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<br /> � a }"� of Ihpm,ofinll bA Onlulod�a antora►IfU9 Ttuul Puod qnU tary olhar Gotuniy nRw itt Noronitot hnid UY Ilonnticmry ar lruatao in nuch urdar and mnnnor a �; �� _
<br /> �� �� .�r:. _ _ � _
<br /> �- �,:' . = aN they ar ollhar oi IQUni m��fn Ihatr pbcntutp disaat�on�f�l�+���utie No iomn�ty hc�rnin tanfo►retd ut±��n ar�ar.ervaA Ir�lruatao ar llannlicimy w intandod ' n"
<br /> 3C: '` - tp 1�axcJi�2lvo Gt pny oi11u►fCmndy hutotn n�try Inw prov��kttl n+t�nrr�tit{ctd,Uul ench ohall ko cumu�nUVO nnd ahnll�o�n ndd�tlon lo ovory othar rmnedy �
<br /> � F .:
<br /> - �'-� qlvAn I�ernunder ot now c►r ham��(tcr oxlsUn{�nl lnw ar�n aqu�ty ar by ciuwtu.Evciy{?nwor a ramady�rovtUad und�r thla Trust US�s to Tn��lemcu 4�ene�kkuY __
<br /> ,:�
<br /> _ - y �;;a:.a,itt!:«'RhM 01 ll�r�ro8p b0 Othr]�WI00 01111UOd,mny Gn oHOrcia�tl,cnncu�runiiy or inda�i�nduntty,trom tima to nma and a9 oltan ns�imy Gs d�nmtnf � _ � --
<br /> __- - -� -""" aft{)o0t8n1 by tructaa or P.ond6c�3+y and aitiist ot thzm m»y pursu¢lncnne!?t?nl�4rp�uupa Nolhin�harmn oimll i�o conut�uad ua wutdL�iiuy G�t'�uG�c�r� , Ly lr,u .`_` _
<br /> ' • Iram Quoklnp n doticlonoy�utl�monl npnmal Iho Truatar to tho oxlanl nuch ncllan In pormlltad�y�aw. "� �
<br /> '� � t1. TflAN3FGR OP TIIE{�RQP4RTYti A99UMPYtON.If o11 or any pt1r101 tha Proporly or mtorosl thorotn le oWd,linnRtuiterl or othawlao Conet�y�d - �� ,. -- _
<br />;;,,�� „ qy Truelor withaul ponollciary'a pdor�vrlltoa consont,nxr.tudlnp(o)1hc crenUon a1 n Ilun or oncumbranco nubartlinnto ia lhle Yrunl DoaA,(b)a t�nnotor .
<br /> -�-�, ° qy op�rMlon ot Inw upan tho donlN at n Truetor who�s n(olnl tonnnt or(a11ho prnnl al ony Ino9oholci IMOrouI ol Ihrao(3)yoar�o►lo�s�vhlch�taos npt
<br /> �.� � cantnln nn optlun to purchnso,auch aGllon Is n 6roar.h ql this iigroomoM,and Bonoticinry mny,�I l3onnticinry'o optlon.cloclpro t�ll lho oumn aocutad by `, ,� {
<br /> Ihls Trunt Dood to bn immodlotoly dufl and payabtu,providad, lurthor,Ihls Trual Oood mEiy,at BonMiclnry'9 opdon,ba doclnrod Immndiatoly duo and . .
<br /> .
<br /> .� puyebla,II(11 Trustvr I9 t�pn�►nflrohlp flnd any Intorosl in th�p�►tnorshlp le sold or nasiflnod by nny mUnno�vhntaoov�r,a�(2)Ii lhc�Tru�ror Is n corporntlon �. .
<br /> —' '.. ._ end n t�nn^Inr ni�hn m�,�oruy etr,ck o�vnort�hip Interest In tRO corporaUon occure,or Ihe Truator carparntlom m�rpos In any form with nnothor corporntlan � •
<br /> ._,- _ -
<br />-__: .
<br /> - ... - --- _ . ,
<br /> --,----�- --..__ .- -- -
<br /> - or entity.L9on01lNary shall hqvo walvod suCh option to aCCOIQrato 11,pNOr lo tho eaio.Irnnslflr or convoyanca,bunotiC�ury and ihn Natnuu u w�uw id , .
