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� '. .. ... , e .•�- _ : � :_�,�. _ _ <br /> -3�'"- •7. - . . - . r _ _ : �_�—''_ � �..: , f:- <br /> , <br />,�:,� . � ;. . � -- ' :`�3�' �=���� ,a < , .s::_ <br /> .. <br /> _ _ ' a+hQCm;ayonorahert?��84taPypanpf�SePmperiy.o�tor�onyeyzncainileuofaondsmnad6n;xrohercbyas�lgqtecfiind ; ; <br /> -- . shnlibop�4rol.etider. • --- - <br /> - La llin ever.�_ot e tptal tatdd'g�Sf�fir PropeHy{�io broocrAi shell be apptfal to Q�o�umd sa�r�A by Ain Se�ud�Y�_ � <br /> L(etnuisr,nh w1,Nhpr or na�hen duo,yriU�ehy exasa oeidto 8�' irtr in Iha eveht qf,a p�r11d taking ot t�a Pro in . . <br /> wh!ch the feir merkoc vaNe of the Prdpeny Immedlatdybofom@0 teking iv oquei to oig�eatet Ihaq�Yio e�aunl nf E iwu` <br /> --- sceuctQ Gy�hi►Secatity Instrymep[immedia�ciy beforo thb teklns;unk�9ortawsr rnd LtaQer�erwt�e n�e�16 wAUng,- - .- - ---- - <br />===-= the suma cxi.:red by th(a Becudry Tnsauinent�ha11 be reduad Dy�he emopm of th0 nrocee0s mp1�Iplied by�he'folloiv(ng - <br /> tropion: (a)tho�otat�enounf ot tho sums soa:rtd Immalistely bo(oro t4�e taking,d(ylded by @)tho f�markuyaluo ot Ihe .' . <br /> --� Properry im.med181efy befaro the ieking Any batance ehall be pald a gotrowce Ie the ever.t ot a pvtlal�ekin ot i,4e ' <br /> -- <br /> - Property in whkh the falr mzita value di the Propeny lmnedietely befom Ihe teking is tess itun the amoUnt o[ e'stim� �_- -- <br /> -- - eecured immediatcly 6oforo the taking,unlui Bortowu and Lender othe�wise agrce In wAdng or unles� eppllCnble lsa <br /> -- othuwlce providea,the proaed�sha116e apQiled ro�M1e�um�ucurcd by this 3ecudty Insm:ment whUheror not IAo duhu ere <br /> _----= men aoe. • - . - - <br />---- (t the Property te abeadoned by Hortower,or it efter nodca by l.ender eo Borrower thet�he condemnor offtre to meke <br /> an award or settla a clein for demeges,Bortowerfeib to nspond tolxnder wUhln 30 daya efterthe daro the notice i�given. <br />�-�"� Lender b autiiorized ro coileu end apyty the proceeds,az(u opHon,Ntder to rearomqon or rcpa!r o!the Propeny or to the <br />-=- s=w.3� �uma seweed by 4hls Secudty inswmen6 whuhet ot not thrn due. � -� - <br />-Tw�:�_ Uniw l.ender and Bortower othuwice�grce in wriHr.g,eny epplfcadon of proceeda to pdneipal sSaU not extend ot <br />��:;s�.:;, posrywne tho duo daro ot�I:e monthly p�ymenu roferted to In pamgraplu 1 end 2 or ehenge tha emount of euch prymente. <br />- ;: 't.: ;.. IL Borro�ver Not Releesed� Forbearence By Lender Not e Waiver. Extrn�ion of the time for payment or <br /> - _�. 'i�.-�:;. <br /> _:;.:S`,T�_-,1 modification of emorHzetlon of�ha sum+eavred by thb Secudry Instrument grented by Lender to eny cuxeasor In inttrest <br />_.