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_Jli__r� • •;• f` ••�Y'�' •�:.c: .._�..::r _:'"�.�_Ti`r��i+r�m..v: ........tL�.':..:..J.� .. sY.r��iNif��—_ _ . <br /> .:. _ _ .. . ,...: 'a.�. - :. �� . <br /> ( <br /> , ';, fi _- <br /> �-- _ , - - T._ <br /> -- 9�����4��4_ - -_-_ <br /> — t. p�p�eat olPelnclDal.Interest and Let�C�orge. Bortowtt�he11 pay whrn due tho prinvfpa]ot,and laterest on, . <br /> §� NodeDtevtdanad Dy Ae Nqte ead laro chuga�due underp�o Nota • <br /> � 2. Mou101y D�e U of 1Lxesr Iasurance and Olher CDar¢w. Docrower ehell Lulude In each montNy peyiixnt, , <br /> -�- toge�her with the pelnetps�end infercct as ut foA�in ila Noro end eny tata chargeR an Iraullment of any(a)taxa ftiM - -. _ - - <br /> eneclel osseumenu lerled or ro 6e bvled egainst 0e Propaty.@)Ieasehold paymenta or ground renis on R�ePtoperty,and <br /> ---- (o)premiumstorinwmcerequtredby ph4. <br /> �r=�'�� $ec1�monthty IrstnUment far itema a).@)and(o)shall equel ono-twelflh ot�e annuat emounu, u rcesonably = - <br /> - - eatlmated by Lender,piw en emomt clau to m�intafn en addiAonel balenco o!not moro then onaalxtd ot the - - <br /> � -..:� eatLnnted amomro. 71�a Poll ennual emount for eacA item ehdl be aecumuteted by Lcndu wliMn e pedod ending ono <br /> ' month betoro en item would baome dellnquenc Lcnda sdatl hold�o emowu collatc4 in trvst�o pay items(a),(b)and • `�-� ° _<< <br /> --.—_ (o)beforoNey6awnedetlnquw� _ <br />--��±�;:?�x If e[any�me the[otal ot the paymente held by Lendtt tor Iter.0(e),@)end(c),rogeiher wlrh the future monthly - �_ <br /> + r paymenu tor cuch item�payable to LenCer pdor to the due date�ot euch iam�,exaWa by moro ttan one-slxth U�e <br /> ��-�� tatimated emount ot paymenta tequ(ted ro ay wch Item�when due,md It pa enta on the Note aro eurren6 then L.ender � _ ,_ <br /> � p m <br /> t. �hell et�w tttund Na excea�orer ono-aixth ot ihe estimncd pa rnta or c it tha exow ovw one•tixN of the eatlmeteA <br /> tt <br /> .-=• a•�•a� psy menu to wbsequer.�paymrnu by Bottower,e[the op�on o Dortower. If tha total ot�Iw paymenro mede by Bortower — ; <br /> „ a-=-- [or Item(s).@),or(c)la inwfficient w pay the itan when due.�hen Hortower�hell psy ro Lendcr eny amount nxessary ro ���_-- <br /> make up the deflcienry on or be(oro�he dete the item baoma due. � <br /> ff '�� Secud Instn:men4"Secrcwy"mtam tha S of Ho�in ond Ur6m Develo mrnt or hie ot het <br /> � - -c Aa uud in�h3a tY a«��Y B � �.'