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.�!t :� �l'"���� �. . . .. . _ i , . (l�t. j`. <br /> ( i " .. - ' -.�. <br /> _. �_aJ . ... .. . _ . . . . ' :: -, . . -. . . . <br /> _� ... _ . . . . - . .. . . -. : �� _��.� . ��a.: —. ... .. . <br /> t�� . _ . _ _ _ . . �.�.' <br /> � . 10�1492 <br /> 1. p�p��nt o!p�dpat,Wtemst end Lete Cfiarge. Borro�ree edsll psy MicnAro tho prlaolpat of.end fniutiton, -- _- - _ <br /> _ WeQeLtor(dena4DythoNotqe�dlewehnrgadcpwduthoNota - <br /> -- 2; rylpnt�ty pf�ments ot 7bxea,Insurana Qn0 OtAer��s. �ortowu ehd!include in tach mon0ly Dayment, <br /> --- togeQ�er with tha yrinelpal and Litcrtrt a+set tonb In U�e Note er, enY ete chuga,an iris�eilment oT eny(N fa�cw aild <br /> eyeclat eueumentalovled or to be Ieded ngeinst the Properry.(b)teasehold paym:enu or growd ttnta on the Property,end — <br /> � (a)Dremlum�[orinauroncerequirtdbyPare phd. . ._ <br /> -_' Bach mon�hly lnstallment for items a).@)and(c) shell equal ono-nvdf�h ot�e anauel emounta,e�reasorably <br /> — esttmated Dy Lendw,plu�en amount s cier.t to m�intain an addidonal 6alance of aot moro Oun onMUnd of the <br /> �'°+T�! esdmated emowu. '[ha NI! en;.uai emount tor each Ilem�hall 6e aceumulatcd 6y I.enQer wllhL��pedod e.adtng one — <br /> � - mot��f Detoro ea Item woutd bccano dclinquem. Lcnda shall dold tlw emwnta collected In dust to pay items(e),@)and _- _ -. . ... <br /> n (e)betorothey6xomedelinquene - <br /> � - If et eny dme the roul ot�he piymenta Ae1d by I.enda to:itema(a�@)svd(c),�osether wlth tho fuwro mon�hly <br /> paymente for eucb itema payabie to Lender p�lor to tAe dae datea ot auch ttema,exoeeda by moro�hari ono-elxeh the <br /> �-�� eaUmated emowt of paymente rsquired to pay wch ieem�when dua eiul If pa enu on�he No�e are curter.6�M1en l.ender - <br /> r{it� ehall eltha ntund the excw over one-sixih ot the es[Ina:ed paymrnu or c�he exass over one•eix�h ot4*.e uWnnted -- <br /> paymencs ro wDsequent paymenu by Bortowu,ec tlw opaon of Borrower. It the[o�d of tha puymem�mede by Bortowu `�— <br /> ;-�° for Item(e),(b),or(c)la Insufticlent ro pay tlw hem when due,then Hortoxrcr ahell piy to Lender eny emount nuessary ro _ �=--- <br /> h -.,�� make up�he daflclency on or bePoro the date tlie i:em beama due. -- <br /> a p�used In thia Securf�Inswment,"Seerciery"muna the Secreary o[Housing md Urban Development or hl�or het . <br /> 't'- dulgnta In eny year in wh ch the mus[pey e mongage inaurance prcmium to tho Secremry,eeeh monthly paynem � _ <br /> � � ' ehe�l alco I�lude efther. p) m instellment of the annual mongage inw�enw prcnium to 6e peld by I.ender to the T� <br /> '� - - Sarctery,or(8}a monWy cherge Wtead of e mongeae i:uurerrce premium If tLb Secwity Inatrument ie held by the ,;�_-. <br /> 't x Sarctery. Baefi monthiy Instel:ment ot�ha mongego inswanoe premiun ehcil ba In�n emount�uff3cient to eceumuleie the � x.� <br /> t ;k,_. full eanud mongage insumnce prem:um wi�A Lender one month pdor to the date Ihe Poll ennusl mongega insuru�a r�_ <br /> - qemlum la due to tha Secruazy,or if�his Securiry(nsmment Is Ix(d by tM Secretery,each monthly eherge�hetl bo in an �-,- -.__._._. <br /> �t �q:>� enount equel to onetwelflh of one-half percent of the omstand!ng principal bala�rce due on the Note. z,. <br /> . ��#+..,.._ ff Bortower tenden w L.ender the tull payment of all sums cearcd by rhle Saudty Instmmer.4 Borrowerb account r ;� . <br /> _-:. ;`i`::p` shell be crcdited wi�h�he balena ranaining Cor elI ins:ellmente for itema(a).@)end(c)and any mongege fnawance ,:,;fa,;:`="_=_. <br />��.(?� Y:;.2 prcmium installmrnt that Lender ha�no[beeome obligaud ro pay to�he Saretery.�nd Lender sAall promptly refund any s,;t,ii,}�`_•.