1 ��1�A.< Ai� . . _ . . i - - - _` .. lC.. i .� �-::. t .r _Sj .��
<br /> _ ' '. : 1 ..��R�9Q+.�S��Y ' l�` ."_
<br /> - ' � !7 7Yensteoottbei9wpttty oraileutflclallntereatltlBo'tl�y�fbnif�liora partot�ip�Pr4D�rcycre�ry}nte[afirilt
<br /> 1�a�olQ o�uer.�ferred(rn If a GCnefldel intuest in$ottowet la sotQ nKtranshrteQ end�aovki f3 not b halurat pereun w)iAoul ,
<br /> .Lehdu's pdqc 9rtltten consent, t.ender-mey. el(U dy,tfon, r�qu1ro���i�to:yaymWt in[uU bt a11 snm9 s9a�r{�1sY?hL
<br /> ScaA►fry Insttumenl.However,fiu op�ior�ftiall not 6e oxerclso00y_Lender if excrciae Is�to6@It;d bp fedemLlewtu o(�h9 dae
<br /> of thte Sxuriry Ins�iument. . , , •
<br /> ItLenduoxercluathlaoptloa.i.endsrsheti givoBqrtowunopceofacaleretlon.lrienoficeahellyr�vtdo8pedodofnot -
<br /> Ias than 30 day�from the da:e eho nolice Is delivued or meilcd withl�whid�Borrower must pay aU sums efrurcd by thh
<br /> — 8au�iry Instmmenr,IPBorrowet falla eopaY thue sums pdo�to the aplredon of thia pulod,I.ender riSay lrivok6 euy rymedla
<br /> -- pertnitted U�y01e Soou�ity Insnumer,t wllhout[r.nLU notlee or demand on Scr.ower. ' •� • �
<br /> � !8. Rorrower'e RI�t tq ftetnstate. lf Borrowcr meea cceel� condidono, Borsowu shall have Ne dght to ve ' -
<br /> �j entorccment of thia Rawlty Iroqumert disc6ntinue0 at eny H�ptiot to tho tadlu ok (a)!day�(or speh other peN�a� • .
<br /> - . ,,. eppNcaDle law may speelfy for reinstetement) bePoro selo of the Property purcuant to auy power of cele contafped In�It _ ,_____._
<br /> -- Suudry inaeNment:or @)entry f a judgment enforcing�6fa Seeurlty Inawment.771ose coaAldoN nrp thpt Bortower.(e)Payi . .
<br /> --- -- I.ender ell ums which then�d 6e due under thie Securtty Inateument end the Noro ea 1[no aCaletatlon had-oowrred;(o) - -
<br /> __- -- -- curca any defeui[of eay othu covenanu or egreements: (c)paya all expenses incurted In enfontog thia Starity Insttume��6 -
<br /> �'� Ineluding,bu[not limited�o,rcawnable attome7a'feee;end(tl)�eicp wch eaion a�Lendu mey reasonaDly tequlro fo avuro
<br />=?5=%� tAec tlw lien of�hia&adty Guuument.Lender s dah�s In the Property end Bo[rowePe obligatlon ro pay�de sums cxurcd 6y
<br />=.'_^kys�� [hi� Secudty tnsttumen[ shdl conNnue.ur.changed Upon ro!nstatement by Borrower. �hb Sxurity InatNment and the
<br /> - --�-y±? q5ligadom cewred hercby shal runaln fully ettealve ae If no ecceleretlon had oora:ttod.However,thla dght ro relns�ate i5ai1
<br />.�._2- na apply In�he caw of eccelervtlon under peregreph 17.