<br /> _= Property Is to b�Fold or Iranslorrod ruach Agreemenl m�vritinp that th�C�ndit ot such porson Is satlsf;ictary!o Bonotiaary and thut thu Intmosl payt�blo
<br />_' an tho sums socu�ed by this Trurt Deod shall be at such roto fls Bpnoticinry shall requosl. •
<br /> '�''� 12.ACCELHRATlON UPQN OEFAULT;REMEDlES;SALE.Tha It�fluro by Iho Trustor,lu mflk0 nny paymoni or tn pMtorm r�ny ot iho tCrm9 nnd Cond�Uone
<br /> �'� ol lhis Trust Daod,or tho torma and condillone a1 Iha Noto,or any ronativals,modi��cndons or extensions theroot,or thu lailuro tu mc�ko payment o1 eny - •
<br /> ;,,,�.� . , �,
<br /> othor ind�►btodna9s,prior or subsoquonl to Ihis Trusl poad,nnd socurad by Ihis prpporty,or Iho dantn o1 ona or moro 7ruslara shnn ba a breach�nd
<br /> �;�� dolnull of thl9 Truet Doed nnd Iho Bonoficlary may dnclaro a dolpult And may doc!�ro ail sums seccred haroby Imm�diAtaly duo and payabto and 1hs Y1�-e
<br />:�tti�� .,• .. _.
<br /> , r`�,. , � spmo ahail ihorauPon becomo duo and p�yublo wlthoW prosentmonL dumend,protesl qr noUce ct any kind,providod.Trustor 8ha11 hnve eny stdlulary y: _
<br /> .,, . � ►ipM to curo Iho defau;t l�etoro any notiCO a1 dofault and demflnd lor&alp may bo dohver�d to thfl Trustoo.Thoranitor,BonofiClary mAy dollvor to 7r�steo ' ,�
<br /> • • � �``+� A written doclerntlon pt QFlaull c�nd domand lor snle.Trustor npreos pnd horpby grant9lhat Ihp 7rustoo shall�pve the powor of yAlp ot lho ProPe�ty�nd , .;,;,`` -
<br /> � �. �;;�•.�.. :'��j 119onpliclary decidos Sha Proporty is to bo sold U sh�41 d�posll wlih Trustoo lhfs Trust L�ad and Iho Noto ar notes��d t+ny olhar dacumante avidanci»� , �;`��,,y?�`,.
<br /> ' axpond4uros socured fiar�by,nnd sh211 do��vor to T�ustoo el wtitton notict�ot dsf7u11 and aloCtlOn t0 Ctluso the pwp:xty to bn sald,and Truatoo,in tum. > , ��t,y,, -
<br /> � '`� �° ; ohtill prppma a elmitAr notico In Iho tarm►oquirt�d by Ww,+vhich shall ba duly fit�d for recard by Truataa. � �� � fi°��
<br /> �ts"'::';.:.'..�.:: ;;:`:,'• 1
<br /> �,��i:i
<br /> � "+>�t��'• -,.,�,;;`;'�, (p) A flor I hc+I�pao a 1 aus h U m e n o m a y b o�e�c]u�r e d b y 1a�v fpll.�,ti•m y tho recorduUon ol Nuticu ut Delaull,and Nolicn of Dct�ult and NoUco ot =
<br /> .�l'"�;.V;•.. � � ;_;�•_-
<br /> - ��+�-�.�` •• "` �,,.�� Sale having beon{�ivan na roqutrod by ta�v,Trusloe�,wdhout�Omhnd on Trustot,shnll soll Iha Propony,i1 not radaempd, In ono or morp •="
<br /> :.��i��_..�:.,�
<br /> 1--•�. .- pgrCO�s and m such ordor os Trust�a mny dfltflrmme on tho d�te and the t�mt��nd pinco dosipnutod In&nid NoUco ot SAIp,at pu�llc nuCtipn ?;�;;',�-
<br /> ..f.;:;;..•, ' `� •
<br /> ;`�.;�,:,:::',; `.,,�., ;: accnrdmg to�aw. ,
<br /> �`;:s�'�,` � � ;��;�� (.+1 LYhWn Teuateo aolls pureuaM ta Iho powor9 hflr�m.Tcwtoe sh:�ll�1�p�Y thp procaods of tht�e�lv to payment o1 tho costs�nd�xpeoses af ;
<br /> h ti 1� mclud�n ,�n�ithout iimitatio�,attome,v's loos and Iha p�yment al Srustee's Feos incunod,which �''
<br /> ',1��`•.,;�':' �; e r o r c i s m g 1 h o p o w e r a l s a l o e n d o l t o,a E. 9
<br /> � '�:�� Trusto�'s reCS shall nat In the agpreflate oxce�d tha toilaving t�mcun4a a�sed upon Iho timatmt aacuro d here by t�n d rom�i nm p u n p a i d�1 , �
<br /> ______ - ---___�;:.,, =h�=in�_w„y�dw!$d�es yA�g:F�±mnntum�,tf,�batance Shareof:1nd thpn ta the Ituma in eubparupraph(C)1�Ihe order ihpro etAtRd. • y,:,�r__
<br /> (c) A�ter paying the items sppc�flod in subpnra�raph(b),il�he s�to fs by Trustoe,or H tha oalo Is p�ueuam to jadioial lorecloaure,ihe procoods , T�
<br /> 01 Baio sMAll be applled In tho lollowlnc�ordor: • !
