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` t ; __r , 'r ._ 4' ' y .. .y t ' Y. ,�. S) _ 'l t? J. �,•YY~,�t , t ! r- �{y� � r,.� <br /> - f;. ) -'..' -_ t . . ."_ ' n �" _ � . � < _.. 'Y'� ' `/� <br /> � `Mrzdchm�'ton-4ronsstia�i�ig`4t�nYD4hof`�eiMOpart9:afiwtatveyyiaeinl(snoFcu�c?�t(-�`_t,'j iRnsnjr4..�rs�Ki ra`. n�#� <br /> .,�hallDqpAdtol.�rAer- , n . -+ , � ti w ' : , <br /> � t��e pv�nl o!r ta�i t g ot�w:.� :16e• thdi ba�yp(�ed�4 tl�p tuMS�ecured bp�Iili Selw(Ij+ - ,. <br /> . TastnHn�nrt Whs�hu pinQt �1p,tvtA�iny Ex�� t�o o�wer i��Ne dvent ot�peEtiallakUy o�iA4 �n .` <br /> W�1 ChihO f8I!(IIOJICCt VdIU4:0 t 6 P10py`[ty 11Y1171Cd18lG�ybC�Ot01A0�9k111��b fQYll�SOOtgrGBtf��1pil�.pp Hiilpll{JIp t.[ {W[�� �-•+ <br /> cpc�byttife8au�y tnchuMentimmWlatelypoYOrbp�eJakin$,uates�Bortawe�endi.en4eeol�et�'Aseagreb�Hny. ' � <br /> Q�e�unu_�urW p�l�ie.#fcw(ry insWmuit.�h�1t Oo nEu Dy No eiaoUnl o}Ae proeeed��cip)ted�tria toQowin� '+ ' <br /> � '{�at�ton: (e tt6�)o ountofll�osuiiusesurc4lMmcdietel 'bo[ojp'tMtnkirig.dl4ldedby@)t . CJrtl1 N,v►tUeRlfh4 , <br /> �pxrcy irtimcQieteiy Dofo�a the takfh8•..�Y�?�"��!�"��P�ye 4o!Bqorrowm: In ttw wmnt at s pmtlnt inktntg1�ot lAo <br /> cecu�r�tMmed�te�tely befora t�he�tek1 nW�O�U lw 80��ower a�`nd Lert9e�ahuw u�6grc tn��'ir�tin 8o� �unT�eaa�oDPlteable 16w . . <br /> othenVicaprovldea.�Iw praceed�ehall bo applled to`l�o iums suwedDy d�U&ad�y Inserument 4NrcNer or not tha durrii 3ro <br /> �hendue. � <br /> . , ., <br /> Jf the Propeny i�a6nndone4 6y Horrower,or iP,aRcr noUoe by LenAu to Bortower Fhet tho mndemnor o(fo�to fiako ' ' . <br /> a sward or seule a ctaim far danaga,Aortowu tstl�w respmW to Lendu wf�Ain 30 daye atier the daie the no�ise i�gfven. ' <br /> I.eoder i��ut�orized`o oollqet and apPry�he prooeeds�at lu optlon,olthN to ru�oradon ot t�P�{ot the Propprty or to tho -- <br /> iuma�aural by d�(s 3�Cudry In�Gume4t,whuhu or notAen due. <br /> llnlea Lender end Bortowu oiAanviw agree in w�itlng,ury appilwtlon ot praads to prinolpat sha11 not exlsnd ot , <br /> postponetheduedeteoteLemonthlY pnymenwnk[rcdioinpan phalend2orchengathaunowtotsuchpeymenro, <br /> li. Borrower Not Rdeaaed� Forbeannce Uy I.ender�ot o Wnlvu. Bxundon of �he Ume Por'paYmenl af <br /> modifleallon of emoniution ot the�um�cecund by thb 3ecuri inatrument granted by i.endu ro eny cuueasor In Imerrst _. . _. <br /> of Bo�rower shal not oporate ro roleeso the Ilabllhy of ttie ori�nal Bortower or Bortowerb wcoeiwn tn Intettst I.endor <br /> ehell not bom�u ind ro commence proaeding�agains[eny successor in Interut or mfum 10 extend timo for payment or <br /> othuwke modify emonizadon of the sumi ucured by thu 8ecurity tnawment by nnson oteny demend medo by tho alginel <br /> Borrower or Bortowerl suxuson tn fntemat. My forbearonce by Lender in_sxercis(ng eny�igh[or rcmedy