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� .: � : • ..:. ... ... , : . a. r _ <br /> .. <br /> J; . : . ': <br /> — — -- --- - 1�� �����2 - -- <br /> _ _ payiccnte,whtch aro rcfemA w!n PernB�epp Z,or chango�ho smowt ot such payments. Any oxoes6 praaCdn yve�k� _ ' '�: <br /> woont�tu�to pay ell ouutonding indebuCneaf unGu the Noto and thls Sauriry Instrumem sluii ba paid to O�o ontiry -. <br /> — legally entld' dieteto. -- - <br /> & Fees. Lendermaycotleuferaendchugeswtlwdtedbytho8aretery. <br /> 9. OroundsforAealcrotlon o1DeDG <br /> — t&)IlEtaott. t,�nd�r may,ozc�t as ilmited by nguteqom tssutd by the 3ecnury in tha me of pryment defeufu: � <br /> --°�•—° requ(re immedlato en[in full of ell aume ueured by thte Seaulry L�strument it: <br /> (g Bortowu e aulu by telling to pay in[utl eny monthty paymwt[equircA by thia SauHty Imnument pdoe <br /> —,- ro oron tM1e due date of the next monflilyprymen6 or � <br /> -- � ti( )Bortower detsuita by tailing,tor e pc�iod ot 1Nrty daya,to putorm any oeher obligriona contalncd In thb �.,�-` -__: <br /> _ 3auiry Guwmem. <br /> -- )Hele FVlthaut Cred!t Apyrovel. Lender�hdl.itpertnitted by appl!cable kw and wtth the prtoropprovai of tho <br /> . t� ecretery�requlro immedie[e payment N fuU oldi the wma sewrcA 6y ihie Sautity Instrunxnt ff: � ` <br /> ;3;� � _ <br />-::_.,�y� 0)All or pnrt of tAe Propetty�or a 6enefklal Interost in a wst owning dl or pan of�he Propcny,i�wld or <br /> _z} othernlsetre�ukrted(other�henbydqvlaeordaant)bytheBorrower,end <br />:._,.,�., „� (it)1he Property ia r.ot accuplW by the purchazer or grentw u Ab or her pdndpal reaidenoo,or�he purchaser <br /> = -- orgen ta doa so aecupy the Ptopqty bat hfe or ha credit haa not 6een epproved in acardance . . <br /> �:=�`.�- wRh Ne requlremem�of tM1a Secceiary. <br /> -�'�°-�- (c)No Weiver. If ci�cumatenee�occur thet would pertn'.t Lender ro rsqrlce im�ntdia:o pay�xnt In PoII.but Lender <br /> :-;t'� daea notrcq ulro nuch paymem�.Lender doa r.ot waive iu dghu with�upect�o eubscquent eventa. <br /> -'�'u:-.. UD 8ecretar <br /> -�� (d)Reguiattoro ot H y. In many circumstencea reguledau isaued by tlw Secreury will limit I.enderY <br /> �:=�;;' dghte, In the case ot payme+:t defaulu, rorcq uire immediaie payment in kll end foreclou if no[ pald 71v� _ <br /> :.��t,y� Sceudry Inspument dou not a��Aodu ecceleretion or foreclosuro i(napermi�ud by roguledona otiha Secrctary. <br /> _ (e)Mortgege Not Iusured. Bo�rower egrca that ehould this Savrity Inatrument end�he nae eecurcd rhercby not =— .-- <br /> ,r;-" beeliglbletormsw:nceuna-rtheN::ionilHou>'ngActwhAln 90DAYS tromlhe `� ,.-=` °-` <br />::_r^`��:; dero hereof, may,et iu option end r.otwllhstanding eny�hing in Peregreph 9,rcqulrc immeAine payment(n '�_.�'?�- <br />- 'F'.i':'" full of ell aurtu secured by thi�Saurity Inswmen[. A written�tatement of eny auiAorized�gent of the Secrctary ,:±�t�:;:� . <br /> ---��-`""� dated eubsequent ro g0 DAYS fmm�hedtre hereof,dalinln;�o insarc�hie Secudty e;'ti.:�t' <br /> . }�.';', Inanument end the m�e cecured tAercby,shdl be deemW conclasive proof of cuch ir.ellgiWliry. Notwithstend!ng r -�� <br /> ����+,t�• �e[o�egoing.[hia option may no[6e exercuud by Lender when the unavailabiliry of Insmence u mlely due ro `$hix --.3.-.. <br /> ., i �i : <br /> .