<br /> �•- --
<br /> ,..i.. .,;,ti e�,.w
<br /> aom 4�.���a�v rw�nnuo transte►fee raaulrad to ba pnld; "�
<br /> - _ . _ _ ....- ----••--�' � _
<br /> - . .: (1)Gost ot any avidonca u�uav piu�...�ou��������.......".:.....�:.,..._...__.._-- -.-• - - -- ---- -
<br /> � (2)All obilg�tlons eacured by Ini�Yruat Dned; `. , a `
<br /> (3)Junlor lruat deeds,mortflt�flos,or nthor lionholdora; ,.
<br /> '� (4)Tho romAindor,if any, to ihp porsOn lep�lly onIi110d theroto.
<br /> 13.APPOINTMEPJT OF SUCCE890A TRUSTEE,Bonol�ciary mny,Iram�imo to timo,by a wniton mstrumont oxoculod and acknawlodQod by Bonoficiary, .
<br /> mailad lo Truatar and rocordod In tho county ar countlos fn which Iho Proparty ia locutod pnd by othorwiso complylnp with tho provislone ot tha uppllCablo
<br /> IAwB ol tho Stato a1 NpbrASkp substituto c�succosspr or succossore Io tho Tru�10o namod heroln or aCtinfl hornuntlor.
<br /> � 14.INSPF.CTtON&.6enoficlary,ar ito c�qunis,ropresenlatives or omployops,�ro Authorized to ontor al nny roasanubla Ilmo upan or In nny part o11hu
<br /> ' • Properry tor the purposo ol Inspocting Ihn snmo and for tho pu�poso ot performfng any pl Iho acta II Is authorlied to perlorm under iho termo of the Trust Qood.
<br /> \;
<br /> t5.OPTION TO FORECL08URE.Upon Iho accurrence ol any breach and upon the daclatation ol defAUlt horeundor,Hanoticinry shall havo the o�tion
<br /> to foreclose thls Truat peod In ihe manner pravidad by law lor Ihe loroclosure o�mprlgt�goo on roul proparry.
<br /> � 16.FOREBEARANCf RV BENEFICIARV OR TRU9TEE NOT A WIIIVER.Any torobeAranco by Beneticiary ar TruEteo In oxarclsinp a�y��g�t or tomody
<br /> � �'�� hereundor,or otherwiso aflorded hy appUcablo law,s�all not bo a wa�ver ot or psecludo iho exerciso ol pny such rigM or remopy.Likaa�5o.lno waiver ;,',�..
<br /> by Bonoficlary or Trustee ol any de}aull of Tn�stor�mdor�hie Trust Deed shAll not 6o doomod to be a�vAivor ot Any olh4r or almilar dalflults subseQuontly . ,..`�
<br /> , '•�; occattin�. .�}:: .
