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. . _. .-.. . " ---- '---'9:=._ . . ' .., •. \' - . ._. . ;, i,�•. .. ,. . , .. 1 .'..:i' . . � :.CS �. . l _r��'t <br /> . . . i . � .1,•`• _ <br /> ._...�.,_�. . � . . . . �?.j����i�. <br /> .:,�5.+}:[5�..,,........_ .. .�. _ . ... .._.... - �:"'.-- <br /> �1 ��;�+ �-�'� <br /> (� q /� �y� .I, '}� LL <br /> a/�'"�' .Lli�olleJ ''.�rL�T:�� <br /> „ .�rC•:�' - <br /> 1' , . . ,ti�;r -. :-. <br /> :� : 1.['�mtnl at Pr�nrip�l,Interc�t aad d.�te i:Aacge.Hurrawer shali pi�y when due tho principa)of,nnd interest nn,lhe del�l i - ::;j;-':. ��- <br /> � cvidcrtcccl by 1ha Notc and Inio chArpc�duc undcr thc Notc, "�' � . <br /> i. . I� ����� <br /> •� i,MoMhly ihnymeafe ifl Tpxe�,imueru�pnd Other CArrgce.Aorrawcr ehnit IncludG In cach manthly pnymenl,to�cihcr witU � ,:.;�); <br /> - - �he ptinclpal nnd Interest ns 6c1 far�h tn Ihc Ndtc c�nd aaY lato char8cs,�n instnllment ot nny(n)tnnce nnd�pcclal�scssments : ,,�•r'.. ,� _ <br /> - --- �- -- (cvicd ot tu be levled a8a�nst iha Nrupetty, (b)lcaschuld pny►2�e�ue ur grottnd rettte on Ihs PrapettY, and(r)prco�lume fur �• ;e• <br /> .� .. _ . ... . �. . ... ..t`i....._ •` __.. <br /> �i In�urpncn rcqutrcd by Pa�agraph A. .::�� � <br /> � t.::.. _ ,. <br /> T tisch monthly in�talimcnt for Itcros(u),(b�ancl(c)ahnll cyual mu•twelith at thc unnu��l�unutmt�,�u�cn+wi�Gfy��tim�t.��y ,�,--• <br /> - Lender,ptue nn amount autFcictit to iii�lutein en addiiion:1 b.niance af not mutc than ane-s!x11+.!��'U�c esUmoted omaunte.1'he � � _:c,.•_ ' <br /> ' ILII unnual�mount for cach itcm ehatl bc accumulated by Lcndcr wilhia n perioA endin+ti onc momb befo�e an Item woutd � , ����;.'� <br /> ' bccome dellnquc��t,Lende�bhail hold the nmouma callccted In truat to p�y iteme ln),(b►�nd�c)bcforc thcy bccomc dcUnaucnt, : �•;� . <br /> i: ,�t:i, <br /> � �, I)nt nny Ume the totnl at tha p�ymcma hcld by I.cnder Par items(a),(b),and(c),to�c�hc�with ihe futurc mnnthly pi�ymcn�s .. .. � <br /> •� far euch item9 puyable ta Lendc�prior to the duo dntes of such Items,exceeds by mare Ihnn one•sixth the estimnted nmpunt oi i� �,;� <br /> . ppymcnts rcqultcd ta pay surh itcros whcn clu�,and if pnyments on thr.Natc orc cutrent,then Lendcr ahall eithcr rcfund the ;,_. . <br /> � exccss over ane-aixlh oi'Ihc estimntcd puymcnts or credtt thc exccss avcr anc•eixth of tha estlmnted pnyments ta subscqucn� <br /> � paymcnta by Elonnwcr,n1 Ihe option oi 8orrowea IP thc tatnl of the pnymcnte mndc by Rarra�vcr Por itcm(n),(b),or(c)ia :: <br /> ineuif icieat to pny tho itcm when due,thcn Borrowcr ahnQ pay to l.�ndcr nnp nmount neces�nry to mnkc up the dcficlency on o� :.,;�''� <br /> �• • bcfare tho ctato tho itcm 6ecomcs duo. <br /> � �. � , As used In thls Sccurity Inst�ument. "Scerctnry" mcam tho Sccrctary oP Hnuslnp and Urbnn Devclapment or his o�hcr ;_ <br /> de�lgnee.Most Securily Instruments Inaured 6y the Secretnry�ra insured undcr pragroma�vhich require advnnce paymenl af the ','_•. <br /> entirc manea8e insurunce pnmlum.if thie Sccudty Instn�ment is or was insurcd under a peogrum which dict not rcquirc ndvanra l •, <br /> pnymcnt of the entiro mongugc insurnnca prcm lum,thcn cnch manihl y paymcat shall nlso ittcluda clthcr:(q nn instlilimcnt of the � ,. <br /> nnnual matt8a8c Insuranco prcmlum to bc paid by Lendcr to tho Scsretnty,o� (ii)a maalhly chnrgc Instcnd af a moTtgagc . , <br /> ' insurance prcmium if this Security Instrumcnt is hcld by thc 5ccrctnry. Eacn monihly instnllmcnt of thc marigogc in�urancc . .. <br /> • ptemium shall be 1�an amount sufiicient to accumulnte tho