�"`�� <br /> t „ -�, dul w. In eny year in whleh�he Lender mustpay a mongage insuren¢e prcmium ro�he Secretary,eac monthly paymer.t :- - - -. <br /> r,� ,f -. sM1al�alw includa e(ther. (p en instatLnent of�he annual mottgege Insurance prcndum to be pald by Lendu to Ne � l <br /> t � �. }_ Sacetary,or pl)e monNty cF.erga inuead of�mortga6e inaurence premfum if this Secudty/nsuumw[b add by the ; <br /> Sarotary. Bech mon:hly Installment o(the moa6age insuronce premium�hell be in en emount sufflcient ro eccumulate the �� ° <br /> iZ�v' ��: fuJ onnuel mongege inwranw premium wfth Lendu or.e momh pdor w the dete the full annual mongege insurance ;-, <br /> t� i��-.,�- pcem[um Is due to the Sxruary;or if this Securiry Insemment b hNd bp the Sarctary,eech momhly ch�rge�hall be In en _,� ...__.-_. . <br /> amount equel to one-twelM of one-tulf percem of�ho oun;anding pdncipal balmee due on the Nate. ^�� • � <br /> 1;r �; If Hortower tendero to L,ender the PoII payment of ell su�seeured by�his Sau�ity G�swment,Bortowerl naour.[ ,�y{, <br /> -v- ' -' stull be credi�ed w!�h�he bslence rcmalning for eU Inrel{menu for ircm� (e),N) and (c)end any mongege Inaaranee � _u � - .� <br /> ` [S'�yt,y ¢ promium Ina�ellmenuhet Lcnder has not 6eeome obllgamd to pay to U�e Secretery,and Lender ahell promptly roPond any .�-�� ''__ . __ <br /> f4 � U� excesa tunda�o Bortowec Immedta�tly pdor�o o foreclosuro eale of�he Propeny or iu acquuition by Lender,Bortowerb ' i-�14r+ _ <br /> t�' �h' aaount efiall 6e creAited with any bamce rcmein!ng for all ins�ellmenu for Items(a),N)end(c). �� � - - . <br /> �}� --'�, 3. Appl!tetion ot Peymenta. AII paymenu under Puagrnph�1 and 2 ahell be apptied by Lender as followr. -s `�!� <br />,,,�y{,_,��`,'y� F1tSil1�a�he mongege imurena prcmium�o be paid by Lendeno the Secrctary or ro�he momhly cherge by the �_.w:t ,�_�s_ <br /> .r - Sare� instwdofU�emoa�hlymortgegeimuranttpremlum; �,.;s�->}-�rr,a_._ <br /> ;,-�;.jy:�;,�� $f�Q�,to eny texes,speeiel ssuasmenu.leaseho!d pwyment�or ground rcnu,and firc,flood end oNer hezerd ,t�;:;H v-.,Lan,�:���• <br /> t� ,.�; lnsurenaprcmium�,aareqmred: t -�={ 1 `; '� - - <br /> �[gQ,�o inmrcst due under the Nate: 'n ' w�-�-°=' <br /> �"'�� IFY1IgTH,mamnei�a�iunotthepnncipaioimeivme: -..-. ' " __ <br /> , , �,rolatechazgesdueundatheNote. � �`? +'t ° s- = <br /> � �- 4. Flre,Wood Ynd Oiher Hezard Insurance. Bortower shell insure aIl improvemeNS on�he Propeny.whether now . >c �`,._ <br /> ;�_�;-,- :^.�: in exls�ence or subsequenHy erccted,egainst eny hazerd�,cesud�iu,end rnmingencies,includi�g fire,for which Lender ;,,�" 5 " ����- <br /> - «qulrca insunnce. 'f1�is insurana ahall be maintaned in�he a:nounu end for the periods that Lender requirca. Borto�ver .y'y, -��-n":� <br /> , - '� thall alw(nsure all improvements on�he ProFeny,whether now in ezistence or subsequently era�ed,egemst loss by Ooods s .: �� 3�r ,,,.:�- <br /> � .__j ro tha exrent rcquired by the Secrctary All mscflnce shall he certied with companiea approved by Lender. T7:e imurana - >'_ y rp c ir t <br /> , � � - policiea aad my rcnewals ahall be held by Lcnder and shall include lau payablc cleusea in tavor of, md in e fom� `�^ �--_ -m��.,_ <br /> - su•.