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<br /> �� -------- t.pA�FIM�PIT OF pA1NCi?Al AND INT�t1E9Y.Tru�tor ohall prampUy puy�vhon dup Ihp pnnr.ipnl�t nnd intorast an Iho mdpb�odnosa nvlduncod by • "- -•
<br /> ti __ ;� Ihe Npt9,�1np pll othar charpua(tnct�uoa n�provuloU In U�e Nuto,i�nci Iho p��7cip.0 ni an�mtorast an nny Futurv Advyneos eecsMC:d by th��Trua1 L1��0. � -_- -
<br /> � . '°__-- {,.. ' _�..
<br /> � - 2.WAHRANTV UN'fi16�. Iruotor is iuwiuiiy�vizad ond pvysu:+:�u�i��i�u�„i��ud I�t1�t�;��IL10 tlttu�r.�c�t�ta to thc Prrpp��,,hwral�y�onvwyad anN � -
<br /> � han ihu rlphl to prnnt nnd cnnv�y INO Proporry;Ihn Prapmty In troo:�nU civar M aU hans nnd oncumbntnavh aR��pi ilen5 noti+r ot rc,cOrd;and Tru�tor r:il! E . ... , : --. °
<br /> � � warrunl und doland thp llllq tn tho Propo�ty+iqainsl ail clnhns e��d damondu
<br /> -�,... � ,
<br /> ' 3.MAINTENAN��ANIICOMpI.IANGG 1YITH LAWB.Trunto�ehNl koop Iho Prapt�rty m r�ood ropulr nnd cOndWOn nnd t�hnll nnl Commll wanto o►pormft �' - •-
<br /> ,`;., Impnirmont or dotorlorotlon pf tho Prpparty nnd shnll comply w�in tho provmiane ul ony Ipaso�f tlua Tru:ri uood is on n loaschoi�• No Imprpvamont naw ,
<br /> :�;_-' „ pr horoalt�r oractad upon Iha Proporry nhnll I�o ultorad,�umovcd or domohsho�wdhrnillho prior�vrilto��con,onl ot Ciunoticinry Truntpr ohpll r.omply�vllh ,
<br /> AU Ipw3,urd�npncoa,ropulollono,cuvonnnts,conditlons and mstrlctlons nlfocUna Iho Propmty nnd not commu.sultt�r or porntll nny uct to lao dono In nr
<br /> upon tho Praporty in violotlan�t ony In�v,ordinnnco,ror��daUon,covanant.cond�tian or roslricUun.Truntor ahnll comploto ar rostoro prumptly and In pood
<br /> workmonliko mannor nny improvomonl on Ihu Propfltty wh�ch mny bu Aamn�ed or desU�iyod�nd p�y,wlion duo.n�l claims�ar labnr porformo�and matarinle
<br />� ��,; "- ` -�' futnlBhOd thOrotOr and ror nny nitotaUOns ihuru�d. .. ,
<br /> • A.IN&URANCE.Trustor,t�t Ite oxponeo,v�lll malntain with inauro�s nPS��mE�i ny qvnelici�ry,,naur,u,cfl wnh rospoct to iho impravomonlo ontl porsonN •,
<br /> pr�porty,GonsUtutm�tho Praporty,aQnlnst laea by hro,hc�hlninp.to�nado.and oihrr�rnty c�n:9 hti:�n9s CO��a�E�d by slAndard oxlflndod covort�go�+�ciorsemcnt, , •:J
<br /> In un ramounl equal to al tonst ono hund�cd parconl(1004�)of Ihc�luu repl��:�mF�nt�•alu�Iht�rflpi nnd Insar�nce ac�ainsl such olhor hAZards 0nd in 5uch . -
<br /> ,�� :';���•`•�: � nmounte r�9 la custamariiy carrtod by ownora�nd oporntars o1 similar prrperfifls��r:�a NenNfiRl�ry md�'rt�qulyd 9ta i�e ptoloC110n.TruSlOr��'i11�prttply wdh
<br /> � '�`.;;�,:;;`�hr;.. such o1ho1 requlr�munis ns Bono4clnry m�iy Irom limo ta limo roquost to�the proteclii�n t�v insurt�ncn oi iht�Interayls ot tho raspocl�W R�rhes.All f�surance •
<br /> ��' pollclas mAlntainnd pursunnl to Ih1a 7run1 Dc�f�d ehali nnmv Trustor and E1eat�f�cl�ry as msurc�ci,es lhair rt�avactlYO Inittro9ts mn�ap�:9r,�1nd prUwdO l�itt
<br />"' ; ;'��1i?�,. . ' thure bo no oAncallption or mcxfiticnlion wilhout at Inas115 davs Prior wnitan natdir,ation ta 1luato�nntl Bn��diclnry may procurc�sueh msurt�nco in accordnncc�
<br /> L.;�`;��".j;•; wilh thF provislona al parngrnph 6 horoof.Tru9inr�hnll dflhvFlr lu Honoliclnry Iho onc�inn�nolicios o1 msurnnct�nnd ranoa�als thnroal or momo coples of .