full nnoual manBaF.c Insurnnce prcmium with I.endcr onc mooth . <br /> � Saretary.ench�monthly chnrgo shnlgbe in an�amount eN nl+tu�ona�twelfth of onc hnlf�percent of thesuutmc►ndir�gcprincl��1 ��'4 � . . <br /> balaacc duo on tlio Notc. j � ; <br /> If 8orrowc�tenders ta I.ender the full puyment oP nll sums secured by tMs Secudty lnsuument.eorrower's xccoun�stioll t+e {� <br /> credited wilh tho bulance rcmaining for ail inst u l lmcnts for itcros (n), (b) a n d (c� and any mon g a gc insurancc p�cmium � . . , <br /> � instaltment that Lcndcr hns not become obUgated to pay to tha Secrctt�ry.nnd Lendcr sht►11 prompdy rcfund cn��cxccss funcls ta {; <br /> � Bonower, Immediatcly prior to A foreclosure sule of the Property or its ucc�uisitluu Ly I.onder, llurro«�cr'�:�ccount shall be �..� <br /> creditcd with any b�lance remalning for nll instaQments for items(n),(b1 and(c). �: ' <br /> ' 3.Appfic�tlon ot Pwymeats.All paymcnts under pnragraphs i and 2 shall 6e nppNed by l.ender sLS Eullows: �� • <br />� �RST,to tho martgn8o lnsurnnee promlum to be puid by Lcnde�to tho SecretAry or to the mrnthly cii�age by the SccretAry � <br /> insteud uP the monthly mortga8e insurance premium, unless Borrawer pnid tho enQre mortg�c ansurn�3ce�remium when tht� c <br /> � Sccu�iry Instrument was algned; : <br /> • ,cg•(:AN[�,to ony taxes,speclal assessments,Ieasehald payments ar ground rents,and fi�e,fleti'•d 1r.�!ethei hazurd insumnce <br /> _ premiuma.os reauired: � <br /> __ ___,._ __ _ �._: -_----- - - ' <br /> TI�(�,to lnierest duc under the Note; � - -- <br /> h U ,ta nmoriizaUon of the principal of ths Nate; , <br /> FI�'H,to lute charges due undcr the Noto. <br /> _..._.._.. � . ---. ^__ ..w�.ti� � <br /> 0.Firo,Flood wd Ot6er HYUro I�lsu�nca 6onower si�aii i�sura ujj im rovcn,cnia vu�i����..�"tty,••'.�.M'r::�:"ir.e:.lsla.^._^ � • • - <br /> or subsequently erectecl,pgainst any hazurds,cnsunities,and candn�encies,fncludinp fire,iar which I.eader re�uires Insutanca. � <br /> Thfs insurunce ahall be mnlntnined lo �hc nmaunts and for tha perioda that Londcr rcquires. Bor�mvcr shall nlsa insurc all <br /> imp:ovementa on the Prope�ty,whether na�v in e.�tlstence ar aubsequently erected.agt�inst loss by floods to the extent required b�� <br /> tho Secretnry.AU insurunce shall be ca�rled with companie9 approved by Lendor.The insurnnce policies c�nd any renewals shall . <br /> be hetd by t,ender n�d shall lncludo loss payobie clauses i�i tnvar of,and in a farm acceptnble ta, Lender. . <br /> In the event of lass,Ao�rowe�shnll give I.ender 3mmediatc natice by mail.Londn►may mako praaP of loss if nat madc prampt• <br /> ly by Horrower.6ach insurunce comp�tny concerned is he�cby authorized and directed to make payment for such lass dicectly ta <br />- l.cnder,lnstead aP to Borrowc�and to l.endcr j�inUy.AU ar any pan of tha lnsu�uncc proceeds may bc nppHed by Lcndcr,ot its <br />- optian, elthe�(n)to tho rcduciion of the indet+tedness under ihe Natc and[his Security Instrument, (irst to any deiin�uer►t <br /> nmounts upplicd in the otder in Puragraph 3,and then to prcpaymcnl oP princip�l, ar(b)to thc resta�ation ar repair af thc <br />- dAmaged propeny. Any application af the pi�ceeds ta tha p�incipnl sh�►ll not oxtend ar postponc the due dnte of the manihiY <br />- paymeals which ure referred to in Yaragraph 2,ur chnnge tho amaunt af'such payments.Any excess insu►ttnce praceeds ovac an <br />—' t� amount requlred to pay all outstandins indebtedness under the N�te end Ihis Secu�itY Instrument shall be pald ro the rm��y Iepal- <br /> �:•, ly endded thereto. <br /> ;,, '�.