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_ .r t, _ ,, ._ .-, . . . . .. , . . ic5 �.-r <br /> 4 l . . . . _. . . . <br /> il� -kf � ' _ _ . <br /> . _.�� � .. -. -� . __ • . • . _ _ . . �� f — !� ♦ <br /> .� .• '- . - • . _ - . .. - - . 1 ) <br /> J' _ • . _ _ . ". ' ` -.. ' <br /> — • _ • j�jf�j� _ _ _ .... . . . <br /> . � ' ;r � _ ,,� - , r .. . - . �. _ ... .... /��r ��I'j`���', � _ ; .. <br /> — . ..� . , . ., a <br /> - 1&IAIiqbMOWIfONd01N. - .. . - , . . . . . . . .. -- . . -. .. <br /> (y�alariNMOtRN�:,sd.Exlenelon 0(ihe�Ome fo�peymont or modlBGtUOn u}�mpN=a9oD of Hie eum�ieoUtedbyt� <br /> � DeodotTruitprant;dDyf.ondertoan�rauco:aaorminteractotRorrgwzrepelinofaperutaloreteA:�frtenymArnr_r,pi6��.0111Fi'. <br /> ..��, ofl�eorlpinqlBOrcowaranA6orcowe �woceaaoralnlntereetLen e�e�h��notCereQultaOtoeammenceQrocaad;n0+�11nH ' _ <br /> wch tuoee�wror reNw to exta�A tlme for p�ym ent oi oNenvlae mod:y amoNUyon of the�umi wcu red ay Nle Oa60 01 TNSI <br /> Dy reewn oi any dem�nA�m�AO Dy Me odpNU Bortower md BarowuY wcoMfors In InMrN► <br /> --_ @) Undd�Doxsrw W:NCUI e9actlny N8118WIiry of an oNSr p:teon IIa6;0 for 1�0pay�t ol eny oMlyetlop hatNn �- <br /> � InM9011W.011AWIt110Y1�RrCtlfIQU1NI0110tCt16�Qe01NU�ottru�luponerrypoNOnolth�PrNerqrnolii»noriherqiof$B _ - - - -- .- - <br /> T� rNeueAaNOUAyforNsNllamouroolauunpRl0ob11yatlontiLendvmiy.IromCm�WUm��nAwlNOUlnoticlmrNa�sury <br /> parwnwna�e,ppextendmematunryorauernnyolthetermao�an �ucnobtipeUOn�,(nOprintothermdu�penoeqOv�NNu <br /> ---- or noonvey,o�awe lo b�relauad or reconve�eo et am ime at�ena�I�optlon�ny Qaru6 poruoa m�n M tne opnb. <br /> — (h uk�or relaN am oNU or a0010onal you ry la any oDiipttlon Mnin m�nHOnW,or(vq mun aompwinon�o�otna <br /> _ antnpemonb with O�Dton In r0i�lkn ih�r�ta <br /> .4:"� ofhiralNiHO�E W by y1�pWlaaY�i�W,h�t�I nol De a waW�r OI OryyrcaWGe NC o wc15.�01 Cnyh6 O�rrlpM o�r�nlM.TM - . . <br /> ""� procurem�molm�uranc�ormsC�ym�ntol4z�so�oNOrlbmoroh�rp�ObylenC�nh�llnOtb��w�Ner011.�nE�I�dpbtW <br /> � ����t� �cal�wts m�m�tudy ol N�inAibtMnn��eoure0 Cy NU Oeb of Tru�t <br /> "��� (�tuccu7on�ntl MNpN�cunG JaIN�nd torml 1.t�60Hp C�ptlon�.fis ooven�nG an0 aGroemenp�aeln oom <br /> ti YInW�hall binU,�nA N��p�p hUNn�e�nan Inure to,me re�paoWa�uca�wn�nu ns�Gm ol LenOer snA TruBOr.NI <br /> cov�nanU�M�DrnmmU oI Trustor�han 6e IoIN entl sevaral.Tlie oODtlon��nU hotdlnp�of the D�r¢pmDhe of Wa Oead W �-- - <br /> 3 ,,i,.� Trutt��!f0�COnvON�nG Only el10�t�n0�IO bs u�Od�O I�tlry�Et Ot Clfl�O Ns ptWl{IOM h0t00L <br /> (e) RquN110rNOtlCMT110plf110�hOtObyf8GU08tU1Gte00py01�f1ynOtlC001tlNiu1lhefeuntl0l�IMafADYOiG.