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. . � 99� <br /> .1C�5985 <br /> an objection in the form of an affidavit or verified motion stating that the petitioner failed to exercise <br /> his summer visitation. Petitioner sha11 then have 30 days to protest respondent's affidavit. If <br /> petitioner fails to object, the respondent's affidavit will stand and no abatement or credit will be given <br /> for summer visitation. If an objection is filed, a hearing will be necessary to determine the merits of <br /> the abatement. <br /> 4. The responderrt shall ma.intain health insurance on the minor child and each party sha11 pay <br /> one-half of any unreimbursed medical, dental, optical, and orthodontia expenses. <br /> 5. The petitioner's obligation to pay child support shall be subject to income withholding. <br /> The petitioner shall immediately prepare a Notice to Withhold Income and deliver said Notice to the <br /> petitioner's employer and provide a copy to the Clerk of the District Court and to the respondent. <br /> 6. Each party shall continue to have full and equal access to the education and medical <br /> records of the minor child. <br /> 7. Either party may make emergency decisions affecting the health or safety of the minor <br /> child while the child is in the physical custody of such parent. <br /> 8. Petitioner shall receive as his sole and separate property, the following items of property: <br /> a. All of his own personal effects and clothing. <br /> b. All items of household furniture, furnishings, equipment and miscellaneous <br /> property now in his possession including the following, but excluding those <br /> items specifically awarded to the respondent: All property highlighted in <br /> green in husband's column on the attached property statement. <br /> c. All money, if any, in his possession whether actually or constructively, or <br /> deposited in financial institutions. <br /> d. 25% of the stock in FTK, Inc. <br /> e. Mutual fund in his name in approximate amount of$13,200. <br /> -5- <br />