_ . �...```'� ,V y'� . . . . :` • \.. .. .. - � \ � _.�:,c.__.
<br /> . �'L, . f
<br /> ..
<br /> A�.;=:_:..w ""__"�....--�.-.-.,..�.....,. ..._....--_.__ . � ... .. ......_ '1' ��,�1�,_3_ _
<br />��� ,_.___ ._._ .t_ F �A��� .J� �Iaf��J� . � i` �:�,�_` .
<br />, 9.tssauad�ter Accetcr�ttnn uQ IhOt. _ -. -
<br /> . .�'� �' (s)ITe?rxit�I.cndcr mc�y,cx�cpt u�Itmttcd by rc8ut�ttan�laauc�l bY tho Sectct�vy In 11►�caso��f pay�ncnt def'nulte,rcyulro � • -_
<br /> �� Immediutc pnymcnt In fuU c+t all eum9 sccu�cd t►y thb Securily Imtrumrnl if: • .. . .
<br /> � (I)Rn�row,;r defaulte by fallit�i to piW In Ittll eny macuhly payms�l�rcQ�dred by�hls SecurUy Instrun�en�prlur�o ar oit �,
<br /> ' thc auc dato af�hc ncxt n�anthly pnYntCnt, ur , �
<br /> __.__ . ......__. . •, _ Qp Rarrowsr dcfautta by foilU�K.Por o perlod ut ttdrty day.+,to rcr�urm any othcr abUp�tic►ne rontalncd In tNie Sc�;urlry i
<br /> tnstsvmcnt, ..�,. ... _._ ---.-_
<br /> e.�._ ..�:_�_._� t�.►��iYti�wt!'�wtit Ap�.rov�l.t�n�trr.lwll,if�r:nia:�bv ap�iira6:o lat�t�t�i�vittt e1r:�flnr e�tnsval t�f�he tierrc�.yry,crqutoe �-�- _ ,
<br /> _`__±`. . . lmn�s!!�{3t,,+sr.�3 ln f�!L�€t��l ttte xumv xecuraf ,��nu s�on�y t,�nu�m�r: ( �
<br /> � (i)All ar�n af Ihe F'mpertY is oN:nviw trni�rfcrrai(oehcr thnn by deviso ar dcxenq �y tho qurn��ver,nnti
<br /> .:: (ii)Tho Pmperty b na1 oc�Y�pic�l hy�Ac purchau�nr grontco m hi�ar hee prittuuyxt��WCM Sidcn��c,ur tho{xirchnscr ot ,
<br /> �}�!�tn sc
<br /> gmnteo does so aCCUpy tho PmUcny but hlr ar itcr ctodit h�v twt been oppruvcd ln uttr�nlui�ee with thG rcyufra�kn�v of tha 5oi.�nuvy. ,.
<br /> '� �' tc1 No Wtdvev.If clrcumstanccs occu�ths��would permit l.cndcr to reQuite ImntGdipte puyment in full,hUl LCtldCt QPC9 QOt
<br /> rcquiro such pnyments. I.cndcr does not�vnivc ils righis with resucct ta subscqucnt cvcros. �
<br /> „ (d)Re�atatloat of HUO�tc�et�►y.In muny circumstnnccs rcgulations issucd by thc Sccretnry will Umit Lcnder's righie,In �
<br /> the c�.co of puyment defoults,to�equire Immed(nto�nyment in full und foreclose if am pnld.7'his Scnu�ity Instrument dc�c9
<br /> not authorir.a ncccicrution c�r forcclosuro IP not permittcd bY rcyulc►tlons uP thc Sccrctary.
<br /> 10. Itela�RSte.cfenl. BotrowcT has v ciBht to be rcinsta�cd if Lend�r hn.4 rcquircd immedlnte p�ymcnt In full becausc of � �^
<br /> " Bottowet'+Palltua to ptty an i�muunt due under the Notc or tAta Securi�y Instrumcnt,This rlght applies evcn uftCr foreclosurc f , ,:�:•
<br /> � t procecdings ure Inalltutcd.To rein9tnte Uie Securiry Instru!ncnt,Florruw�et shnll tcndtr in n lump sum nll umounts required to
<br /> bring Oottower'a account currcnt Inc lu d in�, to t he ex tent they are aGli gotiony of 8orrower undcr thls SecuritY Instnimcnt. � .
