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s�,�r, ,� � �__ . �. . �� �' :' . �' ._� . ��� .,� , �}�Y 3n �! ` — --.__. <br /> � � : r <br /> n <br /> . . .. -.��� . <br /> — .. - � � . " �M .��, rt � <br /> ... , . . . . • , _ ' . " _ 'p .'.1. <br /> �p►j�menu.whfeh aso nteaed io in Par `�h 2,or cAaago tdb emomi o►euch paymenq, .Any-exoFSS pmcuds ovcr an, � <br /> anount.rcquir�d topayellouutaadlqgln�deb',attesaundK�No�O�ndthie8awityiniWmentslaltbopaldWtheNl[ty,: <br /> tegally ent[ticdUr.rota . <br /> — s� t3ge. y�dcrmsycollecthesandcharge�aumodzed6yU:b8aretary. - . <br /> 9.arouad�forAealeraUonotDpbt. � <br /> _--—_ (�)Detouit. Lcndet mny,exapt aa 1!:ntted by rcgule�lona Issucd dy tho SecrN in the caso ot paymeat de,'aulta; � , <br /> rcquliolmmWiirop�ntntinfuUolaisum+securcdbythbSavdtylrtsttument � .: ,. <br /> ----.4-�--- (q Bomoxw dcfaite by failing lopay N fuU eny monthly payment reAu'.red by thla$eautty InswMent pdot — - <br /> '' tooron�heduodeieof�henextmonthlypayment or `- ' ' " <br /> ____ (1t)Bonowet defeutte by falling,tor a perlod ot��rry dayi,ro pafortn any oNer o6ltgeNom contAtned h�hfe � _ <br /> Seau�tty fnctntmenr. <br /> `� @)8alo Wit�o¢t Credit Approval.Lendu�he:l,itpemdttcd byapplicable law end witA the prlor epproval otthe <br /> �� Secmtazy tequireimnedintepaymer.tintLllotellthetmnauareibythiaSamitylnatn:menfit• <br /> Q)All or par[of�ha Property or a beneticlel intercat In e wst owoing aU or pert ot Iho Propeny,ia cold or <br /> �_-.�� othawise�renahrted(o�htt thsn by derlae ordesaenq by the Borrower,and <br /> - ---.-,,:_: - pl)ThB Propetry i�not ottupled by the pu[chaser or�ant�es hls or her pdnclpal resfdenco.m tl�a purchsser . . . . <br /> ;'_y,,�.,y:�, or gent�e doa so awpy tM Propecry bu[ hla or her cred(c haa noi Oeeo approved in aacordmce <br /> � -•�. whh the rcqutremencs of tha Suretary. <br /> .�_, (c)No tYaiver. If clrcumswrces occur thac would pemil[LeMer to requiro immedia�e paymen�in WII,but Lender <br /> -�=- dow not�uhe euchpaymenro.Lendcr doe�not vialve tta dghu wRh reapect ro eubsequent evente. __ <br /> "=c;'j"�%�.`{� (d)Regula om of HUD 8ccretar! N ma�y ctreumaences ttg�ladom issued by the 3ecrstery wlll timtt Lendecb <br />;:•-::�:�'%;�'.i,-" dghu.i1 �he caso of paymen[ defeulu. to rcqu(rc immediate pxyment In PoII and toreelose it na pafd 7Lis <br /> -,i;°.=�� � <br /> -:,,_g.�;_t,iz,�=: Securirylnsdvmentdoeanot�uthoduaocelaatfonor[oreciosurolfnotpermll�edbyngWat.omotthaSecremy. <br /> ;T��=f. (e)MoAge�e Not Luured. Borrower egfees that sAould tlu�3aurity Instrument and�he note seeurcA there5y not =_ -'�-° --- - <br />.;,,'..;,_,i,.:�.