�-:'t - l,.�".:; <br />�.:,•,�'o aaeptablero.Lender. '::�rij:5,,.,:b�{?�i��-. <br />�-`=�(;.',,.>;./1�'( In�he event of loss, Bortower sha:l give Lender immediatc notice by m�il. Lendcr mey muke proof ot loss if not `,, r,. ,:-� � n.��� <br /> - -�ti.t: m�de promptly by Bortower. Eech insurence canpeny rnncemed is hereby¢athoriud md direc�ed to make payment tor -�'�' i �fcy-=ca. <br /> - d - �::- such lav dvayly w Lender,ins:eed of to Bortower md�o Lender jointly. All or any part of the insurence procuds may be -'�'?- � - .,�'-'�� <br /> i� <br /> ��' epplied 6y Lender,et iu op:ior.,either(a)to[he rcduc�ion of�he inde6cednus under the No�e and this Security lns:rument. ',��,� . sJ;��� <br /> � �'�' fR[ [O N delin uen[ amoums a lied in Ihe order in Pare nph l.nnd then eo prcpaymcnt af principal,ar(b)w the ,��;-,,, -` c�4 .•�� <br /> _ s7��.�'. mstoration or rcpuir ot�Ae damaged propen�. Aay upplication of�he proceMs to�he pnncipal shnll not ex�end or pos�pone -;,1, �r � z-�;t:._' <br /> Ihe due dale of the monthly paymenu wh�c i a�r rc(erted Io in Pomgmph?,or change lhe amoum of such payments. Any +• { -� .�is`: <br /> , - �i; excess insuronce praeeds over nn amoum rcyuircd Ia pay ull aulsmndmg indcbiedness u�der[he Note¢nd Ihis Saurity '�- - ;�;- �,,,r <br /> � - � � : Inswment shell bc paid lo�he rntitp Icgally emCled Ihcrtm. �' 1 � - <br /> ° - In thc crent of forccl¢surc of this Securi�y Instrunen�or otl:cr�nnsfcr o(ti�lc�o�hc Roperty that excir.guishes the -.� ;, `)++r t -�- <br /> ' indebtedness,a:l righ�.tide ond ir.te`cst of Oorrowcr in and lo iamrnnce policies in force shall pass lo t6e purchaxr. --.,�; ty. -,!�_ <br /> �C' S. Oaupancy. Preaervatloa, Maintenaaee ond Protatfon of the Propertr: Uarron�els Loun Appllcatlon; +� � <br /> � IRH9eholds. Oorrower shall attvpy,eslablish,mid ux Ihe Praperty as 6ortow�cri pnnnpal rcsidencc wilhin s�xty days f�� t=•� <br /> ' � alYer lhe execclion of this Stturit Inslrument�nd shall mntinue In eKCU Ihe Ro n vs Uormwer's tinci I msiden[e � �- �'' <br />-. ;��.7_r:, Y PY. {x Y� P W ,� e.. - <br /> j � for et Iess�one year e9er the date of occupancy.cnlns�he Secrttary dacrmmc,�hix rcyuimmcm will cause undue hardship `-=:+.,} -p�� y!`-• <br />. -!..�;��- for Bortower,or unlesa ex�enua�in@ circmris�a.xe, exii� �vhich arc Myund �urto�rcr's cnmroi. Iiortower shall notity _ � +• ':.F <br /> - �:.;1�,"-'g•.; <br /> .