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r + r <br /> - x � `� 4 : . r� TI-' i . _, l`n :'IlY� J,Y �}�i t� , <br /> .r?5.'� � -"� t � ) r- y `2 ']t Y lr TL"�� : <br /> �;r { t � J/y{ � (����r t�i���µ�� .\� �: <br /> . .'.. . .. _. <br /> : � �- � "� S � .'^ � __ ' ! �i�L���'" ^�1��/ ft "�.ff -�—. . <br /> e�ppiic�¢Id Inw mAy ipxlfy for fcinsutemeqq Dpfont se�e ot IM Ptopdtiy�u¢uant to any ppw�df djib aonlJ?�In Q� ` '. �� <br /> � $� ty 7rutrument,or(b)Eo1ryof R1u0gtnau entoicing Wa aec�uJry tn;(rumeqt Tfio�a Candu a�ue t Aatowe6 �i "i . <br /> �� , p�der gl!�um��5vh14h ACg wou1Q CO duo undel.Mv S�!flry�nstNAteat.a9d tAe�7o(a rb if►���ooduadnM1 ha� - : <br /> rte ;(b)cureqenyqot�WfolahyaheicbvbnanUor�teemenN;(c)pay�t�118aywueiincnrte0lnentomingrhl�8eaulty .� �, <br /> friipuin6nt;IncNding,but not Ilm�ted to;teesoqaDie eitomeyY k�+i+n0(�takw weh pctlon e�Lend�r rhsy.reasonabi <br /> r�qulroloeuurotnatlhollCrto[tAlt$auritylnattumqit�l.lndEYlrlghuin�h6piopertyMdH6rto�t�oDNg}donEoplyy e � " <br /> I • eums aecure4 6y thie 8ec(uity'fnaWm¢ot�heU conl(npa Wtehanged, �Opoh Telnatetement by'Ho[ipwer,Uilf.$ <br /> __, _ (ncwmoat anA the obIIgitioni secured fiere6y�nau rtmatn tuity eHeqNvq p�iino ecale�nttoa�ied occutred:How.evet; s ^ -- <br /> �ii dghttuielnt�eteshellnpteD ylyin�hecaseoticoetemdpndnAerpuegnphl7. - <br /> 19. 8ak ot Nok�Gt�anfa pt 6e[v�oen 71ie Noto or a oenlel lnterost in Uw Note Rogethu wl th fiIf Se�Mry <br /> Inmumenp mey be so d ane dr Ad�eb;�r�mi}ut pitdr notice to Uoaower. A�ate may ttaut�in e ctian$e Ip tho endry <br /> � (h w w n e e N a"L o a n B a�Y i e e�t h noo 7 l ro mop.yit payejente d ua u n der t t i e Notm and�hle 8aud�Insbumcn�7hero elso_ <br /> may bo-ona or moce chengea dfAib LoaagCNt/xr'�Wtqt to A sate bf the No�a If there la a eh�nge ot tho l.oan 8ervlar, <br /> Bortqwer wII16e glven wrttten notice ot�he changaln eaocdadce wtth pBl0$fiph 14 ebovd and�ppIlcabla law.The nalse <br /> - ______. wlllstate�hanameandaAdrc,asottApnewl.oanServlcerandthaaddres�wWhldlP3)711CIItDEhWldlamade. 71¢nodchwlll - <br /> Nao conteln any oNer Nfomrptlon requfrcd by appllable law. <br /> 30. Naurdoua Sub�Waees. Bortower�hnll not cauae or pwmlt�ha prcsence,use,dlsposel,storega,or akase ot my <br /> H+urdow Subsunse�on or In t5e Propeny. Bortower ehelt na do,nor aUow enyone else ro do,en�MIng dkcdng th0 <br /> . Propeny that ta N doladon oteny Hnvlronmentet Law. 1Le preeediag two sentenaa ehell no[epply ro tha prcamce,us0.or <br /> �ro�ago on�he Propeny of�mell quantRfea otHazardove SuMtanaa Net are genemlly reagnlzed ro be appropda�e ro noime! <br /> resldendal uses en�l to m�Intenance of tAe Property. <br /> . Hortowu ehall prompUy give Lender w�inen naica ot eny fnvatigation,oleim,demend,lavaul[or