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;�' _;� . .. ; . . . <br /> - ' '= - ,. ------ <br /> . � . .. . <br /> __ �$3° �10�5�� . ._ - <br /> wndemneHonoro�hertakingotariyyanot�haPropeny.oHoiconvoyoaalnl:euofmndtmnnqon,erohcroUysufgnedend " <br /> � �ANi be pn:d ro Lsnder. .: -- <br /> -_— in �Ao event of e totei taktng ot tho Propeny,�he prpceed+ehdl bo appiled �o O�o sum�eecured by ihla Bceur(ty <br /> irtawment,whe�hu or not mert due,with my exceu�d�o Botrower. In�ho ovent ut a panlel taking of the P»�peny In <br /> whlch tho fdr maAcu vNco ot the Property tmmed�ntefy 6eforo tho tekin;la equal ro or geater then tha amount of tho tuma <br /> aecursd by thta 5tadty(nswment immedlately Eefore the taktng,untese Borrowcr end Lender ahervvi»agne Iq wrlt�ng, �_ _ <br /> __,-__— �ho sume eecurcd by thfa Seeudty insaument shall 6e rcduced Dy�he amount o!ehe vrooeede multlplied by tl�e following _ <br /> - fraction: (a)iho toW nmount ot the suma securcd Im.medietely 6efore�he taklna,divided by(b)the felr markst velue ot�he <br /> - Propeny immedletely betoro Iha taking. Any balana ehall be�uld to 9orrovxr. L� rhe evcr.t ot a paniel�nking dt Ihe <br /> - Ptoperty in wNch the tnlr ma�ket velue of�ho Propeny Immedia�eiy beforo�he�eking le laa tlun the emount of tha wms , . . <br /> � cecured Immediately beforo�M tekfng, unlca� Bortower end Lender ahernf�e agree in wridng or unlese eppl�cable Ihw __. _ - - �- <br /> -" y� othnwlae providea,the praeede she116¢epplied ro the sume securcA 6y ihia Sxudry fns�wnent whether or not tha wma are <br /> ;°-',.�o,����d �6ondua <br /> -- -y.a: ' If the Property b ebandoned by Borrower,or if,eRer noUa by Lender to Borrower ihat�e condemnor oKeta ro maka — <br /> �.��?:�' an awerd or senla e c1eM for damaga.Hortower fa(Is ro rcspond ro Lender witAln 30 dap after the dero�ha notice te given, _ <br /> ;:- �Y... .. <br />- ?'. 2,,; Lender Ie auUwdzed�o co'kct end eppiy ehe proceede,at i:a opdon,ei•�her to rcs�oretion or repeU of�he Propeny or ro�he �_-_-- <br /> � ium�cecurcA by thts Security Inawmen4 whaha or not then due. -- <br /> n ,� Unlas Lenda and Horrower othenviu ngrce in writing,eny applieatlon of proceeda to pdnclpal ehall not oxtend or _ -� <br /> postpone the due da�e of the momhly paymenu rc&md to in pangreplu t md 2 or chenge�he air.ount of cuch paymenu. <br /> T^--° 11. Borrower Not Releaiedi Porbw+rance ➢y Lender Not a Welver. Extension of the time for payment or .,-�- <br /> t ; modiRcatlon of emonizatlon of�he sume securcd by ehts Saurity InstNmrnt gran[ed by I.ender ro eny cuceeswr In inmrest _ <br /> +° of Bortower shall not operete m rcleate the Ilebi'iry of[he odginal Bortower or Borrowerh auccesaora in in[ercst.Lender �� ._ <br /> *,f�h_ , ahell not bareq uind ro commena proceedinga egeinst eny sucauor in intercs[or rc[usa[o ex�end�ime for payment or — " <br /> i ahmwtso modify amonizetlon of the sums cecured by thia Sceurity Insmunrnt by rcason of eny denend made by ehe original �-� <br /> .