sh+ll not be a <br /> we[ver otor prtciude�Ao exerefw ot eny dght orrcmedy. <br /> 11 Buaessoro end Asslgn�BoundJ doint and Sereeal Lfabilityi Co•st�ero. The covenema end egrcemenfa of thla <br /> Security Wnwnent ehell bind and 6eneH�the cucceuon md avigns of Lender end Bortower,aubJa�ro the providons ot <br /> paragrsph 17.Hortowerh eovenants end egrcemente sh�ll 6e jofnt end wvcrol.Any Bortower who caaigna thb 3uuriry <br /> Inauument but doea no[exceuro�he Noee: (e)G co-aigning�hia Security Instrument only to mortgega,yant and convey thet <br /> Bortowul tntercst In�he Propeny under�he te�ms of Uil�Securiry Imuumenk @)is not personally oblipateA to pny the tuma <br /> tecured by thb Sceuriry In�trument;end(c)agrca that Lender md eny aher Bortowm may egrco ro extend,modify,forbear —� <br /> or make nny ucommoda�fons wlth regazd to�he temu ot thi�Security Inawmmt or�ho Note without Net Bortowerb ----�� <br /> consent. <br /> 13. I.oan Charges. If the loan aecured by thia Security Instrument Is subjeet to e lew wh(ch eeta maximum loan - <br /> cherce+.end th�t hw li Mallp Intery rcud so that tha Imtrest or other loan cherges coltated or ro he colluted in conneetlon <br /> with the loan exaed��he pertnitted limita,Ihem (u)any mch loan ctiarge�hall be rcduad by ihe amount necsasary to rcGUee _-�� <br />� �he chuge ro the permined Iimir,end(b)eny suma alrcady collateA from Bortower�vhich axceededpemiitted limiu wili be <br />_ mfunded io Barowec Lender mny choose ro make this rcPond by rcducing�ha pdncipal owed under�he Note or by making e ----- <br /> dlrcet payment to Bortower. If a rcPond rcduas princip�l,the rcduction will be trce�W es e panfal prcpayment wl�hout my <br />- prepayment cM1uge under�he Note. �-� =� <br /> 10. Notica. Any natla�o Bo�rower provided for in this Security Instnunent ahall be given by delivedng It or by �iT�__� <br />- meil(ng i�6y drst cless meil unlea�appiiceble Inw requircs use of enoihermethod.The notice�hell 6e directed to the Property 4v.;; <br /> Addre.aa or any oiher�ddrua Bortower daignmes by no�ice to Lender. An notice to Lender shall 6e given by flist eless �-��-��._ <br /> t�rir.. <br /> mail�o LenderY eddresa n�eied hercin or any other uddrecs Lender designa�a y no�ice�o Bofrower. Any no�ice provided for �;'$, . <br /> In Ihls Seturi Inawment shell he deemed m have been iven to BoROwcr or Lender when iven m rovided in�his ' Y���`�� <br /> ry 6 8 P �si�` �_ <br /> paregreph. -.• . <br /> IS. Governing Le�v; Severabllity. This Sccuriiy Instmment shdl be govemed by kderel lew end the law af�he �,E�`� � <br /> judsdiction in which�he Propeny is located. In ihe evem thet eny provision or clause of thia Securiry Inswment or the Note '�"�'�� �- <br /> con0lets with appliceble laa,such conilict ahull not eBa�o�her provisiom of this Securiry Inmument or the Note whieh can ?