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. . ..r': : �^.`�• e�n.:.i��a.( -vA.: . <br /> 4J � ` <br /> � � _. _ .. . � .. . . ._'"_- � . <br /> J.2'�,� . • " ' ' �[�� :�T��!/• : • - - � • f t y -_--_..—. <br /> „ <br /> =a �1CPf�1�I3F.. . � '- , � • ` y ` <br /> � -�,.. l�kmmdeme0ed�len¢e{iMBb�v�lh�oDtionbit�tohmd�6tofuteditaetlon,lo�ODN�'JtucAProoNN OltudedvatJnothpMfi6� ` _y <br /> a�l�lA�.- -�tl aet�anA�xp�N�Y�oun�d qy II H aenneollon wkN�uoA Vrooe�C�.u0�Ny MOeDt�Ontat I���d Aa�by x�¢h�ucb md�iy , . . ... <br /> _^•„:`:�°-� Under m�y dn��ml+s,oi to�DGN�w����aod�;d�e wQ�d�ddallon►,to tA►�ntoiulon ot Ih�VraD���Y upon�uct�aon0ltton�aF� _ _ <br /> _3� luiQ�r mry Q�tNmhr.MY�DD�tieh oi roe�M�to►�d�6tbni�i�hAI nol exNnd or poitpoN N�du�d�t�ot NY Ceymmta und0� -_- __- . <br /> �.„—, N�NOt►,�orpur�mydUwltNewnC�rorhnwnder.MyunYDiRedNndeche76epaldtotmetot. - <br />_•;-�fl_�_,S� 8.ixtarm�na�6y l�edH.Vpon Ne oaowronee ol�n Evanl o/ Defautl hereundn,or 11 my wt N t�ken or b0��Groeo�EliO _ _ <br /> oommmq�d whloh m�tedlM d/0o1�lmdat'�i14ee�t M th�Vropaty,landar m�y h(b o�xn dbon�len,6u1 wNhout oLllpellon to do�o <br /> ;;��t end wlthout nolloe lo or danehd upon TN�lor md without rde�aln0 T�uator tram my o6�peNOn,do any aot nhkh Tn+rtor hn epne� �_ _ <br /> 6ut hIU to do�nd m�Y�leo do eny other�ot 11 dernf naonfery to protaot lhe�evnity heraol.TN�tor�ha�,ImmadleNry upon dam�n0 [ _ <br /> '�{r- thentor bY Nndoe,pey la L�nQer aM oofb�nd�xD�su hatn�d Md sum��mAed Ay l�nda In oonn�e�bn wilh thv�xnda�bY <br /> t; '� `�� Lendo of�ha forpoln9 dOhb,topethnr with htareft theraon�t �he deteult�eU providad In th�Nots, whtc6�h�0 be edd�d to Ns <br /> ,. f_::-`r.�uam_..:--- <br /> � hd�btedme�e�ouud ha�by.LenQet�h��not Inwr�ny IIeb01ry bsoaws o/u�yN4p R may do or omit lo do heraunda. - -. � - - <br /> � ��ii� 8.He�dou�M�txl��.Trvfta�he9 kaep the Vroperly in aomp0enos wkh�0 ipplloabte law�,ordlnmaet md tetlule�kn�mialinp to .— <br /> t, hdwulel hy0��e or em4onnentel D�olaotbn feolleothery refenad lo hereh�+'FnvlronmanPol Lew�'1.T�u�tor�hNl keep th�Vropedy -- <br /> �� ;•'���-' Ime(rom all wbrtenoe�daamed lo be heurdou�or toxio under eny Env4avnamel Lew�Iao7eotNdy ratarreA lo hereln ee'H�ardou� �^`:��_?-- <br /> �.� _�r; '_ — <br /> hlate�i�b9.T�ueter heieby weimnb md npra�ente to lonler Net Uere�m ne Hesardw�M�te�hl on or under the Vmputy. ruitor <br /> .:`,�����'�� henby eproe� to hdemnlly end hotd hertnian Lender, In dhwlm�.o(Iiwu.Mno�oY�e�md a0anu. end my wooauou la LmQa'� ��,=..m':='� <br />-'��"'-�'-.' Int�rm4 trom e�d�Oe4ut,ny e�d e�l da6nl,demepef,lo�ea�end IIaUIIiiL�e�bin9 In oonnaoqon rdth tha pmmo�,we,diepoeel or {�_r c....�.