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<br /> D, NNiE'aAM 6k:CURii^Y
<br /> "' Unlfntm�Coven�nt Is of tho Sea�dty Instrunicnt 1�amcttdcd to rcnd wy foflaws:
<br /> tQ, Uxlic�+nne�cn+diy IMttru�rntt Gov�rat�g I.�wi l3evenWiity.Tf�le form of 5ccurUy In9trumcnt c�mbincs unlBtum Gavcnnnta for nnilonnl use "=_
<br /> _-�° - Rnd uon•un�torrn covcnar.ts wlth Umltcd�•uri:tHom by turi�dlcilan to consHtuto a tmiform tecurity iu.��tnunoat tavcrlW�ren1 pro�tiy. Thlr� ;_=�--_-_ _
<br /> ��- ° �,-uslty fnstrumr��e eh�il ne gove►•ne�1 Ay Fe�Icca!law a�d tho int:nf the Jurtsdicdon in whlcN tho Fro�1y 191ac�te�1. In t!�ovcnt Ihat any _ -- -
<br /> � provislon a�cf�u3a of ihi9 Sccurity Imtrunirnt ar the Nu:e confllcte w{1h��+1�IIFabia la�v,such canfitc�eholl not offi�t otl�er pruvlstona ot thle _
<br /> --_--...�._ _; :;.:u.-it}�n,ir�a��:iei�u ii�:i4L:_w�lch cc:n t'-e�L�effrc::�!!h^�s!!4!�Co����tino�unvt�inn, nrid to tidn end tha ptovlstona af th9e SeourUy .a_ .. _...__..
<br /> _=� Intt�umea�t and thc Natc aro dcclarcd to be sovcrablo. =_- -
<br /> __ �. ---
<br /> E;, TMNSFE:R[tT'fl#G PROI'FR'fY QR A BIsNh:F[CIAL IN'�EHFJT IfV BORROWE[t ��-.�;,,� �°'--
<br /> �'�� ilulform Covcnant I?oi thc Sccurity Instrument Is umcndcd ta rcnd ov followe: - -_
<br /> ___ - � 11, 'Itxiukr ot Ihe Properry ar�Bei�eqclal Inte�nt in ttorraxer.IP aU or any pnrt of'tho Property or nn intcrcnt th�rcln io sold or trt�nsfcrred ���.� � F_
<br /> � ���,�s
<br /> (or if a bcncflcl�l intcrest In Bonrnver is Fald or t�unsPerred and Dorrower is not a naturul persan)without l.cndcr's priar wrilten constnt, r �..' � � ���A�
<br /> ,��.� Lcndcr r�oy,at l.endcr's option,dcclnrc nll tho sums eecurcd by this Sccutity Insinmunt to ba immediutcly ctuo nnd paynblo, Hawcvcr�tl�is ,y;,�,��_;
<br /> -� ���.-_
<br /> .____., - opUon shall not bc cxcrciscd by l.cndcr if excrcise is nat uuthorfzcd by Fedc�al Inw,Lendcr may�vuivu ths cxerclsc of thia optlon if:(o)i.brrowcr „_ _
<br /> ctiusc9 ta be aubmitted ta Lender Inf'armatlon tcqulred by Lender to evuluate tho Intended trnnstercb as if�ne�v locu�wrre boinp made to thr = ' .. � ��
<br /> --�'�;_ti`�- unnsfcrc.�;nnd(b)L.cnder rcasonnbly detcrmincs thnt Lendcr's security wUl nat bc imp�ircd by the lo:tn as���mptinn and that thc d�k uf tho �" _�'�--.g�_
<br /> - brcnch uf uny covenant or ogreement In thls Secuelty Insttument is acce�tttble to Lender. � �
<br /> _ L Y rg�YTi��___..
<br /> � To the ertent permftted by appUc�blo It►w,Lender may chnrse n re:isonnblo Peo ns a condit'son eo I.enrtar's cons�nt to th�lo��n aa9umpllon. ' �t
<br /> �,,��;at, ' Lender may ulao req�tiro the tainsPcrca t�9�cep al1 the promisrs imd agreemonts mnde in the Nate ancl 1a thiy Secu�ity altilrultt011t. ' s,.� r� ��� _
<br /> <c �s } ` '9f 1Rnder exar�{srs such uptian ta nccelertite.4en��r shnil mail Harrawer natice af ac�oleri�tion in ctecorde�noe�vi�h pnrn,qrnph 14 hcrmf. ;`��`�t;'�,�':F L ,.
<br /> �
<br /> �"�'"�+ -' �'�` Such na2ice shsll Pm�:�e n��od of nat less than 3i�days Prom the ciate thc noti�ti is ri�ailc�tf�vithin�vhlcit ktanc�wer!mny�y the snms decl2recl •,-,«�1,��v ;�t t� '
<br /> ��� f , due. If F3ormwcs fuils ta pny such sums priar ta the cxpirntinn�f siich Period,l.sacter may,��•ithaut funher not{ca;�nr dsmand on aonv�ver, '��+?Y�;i�`� '�1t �� -=.
<br /> °���� invake nnY rem:cite:ti parmltted by thia Securit�Instrument." e r ;; " ' `
<br /> =F "Not�vith.ctanding a snle ar tr:tnafot,Etarro�ver�r•ill contim�e to be ablignted under ihe Nate and this Sccurity In.9trument unless�.encier hsa S�+?,` ''�� �� � °
<br /> ,�, �� �
<br /> "s�'s'��`,t;#.,'r-.��.�.• rcle:�scd Aorro�vcr in wdting." �� '' °
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<br />== "�'° ``'��^ ���� If thc taan�ccured by the Secu�ity Instrumeut is aubJect to u law wMch sets maximum lo�n charges,und that law is tinally inte�preted so
<br /> - • +'i'�'., ,� '�-��.
<br /> �-� �:=i�� '� ' that the inter�,t o�other loan chargcs colie�:tcd or ta br collct:tcd in cottnccNon�vlth the loan excoed permittccl limits,then:p)any auch loan : ,__
<br />-� --.. ..:::.,-.�
<br /> -= charga ahall br reduccd by Ihe umount nccessary ta rcduco the charge ta the permitted limit;and(Z)uny yum9 Alrcady callected Prom borrower .�
<br /> -- �' which execeded permiued Ilmits�vlll be refunded ta Sor�rnver,Lender mny choase ta mnke thls rei'und by reclucing the prineip�l aWCd under the •' - -
<br /> _,_ .
<br /> --
<br /> .. ., . ° ' -
<br /> � • � Note or by making u dircct p�yment tn Iicttrawer.li n refund reQuce�principni,ific�cciuciion witi bc irc:�icci a��psr�fa��r�ay�er.t uN�r s •---- -
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