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1 <br /> � 1 �. r ° `.t :� �: <br /> �r,�y •: . � — r • -,: _ <br /> _-�� � ° _ �"- ��'� �o��t�. , #� <br /> ' ePPUS4�te law�ay epcCity_7ot rafiistetemenU�fora�6n�69f tFD PJO AI.(6�8(11,10 dt1Ypo WCf¢T 6�IO�c6nmiriW!rt�fiir -;' ,- <br /> Secudty f6s6omenr or�D)en �a Jdd 1 enf6�tii8.iFb�oc'v�jty dshmrrynt ibwo�ndtU6ni wo�r�ui pmrvw tbr "- � <br /> 3m�� h s� <br /> , p�ye Lendet a1l eUM� whlcfi��n wpoid Dp dae under tNe Sxuritg.tasWMenre�4�ho Now 6a it no aaeferqqoR Mp-- _ <br /> rted:N)aubR"anYGeteuUotany.pthueoyenanuoragrper�entg(e)PayaAJ�expenieelnamidlAenTorcingt4��sSecW(ry - <br /> C t�nent,I�lud burnot Ilmiu4 to�i�aagqub:e.attomdya fers:and(d)�g�cee ecch eCtloq m.Lendqmqy.TCaSOnably � <br /> i?+IuUatbasstiietlli��allMOft6Cs9ec6dryJn3uiunpn41.aF9Fr3{161st9irtt�dFjopertgEnaBorruwetlo611g�Hurttb�ay 4]{� - - <br /> -- ' euma saured 6y Wa gewrip.Lssuemenr ehe11 eonHqx uncha�gtd: Uppn Yelnststertient by Borlowa. @Is 8eeudl� <br /> [nst[umenfat(dthtio6t(gaqo���a.tite4he(ebY tAalllemaluPollqetfativel�vifnuaoceletaRonheduroutfed HoWevW,thfa <br /> — rlghttoreinstatea�alinotaDplyinthecasaof�caluation�..derQuegrephl7. <br /> --=� 19. 8ala of Nolei ChHpge ot Loan 8xrv(cer. 7Lo Noto or ap�c1ei incerest in tho A'ote([a8aha whh m!s 9xud1� ; <br /> [nswmenq m�y 6e�otd ona of moro dmes wlihw�pdor noUce w�o�rower. A�efe mpy«sutt In a eherge in We eqdry � <br /> -- (Kcown m the taa�serviar'y met coticeu momhly payments Nia undu tha Note md thla Saudry Inswment. 'R�e[e aTbo . ., <br /> _- may 6e one or mom changes o/Uia Loan 8crvlcet untelattd to a aa's of�ho Nota Itlh2to Is a�hangA of the[.osn 3erv1a� <br /> L_� — Bortowu alll ba glven wdtten r.otice ot the change in aaordenco wltAparagnph lA above end aypticaD:a 1ew. 7f,e nmtce , <br /> s+� ��= wlllsu:et4eneciaendeddrea�ofthenawLoan3ervlcera�dthaeddresstoahlchpaymente�houlQbOmade. lher.otloenlU <br />-"=�,;`;� elao tonteln eny othuintomietlon requUed by appl:cable law. ' - <br /> -xrss�.,r.•� 2A. Hamrdow Su6stantts. Hortower shatl not eaua or permlt Ne presence,uce,disposel.�rorage,or retc,lae o!eEg <br />-�-;�j� Hazudow Substenaa on or N the Propeny. Hortower�hall not do, r.or dlow enyone elae ro do,enythlag effeWng tha <br /> �.,,r�,�._z; Property that 1�fn vloladon of my SnvlronmeC�al taw. 7fia preceding two eentenaa shall not aypty ro tlro predene0.usa or . <br /> ;:'._�.,, srorege on tho Propeny ot�mell quentides otHezardow Sabstanees�hat ue geectally ceoog�lzed eo ba appropdaro ro no�mel <br /> ..:;:r�.�:r:. rosident(el usea ertd lo m�!nte�uaca of the Property. <br /> --,-'.�°�.'� Bortower iha;l promptly gtva Lender wdttcn noNee of any Investlgnlon,clein,demand,Iawault or other acdon by any <br /> ; -, govemmentel or regulatory egency or pdv�m pany InvolvNg the Propeny end aay Hezardoui SuWtance or Hnvlronmentd <br /> =�•�`�er- Law ot whlcfi Bomower hae stual]mow:edga. If Hortower Iwns. or ia notlfle4 by eny govemmentel ot rcgulnrory <br /> �-=-'+;`�;�f=� aut6odry,that eny rcmovil or other rcmWhtlon of eny H�zardow Subsie^.ce gftecting tha Propeny 1�nea�ary,BortOwu <br />-.'�c;.'i�ii;;;�' ahall promptly teke ell nacessery remedlal eUlona(n accoMance with Hnvlronmentel Law. � <br />-`?'."iJ"` As uaed in thla paragraph 2b,"Hezardom Sebstencea'are�hose�ubstanas deflned as roxlc or hazerdow tuWtence�6y <br /> ;- -�"''` Environmemel Law�nd�he followin aubsunces: esollne,kerosene,ahu flammable or�oxlc oleum roduete,roxic <br /> ''_2�.;:,7 8 B P� P <br />-.-:�h;��:�;��r peaticidea and herbkldea,vol�:lle solvrnu,naredela conufning mbestw or tortnaldehyde,end radioactive matedels. Aa <br /> •;.:i;;: <br /> _��-,_.