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T L � ir �y _ : t <br /> ' �t� � � '�"+4'/�.�i�� t s �� � .�- ' __.�w.rL — n ��� _,.___ <br /> \r . . . � . <br /> i. '— <br /> t,�}�i:...��� . _ . - . . . . .� _ - � i __.... <br /> . � <br /> . . � ��3� �o���� r� - <br /> 1..�ent otFttnctpal,fnterestyoO Ltte�u�4 �p{ioNee ahall pay when Guo4ioyrTnslpal ot,eqd interca�on, -- - <br /> • . rlwhbtovfdsnudby�GallotomdlarsehargebQuawd rt�ieNOta ; <br /> G 4 <br /> —_ A MontEly payntbdls o/'@icea,tasiupnee ond Other�A'tiga. $ort6wer shalllncluCe Lv eAch monddypaymer.t . <br /> ' toge�""er with the Vrinelpal end Intercst u eU forth N�ha No;e and enp te:a ehugea,en ina(all�ent or 1ny(e)Iaes,an� <br />�—_: spena�assessmene�lavtedorroDetededaganstthePropar[y.N)Ieastfiotdpaymrntaorgeo:u�AnnuontheYtope�ty,anA- <br /> �-F�,: Cc)Prcmiurtutorinsurencercquiredby pA4. <br /> - ' Serfi montAty installment for Ikm� a.@) end(4) sheil equal o�twelM of 0e rmcual amouab,a�rcasoaably_ <br />,��-��� estlmeted Dy I.endor�pIw en emount�u ciw� to neinteln an edditlonal baience o!not inbie than on�atx�h of the _ <br /> �.__.__._ estlmued amounu. 7Tie tbll en�ual amount!w each ttem�hall be acewuaiated by Lendu wUhln a pertod endlag ono � .. -- <br /> ----- mam6 boforo an Item wPuid Decone delinquenc I.eMer sAall hotd�he amoun»coliected in vust to Pay Ilun1(e),@)end <br /> 1 �?�m (o)hforo�hey 6aome ddinquent. � <br /> -r �� - ft at uiy tlme�he[o�al ot Uropaymenu hetd by Lendu tor iuma(el,@)end(e),to r wlth tha future mon�hty - <br /> �'� .+��a paymente for�uch itema payable to Lender pdor�o�ha due detea of sueh i�em�, ex by moro then ona�ix4h the <br /> ��`� t ;�' estlmeted emount ot paymenta rcqufred to psy�uch liema�vhen dua end if pn nents on the Note aro wrtent,ihen Lender <br /> _•;�'<.�s,-�- aha➢eitherrcfund the exow over ono-�ixth of the tu'�r.eted paymurta or�tAa axceas over onaaixth o/the eatima�W __ . .. <br />-_��,�<`�!,;;;,,`s-! pannenta ro wbuquent pcymena by Bortower,et the optton o t Homower. If the rotel of Ihe paymrnd 2ude 6y Bortoxrot . <br /> Y,_, -_�..:;. fori�em(ex(E).or(c)la inwffidea[ro psy the item whcn due,tden Boaower shill pay ro I.ender eny emount neassery W <br /> il'�„ _,-� m�keuptLadefieienc�yonorbetorotAedatethel:embecomadue. _ <br /> � Ae used in tM1ie Securiry Inswment.'Secruary"meena the Seerctary of Houiing and llrban Development or hia or her -__�, <br /> � „ �?: deaig�ea In eny ytar in whieh rhe Lendu mustpey e mortgege insurenco premium to ttw Secrctary,eech monthly peymrnt -z��-�- <br /> � ahdf elso inelude either. (p en instellment o(the annual mon a e Insurenca mntum ro be ald b I.ender ro the � "' - <br /> ,?�.....;:�:. 