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- t o@�� . ' .'''F:. .aXM1.nSiY9{t�i- ,Tey. .. ..:� :, ' c �}�,'�s,<� :ia.'.--._ . <br /> . e' . . . .c. c�t . � v } . . <br /> ti { _ ' d <br /> . �.�� <br /> ._ . .�, a .,_ <br />� •:� _ . - �— —f � — _— . <br /> �.. _ - - - - . r - <br /> t V � .:- . � ._' - - . � - � .__ �. 5 �. <br /> y� i&� 6oricweds AIpM to R�Tnd�tt d eoRUwar n.eio ow�u,an�kn�,oarare�t�t nio U•,�tii ia�wd� � ' -- <br /> -"' � 6�;oonuiuiG 8 ary 4"na Fior to tha e:�a oE f�E�+Y�(or aeh oNer pzlo0 ea C°D'�''?�kn m�Y RP�M fa►di�Ni�tn�BNor��p, ';-. <br /> y'- � ..£� 01 Ni Rcpuy pu�iusni to rnY pawx of eaN OcntWia ln IAt� 8wx�/NP�rumnl;;of(b)It�'ay 01�(ud�liMt�:totOYtQ.IN�S�aq�, ' <br /> �� h�Uumnf.inou ooq�'uom w wt Barcw+n W D�ri tmdw�i wma vrt�kh tM1r+i wP�4a Wi,unOd G�HO��Y�•Lt�r�:c76�h# 5 -_ <br /> ti y�4�#�", NOiO.�� tl 110�OEWI7YM MO OOpllfia Ql) Wf!! NSI Cl�.1'JR O�Ny OJIN COYNIYI►W}QMIII0�II1: IOJ DU���M�H�1WITfA YI '1; <br /> ;y�� enwra�y u� s�uab H+uum�e „dua� em not �nw ia r«�on�. .nanyr r�u� .na �e� uxw w�n .abn .o unp�_� -. <br /> t reasonNy te¢uta to aeem�uNt ih��m o�t�u Bewmy tna�ument Undm's dgAU N N�Vtopertyr�nd BenoxNe obip�7m lo p�y 1?� - <br />—:.,�e�r.;� wm� o�owb by thb B�adiy N�Lumm��hd wntlnu�uncMnpeO. Upon nNiYlwmnt Ey BortavK. ION 8�owqi InNnxMM�nd tM , <br />_�_��';"'^-::`.°� ob4psCona aewrd AraDy thY ranMi tu!/eftecUre ae tl no�xNeraNOn h�0 ooamod Hawxx:W�itpht to nYULN aAd nal�pyty M - ---� <br /> Ne can ot�ooaNntlon undw Mn�WD 17. ` .- .. . . <br /> � � �,'�fi' � �e.s.�.a Nar,cnma•w�o.�s.�wo.►. m• wr,e a . vw� „�.., „ w. Nm. noa«nM �nn w� s.�a <br /> �. x <br /> v : , :r; Inalumenp mry be�old one a mcro tLnef wRhart pda noVae to Oortowa. A ala m�y raadl In�ohanCa N th�anllql Qav�nn aa N� <br />-,r, .- , d 'Laa.7 6avkal')11�t oo::ua manGib PoKnmte Me unGu th9 Hoto snd Ws SacuRy Netr�ttn��-n. Thaa slso ry W on0 or rt�re c*•+-- -..-._ . _.. <br /> ,: -t``�_`v� � ol the Lan BaNOer mvWIM to�ub o1Ne Nola II Nere b a dnnpe ol Ne lan BaMce6 Bortowa vA W pNan wtl1Nn no0o�O1 N� - - <br /> asr .-::� oh�np0 In aaarMnq wllh pw¢nph 1��bove�nd�pD��4w. The notlee wB t4b Ne nune�nd iEtlnsf o11Ae nsn Lan BNNON -- <br />-.. ,� �_-�_=- � en0 NO tddroe!10 WhIM ptysne�ItO ��ouW b�m�d0. 7Le no&6 wl�elao OOntoh airy Oih[r IniamoHOn fCquI�CO by epp.'Cdb10 bW. � -� <br />_ �.:,��`.,;.,,}. �0. Hwrdou�Bubthne��. Barower eneG r,ot auae a pamR tne preianoe, use, depoaU, stonge. a rNws� 01 rry _ _ <br /> ., <-�=:-;� � Marudous BubaYnoe�on o�N Na ProPe�jF BoROwe��IwO not etav�nyone d»to do.anythY�p tlfedlnp the Vroporly NN b N <br /> a:[7.:i::-i:..:. - <br /> :.:«_��:.t��,,:= rbk9on ol ury EnNonmmW Im. fAe pwamn8 Mro aentenae enal not eppb to Ne preaenaa uea or stmgs on�s PropMy o1 6mN -__ <br /> �'�:''�.,�:_;_+ QuenLqen oi Ikzudove Bu6aUnoes Nat u� gena�reoopni[etl to be�ppropAele to ncmW rosidml4l ueai md to m�6Ren�noa oi th� ___-_- <br /> s s:-r �r�° RoPaN. - `--_ <br /> - - Barowa alul prompty pMa Lender xf.tten notice ol any Inveatlpatlon, dnM, demendlsviwlt a olha actlon by ury povammenttl a lF.,�u ��- <br /> -�=.�r� repuklay apmq a prMte pvry InvoMnq the Propary end xry Hererdoua Bubetenoe a Emlranmen�al law ol wlJeh Bortowa Ns adud jr :_- <br /> �r, .,�-y. .f..