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' ' '-" . . . <br /> 1 . . . . . -. :1'�_..___ <br /> . • <br /> . . � . -_ <br /> , .� . . .... _. _ <br /> �_..._,P :,.�.5�• . .. ...._._._ , ���'�`_ <br />_'� _. , .`. � • ��Rl�.�4N���'�+�l����ie ��r��.�� ����i� �A.���iP��� - _ - --- <br /> .. ���� _�x <br /> :.:: � r, <br /> "' U 1'rnv'Fi�v�,u�y Ind¢x•R�t:C�epn1 � <br /> �� y .- _ <br /> s THI9A�JUS'i'Ar)LIl ftA'fti RII)F'R�snmc��irJn . . i.�`•�dayut Junt] .�_,19.��._... � _ <br /> � �,# �,� and le fncorpa�H�e�t In�n m�d�+hall be doc�nnd 1� arnqa»!nn1� ��Wpla»ent th:Mon�uac, Occd of Troat, or Sccurlly ik�d (tho "Sccurl�y. •` . .� � `_ _ <br /> �.t:-y �: ^_ __ In�uwncm")of Ihe�amr dntu�Iven by�I:a urvMt�ie��:����Tu"l):c.iawer"l to bccure Uorrawrr's AdJu�tabi;Rnte Nute(tRe"Nnce")1u HO� -+ � <br /> �_' " • �,OG�i 1�,,,_,L�l#L(�C�9 t� �,I?�N�1(:S(f�ll�(„QII_QP tAi�Al�l�191LAN[1,NEfl{IAQK phe"l.encitr")uf�hc aamc dotc auJ cnv,,ring th� `�- -- - � <br /> ��-_ _ -- <br /> � ' �r-fi�. <br /> .�_ :_ -.. � proixny desc�ih:d in the 5c�:udty(u�trumonc itnull��e.n�td un - <br /> ��s--` - �an4 We�:�t W�uah. Gr�nd I;�l+and� ►y�: fi8�03 ' = <br /> :3 _ i_L _.. -- -. <br /> •----�--'^-_"-"".' _ - <br /> '.'c^!�t�.. . ; . ._..�..__.�..._,.....�-�-.-.-�_ _ �- _.. _. •.- •- - . :.. _- <br /> �_:y�.. • Il�ta�rcny Addres+) . <br /> `- - ..: ��. , .' <br /> '"�' ; • �.. TRI� nata rn��t:l�ui panrt9lctm n13��et��� Pnr chtugea le my Inte►ra1 rete aed my mnntAly � �- <br /> _,;��,�: � paymrotu.Tht�nc�tr dr�Ettalp atr�nr.�lranl my Inteeeal rwto con cEauge�I aoy ono time wnd � • <br /> .;_:�,:;i� risu Ihe ralnlmun arai thi ara:rlar.s:m rr,��7�a�usl p�y. . <br /> �. <br /> , , � . � � ADDITIONAI.C�7VCNAN'T5. In a�tdfcicve tc�tlut crn�reu�u and ogrcementa mude in the SecuNty Inatrun�ent, t3orro�vcr nnd I.cnder <br /> -'' i furthcr covcn;►nt and ngrco as follaws: <br /> __..� "�. . <br /> .� " ,4. INTF.RFST RATE ANQ 11tU�1'64fI.Y PAXH�i: F 1;N011Y:F�.9 � �� • <br /> '^�,,��: , Thc Note provides for nn inlUni Intcrest rtitr aT_ �•�a �lo.Sectlon 4 oP thc Note providcs far chnngcs in thc Inurest rate nnd�he ' <br /> t.:•. <br /> �'���'• ,. �' monthly payments,us fullowe: <br /> ' <tt,'?::t:i, . � <br /> 1�°,i�;i;'.��` • 4. lNTkR�ST R�1T1s ANh AlllN?'F!!.Y P�l)'AfI:N:+'t:fl.(IV.;6S E <br />':'\�`il'��;�':' (tl�l Cit1QQC Ifill'3 I i�,; :,,�! <br /> '1<U�,* <br /> ;' .!. � � . Jtt.l q2 ,nnd on that day cYCry , <br /> � TAe intcrvrt ratu 1��ill pm�m;�}•cha+�c un thv Eirst�l:iyof � ,19 a•, <br /> � i �ii'. a 1; _manth9 thercnftcr.Earh d�t;on�r+l��al�m�•intcresl mtc ri�uld ChanFc i�cnil��i a"Change Datc." 1 ; . � <br /> ������n t �� `1it�� lH) TReindea iti � , �',•• � �4 +' 1 <br /> �Il�\'� S��i i�� t, * � , 1 .. 