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1_ _ ,v . . .�_ . _. � a . . . .�L�-�°f,-� : <br /> � R �� �r P . n_.� ' h-� <br /> r Y <br /> '� :. . - . .. _ ._ '. _ ' . __—__..____. <br /> { i <br /> " -_ .•` ._ .._� - � ... ' .. . . '. - ' I". ' ' 1 <br /> f t ((°. <br /> � : <br /> -� . . : �.93-�v��q . . r` <br /> — p� :iRe,. tch ere retlmd to!n Paregrauh 2 or chAngo Ue nmount of auch pqynenu. My cxces�ptooccds ovu 6n <br /> 8mpant red to poy al outetanding lndebtednu�,undu tne Note enG NG Securliy Inauumenf annll 6e pad ro the endty '� y <br /> —� legatiye�eda.eroto. <br /> --° e. Lenderinyrcoltutfeweadchergeaauthaized6ythb9cccctary. ' - ---- - <br /> 9. OroaaQetor AacteratlonotDcD4 <br /> (a)DtT4utG Lcnder msy,ezcepi a�Umited Dy ttgula9on+lssue�d by tM 8ecretary N tFo euo ot psyment defaufro, <br /> �-� «qutro Mmedlatopqyment In full otail aauyms ettured by thle Secwity Inswment ifl " <br /> - - iooroniheduefdeai�eofyilfene�imonthlypaymeniorontblypaymeatrcquircdby�hla&curtry(nsuumenipdo[ ` ---- <br /> "'—"'� (ipUortocvudsfautubytnHing.forapedadotthirtyday�.topedortnenyorherobligationscontefnedN�hln � p_...�_ :._ ..---_--_,--_ <br /> 8epu�1ty U:sINmCnt <br /> `._- v N)Bale Without Credit Aypcorel. Lender shnll,[tpertnitted by appIkable law and with�he pdor approval ot tho <br /> "' Sc6totery rcquiro inmedie[e pnyment in full ote:l�he�uma sea:md by�his Savriry Insnument it: <br /> � (p AII or put of the Prope�ty.or a beneflciel Ir.tuest In s mut ownfng a.l or put ot the Prope�ry,le w1A or <br /> otAawisa uuuferted(o�liu�hen by devise ordesanq by Ow <br /> �1,� (ii)7Le Properry la no[occupied 6y�he purchaser or grentea ati hl�or her prindpel realdence,or the yurcheser <br /> s�r_ . organ tu does co occupy the Property bu[ hi� or hw crcAtt hu not been epproved in accordance <br /> �`%�� wlth�herequ6emenrooftAeSecrciuy. � . <br /> -,.'-;���;.; (c)No Walvcr. I!circur.utenaa occur�at wocld pemd[Lender to cequire immediaw payment In NSI.but I.ender <br /> -_-:;;7,1 daa notrequ(m rveh�aymenta,I.enderdoea not waive lu righu w(th ru ro scbsequent evenu. <br /> -`°��'..,.. (�Regt,letiom otRUD Becretary. In many circumswkes roguletiom saued by the SecRtary will IWt Lendttti <br /> - ;':F:�r�" dghta.In the cua ot paymer.t defaulu,rorequIre Mmediete paymmt in full end toreeloso it notpetd 'Rtla <br /> .�'���?,?`�.°� Securtry Inatrumen[daea not emhoriza�exlereHon or toreclosurc i(not parml:ted by rcguleftom of�he Secretary. <br /> •"5���•"' (d Morigege Not Inaured. Bortowaragreea�hat ahwld ihla Secudty Inswment and�he noro secured thercby not — <br /> y �f'a' h cligiblafor insurenceunder �heNn[tonal HousingAttwl�in 8 mOAtlle fromthe -- <br /> ��� i dero hereot,Lender may,et iu opNon r�d no[withstending anythfng In Pemgmph 9,requirc immedlero payment in <br /> ` ��'1 Po:I of ell aum�caured by chia Sxuriry[nawmen[. A written s[atement of eny authodzed agent of tl:e Sceruery = <br /> f+-�s 9� da�ed suMaryent�0 8 montba from�he dete Aercof,deelining to Insuro thla Security �F _;r -.--__ .. <br /> „"� `�� Inswmmt end ihe note xeurcd thercby,shall be deemed cofrclusiva proot of such Ir.ellgibillry. Notwithsronding <br /> {,?