� 6eellgNteforinaunoceunderH:eNetlonilHouaingActwithin 8moatM frp��rye �°_ <br /> � �zH -i.:�+ drro hereof. Lendor,at fu option end nocwithatanding en7nhing In Poregeph 9,rcquire ImmWiate payr.w�t in °� ,;_: __ <br /> r ' �"%': fWl of ell sum+tecurcd by�hi�Securiry Inswment. A written ctatement of eny emhoduA egent of�Ae Sarcury E.� ' - <br />__j �; a�;E�; �utW subuquNt to 8 mOntAe from the dna hercof,deelining ro insuro Nis Seautty <br /> .��� --�"-;.- Inswment end tha nou eamed�Aercby,slull be damed conclwive proof of iuch ineligibiliry. No[wlthstending ��- � <br /> �f ,c-•?`;; the foroaoing,�hia oq:on m�y na be excrcised by Lender when the waveilebility ot tnsu�ance is eo!ely dua to ��� � -.- <br /> , � ` '.- CenderL feilurc�o rtmit a mongege imurentt prcmium ro�ho Seeretary. <br /> - °}'�- 10. Relnsletemwa Bumwer 6ea a right[o be ce(nsteted if Lcndcr hes rcquired tmmediete paym ent in full 6a�use E:y; <br /> ,�+��s ynf1-� of BortowerS fdlum�o pay m emount due under the�Note or chh Sceurity I:�ctrument. 7Lta right appliea even dter i��„- � -- <br /> :_ -�=�'� Coteclosurc protteding� are Imtitmed. 'Ib rcinsuue the Secudty Innrumem. Bortower sball tender In a lump eum elI — . <br /> - �_+�""'� emounu requircA[o:bnng Barowerti accuum cuctent includmg,w�he ezter.t�hey erc obGgatiom of Oortower under�h�s �':r-a_�:-� - � <br /> �� �t;,:° a`ecuriry imm:men[,iaccioma con:end rtasonaule and cusmmary artomeya'iees er.d expenses properiy essociated wi[h �� F �"----`_ <br /> �� -.')'- the foreclosurc procuding Upon rcinsteument 6y Bortower,thl�Secudty Irstrumeat end�he obligeHons that it cuv:ea E�:._;,__ <br /> � --r!"`'� ahall rcmdn in effecta+if Leoder had not reyuired immedfete paymem in fu:l. However,Lender b not reqaircd topetm1t a •s --: <br /> ' -��%" rcinstatemen[ iL (i)Lender M1as a�+cepted rcmsintemmt efler�he commencemmt ot forccloscre proceeding�within two i.��,�_��_ <br /> *�;;� yeere ImmWie�ely p:aeding�he commencement ot e curtent torcclosure pmceeding, (li) rcins�etement wtll prcclude '- ` �;�.r- <br />. - ?: .{ �,:,. foreciosurc on Ciffetent grounCs in�he(umrc,or(iii)reimtetement will advertely attect�he priority of the Ilen creaud by ` ,_�is„-, -�: <br /> >k< =t� thia Securi[y(nswmcn� . ?: -��i,�41� <br /> .--v;t•. 11. 