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a �7Y5� �O_i . v + -�; :1N.1t�i�i�i"�Y T .. r i , 1 _`�t�J� c _,'rJ '' .�. . " '..T.,�<. <br /> . _,. _ . _ <br /> � <br /> A x y/ } Yn_"l�y`y�-,�� ' _ -- .. <br /> � If j _� f?"�LL�UMt� fi 1 .. - 3 <br /> _ ' <br /> -- - "� Y.�r4NOttonoll,ond�i��fOhhtn.tfia�v►6podY•.,��arcwa►idi3opaTarmihe.cwi��ni5en3��3mxnsqqnu�ivin <br /> . -- - 11Va&dllly tn1WID�nt"Or Nw1(s�kW�OOe�ny If�it ltuy a19�Mpn'JU ef!ecl IME�Y6 pC��h Ni V.lGD�b 1W6A 4t a pro6M�d ln� R . <br /> ,�-� �oY�P�ti,ta cOndKmtllon a taldun'a to M:or9�4+ri a nyu�6oni)�thai tandN rufy d,0 Pn0 piy.tai w1GfwR A a:cG.�cy -- --- ----- -°- <br /> — � to prat�tt N�vdu Gf N�itopad md LendK�tlpAU h N�Wopxa, lenCal�acllon�m�y NduQ�DWD�01nY�um�aKUrIQ Dy�6n � <br /> ..,� xiikh tw prlalOr ova tAb 8oauiy Ni�Wma�t Wv�+O 6 mxR PM�Y ra�on�bN aqomye reoa.aia en�aNp on me vrupui��o r:m� _ --- ° <br /> �2�.�! reptYti�qMOU�NnNr m�y u.ka�dbn unda We Wnpnpli f,lendn doae nm Mvo to do�a � �. <br /> Any amounG Q16u�W by Landr unda We p�e�pD 7{M16coome�ddUoa�d�Dt of 8arawa�eartid by 161�Siaolly N�kYRwit -• <br /> lt•r.� Unlese Bortawx md unaer��ee W o�ha tame of pqment Uese+mounu enel bev h:�res�aom Ne d�b ot daDwa«mnt if N�No�� e_ __ <br /> " wte entl�hd W pq�6N,WAh htKet6 upan noltu 4om lendato Bortowa reQunOn9 D�N�► � - <br /> r , ir :� 8. Matp�tntunrio�. tl landlr raqvYad marlg�y�hsnnno��e a cond7on o/m�Wn9 N�btn HanW by WO BiuQip� — <br /> ..'-• InsN.^n_.�x Oatro:vp aA--9�r tl�e prcm'uma royWad to tn�u5�1he ma�9�£M N��wnee N�rted.Il. fa my�mortp�g�Inac�aa . _., . . <br /> ol.,Sti�V'� - -----,. <br /> .xv:t-„ . oovMW nqAM Dy Nnd+�YP�a a aesaee�o Oe In efiecR Borrowa a�+l pyl Ne WrnYuma raqiAed to obWn oovanp�aubtW9�ly <br /> „t�y,� .��_. � equMlent lo W motlp�pe h�wano0 preNau�b H eRed,at a oat eubsun0aai equMlmt lo Ne aoM to Borrmvx ol the morty�g�Nwr�nu __ . <br /> � � Prodauab N Mect,hom�n rllanol�moMy�90 Naurer apProrM by LenAx. q auba4nWy oquNdmt moROS9e haurence covepge b nol � ___ . <br /> --�'� �ve46te, Barows sh�l p�Y to Landa aeA monN � sum aw�l to onstwellh ol iMY�N�W9�„a��W�m��9 D�7�Y - <br /> }" ; '. Baroxn rthen Ne N�uwnae aoveh9e I�pead or cease0 lo Ee In eRed. lender x7 aaoap6 uae�nA reuN theae�D�Y�b ae�bas C� -�„ __ <br /> S roaave N lou ol morlpey�baurana. loea resave pqmente m�y no longa bs requFed, �t the oD� ol lendw, tl matp�ys Inr,etnee Y' � — <br />�"�p��`:t'.;' OOYMQO�111�Ni0M1 NE 1N 1I10 pMiOA SN�LMdG fBQuIfB3)pfONOld bY 67 NNf6!�f0Y8A by LdIdN Y0iY1 D8�W1188 iViEiUiO CI�G N �' _ <br /> _-i� (�� oDiehed. Bwrower eM1 pry ths prxM+me requlred to meNWn mony�ge heuruice N elled. or�o pmMS � bse mwa un� N� �_ � � <br /> requYement fw mott e Nxa�nee ende N�aorAeneo wlth e�ry mltten a�eemmt 6etween Baravx anE len0a w�pplaDb Yw. "� .