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x ;��'"r� r`:_�':;"�,'���5_� �5.:.x,fv.3'�.,,�'_'s'.:'...___,_.� :%.'r�� r w _ <br /> 5`� t - .. . .. -.l.� ... .1 .� � +. . .. _.--. <br /> � . - a. - ... • . - . _ � <br /> - . 93 <br /> .. <br /> . . :. - .� <br /> , , . . - �. -. . - :.9�4�� _ <br /> - .. . .. , . . - -�� - - <br /> -- 1hbPrpp��1fiDkk�ndrdime eB,1.b6ddr�haOtisiV�lhioytlCn,i�l�acleendab�aMad�icrbt(olyEq"op (y�1agbHpraC�d�6. <br /> '�° AIIB►d9�dy0Ul1((�Il0I0GOft191lC6ii$endozt�ene�l�InourreADqltlnotAngWbnwltA�pb,hP�accp00.upbDAnp�n�joDtOGne y�tttbd , <br /> -- hH00yen�IfiWCnOrdoreEL6ndarriseytde�etmfne,or'toepD6nnbuoOVrpdaoda•alt6rduoli�deQucdbn�,toN�rN1oY8�o�'o/iliH <br /> -. .__ � �roper�rupodeuohoondltloneeeLentlermeydetermine.MreDp����onolProoeaEeWinAabtednefeenallnoteMeMo►po�fpgq�- • <br /> - �bQoaaa�sofany0eymeniaun�ortheNOtabrcuraarryaetaulemareundarorh8reunQer.MyUmpplleAMnEeehilfb�pUdro <br /> - --.�r�.'r� tYuato�. � y . _ _. : --.. . . ., -- <br /> 3�-�. wmmse09dw�hlel�m�a7erl�Atlayertecuiendereint�1asllnNePropetrH.LendermeytnitBOVmGIe etlon18b v�Ihou10o611yerHoNl�W�dO _,_ . _ <br /> - so,flndwlthoutnOYCeWOrOOmanduDonTruNarendw:NautroloaelnpTruatmlromerryo611peq6RaoOnynotwhkh3YURW►h67 . .- -�-- - <br /> - ��—° dpreeA bN te119 to Ao end mey eleo do any oAer eot It da0me nacea9ery to protect ihe 6eourlry herao6 TruNor ehall,immad!aky <br />,_,��,,�,,.�' uponAeinendlharotmbyLOnaer,pe9toLenderellcoaUenOexpanaeatncurtadeneaumeaxpondeEby Lenaerineonnbo9ollwflh <br /> Naoxerclaeby Lenderoft�olorepo(ng f�Qht&�008�hB�wlthlM8f851U1BlBOnfitthBd0�8UI1f8tBproYAadintheNOte,�rhio�aMll6e <br />-'n-:s��.� eEtletl to 11ie inGebteAnese eacuraA hereDy.LanEer ehnll no[Inw�eny labinry baoe�e ol anylhing It may do or omM N do <br /> ,� :; haraur.der. <br /> �+ 9.H�xudous MfUrtalti Truetor ohall keep Ne Proparty In oompIlance wiN eil epCIloeDla lam,ordlnenca!and repulaUOn� <br /> � relatlnp to InAuetrlal hyplane or anWronmB��e�Proteotlon(oolleMlrey ralanad m heraln ea"Envlronmontal Lawa'y.Truata antll . _ . . . <br />-_ ���=r;:' keepNaPropeny(reairomeneubauncaeaeemeEtobe�arardoueortowounderenyEr.vironmenlaRSw�(colleotlmNroGr�edW <br /> ��.�5�!'��"�" herelnae"He�raouehtataea:e9.TmarorharebywarcanteanarepresenutolsnaerthnnnerearenoHetnrdoueMeSenaAonor <br />°�";-•;'�':,:3`ti: underNePropary.TrualorharebyegreealolntlemnlyenOholOhar.nlgeaLentler.neatreciore,omar�,empioyeeaen0eyenu,�ntl <br /> -��="T'"-"s eny sueeeasore to Lendete Intaraet trnm anC ayalnet eny anC ail clalma,demegea loaea�entl fiabllPoee ed�lnp In conneotbn wIM <br /> - " �-*'� "'� N9 pre6BnoB,uao.Clepoael o�Veneport of a�y Hex&GOUe MeteAela on,unAe4lrom or ebout Ne Prop��y THH FORE�OINQ _.-..— <br /> :r::•i;r:Yzt.