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<br /> ,����-� ���" �.(�4a:�+� - _ _--
<br /> ::n. NpN•llNiPpBM C()VGNANi9,tiprraw�r�nd�.cncta-R�rr.hrs c��cnn+it e+ic���rcc us fullotiva; —_____----
<br />' -�= - ` 19. ATSCier�tlun; IRe�+edlr.�. I.cn&er ebaU aiv�r�ottc�r Rn R�rroMer prtar to�cceler�tlon t�iluwiKs l3orcawer'o q�_
<br /> --�-� ° � brtACA of a�y c�rengnt R�'�tu'��eef In thiw t�urlty An�Arkatt�At tbut nct prlar ro�rcderMton uRder p�er�gr��1��13 und ly �_.
<br /> ���.:__� �� —_— .- --
<br /> u�less y�llc�trEe l���r�Yldca uthn�rMlxe).'fho nolic�p��41 n�if;tt 1e)tha daf�ult;(b) Ihe astlo�rtqa�ced to car�e the
<br /> - , dtfaulli�c)s cl�te.aot le±a t��t�4�y�t�t►�+tAa dtto tl���onilne ds Bi+rt�n to Bor�uwev�Uy whtcA th�d•af�ult tnu9!Dc rurrdt �-� -
<br /> -v __-, aRd(�that tKllure to cura tht��ctANit a�ar bef��a Mc ctstta��tH1(n t�e e�c►tke�w�r Ees�it t��tccter�ti�n cf thr_.Kum9 � _ - -
<br /> _�� ` -� eecneed b y tht�fiecuNly in�trumcat�nd i+wt+a aY iAe i�w�ha:y.'�t Roit:e al:xll fust!!ee I�itorm liarrar+er of thc rltl�t ta �_ _
<br /> reia�¢a�a���e��a:.:ejcii��ii'rii Fii��►;`•.-.�.����--.'^�!'C!�!!!��'.'—'.�L-'����:7t Na C�ui�•4fi�S��Aw 8i�i di,iQN l l OT Ntly t1 t A C C
<br /> -� ' � delenae of Barrower to accclRrntlon�nd wl�.It t6e dtt�alt(�rnf t:tti�a�nn ar betare tAa dste s�crlficd In the nuitce,ft.endep _ - __
<br /> .�_ �} �- t91h opttan may ca�ulrc bn�te�tiwta po►ymeat in R�i)ut a!!num'�${rui�by ihit �tcKrNy In�teuanent wlthuut turthcr �t��, .�.�
<br /> "•_�: �'� den�and�nd may Invoke tRe poeer of�la u+d rny otht:e ve�ne•�lit�:�(�r•�mlflyd by oppficAble I�N.U:ndcr shAll be entiNcd to _ .� f�� - �
<br /> . �� �-r,;::_
<br /> —�- � collECt All exprr�se� Incarred ln purRUtng tsa n�ne�lttrr ptv�ridi�t� in t61� parrg�aph 19. including, but not Itmltcd t�� _ , _ _
<br /> - rcaso�n�bla�ttorneye•trR��nd cast�oi t#tle o�tdeece. �` - :.
<br />,,,� '*_ � It the gowcr ot splo le InvokcA,Truvteo ehsll recvr�p i�ncttice ot defaalt in each cQanty in which any prrt ot the �. `-�- - _
<br /> �� P ro�t c r t y(a l o r�t e d o n d s6 a1)m�l)co pic9 of Ruch notis�in ih4���naCP prssc�ibcd hy app!lcablc law to Rdrrowcr a��d to tho
<br /> �!•-:� F� other persong prescrtbed by opp11G�6la I�w.After thu da�n��qui�d by eppltew6le law�T�ustee shAU Rlre puDlic not ice o f _; , '
<br /> - ' sale to tho persons and in Ihe mftnac�presc�lbcd by�pp11�:►l�In lnw.Trustee.without demand oH Borrowcr�ehwll sell the ����:y ,
<br />_— Propeety a�t pubtte Auctlon ta tAo highest bldder st th��tlnta rtnd 6�1�ce nnd under tho terms designated fn the aotice at sale in � .
<br /> , one or moro psrceis and in Any orde�Trustet�deteorttlnc9.'�►�s�t�e aieY WStpono sale of oil ar any parcel ot tha Pn►peny Dy � .• .{
<br />��; . � publQr�tenounctment�t tho dma and pleaa ot ony �n�vlAU�1y e�hccluled s�le.I.ender or i�s designca muy purch�se the ,
<br /> _-� � � , . PropertY�►t any a91e. , -��:
<br /> � U{so� recelpt ot ps�yment af thn prico bid,'IYus"se ahid) deliver to thQ purshaser Trustco's decd conreyinR the ��.
<br /> �" property.The recitals in th�:T�rugtco's dacd shall ht�prl,me[A�ia evidcace oi tAe truth ot the stAtements mude thcrcin. -,.,�.
