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::r.. _ .�_.__ ' 4: , t t.. n,� •1 t�iv <br /> i}t:.:� _ - c- � i;�I �-� } _-�-. <br /> —.—_ _ .� �.i�__.- .. <br /> , � <br /> "`_—� ._- _..- ,_ _ . . ' -� : .._ . <br /> i'� -' . � �� .- � '' /� p <br /> . - - .. , - , , -. � <br /> - . " , _ �7��Y�N r , �-� <br /> : ,� <br /> — . . . . .. ��47- , <br /> • 1� c}entolPylnctppT,[n(ercet�ndLateCd�rgi. B trowetaAallpaywheuduethepr]hetpelot,1ui41nt4nstcn, : , _� <br /> p�y� �q u <br /> .. . tiwdo6tev(deaaAbytII!fNoteendlateeh�geaduaimQcrtiscNOta . _ . - -°— <br /> 8; Ikfopttilyy�ne d�pYipze+,in6otai�ceppAOtRe C8uQ ta. IIofroW' etalmlfir.ciudo'Ineeshm0u',�ty paym4mi :. <br /> togulm w�tb ilro pnnQtpil ana lnteRat ea�et(oM In ftw�ote e�Weny i4ro cbarges,an WtaWixrf"o!pr1Y(�Cuw�uid - <br /> t�c(eleaseumenqlevledorto6etaWedegalnsltAeYroputy,(b)lcasehol0paym:puotBquc:dce��8opih6PNpeny.an0 ' <br /> -- (o)prertilunuforlcso[anceroqui[e0by yna. ' • <br /> _� Babh montAri fasteWnme for ifeme e).(6)end(o)�hall eqaal one•tweUth of Ne�uival"twon�biy " � <br /> _ _ .__ __ <br /> a es�imated by[.enber lw en �-num�u eicns ro malnteUi an addftlonal bale�ce of uot more than-o3aii�cth of tAa . -" <br /> � � _ <br /> tsdmeted amounu. f�ll annuat amount[or each item thell tk eau�qiilattd 6y LenCq iv1Wq ep�dOd�ndtpgDifo : .. <br /> monQe 6efom en fiem Woutd becoaw ddlnQuent. I,ender shell hoid tha'amOr•nte co]Iectcd In tNetmo pay t2�f(a�(b)tn4 � <br /> __. (o)befOm they bewma deWiqu�nt. <br /> If et eny dae 0o tael of the paymenro held 6y Lender for ltertu(a�(�)er.d(o),mge�her wltb tLe funuo m.nthiy <br /> _—_-__ ptymenro for such i:enu payable to I.endu prlor to tRe due dntw of such itena, exaeda by moro than onasfxt�the <br /> --—�°- estlmeted amount otpaymente required to qy euch items when due,end it pnyments on tde Note aze current,�hen I.enQer <br /> -�m:aa=ecs sAeil elthu tttund ihe dxass ovet onastxth ot�e esUmeted pa e+ue or erWit the excw over oao-sixth of che estlmetsd <br /> r <br /> ___-;--� prymenta to�u6scquent paymente Ey 8�wer at the opdon o Bonower. It tho to�y to Lenpdei���e mado by Bormwer <br />-:-a:,rt;;'�x for itun ta).@) or(o)fe Iasufflcieni m �de ftem when dua�Bortowu ehell any emowt necessery ta <br /> � :__� _r�: makeup�hede{Ieiency onorbetomthoda�e�eitembecomadua <br />-:.-:Y,,��,.. ps uxd in�h 3ecmiry Imdumenq"Sarctery"meene tAe 3averary of Houalng nnd Urban Derelopmene or h[a orher <br />- ^;����"'=<^- desi ea. InmyyarinwhlchtheLendermust a amortgageinsurancepnmiumiofiaSarotary.eaobmonthtypayment <br /> . ,..:.