<br />-s:ix�,ra_,� 19. 8sle ot Notw Change of Loan Bervicer. 1Le Note ar a panial Interest in the Nota Qogethsr w1�A thie 6earity —
<br /> - - Guwmmp may be aotd ona or more timea wlthou[pdor naica ro 8ortower.A sela mey result In e chenge in the entiry(known
<br />—'���� ee the'Loan Servlcer')�at wi:ecta momAly paymen�s due under�he Nme end�hle Secudty Instrument.7fiero elw may 6e one
<br />'�`:��'il-" or mo:a changee of ihe Loen Serviar a�rcleted to a�ele of�he Nae.If therc Ie a cfiange ot the Loan Servlcer.Bortower will De
<br />=" F`r'�r"' given written notica o[�de chenga in e000rdance�vith pamgreph I4 a6ovo end eppliceble lew.The notice wlll etate the neme e�d
<br /> ���- eddrus of the new Loan Servfcer and�he addrus�o which paymantn should be made.lTe r.otice will elso anteln eny other
<br /> :�;F.f._..k- informaHon requtred hy eppllceble law. _ . -_._-.--
<br /> "+�a.>,;:- 20. Hamrdous Substencee.Bocrower ahell not ceuu or pemii[�he prcsence. use, dlaposai, storage. or rcleasE of eny
<br /> '- F�-` Harerdoue SLbs�ances on or in �he Propeny. Horrower shall not do, wr ello�v enyone elae to do, eny�hing attectlna the
<br />�"•'�`">)�+. Property that is in vlolailon of any Environmentel Lew. 7Le prueding two untenoea ahell not apply ro the presence, use,or �,a„ .
<br /> ..:_,_t,_r:,
<br /> _.,,.,#,,; atorege on the Propeny of snull quemitip of Hezardous SLbswnces the�are generally rxognized ro be eppropdato to nomiil _
<br /> residential cxa end to maintewrce of the Propeny.
<br /> i< < - .: Bortower shall promptiy gire Lender writun notice of any Invutigation,claim,demand, Iawwit or other aGlon by eny = �_--_
<br />_3 .,�.�,. - - govcmmentel or rcgulerory agency or pdvarcparty involving the Property end any He7ardous SLbstance or Environmentxl Law __ ... .. ___ .
<br /> �_-` of which Bortower has ectual kno�vledga If Iiortower leams, or ia notified by eny govemmemal or rcgulatory outhodty,th�t --
<br /> � ��.._ any rcmovel or other rcmedlatlon of eny Hevardous Substance attating tM1e Propeny ta neceuary.Borrower sha:l promptly teke
<br /> �,-,,y,-, all necesswy remedial�nions in accordena wi�h Environmental Law. —_— -
<br /> ��,':t�:".��:• As used in this pA�B�aph 20. 'Hezerdoua Substences' erc thou substences defined ae roxic or haiardous substonca by
<br />�•.,��.�,:�,r.
<br /> Environmer.ial la�v end �hc foilowing wbstentts: gasoline, kerosenc, other Oemmeble or mxfc pGroleum produpa, roxic _
<br /> o -''+u'jFk
<br /> - r.t::id:s a:d!:erbici�..d...eo!�:ik s^!eer.ls.metcr._�<r..�����ne ed.�.a�.r�r t.,�,,,AIAPh��le,AnA mdioanfve metedala.As uacd in _._, _.... -
<br /> � ,1 tAia pamgreph 20. "Environmentel Le�v' meens &deral laws and la�vs of�he Juri:djction �vherc �F.e Propeny is located�hat _ .
<br /> y �� ��� rclarc m hmlih,sefety or environmental pro�a�ion. _ —
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S.Bortmver snd Lender funher covenmm�nJ ngree nc fnlimvr�
<br /> r, ._-,;.� 21. Atceieretloni Itemetlies. I.enAer shxll give notice to Uorro�rer pdor to ncceleretlon follo�ving Hortower`a breach _ -__
<br /> '":`i•=�:`�-'= of eny covenent or egreement In this Security [nstrument @ut not prior to eccelemtlon under peregwph 17 unlen —��,--
<br /> -a s� Y,.; appilcahle la�r provldea othernise).The notice shxll spetlfy: (a)ihe defeulh (b)the eMton repulred ta cure the defeull; �'� � �--- -
<br /> - (e)e date,not Ie�then 30 dey�from the dnte lhe notice Is given to ISorro�rer, by whlch the defeult must be cured;er.d �
<br /> `- '` (� that Pollure to wre the defeuit on or 6etore the dete sp�elflM fn the notia mey reauit In acceleration ot the cunu �;`t� '- "'_
<br /> Y .Y�.�a��iS . ._ �._ .