6orrower Rot Releascd; Forbearence by Lender Not a Walvu. Extension of �he �ime of paymem or ..; '� y�''�`:;, <br /> ` A -- ` r€ modiflcetion of unoniv�ion of the:ums securcA by this Securiry I:utmment gnmed by Lender�o eny successor in imercst �%r� +i t� -��°s-. <br /> r� " ot Borrower ahdl no�opernte�o rcleuc the IiabiBty of�he originnl Bortower or Bortowerk successor in interest. LenCer ;'- }� `�'��.s -�-_ <br /> ` - -ti".t c6all not be r uired�o commence pmcecdings against en successar in interes�or rcfuse�o extend time for xymmt or .°jr. !F`'?�r�'�'- <br /> i� - t>e otherwiu mad�if umoniza�im of�he sums ucurcd b thY Securit Instrument b reason of en demend mede b ihe ��`°� -��t�} `.-_ <br /> Y Y Y Y Y Y �.�:,:. <br /> �;i-,:;:�'.;•; originN Oovower or porrowerY successan in intercst. Any far6eamnce by Ler.der in exemising eny right or rcmedy shail ���° •'• '�•t•�.'�.;�-- <br /> ,�' `�,;, not be a weiverof or prcclude�he exerci�e o(my righ�or remedy =. �' n}` ��` "- <br /> t� - �• '% 12. Suaeuore md Assigns Bound:Jolnt end Severol Llebilflr; Co-Slgnen. The covcnamx nnd egreemenu of ?:`� `-i f`:}4��; <br /> t . �`i9 Y-�� Ihis Seturity InsuumeN sheli bind and bcnefil lhc successors and atcigns of Lcndcr nnd Ronower,subjCCi to IhC provisions �S;« r <br /> ,� -� -`-• ° o!Paragmph 9b. Barowerk covennnts and ngrcemcnLC sha:l bc jaim nnd xreml. Any BortowCr who Co-sigrs Ihla " � - `� ._ ;'�' -_ <br /> / .'Ir' Saurity lasirument bul docs not cxttutc thc NoM: fu)is co-signing Ihis Sewri:y Insuumcn[only lo mortgege,gre.T.end ;�y `� - --,y � <br /> r . p '_ <br /> ,�� - convey�hn Dofrowerkinrercs�in ihe Pmper.r under�he�emu o(this Securily In,uumenC(b)is na�persovally obligaud[o : i ��` r'F� <br /> PaY, Y Y 8 Y Y B "' �� -=YZ�tF ' <br /> '-.-: Ihe sems secmed 6 Ihis Securil In.irunxnl; md(c)a rte.Ihai Lender and an olher Bono�ver ma a rce to exund, �F- �� , <br /> .� �-- � mad�fy,forbenror mek nny amommodnlinna mith regafd 1n Ihe tcmn of lhis Sanri�y Imtrumrnt or�he Nole withom Iha[ - F . <br /> < �- ti' Borroxxrleonsent. :;�� ' �s <br /> 5 �; <br /> � H S. - ` 13. Noflep. A�ry nouce lo Bortower pmvided for in Ihi.Stturily Imwment�hall be grven by delivering ie or hy � ' yl �S --,' • <br /> > -�'� mailing il by firs� clus mail unle.+applicablc lu�r myuirn ux of aao�her mc� The no:ice shall be direc[ed Ioihe r'r- �; `�' <br /> �a, -.- Property Addm.c or y:y other addmc Bartower deciFr.a�e�by na�ice In LenJet Any nolim to Lender shall 6e giren by J�,X�`0.: ,: <br /> _ } -��=' first elam m�il�o Lcidcr:addrt�.+aatcJ F.:min ar anr adJre�. Lc.dcr dc,igna�c>6y nniice lo Borto�vcr. Any nolicc i - i�_f .�' <br /> -._-f.,,•:��- provided(or in�6ii Stt+rity I1i�rumem.hail M Jecr.ird m h��c Iken gncn�n Barto.�cr or I.cndcr�rhen given as pmrided ..a�;.