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<br /> lP Lcnder rcquirrd niurtge�e insu�ancc as a condiUon aP mzking the ta�n sc:eureei t�y th15�i��{�y Ins�ri�meESt, ��- � -
<br /> � Dorru�vcr shall pay thc p�cmiums rcquired to maint�in thc inyu►auice in zflect until ruch ii�nr,ae the reryuicermnt fur the - '"�'
<br /> _ - � �:., ._ — .
<br /> -- _ � insur:mr�Eet�i►i►tat�in accascllRCC 1L'11h�L1tT(ttVEC�9 Ati(I�.2tt(��!S EYCittC[!ii�i�'ritirnl��r u�1p11caL1a�a�. F:.. _ . . - �-_. . .
<br /> 8. Ins�xction. Laidcr ur ito iigcnl miiy make rcnsonuble cnh�icy u{xm und ins�,ccdans oPthc Property. I.eaJer '� ,
<br /> ehnll give Hurr�»��cr nrnice nt the time��f ur prior te�nu i��spectian specilying reasc�nable cnuse fur the inspection.
<br /> 9. ('midemnetlon. The procecds aP uny nwt►rd or clnim fus dami�gcs,direct ur consequcntial,in a��nnecUon with -
<br /> nny condrmni�tian or othcr tuking of i�ny p�rt nf the{'roperty,��� for convcynncc in li�:u oP rnndemnntion, are hcreby
<br /> . . :�ssi�ncd cmd shnll hc paid to[.cndcr.
<br /> In the e:���nt af n tatal Inking of the Pmperty, �hc procceds shnli be;�pplicd to�hc sums secured by�his Security �
<br /> Instrumen�,«hcthc���r n��t ehcn duc,�vith nny cxcess paid to Horm�ver. ln thc event of u pnrtial tnkina uP thc {'rt�perty,
<br />' � `' urdcss Rorro��•er nnd Lcndcr othenvise agrcc in writing,the sums securcd by this Sccurity 1nslrument shull bc�redu�ed by
<br /> the omount oP thr prcxccd� multiplied by the follmvi�g frnctiom(a)the total nmuum af tha sums tiecured immccliately
<br /> � beforc the tuking,di��ide�i by(b)the fnir mnrket valuc of the Property immcdicitcly befiirc Ihe t��kinp.Any bulancc sh.�ll be ,
<br /> pnid to 8ottawcr.
<br /> • IP ihc�'raperty is ithundoned hy Horrrnvcr,ar if,c�Rcr r.ivr,i��;hv 1.endcr t�Hnrrawer thut the condemnur oflers to
<br /> ' m��ke an a�vn�d��r scttle u claim far damagcs,Barrower f;�its t�*r��;�>��3 t�•l,ee�drr.�vilhit►30 d,�ys after thc dcuc thc nuticc is ,
<br /> • � givcn,l.�ndcr ix nuth��rir.ed to callrct�nd npply the prcx.��yi:.�.e:�rr!i����cithcr tr rrstaration ar rcpuir��f thc Praperty ur
<br /> Io thc sums srcurcd by this Secu�ity Instrumcnt,whethcr rr e>>�t t5cn wuc.
<br /> Unless l.ender imd Harr�nver othenvise t�gree in a�ntehs;,nn�;1^�licatiun ef pracceds to principul shaU not extend or � • �.;; � °
<br /> p o s t p a n e�h c d u a d u t e��P t h c m o nthl y pa yments refcr�c�d to in�+ae���ra��hs 1 and:.�r chun�e the amaunt af such pAymcnts. ''.'�.' ;; _._
<br /> 1p, f3arro�vcr Not Released; Forbcarance �v Lensler ���Y a �Yuivice. �xtension �f thc iime fur paymcat �r I �'� ,' '-
<br /> modiflcati�m aP amor�ir.a�ian of the tiums secured b�thi���tiari»• Instrunzeae �;ranted by I.endcr to;�ny succcssor in ; �, ;
<br /> ��>'�`��� intcrest of Rorri���•er shal)not��peratc to relcase the Id;ibitiir of thc.�riginul h�c+rQr»;r��r Horruwer's succesxrrs in interest. i,' •.
<br /> ''f�'� ` I.ender �hnll ni�� be required to rommence praceec'in�cs uga�nst c+::�s�ace���rr in intere;� or refLsc ta e�tec�cl time fc�r ,�.
<br /> '.;,` .
<br /> ..: pnymcnt ar ather���ise modiPy umartizution oP the sums securc�h�•ihis 5rcurity In+trumcm hy rcasun��f un�'derttvnd m�.de ��� _
<br /> by Ihe a�iginnl Horrawer or Barro�ver's successurs in imerest..�u��t:r:�arance hy Lerider in exercisin�an}•�ii;`t1 i�r rem;�eiy , �•
<br /> shall not be u��•i+iver af or prcclude the exercise af am c��ht ar reme�'�. ,
<br /> 11, Successara and A�sslgns Aound;�Qiart a�������cral l.tu�+ility;Co-cF,��;�crs. The cavrnants anc!;����Ctt1N111Y OP
<br />`;�`` '`` this Seeurity Inctrum�nt shiill bind and txnefit thN s:;-..�+�ers an�aca:ens c�f l,ect�;r und Hnrrower,su�,�eet Qu tlt,E.rv��isi�•rs ;;
<br /> ' af paragruph 17.porrawer's caven�nts ai:d abreemen:s shall tn;�:ir.c•and severiil.Any Norro�►��r�vh��catii�ns th�x S��ur►.t.y � �. � .