1. <br /> ,,�.. .. �,�1+,1,;�;S IicKtnning with�he Pirst Chu��c Qate,my intet r:•t r��s s�ti 3��bagcd an an lndex.The~�n4er ic thc«•cek1Y+��'eT�'l4c yiuld on United Stntes ,?;4� ,a 'i" ,�; •'� <br />��� '� ' ', ;,;�;`'�;,,�_�", 'I'teasuty secuNQes ndJustcd tr�caro�tpnt u:acucity uf 1 ync�:.a�mede nvallnble by�he F'edcr�)keser�c Acuird.Thr mtut�e��nt Index figure �`'., •:-''°•'•' �'1�;:-•',;;_:' <br /> I� ,�••. ,'�,.' � � � <br /> • ' � ,; '; AY:tIIRBIC A!OF IhC dAlOA$dAYS bCI�Of�CtlC11 GhW�I'FlAtt i9 RL'�):a:hr"C:u��ent lndex." ' ' ?,' <br /> �'';••.. ,' ''' Z; <br /> t...`y'�`�;�`' ' �";`�,:' If'the Indcs is na I�mgcr avnilnbla,thc N�;e Ncd&:r���1 cho�vc n nc�v indev which iv ba�ad upan compnaiMc ini'orniation.The Note `; :' � '.;` <br /> � � �' ' °.�'�, Holdcr will gi�^c me noUcc of tA;s chulco. � . �� <br /> . '` :_.-;• �'._5_�}1� _ C�' <br /> ��;;".�. (C1 (�Icnlatian af C�h:�mgc� �.I • <br /> ���� two and ane-half � �� <br /> ' Before euch Ghan$e Qate,thu Note Ha1et.r�viQ rcalcul1tt my_�uw interest rate by adding percentage <br />� points(... Z�5 °!o)to tha Currcnt lndsx nnd cour,��r.;to tbs n:aresc 1/8th of lob,subjcct t�the Umtts stntcd in Scctian 4(A)bclo�v. ! <br /> ' - - -. 'ini:raaa��,i amount«ifi t�:my na�l:.t:r.��lc�r,ext�'4�r L�eu. � <br /> - _ - - - - <br /> �� • The Nate Holder wIU then dctermino Ui�amour�C of thv eyar.�hJy paymem thnt wo�dd be sufficicm ta repay In ful!ihe principal l am f , � <br /> ` expated to a�vo an thnt Change l)iUe io subsunQolly equ.0 p�i�mtr.0 by the malurity dAte ot my new interest rate.The result of thir ct+lculation { � <br /> -- ---- . <br /> wtll be the ne�v umount of my monthty uaymcnl. �``" <br /> - - <br /> .........__... ., - <br /> _ 1 [_ 1 <br /> IDl t.lmtts on Intcn�l[i�t�Ch�nac� � - <br /> Thczltitcrest ratc t nm rcquirct! to pay ut ihv Nru �:hange i)atc will not Ae gtcntcr �hon _9•2�_._-_—o'o Pi Ics9 than � t <br /> 5. 5 0l0.Thereniter,my interc�.�ru►c wiU nuvcr bo i►urcnsed ar dcc�ea�ed on any single Changc qiuc by mare thnn two i <br /> Z•0 �fram Ihe rniC of intcrest 1 h��•r lx:en payim�fc�:�Im pr�r;ding twclvc manths.The minimum intcrc�� un�his laan will nevor bc � <br /> • , than 5•2� 010 nnd thc maximurn inc¢��cLt pfar�vit1�wvci ha grmter thnn �2•2� °o• ! <br /> r � <br /> � llsl [:(PetNvo As►tc of(:hang�.�o <br /> : My ncw intcrest r�tc�viU bocnme cifet:Uvu on ciuh Changc L1a�r.I will Uay ihe nmount of my ncw manthly payment bcglnning on the ilrst � <br /> monihly payment dntc nftcr�ho Changc Unte until t1w amvin��>f m)•monlhly paymcnt chAn$cs aguln. ; <br /> (F l Notico oi GhAngc� I <br /> Tho Nate Halder�vill mail ur delitirr ta me n n�,2:cu befu*r cach Ch�nbe Uate.Thc natice wlll advise me of: � '�..�:,;'.,;j: <br /> . (i) the ncw intcrc�t rate on my Ican i�.ti af:he CAsi�RC Datc; :�:+:� •;':�";•.