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7 � _ . � . .!} 3 ' ' i :(Y . <br /> ' :.t�!, -_�r�. . � �.�. 1 . 1. . i.'_ � .t� r� ;y -a it'. f I t- -F-�- < < <br /> - ; _ f _: :. ` . } . ' - rr . . .�fr i k . r ,�'��, <br /> � <br /> t � _� .- '� ' �. t .1_, r .���. �. .�:� '� i �;.y: '; y} �'A, � n���1, . _._ _. <br /> �� ��75�t'�7� <br /> � '�� 11CeD10 i�w sqaY sy�uY fw ninstatemem)Wtara 9e1e oT shsl��y PW419a[[0 7ny tKcv�q!ilTa:�4(i�4fd3!([��}r.�� y: <br /> , �8�ewdtYln;tm�hemtnt @len: ote�ud entorcl �hieBccud19�1.swm,al 'thtium�tetiion� qti►cBorto s�i �}, i - x <br /> Day�1.enCei P11 aPms i�1ch�n.wo�due v�'Uileg�ryty insuvme��na ma tgaa ae�t ao�sl�rL �t M4. < :tir <br /> ,oqcojfpd;(¢)Fu. qnydetpalrotanybther,aoeenp�taorpgreert�n4,(o)�tyepitexyen'��c�tir�Alnaa�m4�$�At , diy�t r. <br /> — , tluwmem;inc�Ing 6ut ndt•llm��Sd tq rWod�bie.9te moy�'C4ea,ind(d),��ya sLch k on tl�� ma��. 61�' ( �� <br /> r�ui�e�oau�ttut t�e IlE AttAb S�cudry Jnauufient,�4q tlgli 1�1�o PrDpeFry end�otroWeib ob aflo [o tfie <br /> . sw�u eee�ea e mte aec�p �nsuu enc eh►u wn�►nup u���.�VpCn ittn}t4lfrkdt by ¢aY6wetr u�a`�61�n� : <br /> y �p w <br /> InaWmeAlsndt�eobliBe�(ontsEN�edi!Ft�Y�hell(ep{elrfi�UyoffatGVed�Itn6txelen�o�ifiad.�uaed.-4Towevtr,thf� ;; __ <br /> -__�_----° =(SNtorclnbteto�hul(mtp�PtylnNOCasvot@ocotwodonunde�pen�'D 17. . _- -- - <br /> 19. H�1e M Not8�CAange qty�an 66rvksy 7fie M6td ot e�' al interes�In Note(t4gsther wlth- n:3ecud�( ` <br /> Inamlmenq ma�be eold Ooo a��o;2�n�W10�QU pdot�atce to 8orrower._A set�y tClult(n a cAango i�r1 flfe Catiry <br /> (known 6t.the IAan 3 a��aloolredp,mqti $Y�enu duo undor the Ntite�nd tNs 8awdty Insndmpnt -Thefe a1sq <br /> mey6eonoormorechu�i eaof!�9lN, g�lS��!@���Qaea�tlotttwNota IttAuei6eshmgeof�doLpanBcryiotl, <br /> Botrower will6o glven written tiotice o�t(�b't�Abge In AaOCdance with paregrapfi 14 aboro and ap llupl6�SW.:1fio notlo0 ' <br /> wUlnate�henameendeddcasaoltlanowLwnBcrviarendmaeddrcsatowblclipaymenu�houtd�mada T1ronuloewUl .- <br /> almoopteinanyothylnfoimatlonrequindbyepp1lceblelaw. ' <br /> 20: Hpvardbua BuDhtanas. Borroxror�6a11 not cause or permit the prcsence,use,dlspwal,atonge�l or rcleese of uiy - <br /> Hazudow S6hstances on or In the Propeny. Homower ehdl not d0.nor atlow myone elsa io do,enyu�ing-affecting the <br /> Raperty lhat ia ln vio]atlon of any Bnvironmental Gw. 7t�e preceding taro sentenas ehail no�t apply tq Iho presencQ.ufe,ot - <br /> etorege on the Property ot small quendtla of Hezardow Sub�tanas Net arc genanlly recogniva�o be'ep�ropdete W notm� <br /> -� " reaidendil uses eqd to mafntenance of[ha Property. � <br /> Borrower ehail promp[ly gtve Lender wri�ten notica ot eny inrecdgatlon,claM,demtnd,lewsutt or other acdon by eny <br /> ---------- goremmentel or ttgulntory egency or prlvn�e pMy involvtng the PropeRy enda�ry Hnurdoue SS�bstance or BnvlronmenW - _ . <br /> -- .