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. � � < <br /> ' ' ��'�.t�5985 <br /> from school and conclude at 7 p.m. on the da.y before the child <br /> returns to school. <br /> (6) Christmas Eve. The Christmas Eve holiday sha11 be defined as <br /> that time commencing at 8:30 a.m. on the day after the child <br /> is released from school and shall conclude at 9 a.m. on <br /> Christmas morning. <br /> (7) Christmas Day. The Christmas Day holiday shall be defined <br /> . as that time commencing at 9 a.m. on Christmas Day and shall <br /> conclude at noon on December 31. <br /> (8) New Year's Day. The New Year's Day holiday sha11 <br /> commence at noon on December 31 and conclude at 7 p.m. on <br /> the day before school is to begin. <br /> d. The child shall be returned to the custodial parent at the conclusion of each <br /> holiday. In even-numbered years the mother shall have the child for the even- <br /> numbered holidays, and the father shall have the child on the odd-numbered <br /> holidays. In odd-numbered years the child shall remain with their mother for <br /> odd-numbered holidays and spend the even-numbered holidays with the <br /> father. T'he child will spend Mother's Day with her mother and Father's Day <br /> with his father. For Mother's Day and Father's Day only, the holiday will <br /> commence at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 7 p.m. on the Sunday on which these <br /> holidays are nationally observed. <br /> e. This holiday visitation schedule shall supersede the regular weekend visitation <br /> schedule. The regular weekend visitation schedule will continue with the <br /> parent who did not have the child on the previous holiday and continue on <br /> from that point, alternating between the parents every other weekend. <br /> 3. The petitioner shall pay to the Clerk of the District Court of Ha11 County, Nebraska, for <br /> the support ofthe minor child, the sum of $339 per month (see attached Worksheet 1). Said child <br /> support shall commence on the 1 st day of January, 1999, and sha11 continue thereafter on the first day <br /> of each and every morrth until the child reaches the age of 19 years, becomes emancipated, becomes <br /> self-supporting, marries or dies, or until further order of this Court. <br /> Child support shall abate by 50% during the month of June each year provided the petitioner <br /> exercises his summer visitation. Such abatement sha11 occur automatically unless the respondent files <br /> -4- <br />