� <br /> -"��f� "- um�port of cny flaierdous M�rodab on,under,trom ar ebout�he Vmpeny.THE FOREOOIN�WAflRANT1E8 AND REPRE88MAtlONB, _- . _. —.. <br /> s��iTr AND TflUBTOfl'8 OBUOA710N8 PUfl5U0NT TO THE FOftE00Ma INDEMNITV.6HAlL 6VBVIV@ OECONVEVANCE OP TH19 UEED O► �___ _ <br /> '�t �y ,� TRU8T. ` � <br /> r,�� 2� 10.AW9�m�nt al Rentw Tmator hemby enb���a��"der lhe rmb.i��uef end protlU ol the ProOmryt O�a�ed th�t Trvetw ahell, ��,v — <br /> � +,�; um0 ihe otaurranee of en Eveni ol Uefeuil heramde/,here th�dOht lo oollaot uid rataln�uch ranlb Iteuef md D�oFlU�s they 6eoom� ?7 r <br /> ry '' due end pqeble.Upon lhe oewnenoe ol en Erant ol 0el�ull.londer may,eilixr H penon o/by eqant,with or wilhout btfipNp my t,iyi t '_- <br /> -*:y� aotlan or p�ooeedh0. o�by��eaeirer eDDOb��by e oourt md wNhout repa�d m the adequaoy ol Ile�eaudty, enter upan end pks <br /> '�i> 1 ,o Peneealon o( eM PropertY�or eny pert thareol, M ilo own neme or In the nune of th�Tm�tee,end do eny eon whioh i1 deems �'S ' <br /> �c-- •�] nece��ary or dmLebb ro proiervo eho wluo,me�kembiGty or rx��ablGty of the& env D�«�hemol or htareet tharetn,i�weero [: �s - _ _ <br /> r f j�,;?1 ihe hoome tharofwm or p�otaot the socutlty haraof end,with or wt�haut mkin0 ooesoaelm of the Pwverty,eue lor or oNerwice eo9wt .r ; � <br /> _ _„,,. { Ne rente,baee and profile lhereol,Inaludlnq tho�s peft due�nd unpdd,end�DVM�he�ame,lea�eoib md axpeneef ol o0�allon end �iN�' <br /> -'=='-=-- eo9albn hdudln0 ettomeyi�ee�,npen cny Ndebiednos�saw�ed hare6v.ail h�ueh oider ea Lender mey deto'm4�e.The entmNp uD� ;.;":__•_(-i:= <br /> �x r t �'= end tek(np poaeuion of lhe Properly, tho collaotbn ol�uch�mb,bsuee md polite md tho eppGaUon lhereof ee olomsaid,�hetl no[ ';;:,,��, ;- <br /> °•'��:''' wr�or aeNa eny delaNt or nmloe of daleull heroundor or NvcBdnta eny eot dona N rospon�e to mah doleult ot W��uent to�uch notbe . } �t' �_ <br /> -- r�y Y; of defeu:t and,notwlthetendh0 lhe aonlNuenw fn po�w�tlon ot the P�opady ar iha aoilootion,raadpt end eDD�ioation ol�enU.Iuue�or ��;` �t� ;.` <br /> ;.:.�„ pro�u,end Tm�tee and Lmder Mall be antltled to axordae every rbht p�ovW�d lor fn any of 1h�Lo�n ImbumonU ar 6y I�w uDU� s��:y�„!.�__ -`- <br /> _;; }� oavnenoa ol any Event of Defaui4 Nclud4�0 wilhout IIm1letNn the dOht to exe�aHe the power ol�ele. Furthar,Landar9 ryhu�nd -�"•i s„ - �7 _��;a <br /> ramdief undar 1hB pemO��Vh ehdl ba wmuulWe with, end in no way e ini�ation on. Lenda'� rqhu end rem�db� under �ny r.+ �S (�.�r:�;.,- <br /> - udpnmont of le��e� end renu raaordod a0efn�t the P�oDe�ty.Lander,Tm�tee nd the reaaNer�h�0 bs 14bio to aowant onp for thwe '.�t,'�Y!?;i:,;�'�!;=' <br /> - rantr eotudly woeNed. - � " c 7 � - '�!