�^.:'- - <br /> �- �.p�!r�cS� WARfiMlTIEBANDAEPREBENTA710N8,ANOTRVBTOR'BOBLIOATION8PUR8VANTTOTHBFOflEG01N61NDEMNITKBHALL <br /> , 4,_,: . BURVNB RECONVEYANCE OP THIB DCED Of TRUBT. <br /> � _,.-�_ IO.AHIgnmmlolR�nU.Tru�to�herebya�elynatoLenCerNarame.leauoeenGDro0feolNeProperlY,D���Oetlthathutlor <br /> � .' e``•� 6he11,un01NE000urtEnCeOIEnEv00101001flYllhlteuntlB4hevOthOHp�tWwllectantlulain�uohrents,Ittues�ntlprotlGnUroy ` - ` - <br /> '�,y�`� be0pme Eue enG paysble.Upon the 000urrenee al nn Evem ol Dehult LenOar may,elNer In peraon o�ny epen6 wlt�or wlthout <br />--.;f�,�°,,`r:?..; btlnping eny eotion or D�oceetllny,o�Gy E rOCeiver app01n10tl by e cou�en0 wINON r9pa�d to th9 e0equ8oy Of It!EaOUtly.Bnllr -- -. <br /> - .-� upOnend18k0p0i800lIOnOfthBPrOpBrty.0�6�yD�Net601,InItBOwnnemeo�InNeneT0olNeTiwteO.anAOOanyOCUwhlchit °:•=�-a= <br /> �'� tO. EaBmeneClaliryordeelreDlalopr068rveV�evaluB.meikOtebllilyorren106II1lyolNaProperty.oranyp9rtNeraolorinterei10er81n, <br /> + 3*� "'r In0�8968 Ne InfA(nB ihB�BhOm or pr018Ct N9 BBOUdy hOreol an0,wllh Or w:th0ut teklnp p0i6eellOn of NB P�OpB�ly,6u010�0� x-_. <br /> � x- �:�, otherwlae oollaot Ne rante,leeues entl Droflte tharaot IncWAing those peet due enA unpeltl,anA eDDb Na seme,le6e cotb eM �`= ' <br /> .,_�,._.,:y. pxpenseeoloperellonnn0co11ectlonino:udingeCarneye'Iees,uponanylndebtedneeasaureOharaby,elllneuchmEetasLender --; <br /> � ^a mey dBtOrmino.Tho enl8dng upon enA teking p0!!elblon of Ne Property,Ih0 COIIaCtlon of tuch�M18,1�,7uBe 9nd pro�b uM iha �' _ <br /> y , �- �;{ eDP����on Ihereof en eforeaeW,shall not eure or wBNe eny Eelault or notice ol def8a9�areunder or Invalldate eny eCt dOn01n �- S . <br /> � ,�.-i�y reaponaatoeuehdela�ttorpurauantto6uehnotMaofdefaultenO,nolwiNStenCingt�aeontlnuanealnposaeulonofiliePropBrtya � <br /> _ .,;,,,;q.c�, N0 Co118CIion,receiDt enA epp:iCetlon of rente,leauea or proflls,enC huetee end LenA¢r ahell be entiUed W exarci69 evbry dpM �:.. ' - _. <br /> .'��.:-'°': <br /> .,� (y;.'t�3- prOdEBObrinenyolNBloenlnaWm9nlsorbylewuponoceurrenCeolanyEveMO�D81aulUncluEingwlNOUtIImllatlonNe�lyht �_� 4i�._ <br /> -- �09XBrCIp0V10pOWerof88��-FudneyLendBre�phteendromedieaunderiRiepnrnpiayKih&ii6ecun�uleC'ruwiVi,dtitlil��"vKuyo -- - <br /> ��� Iimi�etlonon,LentlerenpnteenaremeC�eeunaerenyetei9nmer.tof�eaeeaenarenterecomeae9ainsttnerroparry.�enaer,imatee Ft.q � - <br /> __�1,y5!-„j:}`. entl Ne reCeNer eheli bB Ilable to ecCOWt only lor thoae renle eCNelly ree6Ned. _ ,_s i.41`=.=�; <br /> `�; 4:r;�'..:-�5 11.Erml�ol DH�ult The lol.owing thall conitllWe en Event of Defautt unAer Nla 098tl ol Tnro[ '����:,,;: °' <br /> i <br /> (a) Feilure to p&y eny in�l&Ilmenl of ptlneipal or intereat of any oNer 6um eeeureC hereby when Uue: ,!