<br /> � I��trumeni hut does not executc the Nr.c:(u)is ca•signing this Se.arity Inst�ument anly�o uirrtgage,grant:�nd�vevc}' ;,•
<br /> � ' _i ,.
<br /> _-
<br /> thiU I3orrrn��er'�iraerc�t in the Pmperty under the terms of'th�s 5ecurny Instrumeni;(b)is nm perscmafiy c�bii�;atied io p��a� ---_ -; . -_
<br /> thc�ums sccured by this Securiry histrumem;und(c)agree.r that l.rndrr an;i a^y uthc� UurruN•rr ma} c+gr�e to e:xlend. i 1
<br /> .��, . madify,Panc�:►r or mukr:iny uccommcxiation��vith rcgard tc�thc trrm���f�[^i�.�e;uriiy Instrumcnt ur thr ti�+tc without � . �
<br />:;�;�.T���=—� � t�ai S;�rr�.u•c;'s::.r•,::;;:. _ --
<br /> • 12. l.oan�hnr�ey, 1f the loun,ccu�ed hy Q►i+Se�urity L��Srum�nt ia subject to a I:i�+.��t•hich set5 mM�tcreusn!e•_�n ��
<br /> chargc�, .md th,u la��� i, finully interprctcd sn that the intcrc�t ��r uthrr loan �h:�rgcs ci�Urctcd ur ta lk crl!,ct«i in .
<br /> ' rnnncctiun with thc luun exreed the permitted limits, then: (al any rurh luan �hnrge +hi►II bc rcducrd l�� che amownt
<br /> necessary t�,redurc thc�hargc tu the permiued limec:;�nd(b)an}•�um.alrcady collected Pmm 13orrawer�.h�c'h r�reeded '
<br /> • . permiued limi�ti���ill hr refunded to por�����'er. Lenucr mu)• chc��r tu make�hi�refund h}• rcducing thc pnnripal owed
<br />' undcr the Notc ur hy making u dirrrt paymem to Aorro«•�r.Ii'a rcfu�id reduaw princ�pal,�he rcduonon will hr tceirted ur a
<br />� pariial prepaymem��•ithnut any prepa�•ment charge under�he No�e.
<br /> � 13, l.c�i5ludun AffecdnF I.ender's R1FMs. H'rnaclmcnt ��r cxpirati�m uf.�i�ri����ni� lawti hati thc effect uf
<br /> rendering uny pruvitiion��f the Ni�te ar thi�Serurn�•Ins��umeru�mcnParc�ahlr acu,rd�ng��,nti�errn,.Lender,at ity��pn„n,
<br /> :� ma�• require immediat� ��v�•mem in fuU af all.um� �ecurrd hp ih��Seeunty �c�.ttument :uid ma}� inw�ke an?• remedieti
<br />,,,,`;;._•' permiucd hy paragraph la.Zf Lendcr excrcises this opti�m,l.cnd�r tihaU t�kc tlze�:e��yperificd in thc�ccu�i�1 par:�graph af
<br /> . pa�ngraph 17. .
<br /> 14. Notices. An> nuticr to Ha�rri���•er provided ti�r in thi.�:ti�s^t�i.-�:ri:menl+hull hc g��cn hy d:li�eriog tt��r hy
<br /> • mnilinF it by flrtit class mail unles� ,�pplicuble law require� u.r��h'�r.�-�e� -":�hixi. �fhe ni,ncc ,hull br dirrca��d to tl�e
<br /> ;.�,; Yrnperty Addrr�s or as.othcr addr�+�8orrrnver dcyignui��b> �'rr.x�_�Lr,�.�-. Any n��tuc t„ l.�:ndrr�hatl�r gt�cn by
<br /> ':;,;� � flnt class m;�il to Lrndcr'.addretiti�tated hercin or any othcr add���t.tirdcr��c....nut«h}nnticc t„Hurrnaer. :'1i�} noti�u
<br /> , pravidcd f��r in�h�s S��4n�y In.r•trumem shnli be dremcd ta ha.r t�.�c�s�•rn r��1�;.�rr���vrr�u I.�ndcr«�hcn given u�prcwtdcd
<br /> : �� ', in thiti F�e�`�Taph.