�,�•—.'...�. <br />�r'` ,,,;;...ti;` O� 1M9 �-^.,.i;._%-:�_ <br /> - �:..;�:.r,..,_ 9. In�p�atlon. londa a h��pem meY make reaaoneEte entriaa upm�nd In�pacCOn�of the Ropary. Lande sIW pNe Bartowx , . <br /> t� :3. notlo��t the tXN of or pAor to�n NaDeWon rPed�Mg rea�onahla cauae br Ne NapoWon. �L, �"---. --- <br /> r;,�, t0. Cond�mnMion. rno proceade of any eward a delm for dmx9e0. mrx[ or oauequentlW, H connedbn wM �ny � <br /> 3�f"�" '� �' eontlemnalbn a olAa Wdnp ol eny pN of Ihe Roparty. a for eonveyanee N leu oI oondametlon, v�hareby esslyned�nd ehJ 6e Wd - <br /> :,. ,�; <br /> �� z� `�'�ir' �o kndfY. ' .._. <br /> � "� --.;; In the aYent DI�to'JI Wdng ol th0 ProD�Y•1ha ptoe08M�hell ba epp0e0lo Ihe Nm!�ew�etl b/Lhia BeCUrily InsWment whC�hC of '�t <br />�;'_=^,+�:--,;�. not then dua xEh eny mcoes�peid to Bortower. In�he evmt W�parlW Wdnp of�he RoPBM N which ue tW ma�ket r�a of the Proparty •.:t�.,._•... <br /> -,5�.3 � -:�. � t ._ <br /> � � � �_f- LmmoAetoy beloro Ne Wdnp b equal to or qroeter IMn the ennunt ol lhe aums saared by 1hN BeaMy In6Wment LmmeAetey DMae tho <br /> �t }n:__... <br />•�j �� ,;;� W Wy,unlets Barava�nd lenAa olhGVASe eyee in wdWp.1M aume aacurad by thb 8ewriry Insfimmt ahN bf reduead by ths uoounl _' r _ <br /> 'ifi:i� of Na prooe9A+muI11pQM by ihe fo6ow4�p hedbn:(eJ Ihe toW unount ol the�umf searetl Nme�atey 6efore the Wdny.B+Idad by(b)tha -'S , <br /> �. n5 �. fWr muket raWe ol the Propeny Y�unemetey bebro the uldnp.My bWenoe she0 he Odd ro Bonower.N Ihe event ol�PazIW LIOny ot the -�.�t� � Y.�::.:. <br /> i-;�� Propary In whkh the tetr muket vaYe of the PropMy Nmetlle�ey bafwe fhe Wdng u lese then the artwunt ol Ne wme aeaurod NuneArtey - . :.- <br /> ,r.. - --. 6etaa thB Lkln �unles� Bartower end lmder olhercASe u ee h wfWn a unaas epDtabla I�w othircMa proridee.Ne D�s elul Os ,_ > > � :- <br /> . q 9� 8 �'_,.,.. <br />���'-�?�(%�:;��. appleA to Ihs wma 6aouraA by thla BewAly Inawmant whetha or not Ihe eum�ve then Oua .r;.,+,(;,;�;�'y° <br /> �..�;•.:.; .c''•:C�_—_-. <br />__ ,::„_'t,,. tl ih0 ProP�'I��buidonad W BonowM.or B.eflC noL'ea by LMder to Barowa iho[ihe oondetmor otlen to meke en�wetd or feltle �:;;�,.�.:,.;_;.�.;_;.._. <br /> � �� --'�� e deYn tor auiugea, 8mw�a Y8a to respond to lentler wnhh 70 tlays eder Ae daie ihe nodee o ghn landa b�u1l�wited to oo:aci uid `�;� a y_:_�___ <br /> r.? p — <br /> , `.��.� e.,^^�.,Lht poc�e.e!i:M!