�y nO�CO <br /> ,�-=�a=-�-y=„ ol eale hereuntle�Oe melleO to eacti perry b this Doctl ot Tmet nt tM adGraee�et IoM eDOVe In Ne mannar prefcrlbed Oy ____ .. . . <br /> _ -�i:�,:.,-,?' 9ppllCeblellw.ExcOD�fOrary0lhernOticarequlredunGarepD��OEDlalawtobe 0hrenlnenoNarmanne6enynoBCeprovlCeO <br />�- •"�^" � ` fo�InNbDeedolTmnt��ellbepWenbymell:npeuchno�ICabyoehlflatlmelleAdreifedtoNeoNerDartle6ettheaddross�el <br />�.:zt':.:,..1t.;. —- <br /> _-`��.,�.;.:, toM nbova My no0ee provltlotl}or In NI9 Daed ot TNSt ehaU be afleoWe upon mN:iny In ihe mannar Eealpnete0�ereln.II ,� <br /> . -�,r-�ry_? TnroW�I�more than ona perwn,009C0 l6nt�o thB 9EA�0l8 eet foM 9bOV0 6h811 bB�OIICB t0 80 lu0h pBteqis. <br /> ;,;s�>;=.•.::• @ In�pwuon.ienaer mey meke w eeuse to be maae reasonebia enmea upon ena Inepeottons otthe Propeiry,povlAaA _ <br /> "�!'.,-,: tnat�endar shan ewe Tmetor nonca pria to any such mepeauon epeciymp reaeor.nbie oeuae mara!or reiatea w�antler'e �.,._ <br /> ,��, _ .f Int6teet In Ne PropeKy. <br /> '� � - (g) R�eonwyann.Uponpaymantofeneuma6eemeObythiaDeeAO�huetlan0arehallraquaatTruela9loreCOmeyNe �y°� - _._ <br /> ....a6�.�� II�-< <br />- °:..r:;: PropertyenAehallsurrandwlhiaDeetlofTnntendallnoteaeNAencinglnEebtadneeaeeouredbyMleDeaCOlTruBtWTruatea F_t�-_�= . <br /> s� _s: Truelee shell racomay Ne Properry wiNOUt warrenry ena wllhoN cherge to Na porson or paraono legaly an11leA Nareta �� � � � <br /> TruNOr sna�l pay eil conb o1 recmaetlon,n eny. ��"'� <br /> u n ��_ (n) V�nonal Ropfrly;BwurNy AqrNment.Ae adtlt:lonal 6aeuHry to�N9 peyment ol tFn Not9.Truslor here6y OrBnle �; <br /> :;� LSntlarurdarLtisN:C::aUMlormCort:r.�c!el�d_s�+uriyln�rest!ne!InM�ra.,eauipmencendotherpereonalproperty �T-_ ____ <br /> -� uso3��cor„-,a;,yca�::h:.".c:C:le�ytCarimprovemonbbWtadtGersor.,arAnOtotherw'1a00xlCrederdeemadtobeepflrt0l ___ - _ <br /> -'�•�`-� I1�B/BeIBSI8t98B0urBtlhereCy.Th:tln6Wmenieh8116ecOnaWeAal98BCUrttyAgr08mentuntlOrtalACod0.8nA0lLenAer .'_,'}�_.n,����,. <br /> , �" �- 6hellheveelltheilghleentlremedieeoleeeeureApartyuntlereelCCoAeInaAG111on1othetlghteontlremedl68creeledunAer =r`,ry V�; __ _- <br /> r j c {J'-, entl ecCOrded the LenCer purevaMb Ihla Deetl of hu6f.prov106d Ihet LenEer'!rlgM!enA rem9tlle�untlBr Wf peteyraDh ehall .;t j� � __ <br /> ` " (.�.�, be wmulelN9 wi1h,end In no wey 6�Mlladon On,lenEere righl!6nA remetlie!und0�eny oNer eeeurily 9greemenl sipnBtl by �.��» -�;- <br /> - � � }':S Borrowei or husloc t}i r^�'�"{"� <br /> r' � '� @ IJent and Bncumbnnes6 Lunlor�ereby wenanW entl represen�e that ihore�a no tlelault unEer Me provlalon�ol any -�.