' .:�]_ � , , _ ' ;�93�,�����`-.: r�� �;,;x; -
<br /> - `- pRymentamoynalopgqDaelquireQ.atlpecpilo�Qtl.sildct�ljmwlgagelniurap�aobi/erogo[tnU:pAn3ountend.;uEd�4pedad ; ;
<br /> ;that I:onqrt rtquires)pfovi�id 6y a4 Irisu{u ap9mved 6y j�sndae�ay.�6eoo:nes eY6lfeblo anG ls o6iaingd Doki�wu ahaU p�y� ,
<br /> tlieprciplumsreqWrcdtpmafrueinmottgegoirso�anooineUat,oetop{ovideaios�reso[ye,oA{fllhereqatretxqtforff�S�o�i88$'P :
<br /> -- fnsurencoendslnqOcbrQmcowl8eenywrittenegroproentbetwunItoROweia�dl.enQee'8re�p1kA61eqw, � ' „ ` `r''
<br /> , 9:iuspectloa:t.en4er br lu agenc may mako riasoilabla bnnfa upan Nd InipecNon�o!�he FropenY tender�nalt glvc_,..
<br /> _ Bu�rowu notice at the Ume olorpdor ro en Inaponion sp�+clrylog reiwnable cauae tor tAo InspxHoa • ' - , l° -
<br /> -= 10. CondeinnaHca.l7ie proceedi ot any awa+d or c1a1m fot damegq, E[rat or eonsfqueni'd:an Mnn4c4�on W1�h ouuY '_:,
<br /> ___ condemnetlon or atheR teking ot eny pazt of tAe Propeny,ar tor conreyana In!!a of co:dennaqan,ara hereby aulgn0d ePd_ - _
<br /> eh�lt be paid to I.enrter. . , —
<br /> — Tn the event of a rotel teMng otttro Properry,the prottcde shell ba applial ro�M sums aeared by this&adty insirument. —_-_ . .
<br /> wAether or not then due,wttA eay exoeas pald to Boimwer.In the event of a par.lal teking of t6e froperty ifi�vhlch the fal�
<br /> marku value ot the Propetty Immedlateiy 6etoro the taMr.g b equel ro or greater ihan tAe emount ot tha wmti-secuttd by tCb: .'
<br /> Seariry Gisnument Immcdtately betora�ha taktag,unleas Bortower a�d I.endtt otdenvise egree In writing,the sum+saureA by
<br /> - tNs Secudry insttument eha116a rcduad by tta emount ot the proceeds mcltlp:ied by �ha tolloxing frecdon: (e)the iotel
<br /> __ __ amount of the am�eeared i:nmodlatdy beforo�he taking,divlded by @) �he fair marku velua o!the Property Immediatdy _
<br />- -� ---� before the�aking. Any 6alence�heU be paid ro Borrower. in tha event of a partial raktng of tM Property In whlch the fpir
<br /> market velue of the Pmperty im�nediatdy before tho teking ii Iw�hen the emount o(the wma searcd �m�nN�etC�Y befo[a tho
<br />__;;f�'� taldng,unles+Dorrowu end Lender otherwiae egwe in wriflng or unless applieable la�v o:hernise provida,�he prooeeda sh.ell
<br /> �_�:'s:; ba epplied�o�he sums saured by this Sewrtry Insm:ment�vhethw or no[�ho mms�re then due.
<br />"'-ry`�,� If[Ae PrapertK ie ebendoned by Horrower,or if,after notla 6y I.ender a Borrower Nat�he oocde[nnor offero to meke en
<br />-,::y;� awerd or senlo e claim for damaga. Horrower fails to respond eo I.ender withln 30 daye eRer�he date�he notla le gtven,
<br /> LeMer ia a�thorized to oollect end appiy the proceede,et in opHon,ei�her m restont!on or rcpair of tha Property or to the surtu
<br /> �r=" aaured by�bla Sewrity Instrument,whUher o�not tfien due. - -°-`°-
<br /> -��ge Unlw Lender and Borrower othenvise egree in wdting, eny app11ca0on of prooceda co prinetpal�hall not ractend or
<br /> ��-; postpone�Ae due date of the rtwnthly paymente rc@rred to in peragmph�1 end 2 or chenge iha emouat of such paymemR. _
<br /> ;�--;�,`:: 11.Horro�vu Not Releasedt Forbeerence By Lender Not e Waiver.flxtenston of�he time for payment or modiflcatlon _
<br /> �`x='`• of amoMmtion of the aurtu secured by thia Sauriry Instmment gremcd by Lrnder ro any eucassor in interut of Bortower stwll
<br /> - '���>�! not opefa:e ro release�e Ilebiliry of the odginal Borrower or Horrower'a successon in fnterest.Lender shall not be rcquired lo =.�
<br />- '�;'•"' commena proceed(nge against eny successrr in intera[or rcPose ro exrend time for payment or oihawlse modify emortlration -
<br /> ��,: f:„
<br /> � ot the eum� aewred 6y thin Security 1•.suumcm by rcason of eny denwnd mede by the odginal Bonower or Borrower9 —
<br /> ` �r'��' wcasaoro in interest. An folbearena b Lender in exerci:in en ri ht or rcmed ahell nat be�waiver of or raWde�he —
<br />-`-%s`:;.,V{i Y Y 8 Y 8 Y P �.
