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5,,e�. l . . .:� _ t-E ' F .t - y ._'jr <br /> � Y! ( ,J ` . - . - i s - n � ; i C 7jai .. . <br /> ; , t I y � ,�_ ( .�t � _ _' i 1- *S '� �� y e ._.._.. _'_.""' '._... <br /> l� e ' i � . ; f ) � 7 rtfti 3 - �: Y%� <br /> — � . ! r .i '. '' - , ri � �.�1 <br /> __-° . �d MkC�EM1�hL/pf0V�611t �� �. -. `. .}M�� -� �y�{1�•. /f- 'u - <br /> .� <br /> 'IelRonpw�rNotR�tq��d @xten�lonol7Rst4n►tmpoym�tormodtfa�tonot�ha�vmr�iauroaeyeqyDa�do}Tru�ear�tqd , _: <br /> y,a,,, • � 6yLmdePtesnY+uoo�(iatNN)UUtotBnnowntfh�9(�otop nbtoiN�tn,N,inpmume1 thaL��6iGtyoith�o�lpNQ, tofrowlf <br /> - - • ip4 80vpwx'�woP.n�ori h Nfkw6�w�An�hd not 6��pukb to oomMMO�Diooadhp��O�FII�uoF�1(ooN�F a j�uy la <br /> ----=' '�xnrid tLTw foip�yInint ot othe�wUe modiry rno�ili�tloitof IN rvrpi 6�wrpd_by Ihii Diod o/Truct byYinal al orly(WTOOQt �- <br /> - 'm�diOYthtorlpp�l6ortawNend9oqoiy�h�uowNOtrinNtxul., - - - . ., •- . <br /> ,��.� ' -- @I i�qdx'p ibwat."Without�+I�othq Ih�8eDC11Y dl riy otM�pmoti 1401��for th�biy�ent ol�ny o6lqatlon.AHekf m�o)knH, �- <br /> — ond wip�aut ifholMO t�a�xi or ohuy�of th4 Oaed of Tryrt uDOn ar/ponbn ot ths Properry�ot 11xn�i.lh�r�tofaqfdlud��,, . <br /> — ' � - ieCUd1Y for th�fuli«nounl of�fi unp�b oWi9t0on�,lx�Qa m�Y.fraA tin�Co iFn�end wRhoul nallq(�rdiilb.iqY PN1b�10 .` <br /> -�--..t'R"-�=� 0�61o.iN extand�he m�NdtY or dw�nv of tha tertn�of enY euM eb9p�tlon�.(181 annt otAu hJUtgene�a._fivl nb�i�or rwcn"v�y� _ `,--.- .� .-.�. . <br /> � "'olo�uoto6�/�A�i�dol11o0nv1Y�d6f�nYlYOS�IIenAe1'�oPiknfllyP�reol."oort or?YoWhaP�o��rclJlidc�9fJ ►Miy <br /> � other�ddRional nanitY for�nY otllp�tlon hmin mmtlonW,or lvp m�1�aomyo� bHii.d}tdAi�LYNf��t�ij1�1 Ith �Et9n}� . <br /> � rob�bnfhento. �,Ki7'.�NQ�•YJ3qi1111 � - ` . ^ . <br /> � �^� lel ior6�r�na py l�ndw Not�Wdva.My fae6eeranos by LenEe�In�zarcW 7S! �'d d1/f0 o�hnwN� ---- <br /> , e(lordad by�pD�bU law,eh�l not ba a w�Ne�of or pr�oludo tho exercNe ol any e`G i {o r a `s'B rxnx�l 6f <br />�+=��"f��F�t h��mnoe m�h�ponnent ol texe�or o�hn Cm�or aharpae by lanEer�he0 not b�s wdver ol LenAeY�rlpfit to_eaadmt}N� '• <br /> h�_ 4 metudly of O�e IndebteEno�i seeuroA by thb Deed of Tm.t. ' - �� � - � <br /> .h--a° (dl tuu:caaa�d A�Nyn�Oaund:JoL�t ma QnvcrY U�bNtY:Captlon�.The eovanante md¢Oroenenb hwot�ca7tsYio�ehtll �. ' .._----•--�..... .- <br /> '-'��- y=�Y' bind,rnd tho riphT�hu�und�r ohdl Y�ur�to, th�ra�peotM� �uaae�wm end aetpro ol Lmda ond Tiu�tot.M aovemn(1��nd <br /> ��'�`°�"���- apwemants ot Trv�tor fie0 be Joht end �aveml.Tha oaptbn� u�d hsedhp� of the p�roprovhe ollhis Und of Trutl u�for ---- <br /> - - FV?, ; <br />?`�-il"�i-'�;; aonvenlenoeonhmA�ronotto0eu�adtolnterorotordefinetheo�ed�bnehereo6 — <br /> -`r-.f,4-i_�s;�� fe)R�qu�n ter Notlou.The penle�haroby ieque�t thu a eopy ol any naqoe of dofault hmeundar uid a oopy ol�ny notk�ot —_�-- <br /> :;.