� in the event of foreclosure of chSs Security lnstrument ar ather lransPe�af dtlo to the Praperry thn� extinguishes the in� <br /> • '�j ••1 debtedness,all�ight,title und incerest oi Barrawer in nnd to iosu�ance paUcies ln force shnll pass to the purchaser. <br /> 5. Preserv*Uoa ond Malntenance of t6e Pea�rsny, ta�wehalds. �orra�vet aht111 nat commit waste or rJestroy, damage or <br /> aubstantiapy change the Propeny or Allow the P�oper�y to dete�lorota,rcasonable we�r and tcar excepted. L ender may inspect <br /> the propeny 1f the proporty is vacant ar abandoncd a�the lot�n is{n default. Lender mny tnke reasonnble uccian ta pratect�nd <br /> � preserve auch vacant or abandoned praperty.If thie Security Insttun�ant is on aleasehald,8orrower sh�ll comply with the provi- <br /> •� alons of the lease. IP Sortower ncquires fce title to the Propeny.ihe lez�sehold and fce title shnll not be merged uniess Lcncicr <br /> agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 6.Charges to BoROwe►a�d Protectian a9 l.snde�'A I�1Rhta 1�Ihe Pcopeety.Dorrawe�shull pay all govr.rn►s.ental or municip�al <br /> chargee,Qncs and impasidons that urc not lncluded in Aatearaph 2.Horco��•cr shall pay Ihesc obliganans on r.ime dircctly lo thc <br /> entity whlch is awed the payment.if failure to pay would aduersel�•affect Lender's interest in ehe Properc>•,upan l.ender's re- <br /> _ ' quest Borrower shall promptly furnish tu l.endcr receipts evidencin�thcse papments. <br />`.; -' If Horrower fails to maka ti�c.e E�aymenis or ihe paymentx reguired b>Pars�raFh 2,orfails t��^crf��qi ai�y e�her covenants and <br /> '�i agreements wnlained in 1Ms 5ecurity lnstrumene,or there is a Iegal procceding c;�at may signific�tnUy afkx�l,ender's ri�h�s in <br /> the Propeny(such 1s a proceeding in bankruptcy.6or candemnation ar to enforce laws or repuladansl,then l.ender may da and <br /> pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lendcr's rights In the Property,including paymenl af tunes, <br /> hazard lnsurance and other items mentianed in Parngraph 2. <br /> Any amounts disbu�scd by lender under thi9 Paraaraph shall 6ccomo an addltional debt af pnrrowcr nnd bc securcd bY thi� <br /> Secudty Insirument. Thcse amaunts shall bear interrst from thc dnle af disbursement,at the Note ratc, imci at ihe optian of <br /> �, Lender,shall bc immediately due pnd payablc. <br /> 7.Coademnatlon.The praceeds of any aw��d or claim for damages,direct or cansequential,in conuecuon Huh any��oncicm• <br /> • nntion or othet tuking of nny pan of the Property,or for com�eyance in pince oP condemn�tion.�re hcreby acsi�ned and shall Ce <br /> pald to l.ender to the extent oP the full amount af the indebteAncss thot remains unpaid under the Notc and�hi,�Securiq�Instru- <br /> �, men1.L.ender shall�+pply such proceeds►o the rcduction af iAe indebtedness under Ihe Note aud�his 5ecurit��Insuument,firs�r.�o <br /> nny delinqueat amoun�s npplied in�he arder provided in ParAaruph 3,nnd then ta prepayment oi p�incipal.Any applicueipn oi <br /> ' �he procceds lo the principal shall not extend or postpane the due dule oi the monthly payments, which are referred ta in <br /> t An�agraph 2,or change the amaunt of such payments.Any excess prncecds over an�maunt required ta pay all outslanclinv in- <br /> � dcbtedness under Ihe Note nnd this Security lnsttumcnt shall be paid t�ttie cntity Icgally entiilcd thcreto. <br /> 8.Feea. l.ender mny collec�fees xnd churges au�horir.ed by the Secretary• <br /> � PaRO?o!e � <br /> d. <br /> i <br /> � <br /> 'f l _ _ _ _ __ _. — <br />