--r- :' Lendert fxllurc ro remit e mongage insurance prcmium ro the Secretary. f _=- <br />,.._���� 10. Relmfetemmt. Bomower hss a righ�to 6e rcinau�ed if L.ender has rzquired Immedie[e p�y� em in PoII beceuse ��,_.;�,_� - <br /> r-=. of 6orrowerk tailwc ro pay en amoum due under�ho-Nom or thie Saurity Insnument. 7Tb right eppties even aRcr ✓ Y - < _—_ <br /> --;�'� fomciosure rottedtn e em ins�itu[ed. To ttinstam the Saurit Ins�mmen6 Bortower shdl tender in a lum eum al ""'°� <br /> ..v;�r P 8 Y P ..�'.rG�.:-;-: <br /> !q�, emoume requircd to bring Borrowerh aununt cumnt including,to�he extent�hey erc obligatiom of Bortower under�his � . _ <br /> =r c Securiry Instmmrn4 torcclosurc cos�s end rensonable end custo:nery a�wmeyi hea end expensea properly assaciated wilh �._- <br /> - �he fo¢closwe p�ateeding. Upon lcuninic��d L)BwTD:'rEf.iFiia u'au,ity' Lw1Nf1:�Td Lh:OQ:'p�t{p,;IhSt:f:CCJfC: � � °°---. <br /> '� --'� ahall rcmain in c(kct as if lender hnd mt ret�uired immediete Deymenl in fulL Howerer.I.enAer Is not reGuited to�mit t--"k�1-� l -- <br /> �"y rctnstetemrnt iF (i)Lender hn accep�W rems�a�emer.[afmr the commencer.ient of forsclosutt qaceedin6a wi:hm two �} --+�: .� -- <br />. ,;,;Y yea� Immedia�ely preceding �:e commencement of a cumne foreclosure proceeding, (li) reinsummem will prcclude ,_,, s,, ,,ia �;�- <br /> -�`•� foreclosure on dif(erent grounds in �he fmure,or(iii)rcins�etement will adversely aBat Ihe priority of the lien created by � - s,i- <br /> .�, tAisSecurity Insuumen[. � - ' -` ` �+`- <br />--�-F r '; 11. Borrover Not Released; Fbrbearantt bY Lender Not a Waher. Ea�ension of �he time of paymen[ or _ -ei - "�`�� v:�=� <br /> '-�.� ;� modificetlon of emortizellon of�he sums aecurcd by�hrs Security Instmment gianted by Lendtt to ar.y auccexsor m m[ercs[ `- �;7� � --: <br /> 'S -++ of Bortower ahall wt opem�e�o release�he liabiliry of the originel Bor.ower or Bortower5 wccessor{n inmrest. Lender � - ..;j����'� '�;.. <br /> -�;.�?-� shell not berequircd Io commmce p:ocecdings xgains�enY succexwr in intt�at or rcfuse�o exte:d time for paymem or {{�. ;.__:=/��� �tt= <br />�-'���^'� o�hernim modify emonizetion of tF.e sums securcd by 1h�s Security Insirummt bY«ason of any demnnd mede by the ---i q;:r�,-:h•_>:„-:i�� <br /> original Bortower or Bortower�successors in intercs�. Any forbeamnce by Lender m exereising eny right or rcmedy shall f������;, *� V <br /> - ' not be a waiverof or p:eclude�he exercise of�ny or rcmedy. � +' -:� p' ur';: <br /> r - '' 12. Succestore nnd Asslgna 6ound: Jofnt and Several Llabllity:CoSignera The covenws md agreemenu of ' ��.'` t i e -� <br /> 'f �� Ihie SeCUrity Inswmen[xhell bind�nd hnefi�ihe suceeswrs ond aasigns o(1sMCr md Bortower,r�bjec�lo lhe provisions � '�+�y� .,; b q:: <br /> ,-?� o(Paregreph 9.b. BartowerY covm�nis and agrcemenis shall 6e joint and xvernl. Any Borrower wiro co•signs Ihia _y. t w-�,�,'_• <br /> Seccrity Instrument but das r.o�execute�he Note: (nI is�his Sec�:ity Imwmem unly�o mong�ge,grent end > >- :��.3 r - <br /> � comey Ihat Bortowerh ineercsl in�he Propeny under ihe Iefms of this Securily IntiuumcnL'(b)is no�personally o6ligated ro '�- ` � ��� I.'.�. <br /> -. �, pay the sums ucumd by this Security Insuumem:anJ IU agrce+�h:u Lrndcr and any mher 6orrower may agme to cxtend, �� -�i'��f'f �;:: <br /> --�_+�, maldy,forbenrormakeenyaccomrnodalion<wilhregarJm�hc�emiw(�hisSccurilyln+lmmcmarlheYo�cwilhoullhx� .,-)',-;F�:_.ti?:_.