`". qiqNadge. II Bonowa lame. or U noOM by mY pwerMUnisl or repuLtory euUaNy. tMl enY romovU or other rxned�tlan ot Yry ,,;,,Ye�- <br />�,,� ,.,_>.s:,-;: . <br /> -.,±i'- :;.,,.-< fietarAOUa 8ubstmes�:IecCng Ihs Properry Is neoeasery. Barower eha7 prompty take a0 nocassery«mo�l nctlone N a000MrnoO rAh �. � <br /> L ...C..;::;c.. 'F�i;�i,-;%:::: .. <br /> ,:.;..'''r. a, Emtfo[ImMid law. �'�,:v;::.. <br /> .:i,..:.c:. � <br /> : ,,,_r.��._ Aa used In thb pvegreph 20. 'Fluudou� 8ubatanas' ere �hoae �ubaWUa deMM ae tm7o ar h�rerdous aubsWOea 6y _-s��.�.,:_ <br /> FsMfannentel law end Iha Io9orM eubs'�near. DroAUW. tw7o peatiddea wA �r f <br /> y qaeoPne, kaoaen�, oNer 1lammble or tmdo DeValwm <br /> �'�i'�`-��i-�; hwElddOt, vOk1Ai eoHMU� INIBtIeb oONehing eEbesiw a/ort'uWehyd0. !nd AEIOapNB mitetW,. AO ueed N thb pen�eyh f0. �.%�.v�m ' <br /> '�� !; `•''�" fwistlicdon whMB ih0 ProptAy b IoCalcd iMt tClet9 to hllllh. 6ltely W ✓r,;�:.'�-- <br /> - - : ;4i;�. 'Em4onmentU lar+' mean� ledenl Inw m0 Nws of Iha <br /> ;:'i`::.-;=":> anr4onmcnlNWOtectloa -:;,:s�.�`;,-:.� <br /> • '�,?,; >..'4.:e%;". <br /> -- NON-UN50RM COVENAM& Barovrcr end Lender Nrthr coveiwnt md egree nf IoGOwB: �,} 1 � <br /> -.�� IIi. Aocafaration; H�msdiev. Lender aba(i gtva notlo� to Bortower prlor to tco�iar�iion 151towir�y E�.�, - <br /> ,��.`_-:,- So:re:r's�cH o! ang ea:en:nt or agroemen! !n thls 3acudtY Inelrumer.! (Uu! rtM prlor!o xc!bst_H�n , � . <br /> � , . :. under p�pprtph 17 uMes� �pplioable law provldea othenvise). Th� notiae shatl �paotty: (a) tha Q�fauR, i.'s, - <br /> t: `- s_„ (b) th� �otlon nqutr�d to oure the defauih, (o) � date, not laea than SO daye trom th� dat�th� notta� I� '�4_,4, ' <br /> � _ glvan to Dorrowsr, by which the default muat be cured; and (d) that tallure to curc tha d�huit on or •t"' ;+ i.,- <br /> �, s., _:. <br /> -:r..-,-4,.;�__�, before the date speoiflad In the notloe mey reautt fn eooeleratlon o} the aume seaurad by thta 8acurlty <;;�?:,.:,?;:��.,' <br /> Inetruman!ond eala of the Propedy. The notlae ehall turther iniorm Borrower o}the rigM to relnatate aftor -��� r <br /> '"�°�` ` ecoelentlon and th� right to bdng a ooUR nctlon to aesert the nomexletence ot a default or �rqr othn ���=��;-�:yr�f�r:._ <br /> - '�'��?-�r;,:�' detenae ot Bor►ower to eooele►atlon and sele. If the detault le not oured on or before the date apacifl�d :�:�%?�4:;ri--w-;:.- <br /> In the noNoe. Lander et ito optlon mey requt�e tmmedlata payment In tull of ell eume eeaured by thb �;Yct��".-:��°;-;-- <br /> -;�5," ° 8aaurity Inahument wkhou4 furthar demnnd end mey Invoke the powor of aala and any other remedlea °�.���trri�}11�`-� <br /> ��:��-'= permltted by applloabte law. Lende� ahall be eM01ad to colteot all expenaee Incuned In pureuing ths %`;s:<'�r[�;''.- <br /> . :�-�_._':,; :,:-;5.,-••,-_.-. <br /> remedias provlded In thla paregreph 21, Inoluding, but not Ilmited to, roasoneble ettomeye'Te�a �nd ooM� 's.z±,},?<__r;__._ <br /> '"�- oftiNe �vldenoe. �:�:.•;.�:±�:.