<br /> .:-.=;:�.. exercixe of eny dght ot rcmedy. a�—
<br /> -'=-��•`.';1: 12. Suaescore end Assignv Bourtd;Joint and Severel LIa6111ty; Co•slgnere. The covenuus and egreenems of thi�
<br /> uiiu�iiy Iiu"7iilT2id -nY�dil bil�1 u!� Fni�cfi [F2 iuii2aivia 'u�u ov{gio Li lsii'utT eTi� C.^.7lO:t'".T. ::!`J�: :C!hC �fOYlajnpa nf .. .--.. _
<br /> �!Sy,�,� paregreph 17. Bortower's mva�an�s end agrcements shell be jolnt end sereral. Any Borrower who rnsigm �his Security ___
<br /> Initmment but does not exavte�hc Note: (a) is co•signing this Sec�rity Instrument only to monyge. gnnt and convey that �__.__.-
<br /> �.':j���:.. Borrower's interest in�he Property under the terms ot[his securiry Insvumcm; (Li�� ���t pers.ra�7y abtigatcA co�}�ih:,su:�c -- --
<br /> . y : saured by�his Securfty Instrur.xnt and(c)agras_�het Lender end eay other Borrower may ngree toextend,madify,forbav or . '.:.�-_..
<br /> ,,.,.��:y�,; make any eaommodeiioas wilh regard to thc�cm�of this Security Instmment or the Note nithout INt Borrower a mnsent. i�,�P,'j•.•
<br /> 5- 5°;' 13.Laan Chargea.!(�M loan saured by this Sauriry fiutrument is subject�o a law�vhich uu manimum loan eharga, <�, :;
<br /> . .+�:a " and that law is finally interprc�ed so that the intercst or o�her loan charges mlleacd or to be collMed in connection wi(e�he -�-�? •��-,,.
<br /> '".:�t�,;z.,� - GS,..-�
<br /> la�n excw�d the pemiined limi�s,then:(a)ony such loan cherge sl:ell be reduced by�he amount narnary�o reduee the eharge *%`t=_.,;._;_
<br /> ...:f.:�'�'_ :9:�v;NS...-..
<br /> _ to the pemit[ed IimiC end (b)eny sums nlready collected fmm Bortower which exceeded pemiiucd limits will be rcPondod to ,,,._;_.„-;:-_
<br /> � f�_- ��� Barrower. Lender may cho�se�o make this refund by red�cing the prinrpal owed uader ihe Note or by meking a direct �'<<'' �' -
<br /> { �-�r( payment to Efonower. If e rcfur.d `edutts pri�cipal. �hc reduction will be trea:ed a+ a pani�l prcpayment without eny _j�;�i,r ,-
<br /> t'e� : prepayment charge cnder the Nate. �r'��` �:��
<br /> �.,--'i• 14.Noticea.Any rotice fo Borro�ver provideJ(nr in thi.Secemy Imtrument�hull be given 6y deliverir.g it or by nmiling F-i: if
<br /> ,� t;. it by fint dass nmil uMesc applica6lc la�v rcyuim usc nf anothcr nuthnd."ILc no�im shall bc dirMCd to thc Propcny Addrus �-x;%t Z•-
<br /> � .Yl„ . rRr._;
<br /> �.�,,. or any olher nddrccs Burtowcr JceiF�les hy natim la I.cnJcr. Any natim io Icnder shall be given by first class mail lo ,_`��,3',n. -.;
<br /> ���•f'x:�-� I.eneler'a adJrcs.i s1u1N hercin or any nlher:�Jdress l.cnder dnigna�ex I+y nmi r ro Bortower. Any�nntice provided tor in this -.;{Y,:._�;_;,-
<br /> -� Sttvritr IncWmcnt shali 6c dccmcd to havc t+ccn givcn�o Borrnx�crur LcnJcr���hcn gi��cn a+providiJ in lhis parugwph. ' --.
<br /> `_S>, ,:,- �i:t. .. .
<br /> :�; I5.Goremtng I.x��; Sere�abllit}�. Thi+ Scxuriq� Iro�rumcr.� shall M gorerncJ by fedcral law and �hc la�v o(the '-i.^i4�„-.,
<br /> jurisdiction in which tlm Pmpcny is hk5:ttl. In thc c��cr.t Iha[ a:� pmrisin�or cl�ux.+f Ihi.Sccvr.ly Inslmmenl or Ihc Nolc
<br /> i-.- .'� mn0icts wilh app:icaM1lc Imv.wch mn0�c1 sha:l na�a(kct n�hcr prnri.ion.�,f thi.Sccurity In.lrunKm or Ihc Note wF.ich can bc �- �s� •y
<br />. •�"��;i- girrn e((m u•ilhnut d�c mn(IiaYi:�g prm uin:i_ To Ihi.cnJ ILc pmvi.in:u o(Cii. Snvrily In.immcm and Ihe Note�rc d:cla:.d :.,ry�...
<br /> - la bc uvcmhlc. .:'� ,�'.,
<br /> �-) i 16.6orro�rcr's Capy�. &,rmacr.hall hc gi.cn n:�c a,:d.m:xtl.np� of�L•t IVn�c and a(thi.S�lcriry In.:run:eal. _
<br /> �`
<br /> Fo�m 3028 9180 ���_�`_�'�-
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