<br /> .,,�;� " ' Twstco shaU ap��ly the proceeds of tho s�f�tn the faUnrelnn�r�l�at:(A)to all expenses of the sale.i�cludiog.6ut nat limtted � -_--
<br /> `�.=%�- . " tM Trustca's fces t�v percetttstl by appti4'st[s!e 19w pntl��eRSar��tbla attoraeys'fces;lb)to all sums secured by this Security • .� ��"
<br /> � .�,-_�
<br /> ":;:, .. losl�ment;and(c)a^sy excc�a to tho perso�or personu le,�s�11Y�ntttled to it. - __.-
<br /> i� • ' ' Z0. l.e�der in Pos.SCSRfo�e.Upun acceleradon undc.r ptisaprpph 19 or abandanment uP the Yroperty. Lcnder(in � , _
<br /> . . ��vn,by ngcnt or by judir.ially np�ointed receive�)a;hfil)I�a�cntided to entc�upon,take pp�session aP and m u n a�e t he ` �
<br /> _ ' � Yro{�erty nnd to collect the rentfi oP the Propeny includinp th�t�e past dua Any rents callc�:tec1 by Lender or the r��ceiver `_#
<br /> � shall be applied flrst to pAyment oP the easts oP mt�.a�Eemcnt nf ehc Aruperty und collecuon of r�K�ta,including, but not i .. _-_
<br /> ' ' ' limited to,recciver's Pces,premiums on receiver's hc►nds and i�easanablc attornc:ys' fees,and then to�he�ums secured hy
<br /> , . tFiis Security lnstrument. ' �
<br /> � 21.Reconveyance.Upnn payment af'nll sums�ecurr.d by this Security Instrumc��t,Lcnder shall request T:u�tec to � °�
<br /> , . ` recorrvey the Property nnd�hall surrender this Seeurity insti�ument end�I)nntes ev�denc�ng debt�ecuted by thir 5ecurity ., �
<br /> Inslrument to Trurt�e.Tru�tee shnl)i�econ��ey thc PiripertY�vathou�w�rranty und withoul charg�a�the person��r persons � ,� _
<br /> _` ,. ;•, lt�slly en!i!lesf tu it.�u�h 1N��nn�r herso�Ls�x11�ay any recordt�lion cocts. k ' - :
<br /> , : _ ,_- __ .
<br /> '! 22.Substituto Trustee.l,endc�,at its optian,mt�y fr.�m time to time remove Truttee and appoint a�uccessor trustee � ��
<br /> � • ro�y Trustec uppaintGd hereunder by an instrument rerc+rd�;1 in ihe caunty in wttich this Security InsUUment is rc*corded. �
<br /> �� ` «re^�out eonveynnce af thc Proloerty,the�uccessor trust.et sh��l)succeed to all the tide,po�ver und duties conferr�d upon �
<br /> -�-� � .�-- _ Tnutceherein�ndbyappiic:►blelaw. ----- -
<br /> -_- - � -.- �;
<br /> ' 23.Reque�t [or Notlse9. Horro�ver requrnts thFn �:o�iGS oP the notices of dePault and salr be aent to Borrower s ,
<br /> a�dress which is the Property Address. �
<br /> 24.ltiders to this�rrurity In�trument.IPnnr.nr ma�r,riderc are cxecutcd by Bormwer and recordcd together�vith ;
<br /> ��!'�'•'� tAis Security Instrument,thc covcnnots and agceemcnts of t�ach such rider tihal)bc�n�-�s��oruted into and shnll ame.nd and ;
<br /> •'��� • supplement tha co�•enants and a�reements uP ahis Scr:urir.y Instrumcnt as if thr �ider(s1 were a part nf this Secu�ity �
<br /> , , . Instrumcnt.[Chcck applicAblw box(es)J �
<br /> '� '� � r] Ac��astablc Rato Ridcr � Condominium Ri�1er r; 1-4 Family Ridcr
<br /> ..j� !
<br /> �_��"��'� � [] ar�du�tcd Paymen� Rider ❑ IPIunnMi Unit Develapment Rider ;
<br /> ,.;,,�ri;:,;, .
<br /> ' •�ti;';'�� � nthcr(s) [spccit�j Acicnowledmc�mnnt a£ Puc:er of Sale �
<br /> �
<br /> 1 �.. . ,__.. _..._.. I . .
<br /> � BV SIGNINCi BE4ow, Horro���er accepis and AQiCCS to thc termti and covennnts contained in this Sccurity � '
<br /> Instrument and in any ridat(s)e�ec�+ted Cy F3i�rrowG�'nnd recordcd with it. ; �
<br />, ,
<br /> V` ��. �
<br /> . ....... ..�.�,°.�. .......�1�...............(Si ctt) .
<br /> . �O�CYt �. �0�50 --GCr•:we. ,
<br /> �
<br /> _ ,
<br /> " "f...����tn"^
<br /> _ �
<br /> (Seat) ' �
<br /> ..uf..cl..�..�„"�,-...'.:'.:.. ... .... ............... ,
<br /> �: LaVonne L. Rosso —ao�rower
<br /> . �Spaw Batow Tna lmo For AckeawkC�mert] �
<br /> - ----•-
<br /> .- - --- - NGAItA�tCA
<br /> .. ST'ATB OF ................................
<br /> COUN'I'Y OF ...�:L....................... �SS:
<br /> 1
<br /> t j:
<br /> 'I'he faregoin�intitrumcnt ����e ackno�vlc�iced hefore me this....s�.. . - '' ��"-` �•••��•��
<br /> o � ........
<br /> ..... ...(a�;. �.
<br /> by ............Robere, E. Ror�ao ��nd [.uVc�nna 1.. R�960......................................... .
<br /> ...... . ... .... ...
<br /> (pCrson(r)ackno�vledging)
<br /> ������
<br /> a�rntw iwac�r
<br /> My Commission expires: �L�Nq�7 ` ���y�
<br /> rro■.a��►�t t�e
<br /> ...�.���%..�--�. . . ..............cs�t.)
<br /> Notary Publ
<br /> � This in9trument ��•as preparcd by.........Gl�[tdu.Luad�re ...................................... .....
<br /> .... .......
<br /> ..
<br /> '� _ _
<br />