�MI. C�h_K�n roabrafbn or repa4 W tha Properq w to the mma sewre0 M thb 8eatlty InaWmen6 whelher L_>� <br /> v � — <br /> -` � Or nol tnen dua -:4s• �i` _-- <br /> . Unlea�Lmdx�nd Bortowx oNexAse epree N w�iWq, ury eD���� ol proeeads ro P�dVe��h�0 not oxtmA a poslpone Ih�due _,�� .,�� I; .: :- <br /> � � Oala ol ihe monlhy p�ymanU refertetl to N perepraphs 1 end 2 w chen9e lha unounl ol evch p�ymrnlf. � � r--- <br /> ;�°r�.;;,;` 1/. Borrow�r Not Aaleased: Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver. E,eanaon o� .�e ikne tor paymm� or -''"�`�`.,. ,3�.___��"`. <br /> - rtwUMcalion o1 emoNmtlon ol Ihe 6ume eewred by ihU 8ewdly�neUUment gnnletl by Lentler to eny waesea N Interest ol8ortowa fhal -��� � a�`;: <br /> . �t5..(��.:j n0[OPMStB�O releaee Ihe IebPry of Iha o�IpNV Bonowor or Barowefe 6u0CeaaaO N NltteSt LBnAY thei nOt 60 rlqulfCC t0 oominMCO �,:' r� f��'-" .' <br /> �, r`,` :..� - %.F :F'.. <br /> _ proeaoding�agLL+et wy auaessor h Ntwe�t u reNae to wRenO tlmo br peymnt a o�hemiae mafiy umrtlratlon of Ne euma searcd by �- ! � �:;'� <br /> w t <br /> � � ihla 8ew'If/ In�Wment by reeson ol any der.ianA mede by the arlgfnel Bortower or Bonowef6 wceessore N IntereaL My lofbearena by �ur7��� '�rR'���.-_- <br /> `- , i: lenAa h arerdsing a�ry rlgM a remeQy ehe.9 nol be�waNer ol ar Oredudo the exerdae ot any dpht a rtmeQy. �t � � -� � __ <br /> 12. Suooeasora and Asalgna Bound; Jotnt nnd Saveral Llability; Co-slgnere. rne eoremma ena egeemend m �,;.1 ��,j, -� <br /> - :�� a�L'.: <br /> Nle BearRy ImWmont sha9 bNA mtl bmeRt the suaeseore end aaegns ol LenEer entl Bonower, auDJect to the proNelone ol penyra0h dR� �t, <...': <br /> 17. Bortowele oovenena end agroemenla aN: ba Joint md aweral. My Barower who oo-slyna Lhl� BewiRy NnWmmt but dou not „,�'x,3;.-���.. <br /> - ...J oxeato Iha Nole: (a)le oo-slgnNg tlib 8eady Inawmen[ony to mortg�ge. grent,entl comey Uel Bortower's N�croat h tha Property wAer -•�( k�F -��:`._ <br /> ��?� tl�a lemu ot thls BewrXy InsWmmk(b)b no1 peraone0y obYyalcd to pay Ihe w�m aewred by Ihls &adty InsWmmt�G(c)agraet Nat � � � r.�, <br /> m ' <br />- `-' J`'t,'--:'[�: Lenda end an olhd Borrower mey eyree to eztend.moOMy.labear or meke my eaommo0eilans wRh requd to tame o1 ihb BewAry -::^.-:�<;:�„-'j-;''!. <br /> - InaWment a iha Nole wllhwt lhet Bortower'a oonsml ,' ��- -��- <br />` � 13. Loan Charpas. rc mo ben eearetl by this SeaAry Innwmmt b aub�act to�law whieh eob madmum Iwn ehugoa and Ihat -_ r�� %. <br /> � lew h Maly Inlwpreto0 ao IMt iM hlereat u oNw bm cN:9ua wixte0 or to be ooOeclM in aonneclion wRh Ihe Iwn exceed tho ;, i -..: <br /> -� ed WNte,then: (a) airy sueh bm char ee ehaA be reducM Dy 1M unounl neeeaxry to«Ouee ihe ehet e to ih�pmdlleA IImIC end i.:� ' <br /> 5 <br /> �} Gem�' 8 � i..