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f .f'�a - .� . t ` � -9 f Ji-r.r.t ' ' -. .. t { - � S h r -- .-55 ._.. . <br /> ..._ _ �'r ,, � f � ,. ' t P f ( . tJ t -��'y"52') �L <br /> i Mw 7 ki <br /> r � - ` - �� .:( r- � -- .- --. . -- M�.�� f+ .- 'r . <br /> ..-. � - -- - i _ - . _ .� .. <br /> —_ ;q Bttc��6tooP and ain�tuarAtd tasutitfic�,pb�foNBf shdt ituuJO a�Imarovw�ienE�an!�4,�rd�cryr�nune�now�n ° : <br /> e�t►stenoo ot�bsequentiyeMC�e0,ogalndehny.A:arA�;�wy�efr1ea,6nd�on�tngenelEb,#�ciuAing 11re,fqe which I:aA6t rcqulr@b _ " ; <br /> Insuinnco 7N�li�adMCq�ha116o tpalntelri�in�he s�ounta pnd fot�ho petloda that i.cndu is���� �na�4et thalf�IEO {� � <br /> �- Iri�u70 dl'tmyrov6intlW oqUio Yroncrty,`whciAsr now In eafstclwpor eabSOqiiqni�y rroeseA;ey,alnS1�osa bf�flooQe tothelfeEC�l;-;.. • <br /> rcqulrfQ:by.�ho Bcereluy,All�nsuinnco ehell 0exartled wl�h compentd aDproved 6y Leidbi,1'hb Insurance potl�la end My.' . , <br /> __ rr,�o�va1�nhall bo luld by LendupnA th9lUneludo losf payaDlo clauga 1n favor of�ep41q a torm qcayteble W,LehEo�; .,, <br /> ,. <br /> —� rn tho went of losa Bormwor shall givo Lender immodiato notico by moil.Isndyc may wako proof wf}ot�i/qo�madt+. ' � � <br /> pcompAy Cy�Borriowu. �ad� Inauenea company eonoemcd Is hettby euihodu3 enE dlttaed to ma�e paymen�for sy�ch(oss � <br /> dlfoa7y ro t.endcr,lnsiead of to Borrdwer and to Lender Jolntly. All or my pert of�he ln�uien¢a pru¢ebda may Up`ayplJcd Dy " � <br /> l.onder,at lu opdon,el�hu(a)�o the redualon ot�w tndebtednca�under�he Note end thb Searlty Instament,t�t6t to aay <br /> = detlnQuent emounro appAed In the order In paragraph 3, and�den ro prtpaymwt ot prinelpa6 oe @)to the reatoreNon or fepalr <br /> of the danwgcd Proputy.Any�ppllcatlon of the prooeeda to the pdnelpal sh911 not attend or postporro �he due date ot�he <br /> momhlY Paymente�vhlch aro rah+red ro in pareg�eph Y.or char�ga ehe emouqt ot wch paymenro.Any excess tnsuraqcq prooudi – " <br /> ovcr an amount requlrcd ro pay dl outa�ertding Indebtednw under the Note and thla Sewdry(nctrument sAsll be pald'tp t1�e . <br /> enNty legelly entlUeA ihereto. <br /> --- -_ [n tho erent of foralosu�e ot�hb Suudry Instrument or aher umafu of tltle to the Ptopeny that exdngulthea Ihe <br /> -- Indebtednese,all rigAt,tttla tnd intercst of Bortower In and to insurance poltclea in fom ahell pass m tta purchaser. . .. ... <br /> q�=_�;�,� S. Occopancy, Pcaerniton, 1lialntenxnee and ProteNlon of the Properiy; Borrower'e Loen Apptleadon� � � <br />-=�=--a��!y Lensehold+. Bortower ahdl ocapy,utabHsh, end uae the Propmry e�BorrowePs pdnclpal raldence wlthln alxty deyt efter <br />��`�'�Y��-' �Y PY P�nY as Hortower'a princfpal realdence for et least <br /> _ �3�Ci8 �he exeatlon of thls Seeuri InsW ment end�hell conflnue to occu the Pro ___. <br />�-'�'��.