`?f-'---�- <br /> EL`:�.�t:,:;- <br /> be given effect without the mnfliaing proviston. 'Ih�Aia end�he pmvisionx ot this Security Insuument end the Nae arc ,.v�:;�==- <br /> dectared io be uverebie. �`f�.:`-. <br /> 1& Borrower'a Copy. Bortower shall be given one wnfafined copy of the Notc and of ihis Sewrity Inatrument y; -� <br /> 17. 7Y'anskr otthe Property or a Oenetltiul Inhrut In Oorra�ser. if all or nny part of�he Ropeny or nny intercst in „tiif <br /> It ia sold or truiskrrcd(or if a beneficial inicres� in Bormwer is mld or�rnns(efred and Bormwer is not a newrul persoN �'+r�"��' <br /> without Lenderk prior writrem m�xnt.Lcndcr may,at i�s option,rcyuirc immcdiate pryment in full o(all sums sccurcd by ��`�"`'�- <br /> 4s:�,. <br /> this Securit Instrument However,this o tian shall na be exercised b Lender if uercise is rohibited b fedenl luw os of &``''�t::�� <br /> Y P Y P Y �^�rry'..,.; <br /> �he dete of this Security Ins�n�mem. ;��:���- <br /> tf Lender exercisea this option.Lender shall give fio,rower notice o(uccelemtian. The notice shull provide a period of ��k;�,-•,.._ <br /> ' not less Ih�n 30days(mm Ihe dare the notice is dclivcred ar maiicd within which Oorrouer mus�pay all sums ucured by�hix `�;.,- �-- <br /> Securiry Instrumcnt. If Borrower fnils �o pay ihe+c aums priar �o the expira�iroi uf�his period. Lender muy invoke ony �'��;-=�j"� <br /> rcmtdies pertnined hy Ihis Securiry Insintment�vilhout funher nolice urdcmanJ on Borto�ver. .;i°-='�". <br /> � t8. Borrower'e Rf ht to Relnstete. If Bormx�er mecn renain nmditians. Onvoner.hall ha•e �hc ri ht �o have `'�'-'``�'- <br /> cntorcement o(�his Secur�'�ty Instrumcm dinontinucd a�any timc prior m the eadicr aL• ca�5 days cor.uch mhcr period a. ���!�'���� <br /> SinFlcfvnily-.FinnkAl�NF'radlkll�eCNFOR)II\SiRCNF.\T-4m(mmCo�enanta 9N0 �MyNnfnNx��) q':r':"= <br /> <.-.;:. <br /> '::T�' <br /> - r �d��i.> -�r:rcr . _��:.r - . .. - ,.1:'+' - , 7'C'- ,•_--•�r i� ,?::_i�;.�'[�• r..r ' . <br /> � . i.S . . _ - . -. <br /> i"f` - <br /> � � <br /> f . �f � . . '�. .l . . ��} . <br /> 1��)� - � ' _ _ . •�' � <br /> t) n` - ✓' . ' . <br /> .' _ J .., " __ - ' "" - ' <br /> 1.1 �. � ;-, . �.1 <br /> 1 �1 r �� �l J <br /> f /S 1 <br /> J ; �.. I •> -. _ _ ' _ <br /> _ j.. `. ,R_ . _ . .. <br /> 1 ! ) � <br /> ` i F � � <br /> . : (�� � .. .. <br /> � � - s � ' � � .. - <br /> i.a �3� < 4_ - i .-_.Y t � _ <br /> �i� - '. . � ' 1r' 7 - ' � . <br /> t t t2r. � � �r . ' 't -.� v t - - - <br /> ) t!- �t. - ir� . � � t " � , S' � t � S_ . `1--- . <br /> t Y a / � - �� o ' - � J�� i� . a � ) .s- t t_ y . <br /> J} -. + J ' � ; x t ' � ' + l � ` ,' i _.: <br /> `3 - � �t S .< r > - .) u -,i y � _ t e ..�4, _ t �, ,�` " . <br /> . . .. .o �t S. ._t'.. , i? 1F. . ..i,�r . . . _ .� . . ."L . . ... '4'.t .. . .,.... . 'F ... , <br />