<br /> i:% ;�-_��.y 1; sKUred 6y fhis 5ecudty Insirument end sale of the Property. The nofice abeil Nnher In4orm Qorro�rer of the rtght to ;•���,,.-:
<br /> �i:ij�%�:� � rcinslete eRer aeceteretlon anU the rlght ta hrfng e wurt ectlon to esert lhe non-existence of o defncll or eny other '�,:�a(:i;"`
<br />'""`^`}`'% defence ot anrro�rer to aceeleretlon and sale. (f the defaul� is �rot cured on or 6etore the date spceitied in the notice, �%:•;t,>':;.«__.
<br /> W-�'�`: Lender, at Its optlon,mny requ�rc Immedlete paymer.t In NII of all swns mcured by IhL+Security tnstrument wtthout �•, s r .y..
<br /> ;���;;.c--'�,'': ILrlher demnnd end may Inrake the po�rer of sxle end nny nther remedics pennfited by appIicable la�r.I.ender shell 6e ';;_�.,i;.,�,:;_--
<br />°-'•-i.s,�_.lr�' enllqed ro milat�II ezpensm Incurred In pnrsuing thc rcmedies pmrided In ihls peragrnph 2I,Inciuding,but not Ilmittd _ -_:s*�i;';;�:_._-
<br /> `;-�-� to,reasoneble atrorna9a' fees nnd costs nf tftle evidence. ='' �"'f - �;--
<br /> r -,-.� If tiupo�+er of saie I5 IIlYOIiCA, Truxtce shxll recard u nntlm of default In ench munty h� �vhich eny part of the ��,;�ll t---
<br /> - ' ` Pmperty Lc Inrnt[d end xhnll nmll mples nf such notice fn the menner presedbed h7�nppliexble In�r to Itorro�rer and ro s � �. >;� �
<br /> '` - { - ' thc olhcr perxoa�pretcdbed h��npplkab:e luu.ARer lhe tfine rcyuircd by npplicahle lo��.Trustee shell gire pu611c notitt -,. hfr c3 t'::,_�
<br /> + :. �>- of mle m the Mrsons and In tlu mannrr prcarlhed h��nppllrnNle lux�.Tru+tm, eflhnm demand on Oormn�er,shall aell -_-.-� s � ,,_ ,
<br /> 3� .r the Rnpert��at public nuctlan m the hf�he+t biddrr nt�he thne and plxar und undrr the�erms deelgneted In the nolice of �=� -�'^
<br /> r - �- sule In one nr mnre pnrccls end In un��ordcr Trusttt dMCrmin�ti.Trus[ce mnp pmtpnne�ole of ell or eny pnrcel of iht ; j"'-' °-
<br /> ' e.s!.s•��-.� Pro rty h- uhlfc ar.nnuncentatt nl Ihc litne xnA luce nf xnr re�inusl� xhedaled xulr. t.ender or ils drsi nee me ' ` i� '="''-
<br />��s. _ Pe ) P p P R Y _:s7`5r r� �xi�'..
<br /> >- perchase lhe Property at un��sele. _i : ;_
<br /> _ i: 'S �
<br /> .5`� �)�..'�-.
<br /> '�1,
<br />- Form 3028 8�80 �
<br /> ,•:�y ��Ve]e'O � � �. _
<br /> , _ iL{:A '•
<br /> j .nY?.=.1.'^�•> . . . _ . .'_ . � . - . . • ._ .-. ..i •-A�._ _ 0.._ _ .- f�^i ( -
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<br /> " ...'1.:.:.. - " - . . .
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