� . <br />- __ ' �u� the amount of my manchSy pa��r,enc`oi:�r�i�the Chnnge pate; ' �S�•�•'`�" � <br /> ' � (iii) any ndditirnal�nutters wA,ch che N�ne ttut.icr is requlred to disclose;and � • � <br />- (iv) the address of chc+�s�uciu�ian>ou coucl cantnct regarding any questions about the odJustmem notica � ' <br /> , 9. CHA��FSi 1.IF:NF � <br /> • UniWrm Covennnt 4 of thu Security lm�uunsenc is amonded tn read as folfaws: <br /> 4. ChA�n;l,lena.Borrawrr shall pay all[axci,,assess��4,and ather chnrgcs,(incs,and impasitlons sttributs�ble ta the Properry which may <br />- nttain a prlority ovcr this Security ln�trunicnc,nnd lensehu;d payments aP ground rentc,ii nny,in the manncr pravided under p2rAgraph 2 hercoi' , <br />� or,if not paid In such mnnner,by Rort��we�•making paymont,when due,dircctly ta ihe payee thercoG Borrower shull promptly furnish I.ender <br /> all naticcs of amoums due under ihi�paragrapM,and m�he event Horrower rhall mAke paymrn�direcUy,Borrower ahall ptomptly Purnish to <br /> , Lender receipts cvideneing suah payrnuncs. Borrawer shall prumplly discharge nny Uen which has prioriry a�ror this Security Insttument; <br /> _ � hawever, Borrawcr shnll nW bo rtt�uietd lo di��churgc any such Iicn sa lang n� Borrowcr: (a) xhall ugree In wriNng to the payment af the <br /> - -- - - obligation secured by such lien In tAc n�smicr a�_ceptab7e to I.ender,(b?�hA��in uoocl faiih comest such lien by,or defend agalnst enfarcemem ai <br /> � such lien in,Icgal proccedfnyh which in thu o,inion ut Lcnder operaic io prcvcnt Ihe cnforccment of ihc licn ar farfcilu�c of the Properry or any <br /> — part thercof;or(c)shiQl «curc i�cmi thu hc;dar oF su�h licn un ugrccmcnt in n form saUs(uctory tn l.cndcr subordinaUng such licn to this <br /> i SecuNry Instrumcnt. <br /> i IP 4endcr determinas thut all or any��art of ��u Property is cubjcct�o u lien which may uunin a priurity ovcr thir Securlty In9trumcnt, <br /> { Lender shall givc Horra�.vcr a nocicc identff�ing surh Ifen.Harrowcr shall sutisfy such lien or take onc ar more af thc nctlons set forth abavc <br /> . within tcn dpys of thc glving of the noti�c. <br /> � C. !�O�'�CM: <br /> � • ��niPorm Covcnunt 14 oP the Security�Instrumcm is amended to�ead as follows: <br /> �t•;• 39. �atiee.kxcepc�or anp r.�:�te requircd►mder upplica�'.e ia��ro be gicen in anoiner manne:.�al aoY notice w Dorrcnver p�a�•ided for in�his � <br /> Security Instrumenl shul{b:�:ticn by delivering it or by mailing it by�4irs�d2ss mall to Borrower�i the Properry Address or��xu.h o�hec a�drcss <br /> tu Borro�ticr may designnte by noiice to Lend:r es provided hereln,anc�Ibl any nodce to Lende�shall be given by first class mail a�Len:le:'s <br /> •f � address statcd hcrein ar to such oiher addrrs�as Lender mny dcsignntc by not�rc ia Borrower es pravided hcrein.Any no�icc providcd cc�r�n eh�s , <br /> � ,.�;� ..,� SecuNty Inslrument shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lender when given in the mannet designatcd herein. <br /> t <br /> i <br /> f. _ _ _ - __ <br />