�... - <br /> � � �hal�also include ehhu: (q an insre!Imen�o e annual monguge Ir.surence prcmium [o �apetd by Lender ro the <br /> '".Ms�-` Sceretary,or(U)e mon�hly charge insuad ot a mongege lnsuranca prcmlum !f thi� Scauiry Insirument la held by 1he <br /> �" � Scetttary. &tch momhiy Wtallment of the mortgege insurena prcmium�hall bo in an emoun[sufflelent ta eaumulete the <br /> .tt: ful4annuel nortg�ga insuranca premium with l.ender one month prior ro�he daro tha fult ennud mongege insumnce " -° -"-"-- <br /> �'•Lr�s:;:-?•.. prcmium U due w�he Seeretary:or if tAia Sceuflty Liawment ia held 6y the Seceetarg,eeeh monthly eharge�M1all be in en <br /> �.<c>�,,�:'e, <br /> n , ,,.;.,:a, emountequelw000-ewelMofono-heifperan[ofthaouutendingpdncipal6atenaduaontAeNo�a _ <br />���� � -" �'• If Bormwer unden ro Lender the full paym ent of ail cum+�eoured by�hfa Sxudry InsWmrnt,BortowerY acauot F:.�-,�- <br /> �;"���-.�`+ sAall ba credited wi�h t6e 6alenca rcmaining for ell instalimenu Por I�ema(a). @)and(e)end any mongego Inauronw <br /> �="�A%e;�c.• prcmlum Ineullment that I.ender ha�not become obllgeteA io pay to the Secretary,end I.eoder afidl promptiy rcPo.^.d any __-- <br /> '=`t�;'°.:t;':- exau funda to Barowec Immedierely priar to a fomlmure ieta of Iha Propeny or irs acqulaition by I.ender,Bortower§ _--°— <br />�'c�;;..;;','��. azmunt efiell bo aedited w:th any balanca nmalnir.g for ell lnstellmente for itema p).@)u�d<c). — �_,.. <br />,.•:;'=>•..=j.`' 3. A Iicallon of Permenta. All peymente under Peragraphe 1 end 2 shall be applled by Lender a�followa: �°`�-- <br /> °:.n,i:..'�4i'r <br />(_�.,,,�_ti.y�:; . ro themorr e inaumnce premium to be pafd by Lendet to�he Secretery or w the monthly charge by the - <br /> �`-�.. <br /> �3 a�"��� �,t����e pec,d esses smrg.nts�leasehold paymenu orground renu.end f:rc.nooa�a ome�n�ra w �- <br /> , 2 "1 maurance pfenmma,uiequi�ed: � --�. . . <br /> �y�'t�°.�' �S�s�inE�cntuKti7i�cii�icn�ii: --- <br /> EQ]�('$.tounonwilon ot�he principal oft�e No:r, s^=;�"- ��- <br /> �:'�f" �'�,ro lete charga due under�he Nota ,j.rts -' <br /> '� - 4. Firc,Flood and Olher Haxerd Insurence. Bortower ahell insme all improvemenu on the Propeny,whether now --,.��x._� <br /> � -`� in ozlstence or cu�q uently erected,egeinst eny hazerds,casuahies,end mntingenciee,inciuding fve,for wAtch Lender .p; �°- <br /> � � �-• ttquircs insurena. 7i�ia insurana shell be mainteined(n the amounp and for the periode�het Lender rcquirca. Bortower -:, �-,.��;- <br /> � , -� sAell elso insure tll imp mremrnte on�he Proyeny,whaher now in exis�ence or aubsequent:y erected,egalns[loss by Floods ;�a��-+g•�p,: <br /> r�f . :- to the eztent rcquircd by the Secrctery. All msJrance ahell be cerried wilh compenies appmved by Lender. 