���'rt-��rt� �elo herounda�Ee ma�ed lo aoh peny to thb Oaed ol Tm�t at the eddree��et fortb�bove N Ihe memer D�e�wibtd by�pD1AUEb —--� <br /> ;��.-�F°>S,? law.ExeeD�(or�ny oNer no�loe requlrad under applb�6b law to 6e ONM In molher menner,eny nmia provWed lor 1�Ihb Dwd o) <br /> ,.,{�r�:_.. <br /> � _ Twt�hell b� Owen by madnp�uch notlo�6y oertified me0 eddrwW to Ne other O�rtfe�,at Ihe eddma tN forth�boyl.My --- - <br />�' 7�S'�i�, pawn�notle��ent t h'e dd ees e't fo�th bave'ihe0 6e notbe 10 IW�oh p�eon��daaqnerod hareh If Tnator b mor�Ihm on� �.- �- <br /> �r .,�� (f1 1mp�elion.Lender mry meke or aeum to ba m�da meton�ble entrla upon and Intp�etions ol lha Propqty,prodEed iMt � T <br /> I anda�h�Y pW�Trn�1m nMino pdnr�o�np.��1J.Y�.pontl�n epeeilylnp ree�nnebb oeuw�h�rslor rolate3 to Lmder'e Intr.est!t tM --- - <br /> +`fi:';S`.:' FroPetlY. —- - . - <br />�j'��`S'`--s�' p yment of a0 aumc�awmd by tM1N Daed ol Truat, Lendor Y��II raquat Twtae to noonvey No <br /> .. • f 1 R�oonwT�no�. UPOn Pe W�---"x; <br />_ ��'7,.;}�• ProDerty�M�he0 eurrender�Aie Deed of Tru�t md dl note�evWendnp Ndebtedno��eawnd by thb Deed oi hu�t lo TN6w. �,2;��=" <br />_ ;�:,,j:},;��; Tru�te�ehe9 r000nvey the ProDertY�'+��hout wermnly end without ohm0e ro the Darton or Oenon�tapoly entltled thm�to.T�u�tor ��`��-"•�---� <br /> �s. �hall Oey all oonb of raoordelion,if my. '�?.c :_��x- <br /> �8-= 00 F�nonal RoD��W:8�tmity Ap��m�nt.Ae eddttionel�eoudly lor Ihe peymmt ol the Note,TtuePor horoby ptenb lendar under "- �.��-�- <br />-Yi`' ��` - �he Ne6reok.Unllorm Conune�lod Code�.acudi (ntmefl In eU Iisturm,e u i` °'T' "—' <br /> �.`..:/_-_ <br /> >c.::3,.r-- Y 9 W��t.end olharpenondDroPeny u�ad h oOMeotlon ii.�!-ir�::'�� <br /> -i--r7•c�rt,-, with�he red eetate w 4nproremonu bwtad therean,end not o�herwBe doc4�ed or daaned�o be�Dert o/the roel e�leb�eoured ''-�q -- <br />-i'i!�:'+°;.:;•. hero6y.Th6 helmmant�hell be oomtmed u e Bewdty Apreemant wder.eid Code,and Ih�londer�hell heve�0 the dphN�nd ' ';;$<^=_ <br /> '�- rxndlC.-ef a:ea�red p:rty w:d:r::�CWa h:dA7iu.tG tFi��'ryLU m�B iwn6dioi vrmivd�mder end awo�JOd�hG LMtiO�pYliYNt ;-'.y� -�- �� <br /> :� to thh Uoad ol Lus1;provW�d thet lmdwY�iphu end mmadio�undrt thia Deropwpb�ha0 6e cumuYtNo wi�h,�nd h na w�y• �;�; "' -� �� <br /> � ic='� I4ni�alion on.LeMeYa dpM��nA remadia�under u�Y olher�awdlY W�ernent dpned 6Y Bo�rower or T�tor. .cv�•....t _�f.,--=�.-, <br />'�'`�'I° ie�� IO U�N NA EpW111EtNt�4 TN�(OI h�robY w������ ��d npreanta �hat Nore b no de6ult under Ihe D�oWdoN ol any i'�"��: � � <br />_ %'•�!°�,qg!;� malqepe, deed of tro�t, Iw�e or archeee eontmm dnor3h �0 or n p y ��f`•~'S''�'+ �'- <br /> P 9 Y P��t of the Pro ort , or oiher oonlmot, hoWmant a "=���y� L ';�S�7 <br /> r +��.j�,..;', a0raamont oonetitutMp a Iian or encum6renee apeinst ell or any pul of tho Prapeny(ao0ootivo,'Llens'1,exbtbp ee of ihe dals of ����'s`Y�.s':�g� �y� <br /> i t �' Ihia D�ed a�7ru�4 end 1h�t any �nd e0 �xb�Np llon� romaM unmodifled exoept e� dbolo�ed to lendor i� TrunorY wtlitan ""� � ��%�" <br /> :ir.