other ealon by eny <br /> govemmentel w regulatory egency or pdva�e parry involving tfie Propa[y end my Hazardoue Subatance or 6nrlronmente! <br /> — _ <br /> �� � of whlch Dortower hes acmd ImowlWga (f Bortower Ieama,or te not(fied by any govemmentel a mguletary <br /> i q� � au�ho�5ty,that eny romovel or other rcmedladon of any Herardom 3ubstence Btfecting�he Propeny I�neceasnry,Borrower <br /> i�� shall promply�nke elI neceasery rcmWlel actloni In aceordance wlth Envirommentel Law. <br /> . Ai used In thts puagraph 20,"Hazerdow Subs�ences'ue those substancu dtflned oa toxlo or hezerdow wbnenew by <br />-,�,h;;, .;, Bnvlronmentel Law and Ne followtng aubstanas: gesol(ne,keroune,other Oammable or toxlc petrolwm prodoeta,toxlc <br />-_'�-'_� peaticldes end herbicldea,voteqle wlventa,matedala conulning asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioadlve mUUlale. Ae <br /> -�:�� used(n�hl�paregroph 20,"8nvfronmentil Law"means kdenl lawa xnd lawa of[he JurisdicHon wherc tho Propeny Is IocatW <br />�-_+.-;.;�ss� N�t relaro to heelth,eafery or envlronmentel protecdon. <br /> r_; NON•[JNkK1RM COVIINANfS. Borrower and Lender Ponher corenent and egrce u[ollovn: -� -�- <br /> �tr � � ZI. Acceleratlont Remedlea. Lender ehell glve noGce to UorroNer prlor to ecceleretlon follmvtng Dorroeu's <br /> r � s <br /> ;E 6reach of eny wvenant or agreement In th�8ecurtty Insfrument(but not yr(or to accelereflon under angraph 17 <br /> _,,,.ta rS,�:' unlas appllcaAle Iawprovlda other�vBe). The mtice ahall spedry: (a)fhe defeulk(61 the aeUou requtreDd ro cure the _..-__. _—__. <br /> �„r ,;,� de(auii;(c)a dete,�ot leas fUen 30 daye hom the dete fhe noUce Is gtven to Dorrower,by whlch the default must be <br /> � cured�end(d)t6et fellutt to curc the dctaolt on or betore lhe Jule ayecified in lhe notice mar rcault in accderetion of � - � <br /> t„'��" the wms secured 6y thu 8ecurfty Inslrument end aele ot the Property. The notice shell brther Intorm Dorrower of <br />,,,,,,;�;`v+' the rlght to relnstete eRer acceleratlon end the r(ght to brfng e murt eMlon to essert Ide nomexlstence ol a dtfault or <br /> �+;•,,i`.��'� any other detenu o►Bonower to oaeleratlon and aele. If the defeult Is not cured on or before the date cpec(tied In <br /> -r,<<, Ihe notfce,l.ender et Ils optton mey kqulre fmmedlate payment tn NII af all�ums secured by tAL+Baurlty Inttrument " "'- <br /> r:�"'"`; �vffhout Nrther demend end mey Invoke the pawer ot sete end eny other remedles permltted by appllable leN �.