<br /> `�,`�:i,., euCh policle3 3nd rOnewals Ihorool.�auur�to lumish such!nsuranco by 7rustor,or ront��vals t�s requlr�id h�rt�undor cht�ll,fl1 Iho opUOn pt 89nphclery,
<br /> °:'it`;�:5:..` , C0�9tilulF F1 d01UUIl. �' �� '
<br /> ;�,,
<br /> '' :�,;:i,� 5.TAX�S,ASS89SMENTB ANQ GHARQE9.7rustor Hhall pay all taxas,nssossmr�nis and rthor charpos,including,without hmitnticn-li�es and Impositlons , .
<br /> ' nBdbutable to iho Proporty nnd lensehold pavmonls ar g�otn�d rents,d nny,potora thn same bt��omo dolfnquenl.Trustor shall prumptiy 1urn�sh to banoliclary .�:�_.
<br /> " �11 noticus ol f�maunte duo undnr Ihl�para{trs+ph,nnd In Ih;�0ven1 Trustor Ahall mnko p�ymenl diroctly,7rustor nhall promptly lurn�sh tp HuneflclAry rocalpis �;�-`
<br /> Ovidenclnfl euch pnymams 1►usim eh,Nl p��tdl inxoe nntl assossmont�which m�y b0 lovlod upon Oeneficiary'u intnresl hni�m or upon ih�s Tru5t Oood ,
<br /> , � , with�ut ragnrd to nny Inw Ihat mAy Uo mmcted imposlnc�paymont ot tho wholp or qny pan theraof upon Iho BonoUclary. _
<br /> .r�,;`,,, 8.ADDITIONAL.I.IEN9 ANQ PROTECTION OF flBNFiFIGIARY'9 SERURITY.Trustor shall mAka all ppymonts ol interasl and pnnClpal and paymenis . �;
<br /> � '• � ol any other chergos,fooa und oxponsos comractad to bf�p��d to nny�aistin9 or subsnquont Iionholdor or bonoHCl�ry,undo►Any oxi&dng or eu6saquonl • ;!��
<br /> � morigAflt�or tru91 deed b�tore ihfl dato thoy nro dohnquw��i or in tlolault,and premptly Ra���1nd discharga any and ail other I�pns,clulma or chargo9 whlch :;�..;
<br /> may�eopard�za iho SE�CUriq�gr�ntod horain.II Trust�r i�ilA Iq maka eny such payme�l or Inds to porform any ot Ihe cavonanls end agroomonis contalned � '•��;.
<br /> in Ihla Tn�ei Deed,or 1hc Noto rotorrr�p to horain,o►in any p�lor ur 9ubs�quent i•ust dnnd,ot if any ncUon or procaedinq Is commencod whid�matorlally . -
<br /> . •� ;:.
<br /> . . .,
<br /> --- - - --
<br /> aHOCts Banoficinry's mterosi in ino r�rnporiy,inciudmE�.Ciui ttdi 8�'it�iau't'v.vm;aa�S:!3:.aln p:c��-�disegs.RI�:89QI4aa�r�yn4yina n dtictfdeM,notico nl selo - - -.--- _ •
<br /> � by Tru�loe,f10UCP OI d01A1111�iy TfU91f10,IT10tfQt3Q010�OCIQ9Uf0 flCllofl.Qt if TtUSlOt 1TdU 10 p&y TfUS10f's dobts{�onornlly Rs Ihey hecomv tluo.than sono6Clary, ,
<br /> At HonolialAry'a aPtlon end without nailcu ta or dnmand upon Trusior and w�ih�ut ruioasinp Truytar from My obligatian horountlor,may mako euch appoaranCO9, '
<br /> disbur88 such sumA Md lako such acuon an is nocoseary lo proler.l Henehclpry's intorosl,inClutling,bul nat Ilmitod to,disbu►Eemenl of reasonAble attorney'e �
<br /> _.—_.__..-.----_._.. . . - -�-•----�.__ ................�ti.,D.nnert..�m m�Yn raOai�a nr Naclnratlon ol dOtflull .,...._. . —
<br /> - -_
<br />. _ .r . . T�88,paymem.pUtCh8ti9,ContE�sl or eompromise o�uny wmumwenoo,���n�yo..� .�o�.,o��.•i..r•••••••-•.•.r-.•, ._-.._..- -,---• . .. � -:--
<br /> - �_. . _ .._ . . I_.