71:e tnamance y_ � -�{�;�:� <br /> _'j, policies end eny rcnewals shall be held by Ler.der and ahell include lose payable cleesu in teror of, e�d in a fo,m `�r , =Z <br /> r + - . eccep�ablero.LeMec s1, � r ���'�.. <br /> �'oy"`� _V` made promp�ly by Borrowe rREech insurence c mpeny�rnncemed�a1hereby uwhon'zeddend direceed to make payment for � ;�rS}� c�r�'�'-- <br /> auch lou dfartlp�o Lender,instead of to Bortower and�o l:enderjointly. AII or eny part of the inwi5ntt procads may be . �� _� - � <br /> , n'+y t > r �r_ <br /> i � ' " applted by I.ender,et its np�ion,ei�her(e)�o the rcduaion of the indebtedncss under ihc Nom end this Secudty Inswmen[, -=hr �, ,`-��_.. <br /> � � �_., first�o eny detin5uent emouma applied in�he order in Perograph 3, end �hen to prep¢ymen[of principal,or(b) to the --Fs� � . ^: <br /> --? mstorelion or rep�v o(the damaged propeny. Any nppiicntion of the proceeds to�he principal shull not extend or postpone ce�in; a} si?" - <br /> �+I,i__r,!;'�� the due date of the monthly paymmis wh�ch are re.'ened to in Pemgreph 2,ar chonge the amount of xuch paymema. Any ,->'> ��+�k1y.,t?;=.. <br /> . �� excu+insurence proreeds over an amount rcyuircd ta pay ell omsmndir.g indeMednetis under�he Fo:e and this Saurity �,:-_ 3 � �q,;-,;:_, <br /> - c. Iniuument shall bepaid�o�hc emity legully cr.�itled themto. i-:+ ,�- t.�{��':; <br /> � j- .�.._�;; In the evenl of foreclosurc af lhis Security Inswment or olher�mnsfer of lille lo Ihe Property[he[extinguiahes Ihe `-r� +4 v,-„;. <br /> i� -. : l rigF.t,ti�Ee and imerext of Bortower in and to intumnce po!icics in(orce.4all Pass to�he purcheser. j:,1' � :_•�.: <br /> + :-.-- ��-'� S. OaupmeY, Praervalion, Mafntenence and Protecllon of ihe Property; 6orro�veYa Loan Application: --:-n.,_,:,�_,�.r:'-�- <br /> � ' ,� I.teseholda. Bor:ower ahall accupy,cs�ablish, nnd u+c Ihc Propcny as Borrowcr's principal ¢xidcncc wilhin sixlY drys ��y �d'� i�:�� <br /> j afler lhe exav[ian of[his Security fnsuument and sha:l cominue la occupy Ihe Pmperty u Bovowert principal res�dence ' �ry H�-_ '_:- <br /> foral Ieest one yeard[erlhe date of occupancy.ueless the Secrc�ary delerminec this myuircr.unt will cause undue ha:dship n :t <br /> .,� for Bortower. or u�less exler.ualing cimunismnces exis[ w9ich am 6eyond Uor.onrrl com.rol. Bortower shall notify ,-�St .. <br /> Lenden of eny ex:c.^.uating ci¢u:�smnces. Bortowtt shall nol commi�o�silc nr de+troy�.damage or sub}mniially chenge <br /> ihe Property or al!mr Ihe Poperty to demrinn�e.rcawnable�rcar and tcar exicpted. Lend.r may inepect lhe Ropetty i(ihe . <br /> Property is vewm or abandoned or�he Ina� de(aul�. LenJer may�ake¢awnable ac�ion to pm�eci and prtserve such _ <br /> vatan[or abanda:zd Property. Borroa�cr xhall akn Ix in ucfaull if Onrto��cr, Juring Iht Inan :�pplica�ion p:ocns,gavc : <br /> =-'- m.aeerially false or inaccunte infartna�inn n: .