�f- :�„,;,. <br /> °�- s ; I.ender ehall be entllled to mllect al1 expenxea Incurred In purauing Ihe remedlee provlded In thls parogreph 21, r:: �� <br /> ,k,,� ��� Includtng,but not Ilmfted to,reasoneble attarneys'kes end costa of�Itle evldence. * + t rz <br /> �« � If Ihe po�rer o4 wle Is Imoked,7}ustee shell nwrd a notice of deteul[In eflch county In whlch any part of the ,f��,` '�. � <br /> yr-�s . Property b located and chall mefl wplee of such natice In�he manner prescr(bed by appllcabtt le�r to Borroxer and to `..�r., <br /> + ,z ?� the other persoro pracrlbed 6y appllcebte law. ARer the tlme requlred Dy eppllcable la�r,7}ustee shall glre publlc .`'F':'� �- <br /> - -�f'� notice of sale to the peraons end In Ihe manner preserlbed by applleeble la�r. 7}ustx,�v(thout demend on Borro�rer, ���"r�'•' - <br /> '� '�'i: �hall sell the Property et publlc auttlon to�he h(ghert bldder at the�tme and plece and under the rerms deslgnated In %�;'�F'"s`t` .. � <br /> the notice otsele In ane or more percela and In any order 7}uatee determinea. 7}ustee mny postpone sale o1ell or eny � � ;` � T'- <br /> 7 i�+�� parcel ot the Property by publlc ennouncement at Ihe tlme und platt of any prevlously scheduled anle. Lender or IIs - '`r,��':"J}:� <br /> �f-r��. de�I nee me urchnu tAe Pro er1 at en aele. "�^ <br /> ,?�``M1�; gUpon recPetpt of paymenl o(the prtce bld,7}ustee ahall dellver to the purchaser 7Yustee'A deed mnceying IAe �c,r,;,>. .,�° <br /> 1i Property. The reeltale In the'IYustee'e deed shnll be prlme facle evldence of�he truth of the slntementa made thenfn. � o eF' � <br /> cr�;; 7YUStee shell apply lhe proceeds of 16esele In the follo�rfng order: (eI to all casts and expenua uf exercfsing fhe pa�rer ._�--7�'_`3,i i � <br /> ''��<>.:;;: <br /> .:�µ, : :as �•..'" <br /> �. �t' _ <br /> -�,-�=. ;s. '4� _- <br /> :2. : r.PJ..C;�?;s:''a-�. <br /> 'rh'�;;: "_,? ;s,�..,+;,_ <br /> -` .:, <br /> �,r3r,:_ i . ,,;�. <br /> �.-- ..'{ i?�- <br /> ' �;i; _r.-: <br /> •.:`_:'v'- - <br /> '�_: `:��. �� <br /> ``ti<I�t�� i'�r��azx v.vo qVK1.•I6J4iCn1 __ _ <br />_ ��•:r°., ���:.�.: <br /> .-f�,`__ ;y,%_'� <br /> :cti.n � -. _. <br /> .-C -�..---'--.�.:-.z- -�.-.,,-.r_..,-.� ,....v.... .... ..:... . -,• - _ " . <br /> _,K� . : , . . . . . . ':e ,:ri` . <br /> � ' , . <br /> t F r :. . . - _ <br /> ���, . � <br /> __ -- -- - --- <br /> r � - . - — <br /> <n.:; i . . _ . . .. . .. . . . . <br /> t { -i' �<� ` �e� . . . .. . <br /> :.� ` <br /> �Z�- '� :, � } ` . _ . - . , � . - <br /> 3 <br /> - � .�.!F�i i - i _ - . . . ' � - . - <br /> h . �i'P) � � ' � - . <br /> �- . � .. - . . . _ <br /> r� .r-, k . -. ' _ _ <br /> a r < 'r • - - - � <br /> t: ' <br /> �''� .E � r�- r. .. . . _ _ <br /> �`��l_rt! i a � �• _ � _ . _ � _ ' . . ' . . . <br /> f h. - Y ll �� �': � _ _ . <br /> s� �L r � � � . _. ' , . <br /> � c u � -?G-. - . ! <br /> � -� tif � ' }.'' � � - . : j yj <br /> .}, .,�_, ir..,.i __ vc....K t .. .._ , . . . . .. _ :.�. . , f` .. .� . - 7-.'�'_ . <br />