•_ <br /> t�,�,. It the power oi ea�e Is Invoked, Tmateo aha!I record e notice of deteult In oaoh aounty In wliloh any ' ���->�'-�,��`- <br /> � part of tha Property le located and ehall msil coplee of such notice In tho mennor prescribed by appiloable �'•��:Y��'� " <br /> , a:... <br /> lew to Borrowor end to the othar porsona p�osoribed by eppllcabte law. After the time required by <br /> - - _ epplioable law. Trustea ahall give publio notice of ealo to the p¢raona and In tha manner praeoribed by 7�`^: ="'•' <br /> -_. ,.. epplloablo lew. Tmotee, without demand on Borrower, ahall eell the Property at publlo euotlon to the ,',:�,;;r-:-� <br />� >.��, �� ., higheat biddar at the Ume end pl�ce ond under the te�ms dealgneted In the notico oi ealo In one or moro ;�.<a`-:�;;rF,��, <br />� - - parcela and fn any ordor Trustao dotarminos. Truatee mey postpona aela oi all or any parcel ot the .;�_::�:�,�>%�•.--. <br /> _. Property by public announcameat at the tima end place of any prevlously schadu:od eale. Lender or Ite <br />-�-µ�+-�- desl8nae may purchasa tha Proparty et eny eelo. `�` � -" ' <br /> � , Upon recelpt of payment of tha price bld, Truatoe ehall doliver to tha purchasor Truatoo'e deed ��- �_- . <br /> ' convoying tho PropeAy. Tha recRels in the Truatee'e deed ehall ba prima tacia evidence of the truth of '" ' - <br /> _ � : <br /> , the atetamente mnde thereln. Trusteo ehell apply tha proceede of tho sale In the toliowing order: (e) to a:l y <br /> coete and axponsos of oxorclsing lhe power of aale, and tha sale, Including the payment of the Trustee'e <br /> � teos actuelly incunad, not to excoad 3.00 9'0 of the principel emount of the note at the timo of tho ; <br /> daclaretion of dofault, end reasoneble aflorney'c foee ae parmlHed by lew, (b) to all eume socurod by this - <br /> 8ecurity Inotrumont; end (c) eny exceae to the porson or peraone legally entitled to it. � _ <br /> � 22. ROWnv0y8nC0. UDOn paymat ol a0 sums sewretl b7�h6 Sewriiy!nswment, lmdet she=repuest Tmsiee to reconvey ihe <br /> ProD�Y�tl shU nu�rMder IhIS Seariry NsWnmf and�II noles Midmtlnq tlebt setur�by 131s Sewtdy InsWmmt lo iNSle¢. T�unlee <br /> shall�ecomry tM PropMy wlhoc:waRenry a�tl nanoul charQe to the v�son or penons lepal.y mm:etl�o n. Such person ar peraons ehni <br /> PaY eny recordelbn cos�e. <br /> 23. SubatlWto T�oateo. �ende�.a� i1a oD��on. mey hom Gme to 'vme rer.wve iruslce entl appaini � auwessor ws�ee to uy <br /> Trvs�ee eppohte0 hereuntla by en Insvum+nl rewrAed In�he counry in which�his Ser�21y Ins'r�menl U recorOeA. Wilhoul comryence ol <br /> tr.e rropery.auccessor wacee anen auceeea io ea me�me.powx ena awes conie�reu upon 7mnee nere�n end oy epP�ucie iew. <br /> 24. Requoe[tOr NOtICOB. Bwoxer requesls ihal copies ol Ihe no5ces ol aela+ll en0 sele be nent:o BoROwc+e eedess wnkh <br /> b the ProDertY Ad�esa. <br /> 25. Ridore to thla Socurity Instrumont. n one o. mo�e �aers ere ezecvled by Bortower and recorded IoAelher wilh IAu <br /> Sewdly InnWmml, ih0 coreninls enE eqeemmis o7 each such rWn sha7 be inwrporeietl n�o anE SheP emend and supP�^�t tEe <br /> Icorenanie an0 apreemm!a oi lhia Secutlty NsUUmm!es A Ihe ntler(5)wae a part o/Ihis Securiry Insbumer.l. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> + Vnpr�015 iwm)C�!990 <br /> 1 F1�9tM0(�9J7 <br /> � �.� <br /> Stfi89 l� � � <br /> � <br /> . s—__._� � . <br />