8 8 P P Y -- - <br /> - -;:_9r;;�;� � Seaetary, or pU a momhly charge insteed of a manaega irsurance premium It this Secudry Insuument la held 6y the �r=�— <br /> , °4`� Sarctazy. &ch monthly imtellment of tAe moegage Usurana premium ihell ba In an unowt wftic[ent ro necumulare the �,'� - <br /> ftdl mnual mongege Insumnce ptemfum wUh I.enda one month prior lo the data the full�nnuat mortgege inswmce -�- - _. . <br />� „r�i r,y pnaium i�dua m tho Secrctery:or if thi�Security Imrcumrnt B hdd by tha Scerctary,each momhly churge ahall be in en t'�� „_.- <br /> - emoont equel a onatwelilh of one•helf peecent of theoutetanC!ng princlpal balana due on the Noro. � ��_ <br /> A'i-�n:�+ =_ If Bortower ienden ro Lender the PoU paymem of all mma secured by thB 3ecudty Guwment,BorrowerY aaocnt � �p -_ � <br /> -t._';-;�::`.:;`;4 sh�4 6e creAited with ihe belmce remeining for ell installmen[s tor items(e).@) end(c)�nd eny norcgege inawanu �,���i_` <br /> ::,;-;:c.;;����:. pnmtun instellment thet Lender hm nat become obligued w pay ro the Setreiery.end Ler.der eheil promptly rcPond my <br /> '`^� �'"u'- exass Ponda ro Bortower. Immedistely pdor�o a forcelosurc sele of rhe Propeny or lu ecqui3iNon by Lender,Bortowerh <Y>'�:>- <br /> � �D� account shdl ha crcdited with eny belana remeining for ell insiellmend for item�(a),@)end(c). �-a„��� <br /> x ,.'�� �"' 3�.�Ayp Iltation oi Pa}r�enis. All paymens under Parngmpha 1 ond 2 fiell be appifed by Lender ea foqowa: B��� .,- <br /> .. ��=F-=?� �j,ro the mongege insurenea remium w be id b Lender ro�Ae Secre� or ro�he momhl chv e b �ho F' �- <br /> P• Pe Y �' Y 8 Y 4•�_ <br /> "3� �•s�-,�`�C%�?" Sec ros�eedofthemon�hly mortgegeinsunoceprcmipm: `°'.- <br />���-'%i;;:�;iv'si� $�l .�o eny texa,cpeciil nsuumenu,lenuhold prymenu or ground rcnts,end firc,ilood end o�Aer hezard �- � <br /> :'�'.q;".;'.:_'(i.;:�. Insuranceprcmluma.asrcq vi:ed: =..- <br /> - - THIRD,to Ir.tetest due under�he Nore; �[---- <br /> � --s�`' EQjlg�'$,lo emonUetion of the principd of the Note; -_--���`-- <br /> �$ <br /> � ' �j,to lete cherga due under[he Nom. � <br />,<. �::::::;,-.;�' .�__-.--_ <br /> .P-�c�i}.,-•,3'�.i! 4. Fire,Flood and Other Hazerd Insurence. Borrower shall insurc all improvemenu on�hc Propeny,whUher now <br />?'`:'�':':�t:�;. in uisrence or wbseqaer.tly erected,against any hawds, cssualtia.end mntingencia,induding firc,tor whieh I.ender ��'`- <br /> � - - rcqoirea insuru�a. 7TIs insuronce ihall be meintuined in �he emouma end for�he pedads�het Lender reqwres. Dortower 4 --=_ _ _. <br /> � �c�% ahall alm iiuurc ell improvemema on ihe Ropeny,whe�her now in existena or wbsequenqy ercctW,agalnst laci by flooda <br /> s_;�__ to iAe extem rtqulrcd by�he Sccrcury. AI I insumnce shnl I be carried wi�h compmiea aPprovW by I.ender. The Inaumnx �S'� �°�- <br /> �,� .