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J! S�i � '^ti"�!" ^"r' . .:. •�"� -. 'T _ 1 �'s s. -�[ Y ____.- <br /> S" :1 <br /> _.:`.'47x,- s _ , � � . �.- •� . . ,-; �. r <br /> - .. : : <br /> � t- . ��-, � . _. . „ __:-` -,..1 -x -: s x <br /> — - .. - - . .. �• :i. . <br /> --:,�.. :- ,--. ..-,. -- - . - -: . _i t - ,- e —"----- <br /> - _ � � � - . � :•..93-��s�.� ,, . : <br /> r-ca i - � . • � 4��Y��Vl�.".�• -•'' _ . - .� ' _/-� � 4i-f,l ` - - — <br /> 14 k'k�^�,.M-9ufP �1a - .. -__.. <br /> �� (.i8p�ro5�iiHy��i[a6��0.£xlaiatenoftha�4netorpeYmen�wm6qtlioa�lanof�Ms4m��ewndDY�FI�D�NafTMtpttnpl - + _ . .-- - <br /> ay�ee�to�ny�ea��id�h mfae.e or rtanowe:•n�o nor opa��dto�.�e.f•;M`aiy menn��.th►A�Di�y nl ih�p�1pin�i boVrdw�r � , <br /> . - end 9orto(4ef6 weietfOn N Ini9!!�t Lenda/��;I nbt ps roqv4�d tp eommeea�raeedNq��p�„�t sut�WGeifio)orf�(uti to <br /> ��� ' � -extmA flmj ror DeyFneiSt or dth�1�YN�madi(y Yqtortkadin ot lhY�u�ne�awrod bJ thia Doed oT TnniF by ia9roh bt my daMmd� - � -.------ <br /> m�d�bythe6dp7nilffp�!p yb�andBoilbWi�Y�uCO�i(onHNTi��d.' • ' - ` ' - - <br /> -� lD)t�nLiY�VoW�n.Wiihou!eNeoWi$the 6e6City of miy othel pe�oon Oa61e for No O�ant of a,iy ob9qelko her64�mentlonbd� ' - <br /> s. 1rt �u.,i�- md wlthLufBfdbiil0 th8 fidn o�eherQr�pf:tAW Aeed ol TN4t upon�nY 7ortion of ths Pmpe tY�i thin oi�hwofola'rd�de� e0 a� " �'. . .- .. <br /> � _! rr' seewHy}or�hr(ulf gmount bf�0ynbild ob6p�1(bn�,bnder mr/,fri��JFAO t6lLSU'�nd W��TJatled�l�do0:0 ehV DafeM p0.' ----- ---� -� <br /> �,,+��. Ceble..M exland t6o Maludry oi dtfr Yny df�ths tGrm�ol eny aueh obDpaSfooj, �Qnnt atMr bdu Oenoei.IN)roluU or reoonv�y.` <br /> s r��� -t or avEe to De rele�wd o�rBoonwved�t my t4ns et WWeH optbn�ny ve'roa4�n�bn elitl qt}I�e PwV�1Y.h'1 ukror nlait!enY `_� � <br /> ��+ �y'i�. other bdditfonel tawdry for erry obOpepon hafein mmtionad,or(v0�A�eko'adrtl BikloM Or bthu�inn0��nq with d�Ot6n N ____, <br /> `� rf r�,:- rol.tian thweto. ' � - <br /> -�� (ol Fc'Wuano�6y L�nda Not�W�Na�.My foro6uranee by Lender N ezerchNO�Y dYht o��cmedy hareundor,et o wA�e. ��-- <br /> � '� effo�ded by�pp0e�bla I�w,�h�0 not 6��wiN��of w Dnoiud�th�oxard�e ol�ny iuch dOht or ramsdy.Th!O�ooure�ent ot' �---- . <br /> r, Nwrsnea er tlfe payment of uxu oi othar Ilm�or du�per 6y LenAar�ha0 not b��w�ive�ol4ndu9 d0�t to �eed�PitN Ih��_ <br /> ,_,, muudly of�h�Ind�btadnew wwwd by thU Deed of Tmst. _ <br /> l �s� �d�Buoo�uon�nd A��Ipq�Boundi Jolnt md B�v�nl lLbWryi C�ptkm.The eovennn end epmam�np hemir aaM�i»Q��7 —.-- -� <br />- - -+-- 6Hd, and�h� dphu hsreunder dwll huro-ro,the ra�p�otNO aeoeiwn and u�ipn� ol Lender md Trvttor.Ail eovenant�end -- <br /> � �lf.