� �t �he forcgoing,this opUon may no[ ba exacised by Lender whrn�he unavai:abiltty of in:urance ia wlely due ro �ia r,��_-_ <br /> 5,t `� I.endcrY teilufe�o rcm!t a mortgege inswantt pamtum w the Saretuy. F__. . <br /> y y x�' 10. Retnsletemen6 Bortower hm e right w be reL�stated it Lender hm requirtd immediete pay� ent in[ull becauaa �,k% _�_ <br /> � °; of Borto�ver� fel:urc ro pay en amount due under�he-Note or�hl�Seewity Inawmmt. 7LIs dght applia even eRer � _-_ <br /> foreciosurc praeedingi ue ms�imted. fi rcinstete Uw Saurity Instrume�t,Bortower ahell render in a lump wm ell " "1°`��-=-� <br /> � :r' amocnu requtctd to:bnng BortowerS eccount curteat Including,ro�he exter.t�hey ere obliga:lons of Bortower unCer thla �_g_ <br /> �tl�. <br /> � S2fUr1[y I114�Nii1Pt1S.GY+tlncm�rnaic aM�eaum]hIP aN1 nlit:fmaR•a1MiTtes fCLt IIfYI CYMM1IPf pmrerly etsoCieled with — -.-..... <br /> - -° the ta.-F.L-.Mu��r.w.cdir. L'�a xi;.stuem.xnt b�Eertn:�er.!h_��d!p Instrtim!nr�iJ�he nblia�tion��hat tt cecures C�`_Y -_— --- <br /> �� ° �= shell rcmeln In e(&ct a�i�Lender hed not reyuirc�immediem payment In full. Howcver,Lender Is not 2quircd rope�mlt z,' � _ <br /> y�5`j:� rcinstetement iE (i) Lender ba+eccep:ed rcmstetement eRer the commeneement of foreclosurc prettedingn within two � �t; . . � �. <br /> :,.:�,.�,,_ yean immWie�ely preceding �he commencemen[ of e curten[ toreclosure proceeding, (iD rcinsta�ement wtll preclude .;_t',,;__�t- <br /> r_i!..��; foreclosurc an differcm grounds in the fature,or(iii)reinstatement will adrersely affa[the pdority oi[he lien creatW by �;�i`?:�;.;;f�'�ti <br /> 1 � Nia Sewrity Insuumem. - t ''' �it� .:- <br /> rzr,.t 11. Uorrower fiot Released; Fbrbearance bY Lender Not e Weiver. Exansion of�:e time of paymrnt or ._,: 4 , �.:-_ <br /> - '^- modifica�ion of enoniza�ion of�he sums securcd by�h�s SecuritY Ins[rumem grenred by I.ender to any succeswr m intercsl ' -� i 7 �.�A+,=' <br /> ,-.vJ�;` of Bofro�rer ahall r.ot operatc m reteau�he liebiliry of ihe origmal 6orrower or Borrowerh:uccessor m intcrcst. Lender �� �Y�s� <br /> --�._ shell not be reyuircd to mmmrnce proceedings egemst enY succe.ssor in interese or rcfuse to exttnd�ime for paym ent or -r�:,,, -: -� <br /> 4 - otherwise moddy emonimtion o(�he sumx ucurcd by�h�s Security Insnumme by mason of eny demand mede by Ihe �f' �'If <br /> odginal Rovower or Banowerk succecwrs in imerce�. Any forbeamnce by Lender in exercising a�y right or rcmedy ahell `�'y � `'a .-_. <br /> , not be a waiverotor prcclude tM1c cxcrcise of my right or renedy. - -'Su.,� ��i� h`�s�_.� <br /> "� -- ' 12. Successors end Asslgns Bour.d: Joint and Severel LIeblHty;Co-Signera. The covenan�s and e rcemem:of - � - <br /> � .,�_�-' Ihis Saur.ty Inz�mmem shall bind und benefit�he successors and nssigns of Lender and Borrousr,subjat ro the provisions a- , :,i _�'v,'�_5(_";: <br /> � -t - o(Peregnph 9.6. Oortowert covenants und agrcements a6ail be joint and several. Any 6orrower��ho co-signs Ihis ; ��l �'3;;. <br /> ,�..j=.�f, Security Ins[rumem 6ut das no�execme�he No�e: (a)is rn-signing�his Securiry luvumem only to mortgage,grant end �) }y„� t:;' <br /> ���•r�i` convey�h�l Bo:m�vert interc+�ia the Pmpeny cnder Ihe Icrtns of�hi.Secunly Inxlrumrnt:(b)i+no�petsonully obligated to .:�r� . �;.t�- <br /> '`r'-�; pay Ihe scros secured by�his Securily Ir.�uument::mJ(ci ngrtt��hal LenAcr and ur.y nther Barrower m.ry ngtee ro ez[end. -';�.,�. <F..:.r'� <br /> - ti-- modify.(orbear ar muke s�y accnmmoda�inn.wilh mgu:d m�hc mfms of 1hi+SCCUnIy Imvur.ient or the Nole witho¢[lhm � -,� ;�' <br /> . �. �� Uortowe��conunl. .