�, poliria and any renesvels shell 6e held by Lender md xhail include loss payeble clausca in favor of,end (n a fo�m '+�> <br /> acceptab!eio.Lender. - a, - <br /> 1� �:"; In�he evem ot loss,Botrowcr shall give Lender immediatc notice by mail. Lcndcr mey make proof of losa if not t �-- <br /> ' , - ;. mede promptly by Dortowec Eech insmance rnmpanr conttm.ed is hercby nmhorized end dirccted ro make pa mer.t for �`�.. � _ <br /> ' `T���. -=; sucM1 bss d�rcctiy m Lender.instead ot to Borrower ord io Lcndcr jointly. All or any pan o(the Insurance proc�may be i-;*� � ; <br /> appliW by Lender,et i�s option,ei�her(aI to the rcduc�ion of�he inde6tedness under�he Nore end this Securiry Instrumm[, � <br /> -/�e ;` flrt�o eny delinqumt emounts applicd in �Ae order in Pumgraph 3, and then�o prepayment of principal.or @) �o the �?��:i 1 �°--� <br /> _ __._.�r s reslantion or rcpa�rof lhe damaged pm{xny. Any applicn[ion ot Ihe proceMs lo�he pnnc�pal sh¢II nnt e:iend nr pentpone _ _ t-___ <br /> the lue dam of�M1c monthiy payme��s which arc relemJ ta ia R�rngraph 2,ur chan y•e tl�e amwnl of such paymenis. Any �� { <br /> - � � excas inscrentt proceeds over en amount requimd m puy nll ouu�anding i.^.deb�edness uader�he Note end this Securiry �;.<<`, <br /> Ins:mmenlshnll6epaid[olhccnlily Icgailycntillcdlhcmtu. -rL^ -''� <br /> ; In�he evem o(fomclosu¢o(Ihis Securily Inclmment or oli:cr tmnsfer o(IiUe m�he Pmpeny[hat ectinguisha the i_� � �.-,, <br /> -`" inde6ledness.nll right,liUc ond imcrcct of Bortower in aaJ eo insnrance policics in(orcc shxli pias�o Ihe purchBSec _. S;r-=- <br /> �� � = S. Occupancy, Preservatlon, Mefntenance and Pralation of tAe Property; darro�verb Loan Applicallon; " "' <br /> Lmseholds. Ba:rou�cr sM1a:i accu nlabli+h,anJ u�e the Pm n�:�s Oofrouc�i inci al rcsidenee mil6in�ixl da s � ' '� `- <br /> P>'. F� > P• P Y Y ..._�` L._` <br /> � afler�he exew:ion of chis Secumy Imtmmem md sM1a:l cominue w ixcupy the Propeny nx 6ortouerk principsl rcsdenee , <br />'Y�,_=_ fonticastancycaraClcr�heda�cofoccup�nc�tuNc+•�hSmrc�:�ryJc�cmii�cs�hiarcyuircmcm�villcauuunduchnrdship 'i°':<<;_f:�';�,_ <br /> for Bortoucr, or u�let� eztenua�ing circumUancr exi.t which arc t+eyonJ Rnrto�veri cnr.�ml. Rortox�er shall noli(y - .-.�v:.-- <br /> -:��,..a:.�, ., Lenl:rs ut a�y ez�enuating circum.�ancet. 13ortnn�enL•:dl nn�mminit wa��e or de��my.da�aage or wbNaniially change ."i'-'..�'-•:� <br /> thcPropcny or ailon�he Propeny�o Jecerioratr,rcrauuMe�� anJ�car cxap�eJ. Lendcr may in•pect�he Property if�he _ <br />- F'ropcny i.vacam nr ahandnned nr�hc 4un is in dcfmll. Lcndcr may IaAt tt:nnr.ahlc aaian In pmlccl and p¢xrvc such `�--+,iz .