�' <br /> �c�i 1 i,fivmb o1 U�fwll.The IollowNO�ell eonftilute�n Evnt o(DefaWt unda thN Used ol Tm�4 }i�- _ <br /> p�h�7ure te pny my W�dhnent ot o�NOIDaI or Hte�eet ol any othor sum�ewrod hereby whm due: ���� s � ._.r __ <br /> (b)A bm�d�ol or deleult under eny p�ovbbn wnleNed In tha Nole,InH Oeetl ot 7 m�t,any of tfie ioen imirumani�,or my �^ t s s_-y' , <br /> � � other Ilen or anwmbmnea upon lhe Property; +�� t tnr b�\ � <br /> lol A wdt ol exawibn or etteehmmt or enV�Miur p�oomf�hell bo mlaed a0eh�t Trunor whid��hall beoom��Ilen an the _�i r �t �i_��t!? <br /> ��i-_� VroPaHY oI vry Oo�tlon thareol oI Yrtoroft themin: ^ :p -- <br /> Idl Theq dutl be(Oed 6y ar epnNn Tm�mr or Bo�rower �n eaQon undx�ny pre�ent or luWre ladoml,Hete or oiher�taW4 kw i_��`t r���r11�.;M, P-' <br /> orropuletlonnletin0�o bmWupmy, In�oNmoyotolha ntiof br deb[o� thae thellbe�p0oinbd �ny tm�lw, reoeNar or k.`4.i;.�£� •_;,�- <br /> - IlquWetor of Tmetor or Bonowar or ot ell or my pmt of�he Porpeny,or Ihe�ru,lauef or prolib ihemot,or Tmetor or Bo�rower ' .� y t _.F!�j�:� <br /> � , " thdl m�ka my Qonaml usipnmant lor lhe benolit ol emditau; �' ` �-�r;. <br /> �i� lo)The eela.trnmby lee�e.oaeipnmenl,aonvoyenee or funhar onwmbnncp ot ell or ony Pen ol or enY�1aro�t h Iha ProPO�ty. � r ri-r�!l�- <br /> _ ehher rolun4�ly or Involunmdty,wi�haut 1he exprou w�itlen oon+ent of Lmd�r,provlded�hat Tm�ror�hetl be permittad to exeaute ' � <br /> x ,, .Z ; <br /> �� ; a le�se o/the P�oOatY��i daw nat wnmtr�an aplion to pmche�e end 1he le�m nf�Joe�no[�:c�od on�y0ar, .- -. ' <br /> lll Abendmment ot�ne PwPertY:or �' � r ��( r�'��i q. <br /> (p)If Tm�tw Ie mt m Mdlridual.the issu�nca, �elo,trunafer,avi0rvnm4 eonveymeo or onwmbtmoo of more lhen �tolel � ^ ��� <br /> r - �. of ui� veroant ot 61 e oorPOre�ionl lu inuad and oummdin0 etoN or Gf�Porinenhiol e 1ob10l x/� Oomant ol ,-�M1 ` _-:�J .: <br /> 1 � perineuhip In1�w�G durin0lhe po�lod Ihb Ueed of T�mt raneim e Oen on Ne Propony. - 4 ;� <br /> f_.. 17.R�m�dlec AaaUn�ilen Uoon Dd�u11.ln tho ovonl ol iny Evont o/Deleutt Londar mey,wilhout noUCa except e��equ4ad by lew, F- i� <br /> d�eNm e0 hdobtodnoa�awwd haroby m be dw end peyeble and tho �eme�hall Ne�aupon eeoome aue �ne papui� wi�hw��q . , <br /> ptmenlmont dem�nd,proMt or notloe of eny Wnd.Tharmlror lender mey: r •>S ' �� .�� . <br /> le)Oamaid thet Tru�teo exo�d�e Iha POWEfl OF SALE pre�tod hawi+. �nd Tmnee �hell Ihewafler oemo Tm�ror'� Inlero�t I--- y r�ti 5. <br /> "( 6 U�e P�opMry to bo aoLi ond ihe pro<eede to 6e dis!•�h^!<�!.e11�.n.n m�nnu pmvNad in 1ho N�hnnko T�mt Oeed1 AN: F+_� _ � �i L <br /> - Ib)E:orch� any ond all ryM� pmvNed for in eny ef lhe loen In�lrvmonta or by law upon attv�moa ol any Even[ of �.. �';_i-.