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i � . .. - - . - � � �� i . i _ --�-. �� "t �F � rjy �cs•_.. <br /> r <br /> - � -j' � -,; � ,y � 7 ) - t;: <br /> ', ' ' F rl� < ]/:`'� Q,��' jj � S �; <br /> ' . . _ ._ . .� , -��� rpw i <br /> � - �-- -�- - - ,- - !L'-�L�1� rp��_y.� ii.. <br /> axtd6ifinMJonotot�erlakingotanypanot�Ti6Btoperty ortaconveyancpin�QCUO�C�fI�Q�1/1'UOII��f071CfErJ��B!m�rrt ���i_ <br /> . . . {��b0p11d10�!V�QDf� �. . - . . �. .:- t - n - . - . <br /> in�he nvonCot a totel taking ot�ho proparty tho, eds iAeif�i: pplia¢►o iqe duro5 'saurcA y t��e'�kkr�ty� F "' <br /> ' Inawment vfietha:or�ot theii Me;wlui any bxcps�c�! �y Boqovter In�oveqt o a el Wcl�o�"w�^u� ' s <br /> whkh�tio�air modcc�va ue ot me Property.lmmed�atory Gefore tha aak�ng b equat ro¢r ter_Qisn tho amodnt of S�'d iumi <br /> kourgd by thle Saudty(aawment IromcdJateIy befo�p�hp Wiing,unbas Borto�yer lknder pthihwisp�ree i�-Wri1Ny, <br /> Rw wme acurcA 6y tAta Bxhrity(nstnuncnt thail ba red�iad by tho uiiount.di tho prol�ed�muTti IW b the tplto1yIng <br /> . _._� 4adWnt (�)Uietnulemountof�hemm�sccuratlmin5dh�ty SffPoro�hct"��h.�1N0!dbY.�11hC��fT11 etYddC0tt48 - <br /> Probbtty Immedleroly 6efure the teking: Any batenco eh�ll be pWd.lo Borrower. !g iho;orcnt o;9 P�� ot�x0 ,� <br /> Prope. la whlch tho fair merku velub ot the P�openy ImmWfatelY botore th�teking L loa+�han,�6o amount;o�e'eumt -: , :,;. <br /> ��Immediately 6efore the'takina,uNcs�Bottower erd Lendu bthernlco agrca in ivdting or untese�pp1iW61e iaw <br /> __. othe�wleeprovldw,U�oproaed��hellbeapp8edtothenY�m�eSeuredbythf�Seari�ylns�NmentWhelhero�notthosuin�are • <br /> then duo. <br /> If the Properry t�ebmdoned by Bortowu,qr it,eftor mdco 6y Lcndcr to Borrowcr thet the condemnoioffore to moke <br /> _ �n�ward a eeete a cleim for damegea,Borrower falW w ropond to I.cnder wt�hin 30 day�afler Uro de�o ma nDAco 1�gtven, <br /> Lendor la qu�hdriud to collat and apply thep���,et iu optlon,ehhot ro rcsroroHon or rcpnU of tha Ptopeny o�tb�e <br /> tum�secured by�hi43ecuriry Inswment,whetlier ar not thendue. <br /> Unlen Lendu end Bortower otherwise aaree in wrtt4y,any epplicadon ot piotteda ro princtpal►hell not extend or <br /> postpona Ne dua date of�he mon�M1ty paymema roferred to In pueigraphe 1 and 2 orchange�he amount of wch paymenro. <br /> il. Borroner Not ReteasMl Forbeannce By I.ender Not a Walver. Bxtensfon ot the time for payment or <br /> - - madi8ce�lon of emorttrsdon ot the sume wcurcd by ehie Saudry InstNment gronted by Lendu�o eny wxawt in Inrorcst <br /> � of Bortower�heil not opernte to celeasa�M pabUfty of the aiginsl Bortowu or Bortowu§wxeason in intercat.Lendar <br /> -- �hall na Wr�quircd ro comme'rce pr«adinp egainst eny�ucceasor(n imcrett or rcfusa to exrcnd time tor payment or <br /> othenWsa mod fi y unortlzetton of�ha wm�eecurcd by thla Savdry insmunent by rcason o(eny demand mede by tAe odginel <br /> Bortower or BortowerY wccuson In intercst. Any torboaruke by Lender in sxerciaing eny dght or remedy ehall not I�e s <br />--'�� wairer of or prcclude�he exeiclae of eny dght a mmedy. <br />-��--"`� lZ. Suoceasora end Assig�u Bound�JoNt and 8evwal Uabttity{Casl�era. 7Le covenents end agrcemenW ot lhie <br />�-"•.?� Securtty tmuument ehell bind and 6enefit ths�ucassofa end ustgfu of I.ender and Bo�mwer,wbJat�o Ne provlebm ot <br />-:;�;:�� parogaph I7. Bortowerl covenama and�greememe�hall ba Joint nnd severel.My Bortowu who caslgns�hla 3eeudty <br />�.r�.,;.� InaWment but doe�not execuro tha Notr. (a)is co-iigning ihB Security Inatmment only ro mongage,g�ant md rnnvey thet <br />�'�=;u- Bortower6 interest in�he Anpeny under the temu of�hla Seadty Iaswmenr, (b)ie not personaily obligated ro pay tha euma� <br /> tecurcd by thi�Security Ins�mmenr,end(e)egras that I.ender md any o�ha Dortower may agrco ro exlenQ modify,fo�bear <br /> '� ?� or meke eny aawmmodaiiona �vi� regerd to�he tams of�hi: Saudty Instrvment or�he Nao wl�hout �hat Bortower6 ' - <br /> ��, eoneent. <br /> _�_;t`� 13. Iqan Cherges. [f Ihe loan cecured by �his Security Inawment is cublect to e lew whlch uu maximum loan _ <br />_-;;-.