��i s -t �s� <br /> t.r - .:r <br /> . _:s (b) AbreacholorAelaulluntlerany0rm'b�oncontalnetlinthaNOle.Nie0ee0ofTrustenyMtheLOenlnaWmen4,ore�ry .,;�.J , r <br /> �•'z- OthOt��en or encumbrenee upo�the Propelly, i;r -�s '�-.��<��� <br /> � . =='-' (c) Awrttolexeeullono�atteehmeMOrenysimilarproceseshellDeenlereAegalnetTruatorwhiehMlellbeeomeal:OnOn . ; F F. 7�t, <br /> �'�%' ihe PrOp011y or eIty pONOn NereOf or Intere6t ihereln; .--'r i � ,y?yy; <br /> "�i� (�There ehall b6 flle0 by Or egelno[Truator or Borrower an action unEer eny Oroaent ar�utu�a fetleral,6tete or olher ,>, � f SjS_��Z <br /> �_'�; B18NIe,18w or repu!elion reletl�g to 68nkrup�q.inaolventy or olhene�:et tor EBDlorq ortho�e ihell be epp0inled eny Waleo. t x-�L � s�t `o� <br /> � _-'.�j reCB�verot114uiAalorolhuetororBOrrowBrorof811orenypertoNhoProperry.ort�erenlB.Iesuesorpro!Itllhereol.orhu8lor " r4{.'y ;y_ „ <br /> t ti� or Borrower ahell meke eny general oaa�g�ment tor Ne be�efi[of aetlitae; -�%. ,�. s.--°"- <br /> J . .��. <br /> 5 : (e)The eal&trenalBr,lBeae,aee!B�ment conreyence or funh9r eneumbrance ol e:l or er.y pan ol a eny intereat in the -�:_., �-y��- , <br /> Proporry•enher volunterily or Invo:unlerily.without the exprese wdllen wnsenl ol LenCer,yovlOeA that Truala ehall be i: �`S � <br /> �>z� permltletltoexBCUlealeaaeollhePropertyNatAOBanoteonNlnenopllontopurohafeanC1he18rmo1wNehAOBenotexCOeO ;:, ii�,..tii•�;_-� <br /> r --=f�:' onaYeer, a �� s` ,�:... <br /> T� : (q AbanOOnment o11he Properry:Ot � � 3+ <br /> � -'� (g) IlhualorlanotenintlbiCUel.thoiseuenee.seleJrensfer.assignmenteonveyanceorencum6ranegolmoroIDanatolal �^- % {53�� - <br /> c. � 5 <br /> t - ' � of pereent of pf e eorpora�on)i�e IuueO anA ou�elen0lny etoek o�(il e penne�eMp)a tolel of percent of '" � � �'� . <br /> ��C^, pertnerehip Intereale Oudnq Ne pe��o0 t�is Deotl o�Tme�remaina a Ilen on Ne Properry. �' � '� X+r,-; <br /> c1 - _ 12.Remedles;AeeslerallonUponDelaWLlnlheev8ntofenyEventolDelauillenAermey.wlthoulnotlCeezteplasrequlredby ' r-y f':' <br /> lew,declere ell InAeb18An085 eecuretl�ereby to be tlue enG peyable 1he eemo aMll L^.ereupon become tlue en0 payeble r�" r z_x 7;�i � <br /> ro- wilh0ut e�ry Pre58nM0nt.AemenG.protest or n00c0 Of any kin0.ThereallBr Lendet mag �y-�,� q j�.";_ <br /> (a) DemanC Net hua�ee oxerclae Ne POWER OF SALE grantetl here�n.ana Trus:ee anall Nereatter cauee Tmator'e 1 ,;_ i� -:_•�``_ <br /> _�j--. inle�eat In Ihe ProDerry to 6o solA antl Ihe p�ocee0!to be G�au�butetl,ell in Lho mannar provitle0ln No Nebreake TNSI Deetle - <br /> Act _ ' <br />�- - (b) Exorclee eny anA e:i righU provi0etl for In eny o�ihe Loan Inslrumenls or by lew upM occurrence ol any Erent of . <br /> Do�ault