—_..-� I.ew of which Bortower hw aeN+l knowlWge. If Hortower Ieam�, or is noiifled by�ny govemmenlel or reguleWry � <br /> autlwdry,thet any rcmoval or other rcmedia�lon of my Hezardou�Subanncs affating tk Propeny i�neaasery.Bortoxrcr <br /> <`::r�`� shall promptly teke ell neceasery rcmWiai ectlons in occordance witfi HnvlronmenW Law. <br />-- As used In W�peregraph 20,'Hazerdow Subslonca"�re thou eubsuncea de8ned u�o:ie or du+rdous suWtencu Dy <br />;-;c,fr+,� Bnvironmentnl taw and the Pollowing eubatencea: geso8ne,keroxne.other tlammebta ar toxic petrolwm producte,toxio <br /> ;..,r,� pestleidc�and he�bicldea, rolatiie colvrnu,mecedali conteining as6estw or fo7mtldahyda and�adioacttve materiel�. A+ <br />_:�:r��*� uced In NIa paregrePh 20."Hnvironmentel Lew"mwro fedenl lawe and lavn oi the Jurisdkqon whero the Propsny la IocatW <br /> �.:,.i�?!.t:a� Uiatrclerorohexlth,satetyorenvironmemelprotcetlon. _____ _ <br /> -- NON•LNIFORMCOVENAKf3. Bmro�vermdLenderPonhucovcnantmdagmcufolbm: -- — ---- <br /> 4' r�. 21. Acceieratton�Remedlw. Lender�hall glre noNce to Dorrower prlor to eccdereNon Polloning BonowaM <br /> �ts s'�' 6reach ot eny covenant or egreement in tA�Sewrlty[nshument(bul not dor to oaelcratlon under parag►eph 17 <br /> a„_,,,;y,_ unlas epplicabie law providea otherw[se). The notice ehall epeclty: (a)the Seteult;@)the ection required ro wre�ha <br /> .�;_�� 'etultt(�3 e d'uic,��ut t�tban 30 days frorr ihx date tha nmka 6 gixan to Eorrov�er,b;�hleh ttee detsult mu:!be -�--------- <br />- '--- - - carcd{end(d)thet faflure lo curc the defsult on or betore the dete speel0ed fn tM1x no0ee may rexult fn acceleraGon ot - - <br />..,Yj��i}�� the cum�secured by this SecuAty Instrument end eale of Ihe Properry. The notice�hal!Nrther inform Borroxer of -- _ <br /> � '°���- '� the right m reinstete eher ecceleretlon and the dght ro bdng a murt aMlon to essert the noroexlstentt of a default or <br />;`�;;:-a.��. <br /> �; ?iyij5�.- eny otha detense of Borroaer to accNeraflon end sale. It Ihe default tv not wred on or betore Ihe date ryecl(icd lo -- <br /> ::d.,sr> S, <br /> �:i the notitt,I.ender et lu optlon mey require Immediete papment In fLll of ell sums secured by Ihls Security Instrumeot <br />.��:i;,'s, : <br /> , ,� �.� wlthout Nrther demand and mey Fnroke Ihe pover of mle and any ofher remedia permltted by epplicable I�w. -.. <br /> �h�,c_ I.ender ehali be entltled to culieet all ezpenses Incurred in pursuing the remediea provided tn thb paragraph Sl, r.