�a�emrnn m Lcndcr enr (ailed :n pmriJc Lender with any ma�erial . . <br />- �� ir.(orn:anon)im m�nection�vi�h the loan evidrnced by�Le Kme.incluJn:g.M1u� nm limi�ed�o.reprexn:ations conceming !�-����'. <br /> - '���'�`''" Bo:rower's occupa.xy o(�M1e Propeny aa a prir.cipal rc.�dence. If�hi.5e�uriq�Imwmen:n on a Ieaeeho!d.Bortower shall -: � <br /> comply wilh�he prorisiom af�hc Ica.c. If Onm�xrr acyuirn(cc�i�lc�n�hr 1'rapcnr. �hc Icauhnld and ftt�il:c.hall nol <br /> �•'��-� be merged unlexs Lender agme+w�he merger in un:mg. - � � <br /> 6. Charges lo Borroner and Proleclion of Ler.der'.s Rightx in Ihe Propertr. Bonaocr.ha:l pay all guvcmmemal { ' - <br /> or munieipal eharg<t fine+anJ impn�ifiam Ihal a:e nu1 mcleJeJ in Par.�gr.�ph?. Bnrtm�cr.hall pay thex nM1ligaumm�n � - <br /> icr.e direcCy to�he entiq�xhich f.nxeJ�F.e paymem_ If failurc �o pa� wauld ad�ene:� af(ec� LenJCr:mtcma in�he - <br />- :� Property,epov Le:der�reyuc.� 6nrtoxer�haEi prm:iptl}fumi.h�n Lender re.e:pP cridennr.g Ihne parn:rnh. � <br />. .;��,'..i:��_ 1(Borto�ver fail. lo makc ehac payncnl� nr�hc pa�mrn�� reymred hy Paragraph?�rt (aih w per(nm any�uhcr <br /> ,-.j covenanls and u�lecnenl.conlamtd m Ihf�Secunly Imlrumer.L n:Ihete i�a Icgal pr<reeJmg Ihal nay.ignificanlly:d(ecl F <br /> ° • � i.�gni� n�'u`a �ivµ�.J f,�.0....u�- Gg v��.u�w�vpi...f. - nd:i.n .n ...u�.n. -- .a feguiaine�.i. [ <br /> -'� Wen Lender may Eo and p�7 ��ha�c�cr�m pmtttt tF.e�a'ue e(�he Pn penr�and Lenderi�he Pmpeny. 1 <br /> -t�-:;-.._:' including paymcN of tnncs,hav;ud mwtanae:md olhcr i� m Paragr.�ph?. � <br /> -� ^- " Any emoun�.diabuncd by Lcr.dcr undcr lhi+P,nagr.�ph+hall hecnmc an addiuonal deM of 6nrtaxcr a�d I+c�ccumJ � <br /> - ''`�'• ����!' by this Seceriry Ins�r�mcm. Thnc amoum�sF.all Mar iu�crca(mm the Jeu of di�huncner.L at �he Nn:c at�hc f- <br /> -- -- oqion of Lendec shall lx immcdia�cly Jue and pa�ahle � <br /> - 7. Condemn�Non. The procetd�u!any awvrd nr rlaim tur Ja:::ages.Jircrl or cannectiun�uilh any <br />_;�,`;_��_ eor.demnation oro�her taking uf any part uf Ihe Ropeny.or f.+r caareranee in pla.<of a� hemhy a.ugr.ed ( <br /> and shall bc p�id to Lendv w�hc cxmm ot:hc PoII amnum of ihc mdch:cdnc.�Iha�rcmaim unpaid cr.Acr�hc Nmc and�L•i. � <br /> '�-�.::k~! Sxurity Inswmem. Lender ahull appi��wch prtkceds�o�hc rcduafon o(Ihc indeh�cdr.c..cnJcr the Yo�c ar.d�hf�Se�vrilr <br />. '�,ur :=°Y;; Instrument. fint m my Jriinyucm amaum. applicd in ihc order pmridcJ m Paragraph i. ��:, �hrn �o prepaymcm nf � - <br /> .�-�r^, - ' principal. Any applica�im o( �he praxds m Ihe principal .hall nnl .x�enJ or�xn[pnae�he due Ja�c o(the momhly � <br /> �1.;` 'i � <br /> �` ip,c�2.�+rae�u i <br /> � L � <br />