� �` Bortower or Bortowerk suauwra in Ir.cercat. Any fo r 6 e amnce by I.en der in exercising eny r lg h t or«m e dy�h a l l n o t b e e -- °- - <br /> 4 _ ,�� waiver of or prcclude�Ae exercix of eny right or rcmWy. ����-- <br /> ` i `- 12. 3uccesson and Aasigna Bound=Jolnt end Several Llebility;Co•atgnere. The covenantn end egrcementa of thia -_; <br /> +�Y �"��: Security Insnummt chall bind and benefit the successon end avigns of Lender and Bor.ower,cubject to�he provislom of ' ' `>F_ <br /> '�f�f-.-_' p�q�ph �7,gortowenc�ovenur.0 and agreemenu shall be joint and uvenl.Any Ba.rower who co-signe thia Saurity s f.�.s.t <br />., ,,,_,{, -.}*.. Inswment but doa not execurc�he No�r. (e)is rn•signing this Security Inswment only�o monaege,grent end convey that =,� <br /> Sy ls-'. Bomower6lmerest in�he Property under ihe�ertns of eAis Security Inswnent: (b)is not personelly ob;ige�ed to pay�ha suma ';:� ; <br /> �:s_�.,;`Y�,�.; securcA by this Suurity Inmumen�;end(c)xgrce:th�[I.ender and any a:her Bortower may agree ro extend,modify.fofbear �_.. - <br /> �_:y_ or m�ke any eccommodatioss wi�h regnrcl �o the mmis of thi:Security Insw:nent or�he Note wi�hou[ �hat Borrowerh .e;�y( t <br /> ��� > conxnt. `r? : <br /> Sg ,� 13. Loan Chsrgea. If the loan secured by�his Security Instrument is subjece [o a lew which seta muimum loan �f . <br /> ,( chargea,end�het lew is fimlly interprcted so th¢t the interes�or other Iwn chargea collec�ed or�o be collected in connectlon : � iA�" <br /> ' with�he loen exceed�he pefmittW limi�a.then: (a)nny such loan charRe ahail be reduced by�he amoum neceuary[o rWuce . 5%Stt r�-:-. <br /> *-`=^'*v� Ihe chatge ro Ihe pennit[ed limil;end(b)any xume nlrcndy colletted(ron Bortower which exceeAed pemiiaed limi4s will�e ei,.._`rG.--�..,.� <br /> �� �� rcfunded�o Bonowec Lender may choose io meke tM1is refund by rcducing Ihe principal owed under Ihe Note or by making n �°� � <br />'--'+'-•:r.-"3''� direct payment to 6ortower. If e rcfund rcduces prixipa6�he rcduction�vill be trcared as n panial prepaymem wrthout eny �;}:;:...'d�f,:;;.- <br /> ts 1"�; x�� ��,;. <br /> r - • Prepayment charge under[he Note. `r t � .: <br /> u .. _%� 14. Notieee. Any notitt ro Bortower p:ovided for in this Securiry Inswment sh�ll be given by delivering i[or by <�, -<-- <br /> �.;.'�(�.;.;;, meiling it by first c{ass meii unkas applirnbie law requircs use of nnother me�hod.The no�itt shall be dirated to�hc Propeny '�'�tt'?)'�.�it.. - <br /> -;{�.-�i;;:' Addrcs�or eny olher eddrtas Bonower designntcs 6y notim�o Lcr.dcr. Any nolice to Lender shnll be given by fi�t class ',��;i?::��!t?�•-i:�'� <br /> ,1.,;:.-;� <br /> =�-i'?!'"r•'�%2. mall to Lenderh eddrw sm�ed hercin or any o�her addmss Lender designa�ex by notice to Oorrowec Any natice provided for ,:::'JL�,:_�,�_�_ <br /> '�:?r'`�,"�',- in thie Seeurity Insiru:nent shell be deemed �o have heen given �a 6ovower or Lender when given as prorided In �hix =;r;;;;�:i.:�.3�_�` <br /> s. - r� paraaiaph. xc 4t � s ' .. <br /> - IS. Gorernir.g La�v:Severablllty. This Sccurily Imvnr.icnt tilull F�c gm�emed by kderal law nnd Ihe Inw o(the �e p ,�i _`. <br /> ,?,,'- .._,:!