�?--__--_ <br /> + ��'�- �ncluding,but not Ilmited to,reesonaDie attorneyi•tees and costa of thle evtdena. � .:�=.- � <br /> ,y n,���e If the po�rer of aele Is Invoked,7}usiec shell record e notla of detauit In each county in �vhlcA any part of the �� . �- - <br /> e,r�-1: Property b located end ehall mall mpla otwc6 notitt in the manner prcscrt6ed by eppltwble laa to OorroNer and lo �,, _-;,� -- <br /> y� ��`.% the other penona preacrtbed by epplieabte law. Aher the tlme reqWred by ippltcn6le Imr,7Yustee shatl give publie ��r-:- <br /> .;;o�i�g1• _'.ttt t..:•:.i;. <br />._,,,�,�1..,- notice oteele to the persona and In the manner preacribed by epplkable law. 7}usta,w(tAout demend on 6orro�rer, ..�.,,,,.._.. <br /> �:_ ahell sefl the Properry at pubtic auetion to the higheal bidder at Ihe ttme and ptace and under lhe term�dealgnaled In ff .�-;�« <br /> j, � rfr-� t6e notice of sete In one ar more parce4+and In any order 7Yustee determinea.Trustee may postponc sele of all or eoy v �}a <br /> s�?�, perttl of the Property by public announeement at the Iime and place of any prevtously Rcheduled sale. Lender or I� ,�,r=-� .- <br /> V�j ��_- ;, designeemay purchasethe PropertY ateny�le. �;r`:,, `, <br /> ,-_ ; Upon recefpt of payment of the price b1A.Trusta shall deliver to Ihe purchaser 7}ustee'a deed conveying lhe . x?�p <br /> , -a <l Property. The rxitala In t6e7}usterS deed shall be prfine feck evidence of Ihe trulh of lhe s�atemen�made therein. '�ru�t ti�:- <br /> � �t�� 1Fustee ahail apply the proceeds af the wle in the follo�ring order: (x)to all caas and ezpenua af exereisfng Ihe poxer �'''-{;� <br /> �r tf`•`i t'+t;.i��t.•' <br /> � ` t -. ,.i:� �;.._ <br /> rf:N <br /> `:.F]I.j�:) :.;]�+�;jji:4•r;•t-. <br /> .i� . �) ,;�� : <br /> -Y„ ,?r' `i� ; <br /> :1:'• :tti':�(.�:X'�, <br /> [:y .�:e.: <br />- ':r Formb111 9/9a q.irr!..lnNCn �-kJ"'.i'—_ <br /> .`,;.:.' ia`.ii;> .. <br /> " "F4. � • <br /> -;,+�i:F ' � .. <br /> L:v. <br /> �:7 _ <br /> - �� 't�b?:-�..Z Y m ov�a �..r, rt...- _.. .. .. . . . _ ..�..�—..� .��.---.^r��.�_.—.-- _.._��--�.. . _, _ <br /> _ __ ___ .'_: _ -_ " _ " . ' ' __ _ _. . _ . ._ ' " _" __—___ '_ <br /> X' r <br /> ..s�./, - ' - <br /> '',-; '.F `fi;'_ . . . <br /> �2�, `i-,� - <br />- -.r.'��.. - :>.,S ,. - . ,. . . <br /> _ `:i=,� ',�:. _ ' . . � . <br /> :Tfi; �<r.. . . . <br /> �t_ . .� 1 _.: - - . . - . - <br /> ri � ..` '.' .n . . . . . <br /> � t . � - - } r. - v <br /> �'s -�- ' ' -- � ' i - � . . ' • � - ' <br /> ' ' ` ' � <br /> i - , - ' ' . - . '- . <br /> f�tf I <br /> . . . : - . . . . : <br /> . - .�" . J . � . , -_ �1} �.3' . . .4 _ rr) .. . �- . ' '. ,�.W� �. .. _... ._ �.._ _ _i_. . _ ... <br />