� praemanu of T�br sN0 ba�oNt �nd ��vud. The oeption�md hudNp�of the D��spnph�oi ehis Daed of Trv�t �n for � <br /> � oonvanlenoi enN�nd�re not to 6�u�ed to Nterprot or d�flna the provldom hamol. <br /> {e)qaquut iot Hepon.Tha pertie�hare6y roqueq thnt a eopy of�ny nolb�of dehult hareundm md�eoDy of aW noNa ol <br /> _��`,. ._ -- �ele hemunder 6e meiled te eaeh pm�y to thlo Deed ol Tmet et Ne�Adran sat fonh ebove in the m�nna Wetal6ed 6y�pD���+ __ - - - <br /> �" lew.EzaeO��or any ether noUoe mq�imd und���pplio�ble law to be pMen h rmolla�menna,�ny notleo provlded for In thb OQaO ol -_ <br /> ,, ��:. Tmat the0 be pHm hy ma'J�9 Nch nmiee by eertNlad me0 �ddmaad to Iha otha D�M�e�,�t th��ddro���et fonh�bov�.My <br /> - ""`-4: notioa D�oWdad for B thb��ed ol hust�hall bo e(feetNa upon moIMO N Ihe manner dedpneted hereH.11 Tm�tot 4 more lhin on� 'm„ <br /> -�'r, ui�'r:' _ <br /> �-��t�f<<; Parwn,nolke sent to tha�ddrow wt fonh�bove�ha0 6a notiee ta dl wch persone. <br />%�'�-n�r�x� � 14 In�p�olion.lender nry m�ke or o�u�e to be mada roasoneble antda�u0u�and N�peotion�of th�Propsny,O�avlded IMt _ <br /> -..�,�a:..__..,�•_ ° _ <br /> - -;•,j;•+� Lendu�hW pNe Trv�tor nofloe v��or to any wch Mspwllon�pwityiny roe�ombla oeua�1herofor ret�tod to lt.ide/o 4ttemtl In Ne � .----- - - <br /> 1._'t� �0pary• _-- <br /> A� .':- IpI fl�aonwY�no�. Upm paymant a} e9�um�uwwd by NA Ueed oi Tmtq Lender�he0�pue�t Tmtt�e to teonnveY�� E'i�=� <br /> .,;e�:!,y,',,JS ProOarry�nd shdl wrrendu thla Dead ol Tu�t md�0 nom�wWanoNO hdabtadnoas�awmd by tAla Ueed of Trurt to Trvtt�e. ` <br />= - z � Truite�ahdl�eao�weY th�P�opuN�lhout wunntY hd without cher0�to Ih�Dar�on or Deraon�IoOally ontfq�d lh�nto.Tfuator Y;�'�. <br /> ' �hel pry�0 w�u ol rcoordnbn.If mY. •. <br /> :.`_ <br /> i' 4 a�� -� Ud Vrt�ontl Ptoputyl8�wdty AOn�mmt.A��dditlmel�aomiry(or th�peymant ot the Note.Trvstor hu�W Oqnn Lendv unda C _� <br /> :'�'- �h:Nebr�ete Unllem�r=mmeru_I roe�e e•�nity ha..•r�.en mm.a.,eq��pme�4 ene om.r oe�wnd propanv med H aennaotbn [ - _______ <br /> $ - - wilh the roal�atete or ImD��unanb loeeted Iheroon,md not othawiea daolamd or daam�d to b�a pert ol th�md ol�te�eared - <br /> �_ .. <br /> hewby.Thi�Hs4ument�hdl ba eonstmed u a BewJry A9raement under uid Code, md the Lender�ha7 hrve all tha dphU�nd '�r .,_ <br /> �^'�ti.4'".� remadia�o/��acumd De�N undrt�elA Code N addiROn b the riphb�nd rem�dia�orontW under md eaao�dad Ihe LendR purtuent :4t.�•�.�; . <br /> �� '•.-t.'�:" �o�hb Dead of Twq Prorid�d ihat Lmda�'�d hn�nd remodin undar�hb panpmPh�hell be aunula�Ne wifh,and h no w�Y• �:i4i'.