`. JuAsdiaion in�vhich the Propeny is laarcd. In�he event ihm nny pmvi�iun or dnuce af iM1is Sewrny Inarumem or�he Nae �'��' „+'�F� � <br /> - ,T'-. confiicts wi�h�pp!iceb:c low,sach conliict sholl nut n(kc�a:hcr pravi�iom of ihi.Security Inswmcnt or ihc No�c which con 4 ` tT" <br /> _� �� ,y�;,: be given effect wi�hou� �he conllic�ing prmi.ion. To�hir enel �he prari�iom of�hi<Securi�y Inswment ond the Note urc :;;�.,_',-����i_`-- <br /> i �. declarcd to be severabla .' �� � <br /> r�� l6. Oorro�ver'e Copy. Rormwer shall 6c giren one�rnfomicd cupy nt d�c Note nnd ot this Securny Inswment. .';y � }i� `.� <br /> _ _t. ._.r._ IZ 71�an+hr of thr Property or e ISeneRclol Inlcrest In flurruuer. It nll ar nny{un of�Ac Propeny or a�y imemse in _';} +�'j �. <br /> il is sold or lrensfcr.ed(or i(a l+eneficial in!cre+i in 6ortux�cr i.wld nr Imn.(erred and 6orm��cr is ml a nalural personl �"_��' ��'-��� <br /> . �t7 ._`�'�i. . tir.' <br /> -- 1 . � wilhout Lenderk prior wrinen consen6 Lender may,ai ih oplinn,rcywrc imnmJia�e paymenl in fall o(all xumc securcd by . .� � °-' <br /> 4 "- - � Ihis Security InslrumenL However.�his op�ion a!:all nn[6e exeai.N by LenJcr i(exerci.e is pmhibilcd by(edenl law u of ..�_� r �r';,-- <br /> , >.,-: �he da�e of�his Security Irowment. 1 .; � ' <br /> '';=:fq.,: If Lender ezercixs Ihis oplion.Ler.der.hall gire Burtua�er no�ice af arcelention. The nnli�x.hall provide a period of �-�r:.`:'.!R!,i, <br /> S`"::. _�.,D:.: � <br /> -���+�`�':-.5 . not lus thfln 30 days!mm 14e dnte Iht notice i.deliremd nr mai:al wi�hin�rhich 13orn+xrr mm�piy all mnn xcurcd by Ihis - . x�,,-. <br /> � -.- Securily Insimmene If Bormw<r(ail. �o pay,����,.a� m,«����:�.�n ut Ihi.�nri�wl. Lender may invuke any -. <br /> � � rcmedies pemi:�ed by�hn Securi�y lastrumcn[�vf�Lnm funher no[i.r nrJe�aand an Rnmmcr � . <br /> , <br /> { 18. IIorro�ver'� Rfght to Rclnslate. I( 13nrn�wer mce�,cenam annJmnn.. ,F.all I:are �hc righi �a L•a��e � <br /> � -: ._.-�' entomemrnt a(�h�s Se.criiy In.lmmem dix�,nnnucJ at m:}'���ne pnor�n�L•r cid:rr nL en 5 Ja�.fnr wch a�her�riud a. ` . -" <br /> � �:. - �-' � . <br /> SmptrFan�i� FinnirNvNFrrd[le\i�cC]IIl)Rfll\ti71t1\IF.\l". f-r.•umi(.xcmm. 9.90 rry�rJ..)np�o'•� f <br /> ) � <br /> � ' .. S �. <br /> �_ <br /> ��lf <br /> . <br /> - :_:Yv"�_'^�—'v —" _ _ ' _ - <br /> . -1 •.�. . -�'_ : 1-x.�i :..iA.- .._ . _ _ . -. .:..: � ' . .. ' . <br /> '.. <br />.___ -_`_� _ <br /> �1 - <br /> _ "%S -,� .' . - <br /> . . ,,... . . <br /> .., ,,.., .. , --.-% <br /> - - - :,. <br /> - - _ :, :: . <br /> ',>: <br /> -:�': �?;: ` . <br /> + ,; <br /> `� ` .. <br /> � . <br /> �„ �' l# y �. . . . � . _ .. .__ .. . _ ... . , . . �.. - -, . _. . _ . ,`� .. ..... .: __ ..5 - . <br />