�;_' <br /> I-:: Bortowerkcanunt. - <br /> 13. Notleea. Any nolice�o Bnrto�rer providcd fur in�hic Secudly Imwment shall M given by delivering i�or by � t''�+� : <br /> ��a" mailing it by first elass n:ail un!e.�s appliruble la�r¢yuircs u.e of ar.olher me�L•�d. ll:e r.o�ice�hall be dirceted m the -'• <br /> Propeny Address or any o�her addresti Uortoicer Jaignaec�h��nmicc lu LenJer. Any�nntitt�o Lender sM1all be given by `�'�'t '- <br /> - - firs� dass maii lo Lender's addm.s alated hrrcin nr an� adJrn, Le�xler dc.i r.ate.h nnliar lo Oorroner. An�no[ict "`';;.- �"t::'`""''� <br /> '� 3 F Y 1 t <br />. . ,;.:- provided tor in�hix Securiiy laummcm J:all h dcemnf�n Men pn�rn tn Rortm�cr ur Lendcr uficn gi�cn a+pmvided <br /> - �alhispazagraph. <br />� l4. Gorern!ng I.a�r:tiaernb0try. 'I7:6 Siry'uril� In.lm:ncni �hall hc go�cmd Ar lideral la�v :�nJ Ihe law o(Ihe - '- -- <br /> _-. jurisdie�ian in which thc Propcn} i�Lxalcd. In dx c�cr.l Ihai a�t p:m f.inn nr a i:mv of Ih:�Sc.unry- In.!mmcm or�he - <br /> . �-'��= Notc conFlicts�vi�h np�licahlc la... .uch cun0�ct .hall nn� aff<r�othc�provi.,inn.uf:hi.Sccuri�y Inamorcm or thc No�c <br />- -�"' which can be given effecl ufihnul Ihr crn:0iavng pra�nfon. lu�hf.enJ Ihr pan ninn.n!�ho Seccnty Invn:mem and tF.e - - . <br /> �;-�� Nolearcdeclarcd�abe+evcrab:r. <br /> 15. 6orro�rer's Cup k B.�m�ocnhall h gi�cn nuc r��d�nrd rop�n(15n$ccunly In.lmmcm. -. ' . <br /> - I6. Asdgnment ot Renle 8ortoocr um-ondEUOnafly a..�gn.cmJ uan.lm 1.�Lcnucr a:l Ih¢rcr.i.and re���he ���'. - <br /> -'.k Propcny. 6orto�rcr au:hnri�c.LcnJrr�,r LrnJc:'.mfcnn iu n,llra� �hr rcm.;:�xl rc.rn�r.:md h¢rcM dircan cach�cnant nf - <br /> ,--r'::- IF.e Pru n In tht Mnl�In L<nJcr or Lcndcr:a�rm•. Ha��crcc �0 1. <br />- `� , FM Y PaY t p: r la Lrr.der:nnl:cc In flnrrowcr n!Bam�w'cri F� <br /> b¢aeh o(any or agrcemcnl m Ihe Saunry In.lmnn•r.l.Bnrtux�r.h:dl.ol:cai xnJ rcccrcc a!1 rcnh anJ rc�cnuc�nf <br /> "'�' Ihc Propcny as Imqce 6tt IF.c Mncfi�ul I.cnder anJ Nortnwcr Thi.:n.�Fnnun uf ra m.ann.:f�::lc�a�ah�nlc:c:n.�gn:nrnl i ' <br />� _ and no�an a«ignmvm far�dd�annal viurar nnlq. � ` <br /> ' ' If Lcndcr give�nnGcc nf hreach m fi��mmcr. �a�ail rcnh rcacncd hr RnrrowrnL•all h hciJ ho �- - <br /> - ;`_��. (or Mnefil nf Lcr.dcr nNy.m M appScJ lu �F.r vm..caurrJ h� ihc ti.curn� In.Iruc:rnC lM LcnJcr .hall h cr.:alcd In � <br /> ` - CoiiCCl a]u ICICi�t Jii ui�iLL�cni.ui�iK nu't�i�.ami.a��si�iC�bun..i iiK n.�n- _ s.i �.e u vn. um.nm m�pu v w �. <br /> - - Lcnderor Lcndcri agcm an Lc�Wcrl onccn Jcma�d in�hc�rn.nn. �` ��•� • � � - ' ' ,'- f <br /> - Bortower ha nol czccu:eJ any pnnr a.vE:re::m nl Ihe rrni. aad ha. nnt ar.J.�fil na� Fnrt�rtm -rm xl �ha���auld - <br />. - Prevcm Lcndcr Gum cxcrri�f.^.g f:�nghh undtnhi.Paragr.�ph ib. i <br /> Ler.dcr.ha:l nul br rcywreJ 1�.tr.:rr uryn.ial<co:ural n!nr r.�amia�n iF.c Rnprn� Mfure .n+f�cr gnmc nrn�cc.d i <br /> - ' brcach to Dortou�er. Hou�o�cr.LcnJa nr a�udfna!h ap�xc:ncJ rem�vr mm Jn w at am Iimc�:xrc n a hrrach. ,\m - <br /> ' applica0on o(rem..4ali nal cum nr uant anr dcfaull or imahJalc am.nhc�righ�or ttn:rJ�.d Lcadrr. Thf.a.vgn:ncnl � _' <br /> OL f(MS O�IIIC RO(KIIJ'�I�.III Iffl:l•Al:llf��':lfll IM1f JfM1I 4:14f1'J F\'CIC SCNOI\ Invmnum i.p�:J m fulL <br /> .--�t.._� <br /> •�� ' 'NVr�.,�J�y¢� i <br /> CN . <br /> i-. �. _ <br /> _... .i, _. ___ <br />