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,T , <br /> t Js,_ . � r � �� <br /> '° <br />���> � -. °.. " , �� � .� — –– – <br /> � - �� �1l3 � ,ti <br /> _,� . � , ��'° „ . <br /> :- . . . . s ` <br /> _ . � apPtlt�1P 19W�ifidy Fj�t41{y fOt tEIn3[?4t{i10nQ 4e(ni4 sil0 n�1L?pMjK{lY�uJcuenLfC Bny Mvi=v nf cfete mnta�nrd fn fitsr' --. . . _ . <br /> 8aeqrirytnstnunmr,ot(6?uitry oteJudgmc��en(orcli�ga�tsduudrymswmen,9hos�cond(�tona�rcQia�.Bpaowcr� {eT:: . <br /> — {iaYe�,ender aU nwds ivhich d�pq woutd 6e.dub.unda thia Scwrlty�M1f1ttLR1C11t_AGfI t C NOtQ et It Ifb.lSCC1Cni1�011�16�� . <br /> occmcW;(b)cprraenYdafaultofqnyfo�huc4yeqen�sorqgntement�;(cjpaydellox�pecscaicwri�dTnenfoicLigthJa$icurity. , 4 <br /> — . GfalAU�ent.Inciud!ng,lwt not!lnilted So.rcasonxble_attomora'faa;�nd.t�t+��i�u�h suibq w LendG�:u}�ie4si�ably�: � __ -__— <br /> n,� requtiecbauivafliactheifenoeU$3tieeuiiryt-rosumeu�.t,enapi4itgfiutn�hsPiopesrynridBo`c�awbr6wiig��¢,.�n, ru�v_ <br /> euma cecur�d 6Y tNe Srcu�iry_Ins(,�ent ehetl wnpnoe'imcfian$ed..'Upon relnuetcir.r�t Ey$nqowcr, aUa �ecuHry: <br /> Inspumentend$y obllgadonseea:Mdfiereby' ahW�mmatnfultyefkctiva�:ilfnoecaTuadonhadocCUU�ed� iTuwavci,ttifs„ ' <br /> .� dght ta reins�ato shall not ePPty iq the ca;e of eceplemtion underparegrePh 19._ . ' . r <br /> ' iV;�8ete oi Note�Comigo o!Loan 8ervlcer. 17a No�o or e�at imercai in ti}e Nmo(��e�her wi�h iTile$ecpdry --- <br /> m <br /> -- �� InswmeniJ ma�be so d one or more dmea withou[p�fa 4b�ee to orto�4se.A eele maY[Cauit rt a'cfiaiigo tn tha4ntlry.. <br />� �;' my 6e one or more h ge�o tha�l.�oan 88ervicer unreldW�to aela of he Naa Itthere�che ge�of�iheLoan ServlCtsr ' ' . � <br /> a.. �n� Ho�cower wN be given written notice ot the ehange in eaordence withpareg�ph 14 above andappticable Inw. The nodc0 <br /> `"'� will s�ete the neme end addrsas of ihe na�v Loan Servicerend the edArw to�vNch paymenu sh�uldba mede. 1Le noHa wiu' ' - <br /> �a also contain eny other informeHon requircd by eppAcable law. - <br /> ����" � 20. Haurdous Substances. Bortower shall not ceusa or pemdt the prcsenw,uae,d:sposel,atorege�or celeue of eny <br /> }t Hazardoua Substencea on or In�ha Ptoperry. Bortower nhall not do,nor a!lo�v myono elu ro do,enything efhedng ttw <br />-" "'>•�''�� property thet fa Ia vloletlon ot eny Environmentel Law. 7Le preading two aentences�hall not a ly ro the prceenco,use,or <br /> _�;,:=-. .�.. <br />_� •��;-�• norage on il:e Propeny of amall quentl8es of Hezardous Substanaa that ero generelly recogn eo 6e eppropdate ro notmd <br /> -.'":;.�.�`�;`�;; resldenNel uses end to meir.tenance of�fio Property. <br /> :;:r-;'fi*:%..� Bortower�hell promp0y gtve Lender wr(tten noNa ot any Investlgetlon,clalm,demend,lawmit or o�er actlon�y any <br /> �-`"�--�t» govemmental or rcgulerory agrncy or pdvaee party involving the Propeny and my Nezerdoua Substenca a 8nvlrocmenid <br /> �t - " Lew of whlch Dortower haa ectuel ImowlWgo. tf Hortower leam�,or la noNfled by my govemmentei or rcgulatory �_. _.._.. <br /> •.,:.�.,_.`�.;r authoriry,thet eny removel or other rcMediaHan of any Hazardoua Substance e(fceting the Properry is r.xeasery,Bortowu <br />��.:,,,:±-.-.:r,r. shall promp�ty teke aIl necesaary remed(el ectioni in accwdeax wl�h Endronmental Law. � <br />�-y__��y�%i " As uud in[hia peragreph 20,'Hazardous Substanas"ere those wbstancea deRned ea�oxic or hezerdous substenas by =: <br />,�.,�,.•�_�,:1� Enviroamemai Lew end tha Pollowing su6stenae: gamtine,keroune,o�her flammable or tozic petroleum ptoduc[e,roxic <br /> - �E•�!'--- pesticidcs end herb!efda,vo'atile aolvema,maredal�contelning asbecios or tortnaidehyde,end mdioactive materiels. A� <br /> :�..'�):,•��� used in this paregraph 20,"Er.vimnmeatel Law meens @derel lewa and lawe ot the judadiction whero[hc Properry le IacatW <br />_ . n:�.e.