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" <br /> ,,,. <br /> �., UkM or Q�m�qed,lepder tha0 hwe lAe oytbn In IU w�6 and�B�oM�dlurolbn,lo�ppry SA�uf�Proo��d6 el���6aduef�p fh�nlr.Qn! <br /> -^.� . ea oe�!�ena e�an±a►4�e�nea ey:it w•nb�flfOtitlF Wftfi�1fdr P�(�eNd►�UpOrt VA91id16t13ili�Y�iCUtad�hdleEy��iid,h�W�A dldff i��-•• <br /> �� �anaa�mxrnoniinr:,•onc.viH'�6�A�na�::�et�efeiaraae�ronen::tomiro►te�inanotmevropet�yJaodtu�tsi9naaioh.ay Dd _ __ _i>--i <br /> ;,-.,w L�ndB/nf�iyiJ�li�(nWi:"MY�bP'�oqtlonol�PrboeddilofddsbYddAeitl�f+e9bdl.tlktd6d�bY0a�lpeH��rdu�d�t�o/urv-,6m��n���s4"� ` <br /> • meNoli arwnirw+nr.�inn.r.unde�aFna:dnau,��(nyr���oh��ronar+epre�pea�a�+v.�ar `- � <br /> a . °. 8'ra�darmWeFE�`lA�ide�:Updh'I�ddoNittepG�'61�ITEJOOt ul'dN�uit'hera�nQlli�dl II�h�Rb 1� Iden or 1�0�1 pf9C�Idinb - - <br /> � h� oommanwdrfiieh'm�N�blN�tfeot�tenJeV��ntot�itN�hePruvmt�,latd6tme¢i+9[�oumAUonilo8,bm�vt�h6ufaDGpa�bh�dda7o-- � _ ___ <br /> �-� aod�Yflfid"ul'11611a►`t5ortlenl7�fAUDbh6uilbtlqdYA�AoUlfilOilVipTNCleI(ttfm���lyob66���oh�doiny�etwlddlfNttd�PlNd70ed - <br /> --_::-• bulfeQ�ta�HoendYneVdrodriaAyalhf/�IetUderdnY6eEei�h�(IOOfoCeoltfiddlcflAryAeibbl:`TN1tor�hfi.MmYdiltiNLpetlQaK(nd�=` '__ ....__l .` . . <br /> r'- � thm�t V 6 �Lend'or.-d�ta�Und�v"ti7 roHi tnd-�3YifiieY FfMrtred and anm�erymdad 6y Landa M-ooMO�tien vA1h�lAd�ec�ld�i 6Y"' ' . - .. - - . <br /> �-a.:t�- y R=o•,�.. �r �a <br /> -� - -�� Lend'e�ol the'toiQtlohO dOhti,tJp0l�ePwNh In/t�flt thbleort�t tl(�deGu1F rdU D�6ddaA-W iho NBte,'wh1cA-ifiYA 6���dded�0 ihb"`'� <br />�'•�� �� " hdeb16di1a�s+eeuroi tlueby.L��Ider�he4 nnl Ncv�any veONtq ti6ewtY 81 a�ryIhhp it rAaq ao m om���e doharouda�r.�-� �_ <br /> G i-�`' 0:HY3�tAou�M�ud�p:Tru�tor�Xell keap th�VroDany H corilDQenas wl�h a0�OD��oe61e IawA,atdNOlwb�inA fOp�01Wn�ml�th0 la -.. <br /> - - ;z.:3;y,-._ hdu�uid hY0lene er mv4onmEntel Oroltlotlon fcolleetNeiy roferced to hemin�a-'Envlronmentdl LIw�•1.�Tnlitor shi0 keep/h�i�o6bnl�``� __ <br /> `�k.-,�„-.,_s;': Ime froM!II su6stendo�deemed to ba hnardow or toxio under any En54cnmenul ldw�leo�emNeN rote�md lo-he�dln�i•Net�fddui"' <br /> M�rodN�'1.Tm�tor hble6y weirmn md m0�61bnb to taedar that thete�o nd Hetotdo4�-Mntedd�bn or unEGi th6 PrbpedY•'T�U►td�- � ' �, <br /> ' _s� hemtiy-eijfee�to Ndemnity end huM hnrmleu Lend�b lu duaoFon,bflteeu, employo6e and h0���:�d a�Y�uebnof� lo Lddder�l' �' -. . , <br /> ,}�, . Ntenq:from"And ep�h�l �ny md.II de4n�,dim�Ya�.le��et end IlabBitie�ed�Fp in eor.neotlon wilh the p�efenel,w�J��De�+�a�"�' " _ <br /> `��'"��""' �uro0ert el eny H����deus Metnieb an,under,Imm or alo�t the Propmty.THE fOREU0INQ WNNNdTIEB/WD flEPRE6ENTATIDN9:' �, <br />""ri�5"'Sht-- . . _ - y:_._,_- _. <br /> �- i lJJD TRUBTOfl'e OBLIOATIONB Pl1fl8UANT TO TfE F�PEOOINQ INOEMNIiY,BHALL BURVNE NECOI7VEYMICE OF`TH18 DEEO'OP' _ _ <br /> h TRUBT: <br /> •t�4 10.AWpmmmt ol R�nu.T�wtor hanby aadpn�to Lander Uu ronta,luvw md P�olip ol�h�PropartY:c�ovld�d th�t Trv.