�,z uud in thia pangreph 20.'Enrirommental Law"means federel Iawi end lawa of�he JudzdiGlon whe�a the Property B located <br /> a r�� that rcle:e ro hplth,�afery or�vlronnemd pm[ce�Ion. • � � <br /> � ;t�+� �� NON-UMFORM COVENAN'fS. Bortower end Lender futthu covenant end eg2e es[ollowa: � <br /> ,,.�t _ !�- 21. Acceteratloni Rem�dles. Lender ehall gtve notice to Borrower pdor to acceleratlon following Qorrotver'e <br />-_y;��;1f�i„,; breech of anr covenant or egrcemmt In�hla 3ecurlty Instrument(but not prtor to ncceleratlon under parngreph 17 <br /> ,:k,,,_�.� unlew appllcxble lew provfda othernlse). The noqce shell speclty: (a)Ihe deteult;(b)the actlon requGed ro cure Ne <br /> =��:,'J� defe¢Ut(c)a detq not tas then 30 dny�hom tF.e date Ihe notice ts glven to Borrower,by whlch the defeutt must Ue <br /> -`--`'"- - cured;snd�dJ thet tsllun toture tl!e detault on ar 6etare the dete epetN?�J tn Iha nntlre may reeutt In aarleluUon ot __. <br /> � t�•:� Ihe eum+aeeured by th6 Securlty Instrument and eale of the Proper�y. The notice shall NrtAer Inform Dorrower of _ <br />:--•,�;:♦y��-`� the rlght to relnstate eRer ettxterallon and the rlght ta bdng a murt actlon to essert the non�exlstena of e deteult or <br /> ��.:}:,`�-•� <br /> - -..,. �,,;� any other defense of Borrooer to acceleretlon and sete. If the detault(a not cured on or bePore�6e dete speclIIed In <br /> ;::t''��;;':- Ihe no�lce,Lender at(ts optlon may requlre tmmedlete payment In Pull otell suma eecured by�hls SceuAty Instrument <br /> ��f.. �.r:•, <br /> ..�;�,; , wllhout Nreher demand end may Invoke 1hc power of sate er.d any olher rcmedla permltted by epplleeble law <br /> - Lender ahall be enflqed tu mllect all e:penses Incurrcd In pumuing the remedlee provlded In thla peragreph 21, -_ <br /> ��'�"��i�?' Incicdfng,but not Ilmlted to,reasoneble afrorneya'tees end costa of tftle evldence. <br /> ;'; ..s-i�>:;. <br /> ;;«;,,.F,: tf the po�rer of aale ts Inraked.71�u+�ce Alinll recurd n nollce ol defoutl In each county In Khlch any part of the --- <br /> ' ��y<<���� Property I�laeted und chall matl rnples of such notice In the manner pracrfbM by epplleabte law to Borro�ver end to - <br />-��_�.4:�;,%;, the olher persom prescdbed by appllcabte la�v. AfYer Ihe tlme requlred by appllcabte len,7Yuatee ahall glve publle _ <br /> notice otsale to t6e perwns and (n Ihe manner prescrlbed by appllcable le�v. 7Yuatee,wllhout demand on Borroner, _. <br /> " shall ull fhe Propedy at pu61le aucPon ro Ihe hlghest bldder nt the qme end pince and under Ihe term�deatgnated In - <br />'.t�r��-^=,�;�_;� thenoticeofaelelnoneormorepercel+undlneayorder'I�usteedeterminea. 7Yusteemaypostponeealeofallorany = <br /> �-`;;:�-�•-.- parcd of Ihe Properly by publlc nnnounter.ient et the�lme and pl¢ce of eny prevlously scheduled aala Lender or fts ;-.-: <br /> � --�'�'�'�'�' ' deslgnee may purchese the Properly at anr snle. - <br />'.-;=�F:.'-;`' Upon recelpt of puymenl uf Ihe prlce 61d,7}ustee shall dellver to Ihe purchaser 7}uslce's deed tonreying the = <br /> - '::'" "' ' Pro erl The recttels In the7Yustee's deed shull be rlmo fecle erldence of the Irulh of the stutemenG made thereln. ` <br /> .:'?:.:;�- P Y• P �:_:. <br /> --- - 7}usteeshall epply Ihe procads o(the sele In Ihe fullo�dnR ardrr: Iul ro ell cosle nr.d expmses of exercfsing the po�rer <br /> ,�,.�t'��� F;�. <br />. _`, <br /> - � Fnrm.Wlx vvo y....a,.lnrye�u - <br /> ' .- <br /> . ., :. _ _ _- — _ _ <br /> . i�-'_�"..._�'." 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