<br /> undor Ihle Tru81 Dfled.In Iho ovant ihat Trustar sh�ll liul tu p�ocur��nsurancu or io pay inxos,asaussm�nis.ar any oiher chargos or to mako any payments ,
<br /> to any oxiatin�or subsequont lionhaidora or ex�sung or subsoquunl honohcianos,Bunohciary may procuro such msurnnco end m�ke auch pAyment,bid
<br /> • shnll nol be obligatad lo do so.Any amaunis d�suursod Gy Oonofivary purcuanlla th�s Paragraph 6 8hall baCOmo nddiUOnE11 Indebtednos9 0l Ttustor soCUrad `
<br /> by Ihifl Trusl Oood.SuCh amounis shnll bo payablo upon noiir.n(rom Bonoliciary to Tru5lor roquasting paymun!Ihoreoi,and BhAll honr Intorost frpm tho �
<br /> dato 01 dl3bursomant nt Ihv rpto p£�yabif�Irom time to um�pn oulsl.�ndmq pnnc�ppl under Ih�Note unles9 q�ymEtm o1 mtorest nt such rata woutd ho ConVary I
<br /> ' to flpqllcAblo IAw,In�vhmh ev�m euCh emounts shall hnar�nterest at tho hiyhosl rato pormissihlp undor appuCnb191nw Nathing conlAined m IN9 PAea(�rnph
<br /> 6 ehall rpqulro 9onohciaty la�ncw flny�xpanso or lake any acuon horc+undor ;
<br /> 7.ASSIQNMENT OP RENT9.E3onpliciary shall hav�Iho rig1+1.po�.ve��nd�ulhonly runnfl Iha continuanco 01 this Trust Oaod la colloct tho ranis,Isauoa �
<br /> and protita o1 Ihe Property nnd o1 nny Fe�sonnl proporty locatad thereoh with pr wi�houl IAkinfl possflssion ot iho properly attoCteJ horoby,And Truslor `
<br /> , •��':�•`�,� hareby absalutely and uncondlUOnnlly assigns pll such ronts.issuos a��prphls lo Bonoliaary. Benoticinry, howpvor,horpby consents to Ihe Truetor's �
<br /> cofloctlan and ratontion of such ronte,iasuos nnd prolits as Ihoy accruo and uucome payablo so tong as Trustor is nat,al such time,in dalaull with rosp8C1 I
<br /> ,;,�'� � to pt►ymenl of Any Indr�btedness eucurod lierohy,or in Iho perfonnanco o�any egrooment horaunder.Upcm eny such dplsull.Qaneliclary may nt any time,
<br /> ,;,;,, elther in person,by Agont,or by a rocoivor to bo appo�nt�a ay a coun.w�u�ou�nouco and w�Ihoul inga�J lu Ihe adequacy ul any sacunly lor the indobtodness �
<br /> heroby secured,(A)entor upon and Inka possossion ot the Proparty ar any part lnnroot,nnd In ita awn nemo suo�or or otherwiso Collect suCh rente,Issues
<br />' • �. ,���:'.','�, pnd prolita,includinp ihase pnst duo and impaid,and npply Iho sc�me.�c�s:�cosis and expen5os of up�rAUOn and callectlon,including reasanable ettornoy'b i
<br /> , feas,upon nny Indobtednes9 sncured hereby,and in such ordor�s Bpnoficiary may dotprminv;(b)perform such acte ot repalr or protOCtlon fls mfly bp
<br /> neces9ary or proper lo consorvo Iho valuu ol lho Proper0• 1c)laase Ihe samv ar nny part Ihoreal lor such iantal,torm.2nd upon auch Cond�tipns a9 Ite i
<br />� ' � Judgment may dictatu.or terminato ar ad�ust ih�tenn9 and cpndd�ons of�xisnng leasos U��ess Truslnr and BonehCiary thFr�pt Agreo othorwise In wriiing,
<br /> , any eppliCatlon oi renls,is9uos or profd�lo any indabtednss&soCUrvO nc��t+by shall nut extond or posipone Iho due dat9 M 1he installmont paymoMa a9
<br /> prOVidod �n Sald promissoty nolo or chanye iho amounl 01 such inslanmOnls-The onlonng upon and tak�ng pOSSess�On pi Ihe PrOpetty, Ihe CollBCtlun
<br /> „��` ' ' ol such ronls,�ssuoa flnd protil5,and ihe apphcation ih��oal ns atorosaw,shall n01 Waivu ar Curc any delaWt cr nouce c!c}olaull heroundor or Invalitlate
<br /> � � ' any acl dano puryuant to such noticn. Trustor also nssi�ns to Benafic�ary.is lurlhor secur�ty tor Iho per!ormance of the o0ligalipns securod horeby,all
<br /> 1� ' ,� � proptUd reNS Anp 211 mon�os whiph may hovo heen or maY horonftor bo doposdud wrth�:a Truslar hy any lessoe ol the PropOrty,to&ecurp tho payment
<br /> ot nny renl or damdgos,oc uDOn d�lnult in Ihe pnrlo�mance ol any nf Iho prows�ans horeo�.Trustar agrees to dolwor sueh ronts and depasits to Bonphclery. ,
<br /> Dolivery of wrdten nouco ot Bonolmiaiy'o axerci&a ol 1he vigl�le pranled ho���n,�n any�Fnant acoupying said premisos sh�ll bo sufiiclonl to roqulre said
<br /> � tpn0nl to pdy r9n1 to ihe Benoflr.��ry untll furthur nolico.