�or�h�LL � - -- <br /> S� `�4 -� um0 the oowneno�of M Er1m bl Defeult hxeundn,Awe lho dOM lo ue�bol�nd mbin Nch renU.IONe�Nd pfo1Q�o lT�y�wofn�-'- ` ._ <br /> F du�end piyaEla.UDOn the oacurranw of en Evenl of Ddwlp Lender maY,eith�r In peuon or Ey e06nt.w11A v� Nter upan tAd 1�r ' � �' __..- . <br /> a • '` �ethn Or pwcaadNp.or by a moeNlt OppoNtod by�aamt and w��hout�qatd!0 1he edequnoy ef lu uunR . <br /> � +� ' : po�U��lon ol the PropenY. ot any D�rt lhereof.In Ib awn nema or In 1he nw6 ol�the Thutae, �nd da my aoN which It deem� ,,u <br /> 7 .x- - neeeaery or desin6le�o p�a�ervo the veNe,mad��abili�y or rent�b:lity oi We P�opa�ty,or eny pn�therwl or Ntmul the�ain,NGrau� ,_ <br /> ih�hcame thenlwm or pmteat the�ewdW hemol and,with or wi�hout mkNO���he'wms,lew o'ort�and apen a�ol o�autbn end � -: r" '- <br /> Y1� <br /> Ihe mnls,luuu�nd D�afib�hereoi,Naludinp Iho�e past due end unpdd,end oppH P <br /> ,...r.,T-. eolleotlen IneNdYiO���omoya'loe�,upon mY Hdebtedneu sawmd hem6y.�N in rvdi ordai o tender mq deu�mNe.Th��nU�NO upon F__`= A` ' <br /> �? �nd ukNO Poawtdon o(lhe ProPertY. tha eollaolion of mch�ue�end pmfin end tho op9&elion Ihe��ol u doreseld.�hell not f:: ._ �_ .. . .. <br />_ .-�„a� eum or waWe eny dehult or nolleo of dolau0 herwnd�r or Nvefidale any eol done In ro�ponm to mch deteult o�pwtuant m tucA notlea : <br /> � :"�:.s'rs�:_ <br />- �:_'_�,,��, of det��dt and,notwilh�tendinp 1he wntimm�oo h�poesosAon of the Property or�he eolleotlon,mwlpt end eppiloatlan of ronU.��we�o� }, i, <br /> ! � `4 <br /> i � proflu,md T�wlee md Lander ohdl bo entillad m exercke wory dOh1 pmvid�d lor N eny of lhe lan Imtmmenq et 6y Ww upon n __ <br /> f,_ e�'C oewrnnoe of eny Event ol Peteull,IncNd'np wilhout PmR�lion�he dOht la e:ad�e 1ha power of �ab. Furthe�,LandaY�dOhu and _ _ .��—__ <br />-='Y...:.i;-:'��'r ramadB� under thi� pmoO�aDh shell be wmulallvo with. �nd In no waY o Gnitatlon on. Landoro dpht� �nd nmedle� on4er any ,._'�r�u�. —_ <br /> -"'��`���'- ewi0nmanl of lee�o��nd�mu reoorded epain�t Ihe Proparly.Lender,Trvatae end lhe rooaivor�hdl he liable lo awount ony lor thom �: c ..,,;;. — <br /> ��¢� �%-` - <br /> i.