� -�'� "�--�-'_-- <br /> ,. �. :�." mongeg9.CeeO ol Wet,lease or purcheae wmrect CeaedDing ell or any pen ot Ne Properry.or olher conVeCt IntWmant or _x%� r �- �-r: - <br /> i1 i -_p2-.r egr6ement cOnllftutlng a Ilen Or eneumbranee egainal e!i or eny part 0�t�e Properry(COIiBeUvey."Llene'1.exi0l:np e�OI the {�.: t -_�_4_ <br /> � . Cate 01 ihla Deetl of hueR entl that eny an0 all exieling Liena ramein unmotl111eE exeeDt ae diaCOeeO to LenAer In Tmator'a 4t��h��� ��� �- <br /> - r'� w�itten Gisoloeur¢ol liene antl encumbreneea prwlAetl lor hereln.Truator ehell I:mely pedorm ell ol hu9tore obllgetlon& f .<.°- <br /> -.�;.r��.•�� oovenente,r8preaenlalioneentlwarran0eeun0e�anyandellexiaiWganAfuWreLiena,eha:IprompOyforwardloLOMercOpi6� ;!rt` '�'--� <br /> 5"�` of ell notieee of Eeteult 6em in connec�ion wBh en end eli exlenn 0�IYNfB LIBl10.Bf1d 6h8�100[w11hOU1 L0�E8f8 0��W fIlIB� '!`h:<<(�':x.`:^t�'F-' <br /> ) - � `c Y 9 '. :_: <br /> -.�. consant In eny menner mo01y the oroWeione ot or etlow atry luluw etivancae unEer eny exlallny or tuture Liena ;�i�f� '?+' <br /> --i `�.�� Q) Mp11ee11onotPaymonU.Unlea�oNe�wlaerepulredbylaw,wmepaitltoLenEOrhereunAer,includin9wltho�tliml•atlon �i ���r���_* <br /> ±„_„^_ paymenta oi prineipel anO Int9reet inaurenee proeeeEe,contlemnaUOn prw_eeda flna renM enC profile.ehell be eppi�ed by �-:;''�,�, -, '__ <br /> � - r�,.`:'; LenOertotheamounletlueentlowingtromLUatorentlBorrowerinauchorderealenEerinlleeoledlawellonEOemfEafirBble. - � � z1 - _-,�;. <br /> (p Blrirablllly.II eny D�oWelon ol Ihb OeeC ol Truat con111cte wil�epplicebl9 law or ia 0ecla�o0 Ima11E or oN9nvl6e . 'r 1��/� -.- " <br /> �.� unenlorceab:e.6uch eonfllel or Inralidiy e�all not alfeet Ihe other provisona ot Nia DeeO ol Truat or Ne Note wMeh C�n 6e � �- � ��Yi� ,:.�: <br /> � � give�oHeclwith0ut0econ0letlngD�ovla�o4endtoNiaenOUeDroWaioneollNeDeeOOfTmafendlheNO�earedeela�ed[o6e -� = } -r -. <br /> 5 I - ;i�- eevorebla - � � <br /> '� t „� <br /> - {,_ � m UrtM.T�e terms"Truator"enE"Borrowe�'sha11 mclude CoN eingular anE plural,and when Ne Tmstor enE Borrower ? r- -.,.:� <br /> _:t_:,i,_�'.! ere Ne eeme pere0n(6).Noae te�m�Bs ua80�n thie Deetl o�True[6he11 be inlarchengeaDl9. `- -�� i r ' - �� <br /> ��, ;;� (m) Ooreminp Lew.TMe DeeO ot Truet ehail be govemeA b� lawa o1 me State o�Nebres�I B :;� .� i�^�-; <br /> �" hunbr nas execmetl fhie DeeE of Truat es ol Ne Oa2e wdnen abov� � - i - "F °_', <br /> i; <br /> 14S ' � �i � : '•5: <br /> -_ �.� A E 1 PESEK Tmslor Single Pereon �_�� ."_ . <br /> - �..' . <br /> .:����. �-.' .r <br /> TtuBW� <br /> _.':: �" _ .:. <br /> _ _ ��� '. - _ . <br />. _ ' "±_ ,- ; . . <br />. :_��iC-� - <br />.__'_�•��r?�I,; . <br /> ._,o.. <br /> __' _-_�'�; <br /> ..tF <br /> .Cl'1 <br /> ��t�:t`;i� . <br /> ��l:l`..�:'e <br /> -:.•:):' .,: .. <br /> �.i,f ']iN_.., te . <br /> l�. <br /> .-;:- . - '_ _._. _. <br /> r .." _ _ . _ . _ <br />