by � )^-!- <br /> meiling it by firs!cla.a mail enle..appIicaMe lau rer,uire. ua u(anathr:mr.M1al. The mtice ,hall M dirceted ro the �' - <br /> i , - Propeny Addrc�c m any o�her addma,6nrtnuer Jbigna�ts hy nrnice�n Ler.drr Anv nn:ice lo Lender sF.a:l be giren by '���� � <br /> first cla�s maii �o LenJen adJre.�.taled hcrtin nr an}addrc�. LcnJcr dc.fFn+te. hr noiicc�n Bnrto�ver. Any naiim i."� .' <br /> .. Provided for fn th�.Sccuri���Imwmcm.F.all Ir dccmcJ m ha�c Ixc:i gi•en w Nnrtnwcrar LcnJcr ahrn gircn as pmvidcd '-' ;�+a'� <br /> m Ihis pamgnph. <br /> - -- 14. Corernin�; I.aa':tie�rrnbllii): llu.Savrtin Ia.�nimcnl .hall h• gmrmrd h� liJCr.J Imr and lhe law n(Ihc <br /> . . jcricJiclinn in�rhich thc Pro�ny i.I.xcncJ. I:i ihi�c�am�Ir.:t an) pro.-ninn or.L�uv af�hi,Scrcriir In,ln:mcm or�hc �"`'� <br />- '� No�e mnflich�ri�h applie�hl<la.�.v:ch nmil�.t .h.�u mn_��f..�.nh..r �,...y.�..�...r� 1!rirumrn!or Ihe Nric - -- - <br /> .:_-, <br /> . ' which can M gircn c(@a1��flhna�Ihc.n:Jlulinc prm].am. T��hf.crtd d�v prmi.�rni.ol�hi+tic.urily�In�immcnl and Ihc <br />- . Kolc are dcd:vtd In hc.c�rr.�h4. - <br />- . . . IS. Oorruxeri('op�. N���tlnnacJa�q+�nllh:.kv'unnir.amnn�n:. . <br /> '_ 16. AsdRnmen�uflten1�. 11nrtnoctur.u.nJ::�nualh.��.:En.anJlr.n:.ICninl-e�W.r.JIW.:cm.emJrc�c:mc.o(Ihr <br /> . , Prt�peny. Aum.xer awF.unie.I anJe�wr Len.icrl�pa m,m a'uCnl�hr•c.enue.anJ hernc�Jr.ean rach�enam u( <br />- Ihe Pmpe�ty la pa� Iht renh�o Lander��r 1 cndcr:.��ann. fl..��ncr. pnnr�u I m.der�.nm�ac�a 8nnaorr nf Hnrcuacr� � <br /> . . hreach nf:m)'aovrnanl nr agrci�inenl r.i�he�In.mixa'nL Burtowenluill nd!rc1 :md rera�c:di rem.and reeer.ue.�+1 <br />�. . .-', IhcRn�cnra.warciur�hclrn.GlnflsnJrrandBurtm�rr_ ILn:i..�Famrmnlmnt.ann.wwc.anaMnlu�c.�..� ' <br />. _ , and nn:an a.•ignncnl/or aJd::ws.J.caunt�a:�n � <br /> . - ... <br /> '. - . " - 1(LmJcr gnc.nnlnr ui hrcaah In Ru�rnocr I.0 a:l�rul.rc.c��cJ h� R.,nn.�cr .h.�11 Ix•hcld h� 1{ur..mrr a.Imarr <br /> - fnr Mn���n!1.��uL�r..�I.- rv.Iv. .nN..,.i u.a.......... .........��.. .�... c._..... �_........__...�.� __.:_ �..�" _.-.. .. l <br /> ._.__ ......... .....��...�.. <br /> '_"' - .- . . _,. ""_" "_' '__ "_._...: ..., """_.... ..._........... ..........�.. . <br /> " '- mllal and mrefrc all nf Il:c�hc 14�qx�m:.mJ rc�r.�d�mna:u..1�6r Prnpm .hJl pa� a!1� unpa:d lu ' <br />� . Lcndcr ar LcnJcr:agcr.�un Lrndcr:��nn:n�n�hr�cn.n:i_ : <br /> . _ . Bartnwcr hr.noi r�.auntl am pnur a..�gnn:rni ul�I�e nr.n.�nd h.n nn�mJ w�:l nnl ry•rt.�nn am nal �hat ���vid � <br /> p`e.rm Lender fmm n,ngh�.u:dcr ih�.Paracrxph Ih <br />. Lendcr�h:Jl not M rcymmd w rmcr uryc�. cdc o�.:ud al ut r�aim.un �L•e 14upcm Irlorc��r alk'r�n mg nn:�ac uf <br /> _ hrcach lo �ortourG Hm�c�cr.LrnJcr u:a�pJ�n.dh �p�v.iul<d rrar��c:ma) u��n al am I�mc Ihc�c��.�hrcach_ .\�n <br />-- �- applicaGon nf rcnh.hall r.m curc ar aa�dcl:nh m m�al:d:nc.�m .nhcr np5�or mn:rJ� nl I.a:Ji�t. lLn:n.:gnasnl <br /> ',. <br /> o(rc.T..nflF.c i'rnpcny.4cJ1�crmma�c ol:vn Ihcdchncama�d 6�tl�c Srnun)Inaremrm�.pa�d m 7¢{L <br /> 'p: _ <br /> .'/ <br /> .�.no�.yJPa..� <br /> � . . <br /> '"- - <br /> - � <br />