+j! <br /> ��--�-••� - •- thet rclere to heaith,safery or em(ronme^�al pro�aGOn. <br />-lr.';:..,->>.:� <br /> -,r.,_-�=?;;n f NON-UMFORM COVBNAN7'S. Borto�ver and Lender funher covenant and agree ea followa: <br />_"'y'.-��; 21. Aacleratton;Remedic. Lersdcr shal!g(re notice to&onowe�prinr tn a�vrleretlon to!lowfng l4orror.crY --- _— -- <br />;;�.�i,,�r�.�r_ breech of eny mvenant ot egreement tn thb Saur�ty Irotrument @ut not prtor to aaeleretlon under para�eph 17 = ___ <br /> <;.%�;;.��;.�.:.r` unless appltcabie lav provides othenrise). The nottce�hetl specity: (a)the detaulq(b)the ect(on rcquired to cure the <br />-`�-="�,'%iY„ defeult;(c)e dete,rtot less than 30 daya hom fhe date Ihe no�lce B glven to Borrower,by aAlch the defeult must he __ <br />��. �,�-;_;_� e�ri.ii end id)ihat fatlure te cu��the deteult oa or biorx ihe datx apn-ifled in thx�cii:�:ray�ult:n atrtl:attoa et °__- -- --_-� � <br /> _,�,.,�,�_„�_ !hc sumz seeured by�h6 6ecuri�y Imtrument end ssk ot the Properry•. 7he noda shalt fUrther Entorm Dorrovser of —. ----- - - <br />-=� �;���:,�„� 1he right ro relnalete eRer ecceleretlan and lhe right lo brtng e wurt action to aaert the nomexlstence of a default or _ _ <br />"i'.��rF�i���% any other defense of 6orro�ver ro ncceteretion nnd sele. [f�he defeuit i�not cured on or bePore the date specHfed in <br /> *_�F"�'`�.`°`� the r.otice.Lender at ita o tlon me re uire Immediate e ment tn NII of ell amf securcd A Ih�Securlt Instrument — <br /> ;i:;is;;_:,.•. P Y 9 P Y Y Y _._ <br />;,;;r..:,;r..;-, �vithout Puriher demand end mey invoke the po�ver of eale and eny o�her remediee permllted Dy appllcable IoN Q,_ _ <br /> "^'°-�;1. Lender shall be entitled to wllect ull ecpensea inwrred In pureuing Ihe remediea pravtded in thla paragraph 21, - ----- <br /> 'Z�,`,�,''"�' Including,butnotllmitedto,rcasonebleattomey�'teaandcosbottftleevidence. �:'__• <br />_ •:.?;.;_�k� If the o�rer of sete b invoked,7Yustee ehull remrd x notica af deteult fn each munty In which en art ot the <br /> v r v Fr:•: ._- <br /> °._��_�.-.: Property is located end shell mail mpia of euch notla In Ihe mnnner preurlbed by eppIicable la�r to Borrower end ro E;`:3?" — <br /> - 3-- ;� the otM1er peraona preacrlAcd by epplicable lew. ARer the fime required by npplicabte laa,7Yuatee shall gtve public ?'�t, _-- <br /> � , ;;,-!- i notice of se!e to the penon+end In the menner re.rcdbcd by eppl:eeble le�r. 7Yurtee,a(thout demand on Borrower, -;`,'._::`- <br /> ' ahall sell the Property et public aucllon lu Ihe hPghesl bidder nt Ihe�Ime and place and under Ihe term�deslgnated In -v � <br /> n "' ��._.`- the notice oi sele In une or more pereels and In uny order 7lvstce determines. 7Yustee moy postpone sele of all or any .`,`r�'�'_� <br /> -,--•.:=.-.c.; parttl of the Property by public announeement ut ihe Ilme and pince of eny prerlously acheduled sale. I.ender or Ita . -- <br /> -- designee may purchase lhe Property et any sale. �'.�� � ` <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of ihe prite 61d,7}uslee shall delirer to Ihe purchaser 7iustce's deed conveying the �„-'��' - <br /> s n ' � - <br /> i;� Properly. The recltub fn Ihe 7}ustee's deed shnll hr ndma�a.�te•�!?e.^.ee_f!!:e er�th of thc atntemenv mnde thereln. �> .,,,,n __ ._ <br /> � �_ 7Yustce shall epply the proceed+of the sale In the follmrfng orJer: (el tu nll costc enA e�pensa of eaerclsing the power :;,',� z` >'�--.�--�;_'; <br /> 4 .�_ s�+ F }� : .. <br /> !'- . <br /> � - � '�`- -`r.P <br /> �} '4i. <br /> 7 F'`� -� ��� '�<" <br /> :.,.. f r: <br /> 'a�.'jt:.�"��i':�lj� <br /> -�+` y- -`i� =` <br />.-�' .t::.�. _:.)-[ [_,;:e <br /> r - Fnrm 107/t 9,W �p.iv<../npeen� _ _ - <br /> ... _ T�.i.. _• . . _ . . . _ _ .�f.- _ - � . . .. •. .3l- � . �� . . . . • � a - <br /> ':i.�'j,-. <br /> � . <br /> � � ' � _ . - .. - - • ' - <br /> ` . <br /> ' • . <br /> tj -. .... .. -' '- ' - '. . . _ . . . . . . � <br /> . _ . _-..a3" .. ._ . . . _ . .. . � . .. .� . . - .._ _ -. <br />