enC `� <br /> - (cj Commonceenaclio�tolorecioseltefDeeOOliroslelemotlpage.aOPO���ereCeiver,or6pgcificel:yenbrCeenyoft�e . , <br /> aovenenU hereol. . <br /> NO rBmeOy�ereln cOnlBrreA upon 0�ref8rve010 Trua:ee or Lentler ie ir.!ended lo be Bxt�usive ot eoy oNer r0mlidy hOrel4ln NB ���'� � . <br />. _ � Loen InelrumeNa or by Inw proHCeA or pormnle0.bN eecn s�a:l be cumu�acive.9�e:1 be In aUOition to erery other remed/BNen {- • -: <br /> hareuntlOr,InIheL08�:n6trumenl9ornoworher02flerex4tmge1lawonnEpuEryorDysl�Wte.antlmayGeexerclsBCCOncc'ren0y, � <br /> � IndepenABntly or 6uCCeasive:y. � <br /> ���"�' •. • 73.Truitoo.T�e Tmslee mey res�g�nt any ume wimoW wuse.antl Lentler mey at aq time an0 wilhoul Caose eODO•��a � <br /> -`l '- 6uCt8550lorSUbsf:lNBTrusi80-Truslee6ha:InotDB11861B1oe�yparty.Int�uA�ngwilltoulhmile:i0nl�ntl84BorrowBr.TNator0�8�y � <br /> -- �- ' purt�858ro1:hePropBM•�ora�ybslordemageuNesstlueloreck:essorwiGlWm�atoMuctantlF`�e�InolDBrBpu:reOtobkee�y � <br /> - eGtiOn In connettlon with the enlorcement o�Nis DeeE ol Trus�unfesf��Oemni!� wriEng.!or eA cosle.tompen6atlon or � <br /> . � ' BxpBnbBe wNC�mey bB fi650Ue1BO 1h0�Bwi1h In eOtlition.TrualBe mey bBCOmO a 0�«�aSBr et eny6Hle 01IhB PrOpBrty(juAiCiel Or <br /> ..�.w m.nm��....e� rno..m n�n:�n. a mmm�nl fnn Prnrom. a m.l�foel�v Ww-nr swll Na _ <br /> � PrOpBtry ea e wholo o�In 6epareie partel9 or IoU ai Trys�ee e d�u�ello�-' • ,^I <br /> ' '� tA. Fae�end Fspenae�.�n IDe evem Trustee sane me Properry Dy e:ercice of powe�ol we.Tn;aiee slien De entiCeO a eppty <br /> eny sel9 D��C88A9���ec+o Deym4nt ol a71 CosU enU expansea o!exercis�ng power 0�De�e.��CWOing ell Trus:ee'91eea.en0 Lende�e <br />- ' � �� enATruf10B'letlornBjl100&BCWB�ry1lnCUrrBEt00xtenlp8rmftleEbye07�iCeble�ewJnNeBVen:BOrtowBrOrTruetO�axBrf,E3B98ny � <br /> _ .' � ""' tlght provitletl by�ew to cure an EveM ol Delaull LenOe��ha��be D�tl11eL lo recover Irom Trustor Y.l cosis enC axpenaes acNally <br /> � -�;-. �= InCUrrOO a9 a:aaWt ol TNS:o('e G8�9u1(IncluOlnq w:U1o�'I Ilmlielion all TNSteO e enG allorn8y'8�Ees,l0 00 e:toni permtllBd Oy <br />� ,��+_-`-"-; ePP1:taDle lew. <br /> -•�;,-_, 15. Fuluro AAraneOD.UpO��epaell ot Borrower.lonCer mey.a111!Op:io�.make etlCitlonei anE IuNre etivancea entl re- <br /> �,�_- BAvenC89toBOrrower.SuMaOvenC886�OreeOvaneBa.wilhinl8rebt1hB�0on.e�ellb8b8tureC0ylrt9Dee0olTNetAlnotimBD�el1 <br />- �="" � - IhBptlnUpalemoun101Ih0��CebleGnOt�securetlby�hiaDBe0olTmSlnof�c���msa0vance0toprofectlhea8wtlryoNMs <br /> ������ � � Deed ol Trubt ozte6E ihe otl inal princl i amouM steto0 herein,or S whicherer is reafer. <br /> :�t:-'. - 9 Va C <br /> - ,.:r_: <br /> •'t ' . _ _ — — — .________ —.__ _ r —__._. / . •:— ._ . - �- <br /> < , <br />