�:':�;,y��;,;. of Hortower sheU not opere�e ro rcieese�he Iiability of the odginal Borrower or Bortowerl ivaecson in ime�eat.Lender <br /> + . �- �hall not be uired a commenea praceedings age!nst any iuceessor in intereat or rcfuu to extend tlme for payment ot <br /> >r ��,:-` ottie�wfu mod�emortiuqon of�ho eums cceurcd by�his Saudry Innrument by rcason of eny demar�d mada by�he odginel __ _ <br />_ •�`��:^�� Bortower or BortowerY�uccesson In G:teme Any forbearence by Lender ta exercis!ng eny dght or remedy chell not be a --- - ----- <br />��-�;n;-- �valver of or precludo the exercise of any dght or renWy. <br />:z•��=:�::mti 13. Successore and Aatgne 6ouad;Joint and 3everal Lte611ityt Ca-aignere. 7he wvenanta end�gree.Mente of�his ____ <br /> '•t==�� Secudty Inswment shetl bind and benefit�he auccessora and usigro of Lender end Borto�rer.wbJat to�ha pmvislon�of =_- <br /> :�'��=".::�'=� pnregreph 17.Homower�covenanu end egreemm�s ahall be joim and severei. Any I3ormwer who co-sigm ihis Seeuriry <br /> "`?"'�--' Inswment bue dou not execme the Nar. (e)is co-signing�Au Securiry lnsnument only ro mongage,grant undoonvey that - --- <br />�`•''-• ��-'�'!`" Bonowert Incereat in the Propeny under the�erme ohhB Saurity Ins�mmenC (b)i�no[perwnalty obligeted to pay tho euma "�'°"� <br /> ��r��%r��� securcd by�hb Secudty tmnummt;anJ(e)egrces�hat I.ender and any other Bortower may egree to extend,modi(y.[oNeaz Q;;z--- <br />��,F�r�;.i=.���- or make eny eaommod�tioru wi�h rc6ard ro�he tertns of�his Secudty Imuus�en[or �he Note wi�hom th�t Bo[rowerb , <br /> :.:- . - .--;.. eonxnt. <br />°�;ti+=�ST�;'!_ 13. Loan Chargei. If the loan securcd by this Security Insuument u cubject ro a law which sets maximum loan <br /> 1.,`,,;=.^;_. eharga,md[hnt Iaw7e iinelly i�eeryre�ed so ihat the imerest or o�her Iwn chargea collected or to be coilected in connec�ton <br /> Wi(h th_^I^?n^_tCYd Lh!F!'[!IlitFM lemi�•.the�• {n?!!ny cnrh[o?n charge chall he rcdurrd hv�M1e nmount necewrv[o reduca ._._ __..,.. <br /> s =- �'� the cMrge ro the permitted limie end(b)eny sums alrcedy rn�lecced from Bortower which exceeded permitted Iimita wi:l be _ <br /> `r ' refunded[o Borrowec Lender mny chau ro meke�his refund by rcducing Ihe prineipal owW under Ihe Nole or by meking a ��,�— <br /> n+ti '--. direct paymmt to Borrower. If n retufd reduces principal,the rcduc�ion will 6e treated ae a paniel prepayment wi�hout uny &�+� - <br /> ' '� ` prcpayment charge under�he Note. _ . .__ - <br /> 14. Notleee. Any notice m Bormwer providM for in�his Securiry inctrumrn�shall be given by dellvedng it or by s� ..y <br /> s. . .--,'; mailing it by first clees mail un:rss npp�icnble lew requirev uu of unother method.7Le notice chall be directed ro�he Propeny �,: ._ <br /> 7,�j;�^,.= Addrcss or eny olher address Bortower Jesisneles by r.otice�o Lender. Any notice�o Lender shall be given by fint cleae •.y�---';�=_ <br /> � )lk.. , . <br />=.�-.'.i'.i;�-„ maii ro Lenderk address s�eted hercin or any o�her nddrcss Lender daignaces by notice ro IIortower. Any no[[tt providW for .,i;�;�.::.---� � <br /> :?IdC�f.