�__ <br /> Defeull:and � � :' <br /> ' (al Commenoo en xlion lo Ia�eoio�e�M� Doed of Trvat ef e mortp�p�, appoin[� mooirer,o��O���wlly enfome any of the � . _ •- ° � <br /> OOVMMb h01001. l . � J<� :. <br /> - No�amedy he�aN oonlouad upon or msarvad to Trosteo or lmdor ia 4i[ondad m be a.olu�irn of eny olher�emedy hemF,in the Loan � . - +'�_ "�. <br /> Imtmmonu or by 4w p�ovidad or pa�miled,hut eerh�hell ba eumulelivo,ah�7 6e in nddi�lon lo mery olhor mmedy pivan hereundm,in i_ , _ , ' <br /> the loan Innmmanb ar now or haronfter e.hlin0 e��w or in equity or 4y�u1N�,end mey ba exe�dwd eoncunentM.Hdapmdmlly or ! ' - . <br /> - , �voeenivoF/. � - . <br /> � 19. Trvnae.Tha Tm�lee may�mipn ot eny tMe wi�hovt ua�e,end Lender may al ony fmo end without ceme eppoint e eutte�mr <br /> - � or wb�titme T�wteo.T�mba�heil not ba lieblo lo eny pe�W.��dad"np without fmitation len.�ir.Bor�oaor.Tmator or any pueehefer of � <br /> � _ Ihe Propmly. lor my lo�� oe deme0a unlata dm to mekle+a er wlliul m�•xndvat, and �hell nat ba �oqvired to nke eny aetlon M <br /> .. - ' ewinootivn ni�i�Y�e mdo.......a.:�: 1no u�:a ai Y-ca:c�""'" .c_::...::-_.-._.a..1. �:.,d..,:�. �-mp�n+nHnn er exec�e�e which mnr � . <br />� � 6�usoWeted �haewith.In edd�tion,Lmmo may becarne a pu�ehescr e1 eny ulo oi �ho Pmpe�l�Iludieiel er vnder tha power o/eale <br />- puntod he�ainl:po�tpone 1M sela ol nll or eny Do�tion ol tho P�eperty,ee P�ov�i�d by Isw;or aell�ha GmOOrty m e whole.oe In�operote <br /> paeoh or lot�et Tuetee'�denellon. <br /> - - 14.F�u md Espen�e�.In lha eva.1 Tm�fee�olb�I.e Pmv���Y bY aYerrise ol vower o!�ale,Tmfroe she11 be entilled 10�OP�Y eny�nla <br /> � " ' p�eeead�/4�1 to peymonl el ell eo�te end aa0o^+e�ol o.e.ei�i+p power ol�e�,ineludinp all T�u�tee'� loe�,�nd Lendei�end Tm�lee'e <br /> . � e�lomoy'�leos,eelueily in�vned to eatanl pe�milled by�pp��ublo Inw. In Iho ermt Botmnor or Trurtor o�e�eisef eny�ipht pmvidod by <br /> ler 10 aim en ErYnt ol Delaull,Londor sl.ell be ontitlod�o�eeo�er Imm T�mm�ell eo�U end eiDen�m eetvelly incuned e�a�e�v:l ol <br />- � �--. � Trv�toi�ddeult,inelvdinp nilhwt limilelion all T�mleo"e end etiomoy'�fon.lo�ha oxlml pe�mifted bY epp�ieobM1 lew. <br /> - • .j 16.Futan Adrenee�.UOa��W�m!ol Bm�ower,lende���ey,el ile oplion.meko eddilianel end lutvm Mvence�md reedvence�to <br /> _ __ . . . ..._ ____"". �...�:_n__. _.�..... w.__.__J._e.w�...a..:..d <br />. _ .._. _... w�lh mle�efl morow�, me�.oo.e....... ..� .......o... ... <br /> Bmrowor.Sueh edmncea onA reativaneea. °°"..... ..' "'–""'""'-._•._. <br /> amaunt of tho 4�debtodnea�ocvnd by thu Deed ol Tws1,nol includinp mm��dvancod to prolxt 1he tocv�ily ol Ihif Dead ol Tm�t, <br />. •�,-�.- exoaed the odpind p�tr�oipal rnounl aleted here'vi,or� fO.C'�+'hicheva�It pmoler. <br /> ,}` <br /> -?i- <br /> ! L <br /> _- '._ . •. <br /> � � <br /> _"'_' "n•i <br />