-:S�}vr:— <br /> y ` ro111�0Y1Y01t/fOCONOC. � ` - ---�_— <br /> �. �� 11.Ev�nb ol Ud�ult.The tollowFp shell oonpiwto en Event ot Detault unda Ihb D�ed ol Tm�b ; �+�i � � <br /> 1,� lal Po9um te pry e'ry InNa:ment ol prinNpd or�Maat ol my olhu�um iecvrod hamW whan due: - ��1 ���--_ <br /> -�.... Ibl A bro�eh el or de1�Wt under o�ry prmAdm oonleNed tn�ha Nma.1hb Ooed ol T�unl.�ny of 1he Loen Nslmmen4,ot�nY i�� { S�S_ .��,� <br /> r.. . �..��,.;:t. . <br /> olher Ilen or encumbrono�upan�ha Proparty; <br /> s', �e)A wdl of esaovllon or �lteehmenl or my sMilar pmwo�he�� bo enle�od e0eh�t Trvstor whleh�hell bawme�6m on Ih� ,r��fY (. ,�'.�`'�. <br /> PwPertY or enY Va�qon thamol or inloro�t ih�min: �� � �.k.;[� __ <br /> �." �d)Them ah�N be IXed 6y er epdn�l T�uele�of Dorrowar an acllon undor mY G�eun�or lumm fodanl,�lote or olher sutue,I�w f 1 <br /> �' � _ ` o��epvldian mInNO�0 6�nkrv0�W. h����a^�Y er othe� �elial tor da6to�o;er Ihom shell ba�DGoH1ed �ny tru�laa, naeNar or ,�} p - -,! T_ <br /> , � r,<�'�-. �iyuldetor of T�uator or Bo�rowv or ol NI or eny p�rt of 1he Po�pmly,or�ha nnu,i�aue�or pmlN lhereof,ot Tiuiwr ot Borto�xet � ,` F � F__' ' <br /> r - �heY meke�ny p�naml esdpnmanl br lha hmefit nl euditon; �-' ��� :ss t.'�. <br /> lol Tha�ela.U�ne/or.leeae,nd0�ent,eonvoYenee or funher onwmbmoa el ell or any pe��ot or enY INx��t In the RoPa�N. ;ry i�' L�.e. r.� <br /> d�her volunUdly or�nvohmlmiN.n'��hout tha exprow w�Nton wnsent el Lon/or,prwided Ihd Tm�tor�hall 6e pum111ed to ezocum i _ _` <br /> e le�se of Ihe Pmpa�ly�h�1 doa�net oontein�n aplion la pvrehuto�nd Iho lum of whieh doaa not eseeed ona yur, e�% �1 y .'!] <br /> :a� � -i: v <br /> f-,� UT Abendammant of�he ProD��b:a� . � -. <br />"!' !' ° l0)I�Tmttor U not en indHiduel.tha iewmeq ule.tumfrt.a�dpnmom, aomeyonee ot encum6mnw o(mom then a total -r.� .,p�-:t?{�.��.,. <br /> " ol ui� Pereent ol li/n oo�pomlion)iu It�uod and ountondiny¢tock or AI e p�tlnomhlPl�lotel of N/11 Percant ol �.:�t Sc}r` r.s__ <br /> - � � tF�'"? . <br /> � penne��hip fnbm�ls dmNp the pedod Ihis Dud ol Tm�l�an�he a Ilen on 1h�Propeny. , <br /> --'�� 12.Ilem�di��:Aeaeie�tlbn Upon qe4u1�.In�he evan�ot�ny Evenl et Dof�ull Lander moy,wilhout mt¢a ozo�pt aa roQUirod 6y t�w. -� �4 ��t - ', <br /> e �bla wuhou[�ny <br /> dad�o dl indabmdnen ��twod h�mby �o bo due end pey�blo and Ihe�am��hall lharoupon beeome due end p y � — . <br /> p�esenlmont.dann�d,prolael or noliea ol my knd.Thowalter Lander mey: ��d Tmatao ahdi �henahe� o�uw Twslor� Hrore�t �b -�°i•� <br /> � - p�Damand th�l Tm�lao exarei�e�he PoWEIi OF 9A(E p�nnlad hawin. -�- <br /> in Iha Pwperry ta bn�old md lhe pwewA�10 ba disl�Lvled,�9 in�be manna�peovWed in tha Nebwaka Tmat Oeed�Aet; � i� ; � <br /> IblExerdse �ny md oll dpM� P�ovidad br In�nYof Na Loan Inet�uman�� or bY uw uPOn oecurenee of enY Hent ot ; .. \ .