• � ,r;d� <br /> r(.�- dbWOmm ol Ilen� end enwmbrenoe� pmvided lor haroln. Tmetor �hell tYnaly por(orm ell ol T�u�rof� oblipetlon�, oovanenb, e�;�_, � � -- <br /> �--� representetlm��nd w�rmntN�unda any end all edatinp ond futum Lim�, �hdl p�omp�ty tomud fo Lmder eopie�of dl nol�a�of �":-.p Y +u r v]R 3^ <br /> + � ; det�ul��mt h oannoo�lon wiih eny end ell e�stMp or futum Lim�,md ehell not without Lender9 lor wtltten eon�ent N�n -� <br /> M Y ��'_:?��F.:;e....:'x'- <br /> _ --+��� menner moddy 1h�prevhion�ot or a0ow eny fumre Nrencei nnder mY exIf1F0 or lutum Lima. - <br /> �r�� ��� UT ApP�ufion ot Vrymmb. Unleaa o�h�releo reQu!red by law.�ume p�W to Lmdor hmaunder. holudNp rdthout limlbtlon t�:; �� ��;i�i-. <br />_�, .,_,: ,,-� Deymanb ol vdndpel end Nmreet,h�umnee prowed�,eondemnelfon q000eds end renb and proffta,�hell be epp9ed by lmder to �;;:<� <br /> +f k }:_, _ <br /> )� F - 1he�mounb duo�nd owln0 Imm T�mbr and bormwar fn woh order e�Londu In us�ola dbnetlon doema detlnble. 1�r � ��K�.`�i� <br /> r �. IBl Swa�61111y. 11 �ny p�ovbbn of thb DeM of Lu�t aon/1bG whh �pplioeble lew or b daelerod hvNW or olherwlm ��;,t� n� Y`r�.rt - <br /> < i. unenforooebU,¢uch nanllkl or 4�veadity�h�0 no[ellem lhe olher v�ovbiem of lhia Oeod of Tm�t or 1ha No1e which oen be 0��� .r=�� 1,.M.:r,,.q_- <br /> ' elfenl wllha�l Ih� nnnfM�Y�n pmv6lnn nnA In IhN rA �hn nmd�WU o1 �Ai.Owrb n/ T.n.� .M �h. PI^!! _!f '�Y�]Wl!9 �D �" - - <br /> '^� saveubla. + :. ' <br /> � •} . .� <br /> 10 Tums.Tho lormf'Tmnof end'Ba�oaer'ah�ll inalude bolh�Npular�nd plurel,end whm!ho Trv�tor md Borrowar ere the � : �$r 7. �; .- <br /> �xne panon(d,thoee teim��a wod'n thie Deod of T�uet ehe9 be inmrchen �eblo. -� K +Ar•� ' <br /> � � a.._=�,..t_�.:��""�. <br /> � 4n1�waNnp L�w.Thia D�ad of Trmt rhell be powmoA 6y the lew�of the Ste1a of Nebrnka. � � 3 c s �-_ <br /> �i l'.`:G <br /> � Tm�ror ha�ex�atod ihle Ooed ol Tru�t u oF th�dete Wrfttm ebove. �- �; y _ ;- <br /> �-�. ' „ a ��_ � _ <br /> r ��/_ /_ €r_ • �; _ <br /> � �6�'j�L. �` �'� c <br /> T �arGERALD S. LU � � .. <br /> ,r,��� ,��/I�, � „ , : <br /> . <br /> im�mrSUSAN N.. KLU HE k ' -. <br /> {. - 'f', - <br />_' • , i - . . - _- � _ _ <br /> e ' <br /> 1 <br /> ' [�": <br /> _ ' :. <br /> �`a .'_ <br /> r= - <br /> NBC]167 Mony1leN�vd Dua�1Yr.10I8E � <br /> _ Q 1 BBB N�Ikitl B�N el Comnp�u Tm�t�M 8�v4p�Autt4lbn.lNCeln.H�bru4 <br /> 'r.(1% <br /> ""•` .: <br /> . <br /> � <br /> - '�mr.�.���.�..._� .,.�_�._.�� — <br /> __..�_.-._. �]:• - • • y �-'T.•--•: . .' ' . .'._. . � . ... . _.. __.... _.__.__._.i_. _T �._�._��_'f "�.- . _ _f___. __9 . __ . �� <br />