-- -- � <br />- '��a`-^�`� oxces+funda to Bortower. Immediately pdor ro a foreelosurc mle of�he Propeny or(u�cquisi�ion by Lender,IlortowerY . . <br /> s {���; aaount�hell be credited uith wy belmce remdn!ng for di instellmenu for iiema(a),@)md(c). �:; `-"- <br /> ;�-jy ; 3�. AppIlcxtion ot Paymen�. All paymenu under Perayephs 1 end 2�hall6e epplied by Lender m followe: ���i F-. � <br /> - t � N�KS�.,to tha mong�ge insurena p:emium ro be p�id by I.znder�o the Secrctary or ro the monthly charge by the ,� '+�a�; t =. <br /> ,�,�?-.: Setra inrtead of ihe momhlymongege insurenapremmm; '„...-?:� '��-!-.-- == <br /> - ��: �to eny texa,special essasmenu,leasehold paymema or ground rcnu,md firc.Flaod end other hazerd ,,� - ,•:s�'},L� - _ <br /> F '+j� InaurenwprcMu:na,urequired; .'� _. <br /> }ry A, `, to intercct due unda the No�e: � �� ` :_ <br /> �� �.M EmMSz•linn�th�principai ot 1he Note: N 4r�L+nF _ <br /> �,lo lale cherga due endet the Nota 1 ssrri�: � _ <br /> t -� 4. Fire,l+lood end Olher Hezurd[nsurtnce. Bortuwer ahnii iroure:tl improwmams on�he Property,whe�her now -'� v f � <br /> '- "S,��y (n uis[enee or subse�uent:y erccted,against eny hazerd+.cawehies,md contingencia.including�re,for whleh Lender �` .-;�i,;�G_; <br />�-�':Ya';�.���, ultea Insurence. This insurance shall 6e maima(ned in the emocnu and for�he periods that Lender requircs. Bortower '<-`.'�r-;°��:�':£:^ �-��- <br /> + -`-; hell alao iasure all improvemenu on the Ro�ny.whe�her now in cxis;ena or subsequemly erected,egainst loss by flooda , .;�'` 't a �"'�,_ <br /> i . <br /> __t,�.,,._, to the extent required by�he Sarorc�ery. All nsurence shall be certied with rnmpames approved by Lendee The Insurence ,.: r �t.�q�r.--- <br /> policiea end eny rcnewals ahell be held by Lender er.d shall ir.clude loss payable clauses in fevor of, er.d in e fortn -S �"6� "� .�j4- <br /> +:f�% aacp�ebleto,Lender. �-- r� i �= <br /> ,,, < In�he event of loss,6orrower shell gire Lender i:nmediate no�ice by mail. Lender mey meke proof of loss if not - ? fh �`�_-. <br /> mede prom dy by Bortower. Each insurance wmpany conttmed is hereby nmhoriud and dirccted�o meke payment for �_ `%� � r({b� <br /> _ 2;is.' such loss d,Frecdy[o Lender,ins�ead o(to Borroxer and w Lender joimly. All or any pan of�he insurs�m proceeds m�y be ..{..154 ,-;,.;!: E_-f <br /> -� :i'_-; epp1iW by Lender,et its op�ion.ei�her(a)[o the rcduaion at ihe indcb�cdnezs under�he Rote end this Suurity•Instrument. -- ,."..''� „����'-. <br /> � � - -,, ftrst ro eny delinqurn� emounts epplied in the order in Parngreph 3,e�d�hen to prcpayment of principal.or(b) �o the _ � n . -� <br /> .,'_.FS ;; rea�oration or repair of�he dnmusea propeny. Any application of�F.e praceed+w�he principal sAall not excend or postpone - ,� �� r � . �'-:- <br /> the due date of�he monthly p¢ymenn wh�ch ere feferted m in R�mgnph 2,or change the nmoum of scch paymenis. Any r - ' 'f �. - ;--. <br /> -:� :r� exceas insumnce pmtteds over an amount reqcircd to p�y ull outstendmg indeb�edness under�he No�e and th�s Securiiy .- j --._`� <br /> -.t.- Insuummt shell bc paid to�he emi�y Icgolly emnled thcrcto. ; a 1 + �>� <br /> _- .2 In lhe evrnt of torcclosurc of�his Security Insnument or o��anskr o(�ide�o�he Propeny�hat ex�inguishes the ` - ° � ^_ <br /> ..5 :,-.�.. <br /> -;+:,r_���, inde6tedness.ell right,titleflnd in:eral of Bortower in and toincurancc pnlicics in fo�.c JnJi Ercu+w the pu¢haxc - :;�j-�i; � �---- <br /> S. Occupency, Preservatlon, Meintenance ond Protcetion of the Properry; Rorra�rer'a I.oan Appllcelion; -',�; ��� <br /> 1� -�71� . [.eeseholde. Bortox�er shall ottupy,eslabli>h.anJ ux Ihe Propeny a� Bortm�rr's pnncipai rcsidence wi�hin sixt�days -- � -� <br /> aRer 1he exetulion ot lhix Securi:y I�ttirumem md shall cur.