<��-_ <br /> ' t -�,V� Gmiution on.Londer9 d9hu end runadlo�undo�eny o�her�ocmtY ayroemant aipnad by Borcowar orTmsro�. "'� I ,�r ,� <br /> ' �:�` lil Ll�n� �nd Enoumbnno��.Tm�1or heroby wemnu enE npreaonu that �hem 6 no del�ult under the D�aWWono of any - =!:�J� . <br /> -' - mortp�pe,d�ad ol lru�t, le�ee or pwche�e wnlreot d��a@inp ell or my O��t ot Iho Properry.ot other oontrnot, N�Wment a ;-i�,_E7 __ <br /> ,'k%..��,iJ;,;.,` a0��ement con�UWM O IiN 01�OWI116qlICO C eM��dl or anY G��t ot 1he ProPertV IeoYectNe. 'llan�'1.exinh0 a�of tl�a d�te of '- F.+`�.-:��'::.-�. <br /> 0 0 i:5:;l.J:v.'i<:._�.. <br /> �-1 =! tM� Dead ol Tru�6 and th�t eny and a11 axistinp Lim� romdn unmo0itied except m diseloe�d to londer N Tlutlor'� wdtten . Y � f �;. <br /> ��-- . dl�ebwro ot Ilona and mwm6uneoa pmvldad for hualn. Tustor ehdl tlm�h Gedortn all ot Tmttor'� oblip�llom, eeven+N�. �q-� <br /> :;;r,��y -.�Y mpruent�tlen►end wmrm0e�vnder�nY a�d ell exiatnp end futum Liono.,hell pwmptN�o�ward�o Lander eopie�of etl mfko ol •; E r,� 'S�• <br /> '1 - deleult�anl in oomocllon with enY �nd ail arltlln or lumro llam.and �he:l not wilhout Londu'� O�ior wrRtM wn�enl In�nY '��'��'•"-}�=•' <br /> m�nner modiN�he proWdon�ol or�:low any hturo eM�nee�under any exiNlnO or Iwvu Lim�. xr t.. <br /> U7 AOP��bn o1 V�ym�nt�.Unlou otherei�e wquimd by�w, svm� peid ro Londa hamundar, IneNdlnO w��houl Ilmi[elbn ��'"� � " <br /> _i .- 'n;'-_i•'::- p�ymann ol Princlptl and hl�roa6 inwmn<e Proaaatl�,wndomnnion prooaads enE ronU�nd prolil�.afidl ba aODliad W lenda to -+�..�`_, •:; <br /> �-� the amovM�duo end owNp(rom Truaror end borrower h rveh o�der u Lenda in its sola di�erolion daam�dodmbla. .+r-• �; � � <br /> _ - - - IKI S�r�n60Ny. I( eny provfslon ot thb Doed el Twet conf!leb wiih �ppliaebla �aw or h deelaud Invdid or otho�wiu _ _ .,k15 � <br /> unenloreuble.aud�oonlGe�or NveliAltY wdl rot ellx�tha ofha Providon�ol thY Dned ol Tmit or tho Note which ean ba ON�n - '�F':�.-"�r <br /> .' e > , <br /> dlect wllhout th�conflio�in0 P�evision, and w thi� md tho provision�ot thi�Deod ol Tm�t md lhe Note �w dedared 10 6� ;�: ; F-�:. <br /> r aevu�ble. �� � f <br /> 10 Tvm�.Tho tbm�'Luator'�nd'Borrowar'ahdl ineludo bo�h dnpular ond plural,�nd whan No Trvstor end Bormwer era th� , <br /> '.-31 ,`•• , �eme De«onbl,tFO�e mrm�ee u�ed In thi�Doad of Tmn Mell be Nmrchenyee6le. �"8.����`�3"""- <br /> � '".f�. "y,:l'.'•, <br />"1:�'.�''. MI Ooveminp l�w.Thr poaA ot Tmat ahall bo pova:nod by the lew�ot�ha Bbte of Nabm�ke. �,_�,.��.__. . <br /> - Tm�tor ha�eaewted Ihie Deed ot Trvtt e�of the tleto w��lan�beva. �'� <br /> �.n��f'��� ,rt_ <br /> �Ro'n1ald J. Soe�� T nor 0 � - <br /> ! �l �-�r a. i'/� �-M�LLGL- _ <br /> _ /J�an M. Socha Tm.�er i <br /> i .. _ � > <br /> k - , <br /> � `��j'�/'� xae xa]Ixon�c�M•�o•w1 nw IalOe <br /> '� 0 IOOB N�Ibntl O�N ol Coixnnu Tm�f�M Avinp�uublbn.LIrcW�0�4�qb <br /> - <br /> � <br />