<br /> 15. Governinp l.aw;Sever�IrtLi�:v, Thi.r 5ecunt�•I���cru�*��e-:,haU hc�:i��crncd h} f�d�ral laa•and thu I:iw of ihc
<br /> jurisdicuon in���hich thc Nroperty�,I�xated. ]n Ih��e�•en�th:�i an� �rcn•i�ion�+r clautic�,I'ihiti Sr�urn� Intitn�ment or the ,
<br /> Notc cunflicts witi�applicable laa•,such conflict�h:�ll nu[aBect othrr pro����uri.ui ihi�,5ecuruy Intitrument rr the Nc•t�
<br /> �vhieh can he gi�en eflect��•nhout the conflicting pru�•i.fun. i"���hi,rnJ the{�ro•.��wn���f ihi�5crunt� Intitrumcnt and th�
<br /> Nolr u�c declared 10 bc tieverable. -
<br /> 16, Borrawer's Copy. Burr�r;�rr tihall he g�ven�mc��mt��rr�•�d�up> uf thr N��tr and of t hiti Srcurn� Instrumen�.
<br /> � 17. Transter uf the AroRertq �v a 13eneflcial Intcrest tn f3�rrowcr. If aU nr any part of thc Prn�+cn�• ar any
<br />-` ' inlrrr�l�n it iti,ul�rr trsmtcrred(c�r if a tkn�flrr�l intrrr.t i►i F�rrr��«rr�,��,IJ nr tr.intifcrr�d:�nd F���rro��•rr i,nr,l;i n:�iural
<br /> peroon)��nhuut Lc��d�r'+�rinr H nttrn��m,cn1. �Ct1dC!Itt.l)..11 II� �,pt��,n, rrywr:IIIIIII�'�fl;l[C p�l�tlli•Ii� n� l�uli �'f,�ii+�iiii•
<br />- seeured b��Ih��5ecunty ln�lrumenl. H����c���. �hi� opuun �hall m,� hr c�ri.ne�l h� I rndrr ii r�rr�i�r i,�•r.�hihueJ M _
<br />_. ' federal law ati ut�hc datc of�hiti Seruniy 1�»�rument.
<br /> If'Lendrrrxere��r,�h�.nptu,n. I.rndrr.hallFnrHorre,��crn�,ur.ulc��crler,ivan I�hcnnucc,huUpru��J�:►�en�xl
<br /> o(nul Ie�ti th:in�U dayti Irom Ihr date thr nonre i,drl��errd��r m:ulrei«it hin��hurli H„rr�,«rr mutil(�ay.�II.umti,�cured h�
<br /> thi�Scrunty ln,�rumcni.If H�,rrawer fa�l�a,pay �hc,r�wn,{�n�,r t,�ihr r���ir,w�,n rI'ihi���rn��d. I rndrr may �n«+I�c.�m
<br /> � remedies permineJ h�•thiti Secunt� In,irument��•ithi�ut lurther n��u.c��r.irmanJ��n I�urma�rr
<br /> ' 18.t3orrower's Ripht to Reinstate. !f}3urn,ucr mrr�,crrtaui .�n�Jnu,nti. Hnrr�+�,rr.h;�ll ii.��e thc r��hi ���ha.r
<br /> enfofccnienl��I Ihi�tierurny In,irument�ii,�„nunur�l aI.�n} umr��ri��r t��thr c.�rhrr ��I i.0�J:i�,I��r.u�h rlh��r�•rnn�i ,n
<br /> � apphcahlr law m:iy ,prcily ti,r rrm,lat�mrntl heti,rc +ale ul'thr Nn,pert� ��ur.u.�nt I�,.in� ���,��rr ��I ..il���nut.t�nc�i in Ihi,
<br /> � Scrurn� Intitrumrni;nr Ih►cn�ry uf a�uJgmrnt rnf�,rruiN thi.�r�unt} In,irumrni 1 h,�,r��m�i�u�,n..�re�hai li���trn►cr
<br /> i
<br /> (al pay� Lendrr all +umti��hirh then ��uuld he duc undrr thi� tic�unt} In,lrumcn� .�nd ihc \ri� hu�1 no .��•�rlcr,iu,,n
<br /> ix;currrd; Ib► �urc, an} d�fault uf any iuhrr cu.rnanh ��r a��rc�n�cnh. ic► ��ay� all ��rcn,r, u�.urrrd �n rntrr.mN Iin,
<br /> Secunq In,�rument.includmg. but not hmued ti�, rea�onable:w��rne�,'fcr,. and t�U t.�tic. ,u�h.icuun ,�s 1 rndrr nnay
<br />"t rca,un�bly rcyuirr In atitiurr that thc hen��f'Ihiti Srcunty Inrtrumcnl. Lcn�irr', n�:hiti ui thc {'rn{,crty .in�1 H,+i i.�urr'.
<br /> • obl�gan��n t�► pay Ihc tiumti ticcurcd by Ihiti 5rcunty In.trumcnt ,haU rnnlmur uurhaiiNrd l �ti�u rrmti�.�icmrni 1+�
<br /> Flnrru��rr,th�ti Secunq Imerument and the obhgaunns ticcurrd hrr�•hy,haU remain lully cfl'crt��c.i�il n��arrclri.iu�,n h:id
<br /> cxcurred.Hu�revice.�h��ngh��o rr�nstatr+hull nu�applq m the ca�r��f.ic�cicraUuu undrr par.iNr�ph�. I 1��r I'
<br /> t,
<br /> :
<br /> � _ -
<br />