�inuc 10 occupy ihe Pruperty aa Bortower's principal revdence � ` � _,�, <br /> '' �' for at leatl oM year atler Ihe dale of occupancy,uNex Ihe Samury dN.emiines�hi.rtymrcmem will ause cndue hardchip x� <br /> ' '� for Borrower, or unless atenualing circurtislances exist ahich am Myond 6ortnoeri comml. 6otrower sheli m[ify r� <br /> _r-,..;f�, Lenders of any extenua�ir.g circumslances. Bartower+hal l nol commit waqe or desvoy.Jamage or aubqonliai;y change � _ <br /> . lhe Property or eilow the flopeny lo delerionle,rcasonable xcar aad ltar excep�ed. Lender may mapec��he Roperty if the ( _ <br /> ': Praperty is vecant or abmdoned or Ihe loan is in de(auh. Lender may�akc rcs•onaSle ac�ion lo pm�M nnd p¢urve such [ _- <br /> " " vaca�l or e6andoned Ra rt �ortower.F.all alw he in defauit i(B��m�w�er,dunng�hc lam applica:ion p:ocesc Fxve I - - <br /> 5. •, � Y' . <br /> y ma:erially falne or inaccuratc m(ofmalion or .�amment� �o LenCer (nr (aficd lu p:o��iJc Lcnder with any ma�erial � . <br /> informanon)in conncction wilh�hc Inan cvidcnccd hy�hc Ymc,indoJing.hut not Inna<d tn,rcprcmmations conceming E � � - <br />- Bortowerk accupancy o(�he Proper.�a+a prinnpal rnidrn�e. II�Mi.Secumy Imvur.:rm ie on a Irasehnld.Bortower shail `" � - � <br /> eonply with the provisiom o(�he lea�e. If Bnrtoxcr acquire+fec G�Ic:o�he 1'rapen��.�he !ca.chnld and fee ti�le+hall no� +�• <br /> _ be merged unless Lender agmes�o�he mcrgcr i�x�ri�ing. [ <br />- 6. Cherga ro 6orrm�er and Pratectlon o!Lender'x RlQhts in Ihe Pruperl�. Borruwrr.hull pay all gocemmemal � <br /> -- - or munieipal eha:gc�.fina and inpo.•itiom�F.a�arc w�meluJed ia Paragraph 2. l3nrtrn�rr.hall pa.�hc.c obiiga��om nn -- <br />-- time dircctly ro the entity which i.o�.ed the prymrm. If failure w ryy unu'A JA\fN'IY ]��fCI LfOAC(4 1.^.IfT�I III Illf ' <br /> - Property,upon Lenderh rtyue��Oortna�er shall pmmp�ly fumi.h m LrnAcr recefp.�cridenring�he�e pa�mcme. !- <br />� ';.(�:": If 8ortox'er fails lo make Ihex paymenN nr the pd)'menl� :cymttJ M1y P�ragraph' or faih In peAorm anr olher <br />. . - ,1-� eovenanis and agreememscomained m thi,Seturity InammeN,or Ihere f�a Itgzl pmceeJing Ihai ma�'+ignificanli��affeci � _ <br /> Lenderk righ�s m the Propeny Isuch as a prtsttding in Fantmplcy,far condemnaGnn ar lo en(omc lax��ar Rgutninml. <br /> �h.�f a�.1r�mav dn nM mv ohaw�r i.nrrc.vrv m nm�crl thc valut of�he Roncnr:md LaJer.riehl�i�Ihe PruDrnr. <br />. '�•�=��= includingpaymenroftaxes.hvafdmwnr.cemdothrnmm.menGunnlinPuagraph2. � � _- <br /> �_.'_,'- Any amounls disbuned by Lender under�h:. Pamgraph.ha�l t+ecomc an adJibaaal dcM ol Burtowcr and lR�ccurtd i _� <br />.,��- � --' ' by Ihis Stturity InslrumrnL "IMu emocnis shail bcar mtcrta from�hc da�c n(�hc Nntc ra� ai �he <br /> -t� � � oplion o(Lender,shall be i:nmcdiately due and payaM1le. � <br /> _ _ _ __ 7. Condemnetfon. The praceeds o(any ax��rd orclaim for damage�.direa or cn� cnnnec�ion..i�h a�y _ <br /> �'� eondemnatian or other teking of any pan of the Pmpen��,or(nr convey�ance in pace n( hembr a�vFneJ . . <br />� -'-�?,, and shall be paid to Lendcr m ihe ex�rn�of�he fu:l amount of�he inJcStcdr.a�� rtnain.uapafd um:er thc Nmc anJ�hi. . <br /> :����.�;��� Saurity Inslrument Lender sha:l app�y such proceed��othe rcducr.on o(the indehiedne.c under�he No�c and�his Securiq� ' <br /> �:s`v%=- Instmment, first to my del:nyuer.t anosnh applicd m Ihe uMer prorided in Pangraph i, ar.d lhcn to p`cpaym<m of � <br /> _ principal. Any �pp:icelion of Ihs procced.lo�hc prir.cipal .hall no� cx�cnd nr po+��mc �hc duc dmc o(�hc maathh i <br /> i <br /> `•l'��'� �pir2./fry.c�.� <br /> ��t;, " �.____ "_ ._ . --_ <br />