� Lenders o(ar.y eztenualing circcroslanm. Bnr.nwer+`�:1 nol commil�ru�c nr de,m�y,damzge ur subuantizily chenge -r - <br /> t�;� 1he Propeny or alloiv Ihe Propeny to wear and tear excep:eJ. Lender may impect�L•e Propeny i(Ihe - <br /> �� Propetty is vocant ar abandoned or IF.c loan de(auh. Lendcr may lake maw::ahle aainn d+pm�en and prcurve such . _ - ' <br /> :'i' vecant or abandoncd Propeny. Bnrmx•cr�hail alao M1c i�dcfaah if Bnrtoorr.during �M1c I�un applicalion proccss.garc i= - . _ . <br /> � n:aieriall� falu o: inaccurate infonnalinn or +�atemen:. �o Ler.Cer (nr fadeJ m provide Lender wiih any ma:enal <br /> - infomauan)in eoanection wi�h Ihe ioan ev�den.rJ hy ihe No� nn; fimned ta,rcprcxmaiions co�cemir.g - - <br /> Bartower�occupancy o:the Propeny as a prmnpal re.iden�r If�hi+5erumy In.:rur.�cm n on a Ieselwld.Bnrtoxer shall ' _ " <br /> comply wiih Ihe pro�i.ions nf�he Iez e It Bmma'er acyuiro fre�itic ln�he Prapeny.�he IcmehuiJ anJ ke�i�le shall nn1 . <br /> _ be merged un!as I,ender agree�lo Ihe mergcr m xri�ir.g �� � <br /> - �� _ 6. Charytes to Oo�ro�cer and Protectlon ot Lender's RlRhis in Ihe Prupert�. Rnrt..wer�Aall par ali t - - <br /> ' - `= or munieipal�ca anJ intpu+ilian+16a1 arc nnl mduded in I'�n�raph_. Hnm�uir.hall pay thac ohliga[ion.nn t � . _. <br /> ';��.- lime dircclly m �he enti�y�vh¢h i.o.ved the rypmcm- If (aiiorc m par wa�IJ adrenclr :dlec� Lender:in:rrca f��F.. � <br /> � Roperly upon LCnEer i:eyues:Bnr.aW er�hall prnmplic famf.h lu LenJer;Jrncmg�he.e pa�men:.. � <br />.. I(Bortow'cr 6ls lo makc�hcm paymcr.i.�r �hc pa�n:cnn rcyuircd hr Paragra,6 2.or fad.In perfnmi am .+Ihcr -_ <br /> . eorena�ts and agreenem.mmained m�hn Secunlq Im�r�menL nr IF.c:c f�a legal p:.<ettting ihal mat.vgm�can:l)'affeci __ <br /> -- ' " Lenderl righs in Ihe Properiv Iwch a�a prex+rding m M1anAruplq'.Inr cnndemnaGan or lu an!n:ac lau.or �egula�Ean.l. � <br /> �Mn 1.nd.r mov dn onA mv uha�r.rr�n nm!cci thc raloc ohL•c PruDCnv anJ Lcr.Jcrl riYF�.in Ihc Pnq+cn)'. _ <br /> mcluding paymem ottaxn.hara:d imurancc:md o�hcr i�cm.mcnGoncJ i�Paragnph 2. _ <br /> Any e.�nounts disbuned by Lender undtr�hu Pangraph.ha!I become:m aJd�Gonal deM a(6artu��cr�nJ be.ecurcA <br /> by this Securily Insuumcni. TMx mnnunu+.•.�il bcar fmcre+�fram�hc Ja�c o(dnbcr.cmrnL a��hr Krnc ntc and a��hc <br /> - ' � option of LcnEer,shall bc immcdiamly dce and p�yahle. <br /> �-+•� ° 7. Candemnatlon. The proceeds of:my aoard nr daim(or d�magca.dircc�or cnnayucmial,in cnnnca�ion xi�h an. <br />- tondc`r.nation or o�her�aking o(any pan n;Ihe eom�o�anm in plaec��Rrondcan:a��an.arc hcreFr a..igr.cJ :° <br /> and stuil be piid to Lender to�he cxlem of Ih<full�mour.:nf�hc mJeb�cdnns�hat rtr.�afn.unpaiJ under�he tCmc ar.d�hf. <br /> � Saurily Inslrvmem. Lender shall apply such p�eeds m the reducfim�o(�he indeMeJne..under�he Nrne ar.J�hf�Saurny <br /> �:rY:�,��-:.� Inslrumenl. first ro any delinyuem art:uums app:icd m�hc oaler pmvidcJ in P.�ragraph 7.�nd IL•c:i �o pmpapnc�a of <br /> _��-�'--� ��� prineipal. Any applicafion of�9c prt+rccdc m�hc prinnp�l �F.all no� cx�enJ or {xiapnnc Ihc Juc Ja:c n( �hc�hlr <br /> .'y':< <br /> .i. � <br /> �rvcr:../+rycrri <br /> e ' �.. ._ . . _. <br />