� <br /> _ vaan[or alranConcd Pmpeny. Bortmvcr sha:l alw h in dcfaul� if Rormuce Juring�he loan applicalian procax,garc <br /> molcrin(ly 61ac nr maccmatc fn:omiaGnn nr aatcmr:x. m Lcr.dcr fo: failcd �o p:oriJc Lcndcr .viih any makriai - <br /> .. . ....• � infamationl in comc..l..o oi��thc I.�..n c.fJc�n.J M�hc Kmc mdcd�r.g.hut nrn hantcJ m,rcprcxma�mns cor.cemmg - ' - - <br /> Ba�mx�crl uccupancy n(�hr Propcny a.a prindpal mfJrnc. 11"�hi.S.aumy Im�mmvm n nn a Ica�chnld.Hnrtox�cnhall �-' _ <br /> - , comply wilq tF.c pmvision.o(�hc Ira.c. If Bnm+xrrxyuirc.fcr�nlc tu Ihc Prn�n��.tl�c IfJMI1t�:J:11:II�lti IIIi@ AIdII IIOI <br /> - . M1c mergcd unle+•Lendcr aFrce.lo Ihc mergrr m�vriG�F' 4 . __ <br /> -_ _ 6. CAarges fo Borrooer und Pratectlun of Lmder i RiRhl+in lhe Pruperh. Bommcr�hail pap all gnrcmmrr.�al � � <br /> or municipa!charge..fine.artd im�mi��as. �ha�are nn mcloded f:�P.vag:�ph ?. Hortoacr:g;dl �ur iheu nhliga�inr..on f <br /> . .. . tinedi:eelly'la Ihe enlily which i.nneJ lhe paymcul. If (adarc la pa}noulJ aJ�ench affca� Ln:Jer�iNen.1 in Ihc <br /> - Pmpcny.upnn Lcndcr.rcyuca�nnnwcr.h:Jl prnm;.k lumnh In 1_anJrr ncrip�.c�'iJcunng Ihc�c paar.:cr.1.. i <br /> ... 1(Bortoxcr fal�In maAc papncm.or�hr p:p'mem. rcymrrJ M1r R�ngraph 2. or faih�o pcdonn xny n�hcr ! <br /> _ ' emxnama and agsemen(�enmaEr.ed m Ihi�Se.enir Ihere�.a Iegal pnxtedinF�'�a�m:n'.igr.ificamly affecl j <br /> Lenderi rigF.l�in�he Prupcny Iwch a�a pnw�rJin�m han4mplq.for ansdcmnauun ar�o cr.f��nr law>nr regu:aGnn.l. ! . <br />----_ --,� then Lcndcr nay do aad pay��ha�cvcr i.r.rcc.v:n�tnpro�tt��hc ealuc uf ihc Yrn�rnr ar.d LcnCCr i nEh�.fa Ihc RoRnc. <br /> . . " including paymcm o(laxn.han:J�r.wrancc a�d otl:c�ncm+mm�t�nncd m P�ragraph 2. <br /> Any amounls d�sbuncJ by Lcndcr undcr:hi. Pmgraph.hall hemme an addi:innal Jchl nf Bnmmcr and I+r.cavmd <br /> .`.- by�Ais Secumy Inswmem. Thne amoums.hall Mar nnem�Gnai�he Jme Ihe Natc rale.anJ a11Lc <br /> -�-<. - op�ian of LenCer,sF.a:l bc immedfalcty duc anJ pyahle - <br /> � - Z Condemae�fon. ll:e prMttds a(any ax�;vd ordain fnr Jamage.,drecl nr cnn.cyucn:�al,m cnnneclion x ilh any j <br /> -- eo�Memnation or olher iaking of;my p'sn of�I:r Prop[n).ur fnr coaveya�ac in place nf anndemr.atinn,arc herch)a.�igned - <br /> ��i� ' and shall be paid m Ler.der m�he cx�cnt af�hc:cll amoum uf�hc f nJcMcdae..Ihal remaim unryiJ unJrr�F.e Na1e anJ 1!n. <br /> �' ' Srnrity lnnmmem. LenCer.F.all apply wdi praeed•�n Ihr mJuafnn n(Ihe mJchleJnp.anJer 1he tiote and ti�i.Secem� � <br /> - _ InsVUmcnt. fint �o any dcliayucr.t amnunt. a,plicJ fa thc n:Jcr pn+viCcd in P�r.�grap4 7. aad �hcn Io prcpa}num of � <br /> :�y�..�: principai. Any applica�ion o(�hr pracced+ lo�h�• pnncipal�ha:l nn� .z�cnJ nr pn.ipm.c Ihc Juc Jalc of the m�+nlhlr , <br />_. .�i_" �rvcr...rtp..c�.� . <br />=.`_' __''�., -. . . . __ _ �—. __—_ <br />