<br /> foreclo9ute costs and reusonnble nnd customu�y �+ttotnay's tees And expenses properly associnted with the fnrectosure �
<br /> • � proceeding.Upon reinstatement by Horro��rr,this Security Inetrument ondthe obUgntiansth�t It secures shiill remnin inaffcct ns •:•;;; :
<br /> � if l.ender had not�equi�cd immcdimc payaient in iull.Nawcver,Lcndr,r is nat required ta permit rcins�ntemcnt if:U)Lcndc�h�.s
<br /> aceeptcvi rcinstntement after ihe commeu.rwent o i forec losure prace%dings within tww ye��s hnmr.dlately prcceciing thc k •
<br /> � commencement of a currcnt Parcclosure rrocecding,qq reinstatem�ac v�lll prcclude forcclosure on dffferent grounds in U�c k.
<br /> ' futura,ar(Ui)reln�tutcmcnt w!U ttdverscly nffcct the p�iority of the licn creatcd t+y this Sccurity lnstrument. ;� ; �
<br /> . :'.:'�' : , . I'_ .
<br /> ` "`° �` 11. �orrower Nul Rekasa�l; 6o�bearance Dy I,ender Noe e W�ivet, Extcneion of the�imc of paymcnt or madii'ication af :
<br /> �''`� nmartiiANon aP the aurns sccured by this Securi�y Instrun:r.nt grnnted by L.ende�to uny su�cessor in interest of Aorrowri shall nUt ���•` • _
<br /> opernte to rclensc thc linbility of tho ariginnl 8a�ro�ver or l3orro�ver's cuccesso� in (ntcrcst. Lcndcr shc►II not be�equirecl to j -
<br /> • commence proreedings t�nlnet any succcssor In iaterest or rcfusu ta extcnd time for payment or ather��ise modify amortizatlan �
<br /> ot'thc sums sccurcd by this Security Instniment by recisun uP nny demand made by tha orlAinal Ho�ro�ver ot Harrower's 4
<br /> successore in interest. Any Porbearnncc by l.eirde�in cxercising any rfght or rcmedy shall nat 6e t�waivcr af or precludc�lic I
<br /> eaercisc of any�ight ar remedy.
<br /> j.
<br /> 12.Succesaors ea�l Asslgnv Hoand;Jol�t end 9everol LlablWyi Co•Slgners.The covenanis a�d agrcement�of'this Security � .
<br /> --- - -
<br /> ��_:. ltktt�!mrnt sh$11 h;n�and henefit the successers and nssigns of l.ender and Barrower,subJcct ta the provisians uf patagtaph 9.b. L_ ___ _ _ '
<br /> • Batrower's covenums�uid a.amemen�s shall ae jvint nnd severaL Any 9orro�ver who co-signs this SecuNtp instn�me�t bu�docs ;
<br /> � nat exccuto thc Notc: (a)is ro•vibning this Sccu�ity Instrumcnt only tu mo�tgagc,grnnt end convay that Borrow�cr's intctest in � � .
<br /> the Properry under Ihe terms uf�his Security Instrumant;(b)is not personally abligntcd to pay the sums secured by thi.�Security
<br /> ,.
<br /> -__-_-. .... ___ lncirumeni: nnd (cl aarce� tt�at Lcndcr and any other Borrowcr may A$�CC 10 CIltCll(l, n�odify, furbcar or makc nny ,' ,
<br /> ,.-- —-----
<br /> • . accammadatinns wlib regard to thc�crm of�his Securiey lns�rumcnt or thc Notc w►thout that barra�ccr's canscnc� ;-�:°�.'- �-- - "° "
<br /> 13.NoQces.Any natica ta aa�rower pravidcd for In�his Security Instrument shall bc Biven by delivering it ar by maiUnA it by ;
<br /> fitst clnse mail unlca�npplicable Inw rcqufres use oP nnothcr method.7he natica shall be direcied ta the Property Address or any �
<br /> athcr nddress 9arrowar designatcs by nutica to l.ender.Any notice ta[.cndcr siiull bc givcn by first class mail to l.cndc�'s addre�s
<br /> statcd hereln ar nny address l.cndcr desipnutes by noli�r tu Harro�vcr.Any nadca pravidcd far in chls Security Instrumcnt slinll
<br /> be dcemcd ta hAVC been given to qorrowcr or Lender�ti hcn given�s providcd in this parngraph.