�.�_`_ .. .` <br /> -- Dd�vll:�nd - . � <br /> (el Commenp en�ction w fowdow�hi� �eed ol L�ut e� �mmlp�p�. appoint a maoner,or�vaallo�W en(otm mY of the ���.. _ <br /> wvanem�hewol. in Iha Le�n � _ 4 - <br /> - No tam�dy hnein eonlermd apon or mnervad la TmHOa or Lande� h intandod lo bo ezdmno ol mY olher mmady haroin, <br /> Imtmmenu or by I�w pwviEOA o�petmilod,bul eech ehJl bo eumuleliva,ahell be in�ddition lo avery olher mmeLy plvan hereunder,In <br /> - -' Lyp�u�n�np�umen4 or novi or hemdlet eaietinp�t Inw o�i�oqmty or by etaw�e,end mey bo eae�cbad canavrmNly,InJepandaNM u� <br /> .. . s�w�saiveW. . - . . <br /> 19. Lmbe.The Tmslee m�y ud0^��a^T�'m�wtlhout couw,end londn may al any lime end wAhoai eev�e eppolnt 0 weceuot <br /> - o�tub�limm Tmsloe.Tmtlea sholl no1 ba L�LIa m eny pu�Y.�^�'+Jn.O•vi�hoal ln.ntolian Lendm.Oo�wwcr.Tm�lo�or eny puwhe�a ol <br /> Iha P�operty, lo� �uy bu o� dam�pe un:e�� dua lo mcYles� o� willlvl moconduct, md W�oll nol be mquimd to leku eny eel�on In ' _ <br /> . j wnneetfon�ilh!he mlm�amcnl o111sis Pned ol T�uvt anln+�ndam�0� w�ilin0.�o�ell eo�u,eom0en�elion or e�p�me�whieh m�y <br /> ' 6e esweleted themwflh.In edduon, Tmsleo mey beeome e pwdmcer et eny�ele ol Iha Pmpe�ry �IuA¢�ol or under �he powa� ol u�o <br /> " _ p�enud herain):poalpone Ihe sele ol ell or eny po�lfon o11he P.oporty,e�proviAed by bw:or�ell Ihe Pwperty o�e whola,or in sePU�ro <br /> ' pa�ceb O�IoU et Tm�fee'�di�cretion. T u�toe�hNl ba enti�led to�DF�Y eny w:e <br /> f 0.Fe�end E�Penu�.In tha�veni Tm�toe selb�6�P�oDO��Y�Y a+aci�o ol powo�ol salo, � <br /> � pmtted�In�t 1a p�ymant ol oll co�u end n�pen�o�of e:a�d�u.p Powa�ol �eL.indad'u�p e:l Lmtae'�lee�.ond Lendai�md Tmslei• <br /> � . eumneY�1���,¢Wa:M����'ed lo extenl Ponnnled bY e0V4cable law.In tha avenl Bo�rower or Tfuator�s�rcise�enY�ipht pmvided bY <br />__—__— .._ ._ _.___e.�_,.,�n.�..,�. lende�d.ell be enlitled lo�eeover/tom Tmslor ell cosu ond eapense�¢lvelly incurmd e�e row:l ol <br /> im��ei�dalrvl�,inciudinp wE�hovt fimim�ion a0 Lasteo'��nd etmmey"�Im�.m tho e�mnt pe�m�ned"oy avn7�=e�p�_�. <br /> - 16.fmure Advmea�.11pon ma�esl ol Bortowe�, lenda mey. ot iu opbm.make eddilioml end lulwo edveneea and madvanee�m <br /> • Bo�wwec 6vW edvmee���d nedvencn.wnh inmmal �hmeon, clm�l b�eew�od 6Y�����naad ol TmsL Al no Ima shtll the pmr.pd <br /> � emounl ol�he indebledneu�ecu.ed by thi� D�ed ol Tmal,nol indudinp um.��dvaneed 10 pwleel Ihe �e<unty ol 1hi�Ue�d el Lv�l, <br /> eaw�d tho o�ipfnol p�ineipel unounc statad ho�e'v�.or� t0.0�����ova b proele�. <br /> • _y . : <br /> � �I <br />