�jj.': ..p�:,��._��.::�. <br /> . : ... in �hi� Security Insfrument sliall be decmed:o have been given ro Borrower or Lender when given a� provided In�his ti�_. <br /> -�;.y.;:i :ti�>,'F:s}_: <br /> �i:�.��.;r�:: peragreph. S���;i?� =�--:-- <br /> _ , IS. Govern!ng La�v; Sererabllity. 'Ihis Security Inswment shnll 6e govemed by fedcrel lew end �he law of thc , ✓ .._ <br /> - - jurisdiNion in which ll:e Prapeny is lonted. In the crent�hat any p:ovision orclauxe o(Ihis Security lnstmmentor the Nme -- f`�ii r -:- <br /> ..,�.>i�i::,�� eonilien wi�h epplicxble law,such con9ict shall not ofket oiher provisions of�hix Seturity Instrument or Ihe Nom whieh an ;�r';y�i,2"�',-: <br /> 1�"� be given e(kc� wiihout the con9icting prwision. To�hix end�he pmvisionc of this Securny Instmment and�he No�e ere qi"'�� ` S�� . <br /> •i�,t `- declamdrohsevemblc. -'�•`� . r^:.--- <br /> . Ts;:;,c:>.:�:::�...:.-. <br /> _ - - ". 16. 6orrover's Copy. Bortowerslia:l6e given une can(onned mpy of Ihe Naic and of[his Securily Inslrument. -'r.�-.,:�.-.a•p�i:�,,- <br /> =:.'�:,... ��:=4?..,.�,.,,_� . <br /> 17. 7}anshr of the Property ar a 6eneliclnl lnteresl In Uorrmrer. If ali ur any pan of the Propcny or�ny inre�est in � `i , . <br /> !- - i1 is wld or lmnsferted(or if n beneficial imerc.t ix Bomncer is mld or uamferted and Borrower is not x r.aluml person) �.���;y,�,? �,'_: <br /> i� �-i wil4w[Lendert prior writtcn caneenl.Lender i�+ap:�on,rcyuirc immcdi:nc paymem in full of all sunu securcd by -i_f:�i c1 �s'� <br /> ' lhis Security Ins[mmenL However.[his aptio�+hall nnl l+e excrci�cd h��LcnJer if exe¢i.e is pmhibilcd by feder+l Imv as o( ' <br /> �-¢� _; the dete of this Securiq�Inswment. -�"K� ��i :-_ <br /> r -� If Lendcr cxcmizeti ehia op:ion. Lendcnha:l givr 6ortoutr nolia of anrleraiio�. 77ie nniim s6a11 pmvide u period o( _ i�: � <br /> -1�� "'?C�-'.' no[less Ihaa 70 dayx fmm the date�he mitice is del�renYl ar mailed wi�hin�rhich Borto�eenaust pay all wnx ucered 6y Ihis ��'.`%=;i;.''•�t�_'�-� <br />_ Sccurity InstmmenL I(Dnrcoocr faih �o pay �hc.c wn:t prinr In�hc e�pira:ion nf�hi. period. Lender may invoke any L'��-r;=:�:i:'-i'r�- <br /> remedies pertnived hy Ihis Stturilv Imvumem witham(unher nniice m demand ns Bortm�ec - <br /> I8. Rarro��tr's Right �u Relnslale. If mcen renam rnndflian.. I3nrto��er .F.all havc�hc r.ghi In hare <br /> - ' - enfoxement of Ihis Securi!y I�n�mmem di.cominu.J a�a:ir Gme pnnr m iLe cadirr nL I:n S�{���� oiher period a. '. <br /> + <br /> .) " ti�� .hnnirq�rYrrEEia\Lcl]IFIIH\IIViNIVF.]I lnnmmCmrnx:. f.'M �ry�r�.,l^Nt�+� � �•• <br /> IY:�:�'.- .. . <br /> .. _ :'.� .. <br /> F _ . <br /> ��' -�.,.. .�_..r. . ._., - '_' '_ _ ' _ . . _ _ . . .. . ' "_-' _ __ _ "' ' . <br /> - -r_ _ . . -. . .. _ . - . .. . . . ,.. - . . <br />-�•j,`'.: `.� ' . <br /> _' r .i':: _'. :: . - . <br /> Cj. <br /> -fi. _ - .. . . <br /> _'��`- . _ ._ . <br />-•'{I.�.•'S�' . � f . •� '-1 � . _ <br /> Y Y - . ` . . . _ .. <br /> ! : . . � <br /> ei ' . ' <br /> . . . . . . . . .. . . . , . <br />