<br /> �
<br /> a 14.Coverming Lpw;Sarera6111ty.7 hls Securiiv lnstrumcro shall be govcrncd by Federal law;�nd the law oi the jurisdiction in ,
<br /> whlch the Property ie lacated.In the even�that�a�y pro��ision or clause oP ihi9 Securi�y Instrument o�the Note canflicts�vith ap• ;
<br /> � pllcabk law.such confllet sheU not nffect uther prvci�ions ai thls 5ecurity lnstrument ar the Note whlch cun be given effect ,
<br /> ' wlthout thc cankliC�ing provisi�n. To this cnd thr pr�visions af thls Securlty Instrumcnt end the Nate nrc dcclared to bc
<br /> sevcrablc.
<br /> 15.Borrowet's Cnpy.Borrower shall be yiven pne r��fc+rmed co�y af Ihi9 Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> 16.Aesignment a1 Ron4v.Norrower unconJlUonally assigns and traxisfers to l.ender eil the rcnts anJ re��enucs rf the Fropeny.
<br />� Bo�rower�utharize�Lender nr i.ender's egenis to collect the eents�tnd revenues and hereby direcis cach tenant rf ihe Pr�perty
<br /> �a pay the rents to l.cndcr or l.endcr's agents.Ho�ve�•cr,prior ro Lcndcr's nnticc to Horro�ve�of Horrc���•er's brcach.��'art�co�e-
<br /> nAnt ar ag�eement in the Security Instrument,Aarru��er�'hall crllcc�anct receive nll rems nnd revenues af eh�Propere�•as crust��e
<br /> � • fbr Ihe beneflt of 4endcr and Rorrowcr.This�.Stiigr�ment oF rrnis consiituics un absalutc assi�nmcuc and a�t an a.uipnnien►i'or
<br /> � udditlanal security only.
<br /> If l.endct gives nodce oi'brc3ch ta Aorra�.er.1 a)�il rem`reccivcd by Hon oa•cr shuil bc held by Bo�ra�ti�cr as trustce for bcncfit
<br /> � of 4ender anly,ta be upplle�J to the sums scrureJ by�he Securi�y Invt�ument;(b)l.cnder shall be cntitled to collect and recelve all
<br /> ui thc rents of�hc Property:and(c)cach tcnant of thc Praperty shull pay nll rcnis duc�nd unpald�o l.cndcr or Lcndcr's ugont
<br /> 00 l.endcr's writtcn demand to thc tcnsnt.
<br /> Borrower has�ot executed a�y prior a55ignment of the renu and has not and aill not Ferform uny act ihat woi�iJ F�revent
<br /> Lender irom rxercisio�its rights under this paragraph 16.
<br /> Lender shall not be requircd to cmer upan,�ake control af i�r maintain the Praperty bclr-re er a(ter givinS noti�e�+t breach ra
<br /> Horrawer.f iowever,i.ende�nr a judiciiii� uppointrd recci�•cr muy�iu�.+nl any tin�e thcr is a brca: Any a;+r:i�a^ar..f:er.:s
<br /> • shall no1 curc or waiva nny default nr invalidatc any othcr righi or�emcdy of l.cndcr. Thi� assignmcnt ol'rcnts of the Prc•petty
<br /> shnU termin.ite whcn the debt�ecutcd by thc Secun�y Instrumem iti paid in full.
<br /> � —
<br /> ' 1'��eN!��i.1
<br /> .
<br /> ` _ _ __ .
<br />