���'t�� 7�� <br /> 6ti 13. Natl[n. Any notice lo Iiortuuer prorideJ (or in�hi.S�tunly Imuument�ha!I 6e given by delirering il or by s <br /> mai:ing it by first duss mail unlc++applieablc law myuirc�uv uf ar.nlhcr melhnJ. Thc nolice�hall bC JircCMd lo Ihc � `�� j <br /> Propeny Addrcss ar any o�her addme+13nrto�rer Jeeignate+hy nn!uc n.Lrnder. Anr nnl�ce lu Lender shall be @iven 6y ��t � <br /> fitst claes mail�o Lenden addm.+ amcJ hcrcm ur:my rJJrt„ Lendcr dc•igna�aY hr noG.c [o Anrto��tir. Any noiicc � 1 - � ?', <br /> � �mvideA(ar m�h�a Srcurily In.tmmaa+Sall M dcaned m ha.c ixrn gnen m Burrm�er��r 1 ender uhen grven as pmvided <br /> � m�his pan€raph � _ <br /> 14. 4o�ernin� I.00:Secerebillq: Th6 Scrunry In.lmr.�cm .h.Jl h Enrcmvd ht kJcral lax anJ IF.e law of�he � . <br /> junsd�cliun in xhuh th<Prn�nny n 4wxird In�hr c�cm �6a� nn pro• ar alac.c nf �hf.Snurin In.:mmen:nr ihc L - <br /> hu�c ean0iet.wah appGeahle lax.wah conilfai,hali nm d4a +Ihrr prori.�nn.n(Ih�. Scaur.l� Imlmnum nr[ht tiolc ; . <br /> _. � -- - wh�ch c,m hc gi�cn rffa��.i�hna�thc umll�ang prrn nwn i.�I.�.rnJ Ihc pm�f.:nn...f Ihi.Scaunic In.Wmcn�:md Ihc � :. - . . <br /> ho�c am dccl:�rcd m Ix.cvrrahlr._ E , . <br /> IS. Borm�rerkCopr. finrtuocnhalihagircnunraunlnmird.op�� in.:mnnvi. p - � - <br /> 16. AsciRnmml of Rents. Narro��er unu,r.dit�an.dh :n.:Er..n:id�r.a:acn�o Lrndcr all�!ic nm.:mJ re�enuc.�+f�he E. - <br /> _ Ropeny. Rurrnxcr amhnnic.Isr.Jcr n�LcnJcr:.� ml6v'��Lr rcn1..nW rr� hcrch� df:cch cach icnam a( . . <br />- Ihc P�nperly �o p.�hc�cm. m Lrndcn�r 1 cnlcr'.apcn�.. No..a.rr.pnor�o I.cnJcrl naGs lu Rnm�ecr nf Burtnocr'. 1 -. <br /> � breach n(any m�cnam nr agrecmem m�F.r 1nem� In.�r.:n:na.Rnrtaocr.hall co16�n and reann•.JI rc�.�.:mJ rc� <br /> . .• iF.c pmpcny a.wycc fnnhr hnefil nl Lrndi�r xnd Hort�m n- 1L�.a..�cr.:na��u n1 alxululc cnvEn:ncnl <br /> and no�an a�aignmem 4rt addxmna:.n um� unh. -. <br />. If Lcndcr gn'c�na:i.r ol hm.�d��n Hnrrun.r. �a�:ul rr:n.r..rnrd h� Nnrtnwi�r.!r.dl h hcW h� Nnrtm�ct a.w�icc <br /> _. ., <br /> !nr Mnefi�u(L<nJCr nnh. In n,.���::,a��. � h� �I:c tirauni� In.tramrnL iM Lrnder.h:dl h[tn::�1eJ lu <br /> •. ' -.n...n..bu. 1 onn:ud��. <br /> • �� . J - _�1_l.4��.._.. ..�.�._0�.......�.. . .i. . ..L........�..� .1�.IF...v.n. .A.11...� .��v <br /> av�����u�rv�i��i�� <br /> .... - � .����.�n�� ���.....�...�....�............. �......�....... <br /> _ . . ..� ._._��.. . .� ' � • <br /> Lcndcr or Lcndcr:agcm nu IxnJ�•r:��narn Jc::�anJ lu�hc irnaa�. <br /> - � Bom�wcr taa nul«caulcJ.�m pnor a.vgmncm nl �LC�rnl. ar,d ha.nn� ;mJ��JI nm prdnm�am aa�ha�oould _ . <br /> . :.: -'_:. Prevenl lsr.dcr L•nm cxt�a.�ng ih rigMwndcnh:.1'.�r:�graph ib. <br /> -. .. �� Lenser +hali not bc�cqui:cd In ancr iqHm.�aAr an:lnd�d ur uaminn�F.c I§m+rn� In�7nrr nr z11cr fnmg nnl�ac�.1 <br /> - . bmach m 6omnrcr. Hnxrcrr.I.cndct at a;�a�.�,ai. .����.���:.-.i rtt'cncr m:n Ju m al :m� InnC Ihtrc n a hrr:uh Tm _. <br />.. -:;,-�' .. .. applicaGcm of rcn(..hall r.n1 aurc ar�.anc vm Jrlauh er m�a1:Ja:c:m� .�Ihvr ugh�nr rrnrcd�ul Lrndcr. lLf.a..�gnm.m <br /> " � of rcniti n�Ihc Nn�rtp.hall Icmr.nart��hrn thc dcM.camcd h��hr ticcuni� In.Inunrnl�.p.nd m Iu1L .. <br /> j�. <br />. '}j _ <br /> - ' qm.v�.Nn.c.., <br /> . . , i . <br /> ••.- - r <br /> -..e��. ... <br /> :-'_._ '. <br />