�ui:j chergea,ud that law is iinally inte�prcud■o�hu the interut or o�her loxn charga collecied or lo be colkctW in connec�lon <br />�-:,;;�.;'; with the Iwn extted ihe pertnitted Iimiu.fhen: (a)any such loan cherge shall be reduceA by the unount necasuy to rcduce <br />�--�-��L}� rcfwMMeA ro Borrower�i�Lendor may ch boose to make h�re(nd by du�ci g he pnncipal owed u�nde�r the Note or bytmeki�abe <br /> ` dlrect payment to Bofro�ver. If a rcfund rcduca principal,�he reduction will be Irea�ed m a panial prcpaymrnt without my <br />;;;�zYf�.� prcpaymemchargeunder�heNou. <br />_���y� 14. Notices. Any no�itt ro Bofrower provided for in ihis Security Instrumrnt shell be given by dellvedng It or by <br />-'�'-?t:� mailing It by flrst dass muil unleas applicebic law rcquircs use of eno�her mahod.77rc naiee shall be dircctW to�he Property - <br /> ��,,a�,, Address or�ny other eddras Bartower designues by notice�o Lendec Any ndice ro Lender chall be given by flnt elua = <br />-._,�;;_- mall to Lenderk addreaa stated hercin or any otlKr addrcss Lender dexignx�es by notia ro 6orrawer. Any notice providM for - <br />�.`�zav�?� fn this Security Instmmen�shall be Jcemed w havc bcen gircn to Qortower or Lender when given as provided in thia �- <br />��-:?4= Pere6mph. j.� <br />--;-r:�; 15. Coverning Le�r;Severablllty. This Security Ins�mment shall be sovemed by federel Ina and the Inw of the f�: <br /> -`� = jurisdictlon In which�he Property is loceted. In the evem�ha�any prorision or clause of ihis Security I1utrument or�he Note ° <br />�.;A:�r�, mnflicta whh npplicable Inw.such conflitt shall not afkct oiher provisions of this Security Inswment or�he Note which cen : <br /> � be given eBect wi�hout the rnn0ining pmvisim. To this end�he provisions of this Security Instrumrnt ond the No�e ere .-- <br /> ft;� dcclaredlobesevereble. r;� <br /> " l6. Borrower'a Copy. Uorto�ver thall t�e given ane confomied mpy of�he Nute nnd of tha Security Inswment. <br /> _�' t7. 7}anaPor of the Property or a Oeneflcial Interext le Borro���er. If al I or uny pvt uf�M1e Pmpcny or any intercrt in <br /> ° � it is mld or vensfcmed(ar if u bcncficial inrcra� in Borrox�er is sotd or tmmferred nnd 6orro�ver is no�u natmul rson - <br />��'"'`i,:i P� ) - <br />��•-;;�� wi�hout Lenderk prior written conxnt,Lender may,nt i�s opiion.rcyuire immeJinte paymmt in full ot all sums securcd by = <br />- =-_:n�, ihis Sewriry InsuumcN. Nowevcr,this aption shall nai hc exercised by Lender if exereix is prohibited by federnl Inw as of - <br /> �hc dvte of Ihis Securily InswmeN. • <br /> If Lender exercices�his option.Lcndcr.hall�i�c Bortoxer notiir uf urarlcnlion. Thc noiim.hall prnvidc a period of = <br /> no[less Ihen 30 days from the dale Ihe nolitt i�deliremJ or m�ileJ wi�hin which ISortmcermu�l(�iy ali.umc xcurcd by this - <br /> Securiry Inswment. If 6onower par�hek,um,pnnr lo Ihe expintion nf�hi+�ri.d. Lender may invoke any "- <br /> rcmedies pnmilied by 16i�Sccurity Inxlmmenl uilhom(unhcrnnlice nrdemanJ on 13�+rtoicer. �� <br /> � I8. 6orro�ver'a Rfght to Relnslata I!Oorn���cr mmh atnain cnnJilinm, I3nm�acr.hall ha�c �hc righl Ia havc �_ <br /> ?:';i Mforcemem of thi:SecurilY In+lrumenl JiuonlinucJ a� any�time prior m Ih.eadi.r nk �a� 5 Ja��+(nr wch alher perial nc - <br /> ;_..Y <br /> Smpiefamd}"'Fannlella,T'rtddleAlacUlFOtt\11SS7Al\1i:\'f-Iln6am('mmam. V.Po �ry«�.dnry�ro -. <br /> � , <br /> �� � , <br /> •^--�' <br /> �_ ,:..' .. -,..,. �_ � ,.. <br /> _ , - . .-...- .. . _ �_. : . . . ._ . ... . _- .. ..,,`-_,;r _ � - <br /> '��-r��,'�._� . - - - ' ',' - � � - <br /> "- - <br /> "-_ __ <br /> .� -, r ----. . -.-.-�--- - . . . - � - `- —- � - - - - ---- - . <br /> _ v_�r• _ . � _ . <br /> �:"J ::1: . . . <br /> 'f.- .4 . � � - <br />-�";r�\__"'_.. _ - . i"'_ <br /> ',3:1'. . , _' . . <br /> i <br /> � ' <br /> _.��.::.,` --.-: . , . . . . . . <br /> } . . . . � , : � . <br /> az S .�a - t - . - . <br /> �� . • <br /> r,_' .. _ . . . . . . <br /> } � - �. . . � . . � . <br /> , � .. � _ . , . . <br /> . <br /> ... . . . .- . .�- -. .._ <br /> i, ::t .. .�:. ` .... -. -� , t � _ .>: -. v. .. . . . - �. _1..• _ <br />