<br /> ' 1 v^.BENEFIClG1[,1V'S POWER9.Wilnout AHecting or roleasing the I�ablllty ol iho T�ustor or any othor porson lieblo tor iho p�Ymnnt o1 nny oblifltq�on �
<br /> n�rem montioned.and wuhout attecting tho I�en or chatgo 01 thia Trust peed upon Any portlon ot tha Prope►ty,Benoficlary mF�y,�rom Umo to timo and ,
<br /> withoul notice at tho��quesl ot ano or more Trustors.(i)raloaso any poraon Ilablo,(�fl oxtend or ronow tha m�tunty ar nita�r any af iho torrns Ot any such
<br /> obilgations,(ii�}1.�n;other Intlulgoncas,(iv)rolease ur reconvey,or causo to bc�re;onsod or reconveyed at any urnc�21 Beneficlary's opllon Rny parcol
<br /> � �.��,' or all ol tho ProueMy,!v)tako or release any other or add�l�onAi socuri�y for any obi�9atwn hpraln monuoned,(vQ mah�settlemonls or othor arran�omt�nln
<br /> . with Trustor in re'alwn ihoroto.All Trustors sha11 be t���ilY encl soverfluy obliyated ac+d bound hy iho actlans ot tho BonofiCiary or any on0 oi more Trzisto►
<br /> 2s s'aled In ih�s parAgrnph. ,
<br /> t6.ATTORNEY FEE9,C08TS AND EXPENSE5.Tho Banof�c��•y uf th�s Trust Deed Is enlilled to the paymont o1 attornoy's tFfls.�c�.cte and oxpanses �
<br /> � •. .
<br /> es provided In thio Trust Doed,oxcopl as athenwso proh�hltod by law. I �
<br /> � 19.RECONYEYANCE 8Y TRUSTEE. Upon wntten roquost ot Banoticiary and�Fon paymonl by Trustor o�Tru;,se's feos. Tru8te0 9h011 �BCOm�y IO
<br /> __-___-.-: ._ ' Trustar.or tho porson or t�flrsons logally ent�tletl theroto.tiv�ihoul�varrnnty,any port�on o11ho Proporty thon hold hereu�der.Recitals In Such�eCOnveyanco �
<br /> ot any malters or tACts shall po conduswo prool ol Iho irulhtulnoss Ihorc�ol Tho grpntoo m any reconvoyancv may ba i3ascnba0 as iha par6o�at parsons
<br /> legally onU�led IhE�reto' '
<br /> 20.NOTICHS.Excopt lor not�cos,tlOmands.royuusls ur olhor communications roqu�rad unaor appl�cablo law to bo fl�vr�n m anothUr mannor,whenavor �
<br /> Benuficlary,Truotar or Trusteo�ives or sorvos any notico I�nclud�ng,w�thoul I�mitatian,notico of detault anq notice o1 sate),domzinds,reque8ts or other
<br /> Cornmunicauon wrth rospoct to this Trust Oeed,oach such notice,demand,roquast or othor commumcation sha�l bo�n wnting and shall be oftactivo only
<br /> if the same is deliveratl by Rprsonnl sorv�co or�s ma�lod by corulied mai�,postago propaid.addressed lo iho addross as c�ellprih At iho beginntng o}�his
<br /> Trust Deed.Any party may at any hmo chango�Is atldross for such noticos by dolivenng or mading lo Iho othor party hernto,as atorosald,A not�ce o1
<br /> suCh Change Any notico horeunder shall bo dvomed to have boon 3�ven to Truslor or Benefic�ary,whon c�ivan m tho manner CcsignatoU herein.
<br /> 21.RH�UEST FOR NOTICE.Trustor��nU fitmohtiary horoby roquest a copy a�any noUCO of dolaull,antl a copy ol any not�c0 0l salo Ih�rountlor,be
<br /> maded lo each parson who�s a pa�1Y horoto at Ihu atltlross �or sucn person sot torin�n Iho hrst paragrnph of Ih�s Trust Deod.
<br /> � 22.fiOVHRNINQ LAW.This Trusl�oed snau be�ovarnvd by ino iaws ot the Stato ot NobrASka
<br /> 23.SUGCESSORS AND ASSI(iN9,This Trust paotl, and all torms,conditio�s antl pbhgeUOns horom,apply to and muro to iho banofit of and bmds
<br /> , all parties horoto. Ihau hous,legatoes.dovisaos.porsonal ropiosenlatrves.succossors and assigns.Tho torm 9onoliciary" shall moan Iha ownor and
<br />' holdoi o1 Iho Note.whothor or not namoA�s Bon�hCiary horom
<br /> /-
<br /> • .�..i - --
<br />