<br /> ` B CCNAEMNATION.U uufl io dny Ptirt ol IhC Prpp��rty vn,w e�r�.����� ��conrlumrad��n r�ot;nodic;s bE ngm ot uminent domam or s�m•!ar acUOn,or
<br /> ,�� ,'
<br /> _.____._. _ . ._ ......... . ....._...,... ,�.......�,.
<br /> . .. . shaif bo sofd und�r �tivr.nl��i ca���l���r.;t�or_ s��a�a;��;..... .�..c.:::r.: .....�.-...�sr. . _.�:tss���,��!.��,n�;h:�i�bo paitl to Bonohciarv whp Shal BPPv ,
<br /> such awarUs,damages���J p�OGeods to Ihv sum SeCi.�t•1��•'n^,T•ust�f��n wd'•i^f e�,:eSS, �I�ny, p.�iA l0 T�u5l0f II T�us�or recorves dny nptice Or
<br /> other Inlormation rogarp�q ciur.li ar,U�,nr,or procoon�nys Tn.�stor;:n.�u q��r pr.�:^s��,•u:�>^�olice therevt lo BenoOciary. �enehalry shau bo onidled,at
<br /> its option,lo commence,oppear in�nd prosoculo in�is rnvn�a•�e a+�v su:.^..c:�on�r F;pceed��c�s and ahall ba nmdlpd to make Any Compromiso or setllement
<br /> in ConnecUOn wrth any such aclion or procoodmgs.
<br /> 2 FUTURE AQVANCES. Upon ruqunnl ol Tn,slor. Bennhcr<uy at Ee�n':�ary s�p��on.pnor lo recor,�cya�ca ol Ihe Proporty to Trustor, may makp
<br /> tuture advnncos lo inistar Such tulure aqvancos.wilh mlures�ihercon,sh;�li be socured by Ihis Trusl DOOd whvn ovid0nced by promi9sOry noto5 siffii�g
<br /> Ihal said notos are socured heroby,prawdod Ihal�d no��mn shall Ihc:sut�ued pnnnpa'dnd IuWro advancos.not mclutlmg suma advencod to protect
<br /> Ih0 SOCUrAy.�MCOpd Iwo�nuiqrorl portr.nl(?00"n)C�I Ih0 qnqm8l pnnc.ip,d .unnunl,ser.ured hareby
<br /> 10.REMEOIES NOT E%CLUSIVE.irusleo�ind Bonnhcidry,and aadi ut�hem.shall bo unldlutl lo enlorco paymunt and porlormanco of any mAObledness
<br /> or obhgaUOns socurod horoby and�ti oMOitisu,lll nqh15 antl powors undoi ih�s Trusl QoeO or under a�y olher agroomont oxecuted in cpnnecdon hf.rowrth
<br />� ot Any laW9 now or hOreall�r in lorcn, noiwithsiand�ng somo or all ol Ihn:�uch intloblednoys and ob�iyaUOns socured herpby may now ur hUrpalior bo
<br /> ' olhOfwiSO soCUrod,wh0lhor Uy mo�lglyb.IiuSI dOCtl.�)�Otl�O.��0��.d5signmE�nl Ot olhCfwitiU NO�IhOf Ih0 aCCOptAnCH OI thi8 TfuS�DOOd nOf dS O�IOtC�R10r11
<br /> Whe�het by Caurl aCUOn ot pursu�lnl ln ihu powei ol salc�o�OlhElr power;;hfn���n Conlainntl.shall pre�udiet�or in any mannor aticct T�uslods or 9onphC�ary'S
<br /> - nght to roahzU upon or entorco any olhw secunly no�v nr hf�ro:lltur helU by f�us�ufi or Bunohr.ituy,d boing a�reed lhat 7ruSloo anA BOnOhCiBry,and oaCh
<br />- . f
<br />