-:1�- - <br /> .i . m Ihix pamgmph - <br /> 14. Govem(n�law;Se�ere6ility. iLi.Sccuriy� Inamn:c�a.hail he gaecmeJ hy RJeral law anA �he la�v of the <br /> . � - Junsdiction in ei�ich�he Pmprny iJ.k��cd In ihr c�rn: �ha�any prrnf.ion ar d:m.c nt �hi+Sccurity Im:rumcr.l or�hc <br /> - No�e eon0ic�.xnh apphcah!c lau.,c�h caall�ct .hall nn: �(!eU n:her pruvixmm�f Ih�.Sccunq'Imlrumenl or lhe No[e - <br /> - � N!I[CII CN M Flctil c::ni unhoul Ite�un1liU:ng pm��.mn. Ti+Ihf.enJ thr prmf��un.a(ih�.Secunly In.lmmen[a�d Ihe _-_z..� . <br /> d <br />. � " No�earcdeclaredto6e.everaMC. . .. <br /> I5. Borron�er'sCop�. Dorro�ar.ha:lhcgnvnonc�unfnm�rdmpcul IhnScaumcln.trmacr.� . <br /> _- 16. Asslgnmenl of Rent� Hortower uncnnd::umalh a.vgu..cW�c�n.lcn�a 1 rndi�r all�hr rr��he � - - . <br /> ' Roperfy. Dnrtou�er aalhunin LcnJe:or Lenuer'.agrn:.In a�:icU 1!ie mn..mJ rrren�c.a:J i:rrch�J�rcn.e+ch Ienar.l n( ' . - <br /> �t ..-ri Ihe Propeny In pay Ihe renn lo LenJer ar Isedcn apenh. Ilnac�cr.pnur �.,4udcn nu�iac�a Hommer nf Rnrto�er'. _. <br /> _�_-.,_.' " .- brcach o(am carrnact nr aFn�rmrnt�a�hr Sncnn L:.InmunL Hurtux��.h:Jl.uL'r.�cn:J nccnr all rca� nf � <br /> lhe Proprnr a�w.tcc fnr d:c hncfi�nf Lcndrr anJ li..rro.�ir_ llu.z..igr.�ucm�d mnh o�n.lrtmr�dn ah.nlutc a..igemrn� t <br />.. - - ' a�d r.o�an a..igmmrm Inr aJdiunn�l at�unn�,�h. E. <br /> . . . •'.',� lf Lcndc�gi�'c�m�Gcc nf htwch lu Hnno��rr. �.n a11 rcnh rcccntd h� li��rtnacr.hall hc hrW hr 13arruwcr a.�v.�cr � <br /> .- _- ior uenan m i.cnucr miy.u.rn ap��m�:.c .um. .ru�rru n� �9c lnnnn in.�nm:cnl. Ihl i cnJcr.hall M cntnlN lu � - <br /> -,{°..� eolltt�anJ¢rcn< ull nf Ihe m�h nf�9c Pmp•m..mJ�a�ca.h Iruea�ol�hr Prn�m .ha11 par:dl rtr.�.dcc anJ unpaid tu <br /> Isndcr nr LCndcn agcn on Isr.Jrr i��rutcn,wma:d I�.Ihc�rnam. � <br />. " Bo:rowet ha� nalexeccleJ am p:fnr a.vfnmeN n(tht renl.�nJ ha. �an.mJ udl nm ryrinnn am aa Ihal wnuid <br /> - prcvenl Lender fmm excrt ite rigLl.un2rr Ihn Rr.�grapH I/�. <br /> "'' '-- Ltndtr�hall no1 bf rCyofrcd In tni.-r upm. IaAc mnVnl ol ur m�mlam ILv N�qx�n) IKfu:c u�a11LLr ginng nnhar ul � <br /> ...�.r-4j'- -.-: <br />-°-'--'' .�..�:•`, breaeh lo Dortnu�er. Hnx� LcnJvr ur a�::J�rie!Ir appnm�cJ rcaturr m:n Jo w.n am Gmr:hrc i.:� hrcad�. .\m <br /> apn:iraunn u(rem• sh:ll nnl ccrc ar«airc am Jcliul�ur mcahJalc am nihr�rfgh�or nmcJc of Lrndcr. lLi.a..pgniacnt r <br /> o(renl.ul thc 1'mpeny�hali�crm ina�...hcn�Sc Cch�.ca urcd hc�L•c ticccrilc Inammcul i.p:uJ m IuIL <br /> A r <br />.. _i;' �cr+'`� � <br /> . A'l, qvv t.,Nrva�v <br /> t-. � <br /> S ♦ ' � <br /> t ' <br /> . _�_fY �.� _ _.. . _ . . ` <br />