- } N i -: . <br /> � (D)eny suma LLeatly ooGed¢d hom 8ortowtt whlc� �ceede0 De�m.N1eA imXs vAG be relundetl to Barower. LmAer mey cho08e to maka - <br /> , �..,� thtf reluntl by retludn9lhe pMdpal aved unOer tha Note or 6y meldn8 a Qrea payment to Barowr. If �relunA rtduew pMdpal.ihe � � 'j - ' <br /> reOUqbn x�be treete0 as�p�Nel qepeymmt wNhoN an r ml cher a undv the Nota. ��•�;` �'- _ . <br /> Y P�WYm 9 <br /> . . e.�� - 14. NOtIC08. My notlae to BorrowM prodtle0 tor In 15b SewAry Inswmmt ahe0 De qhen q tlelNeMg tt a Dy r.uQng h by kat [ � � <br /> - - � deae mell unlase epp�wble law requYea use ol enolher mxihoQ The notice ahall be 6recled to fhe Property AEAresa a eny other edOress �� _ ' .- <br /> - Bortower tlaslynetee by notlte to LmdM. My noUCe to LmEU ahall be phm Gy firnl dass maT to Lwder e etldrese aleto0 herein a eny [- . <br /> - � ':f othtt adtlrose Lentler tleNpna�ee by notloe to Bonmrer. My noLCe proritleG for In IDU Sewriry Inswmmt sha0 ba Oeemtd lo here been j:: . . " , <br /> - . . gNen to Bortox�er or Lmtler when pNm ee proHAeA In Ub pengraph -- � - <br /> , �� � - 16. Ooverning Lew; SOVBlBNlllty. Th4 Securiy InsWmmi s�atl De qovemetl by IeCeral law an0 Ihe lew ol the JutlsdNm In � . <br /> _ . whkh the P(opMy Is btet20. In tha¢vmi Ihal any provision u Cbuse ol thb Seturlry InsWmmt or tLY Nola COnl9da w11h appOCe61e law. � ' <br /> - - . wM aon(fp ehe� not a/1ec1 other Drorizlons ol this Sewrily inaVUmml or 1�e Nob nhich cen M gNen ertect wi:hou�Iha oonSw.ting . <br /> - . prorlsbn. To ihU md Ne qoNSfona of this Sewrily Nstrummt mtl the Nole ue declerctl 10 be severabN. <br /> -': ' - 18. BOrrOwBr'8 Copy. BmmM sh�:Ee ghm ona cm�ortne0 wpy o1 ihe No�e ana of Ihis Secu�fry InawmenL <br /> -,� 17. Trenafor o1 tho Proporty or a Beneficlel Interest In Borrowor. ![eu or eny pce o��ha Propmy or eny mtges�m <br /> tt if solA a tmna/med (w tl� benK+Uel Nlxest N Bortower b eo10 w vens!me0 and Bortowa ia nct e naNrel Derton) mlhoul LmEer'e <br /> � � �' pbr wrilten consmt. Lmder mey. el Xa op9on,rtyu4e immeda!e peymmi In hE ol eY suma eewreG by iMe SecuM,y InnLUmmt Howwer. <br /> _'_- � ' .nn:fN:'v'v ui+i:SE:.�..'_'_.._'r,""` '_.�.� ......���.y os oi.w��:.a._�e�.....u.M:g_L�.•e• <br /> ' -a - IIIID pPVp1� u)• n euaa x Mv��rv�� v� � M.�. <br /> - 11 Lender aerdsea 1hB op0on.Lendtt ¢hall ghe Bortowx no9ce ol accNereWn.The notke aha0 proNde a pMOA ol nal:ess 9un 30 <br /> - Cep hom t�e Oe�e Ihe notice ia AeWtteE w maled w'.thin whkh the Bonowx musl pey a9 sums seared by thie Sednry InsWment. 11 <br /> � - ' Bonowcr fe:a to pey these wma pbr to lha esyinGOn ol Ihis pdio0.Lmder may hvoke any�emedles pertn111e0 Ey tMS Secu�y IrtSWmivit <br /> - wl:hart NMtt cotlee p OemenA on Barmier- <br /> . . . oaa�o�s Fwm�ote v5o <br /> ,'' !�t=---' ' �-7� <br /> �-.�-:-"�_t F�:n_uwa�.n3� � <br /> .� <br /> :,: - �� MI <br /> - s,� — -- — + <br /> � <br />