-'�3�� one year aRer ihe derc of occupmcy,unleas�he Secrcaery dUermina thl�requlrcmen[wlll cau�undue hardahlp tor IIorrowu, <br />-'�:�;i;�CZ1 or unless estenuating c(rcumsuneea exlat which ue beyond Bortowu's comrol. Bortower chdl noUfy Lenden ot eny <br /> f,kg extenueting clrcumstenocs.Borrower chall not commlt wea�e or dutroy,damaga or substentlelly chenge�he Property or ellow <br /> rf,��p the Propeny ro duerbrete,reasonable wear end tear oxcepted. Leoder may Iropect tM1e Property ff�he Properry Ie vacent or <br /> �< ' abendoned or the lnan In In de6Wt. Lender may utce rcawnahle�c8on m pmtat end prccerve sueA vecant or ebandontd �_—_ <br /> j �h� Property.Bortower sM1ill aUo be In defeult If Bortower,during tho Ioan ippllcallon proocsa,gave matcrlully talao or Ineaurete <br /> "�'�^+ Informatlon or netemen�s l0 1.eMor(or failed to provldo Lendu wlth nny meterlel Informatlon)Im m�nectlon wlth tha loan <br />-z�t_�;..:'::.:_ evldenad by tho Nom,:Ineludlns, but not Ilmlted�o, reprcaentatlon�coneeming Borrower'e occupxncy ot tho Propeny as e _.. <br />�_`:?�;�;�;;�?�_ pdnclpnl resldenco. If ihle Secudry insuumem I�on a Ieasehold, �orrowtt�MII comply wlth the provlslom ol�he leaso. If �,_,.,_._. <br /> ;�:_;�_t'F;"(� Bovower ecqulres fa Odo to the Propeny,�he leasclwld nnd fco thle ehell no�bo nurgcd unlcss Lender egroc�to the mergcr In _____. <br /> -,��r;sq �vdUng. '. - �- <br /> !� �f] Y§� __- , <br /> t� � 6.Chetgee to Oorro�rer�nd ProtecHon ot I.endePa Rlghu In the Property. Borrowcr alull pay all govemmemd or t��, r <br /> �'�?�y' dlrcttt Pto the e�tIt whlcl�ox d the�Inxnc If f■twrc'�o� �n pamgreph 2. Borrower ahell {rey theae obllgatloro on tlmo i ;`i'�;.� <br /> y y pay pay would odverxely eftcct Lender's Interes�In the Propeny,upon ��-�=- ' <br /> �`��1'��. . Lender s rcquat Bortowerchall promply Pomish to Lendcr rmiptxevidencing�hese paymenu. � �` - �'- <br /> =�'--�.�i: �i_.'?- <br /> _ �, _t-�;�, I(13ortomer fetls�o makc�he.0 paymenu or�he paymeNZ required by puregraph 2,or feils m perPorm any other covcnems ; tF`r�i. <br /> i� � ;. i nnd agramenu mntained io thisSecuri�y Inswment,or�here is a legul procceding�hnt mey significemly af&ct 4nder'a dghts 'sfr�"-f".. <br /> ,� -�a In the Propcny(such u e procading in bankmptcy,for condcmna�ion or m cnforcc Imvs or rcgule�ions), then L.ender may do �- �i :. <br /> , :�";�, and pay wha�ever is necesvry to pro�a� the velue of the Property md Lcnder's rigMs in�hc Propeny, including payment of }S?�="' <br /> °_-:`��i�;y texa.hvardinsuremeendothuitenumcntioneelin m �sh2. "C�-7(�'.:': <br /> -:.ii:tt.�s:a, . W S P cq�c� - <br /> `�l4 ' � /'..�. <br /> � t �j�%� s Any anaunts disbursed by Lender under this pimgr.�p6 shall 6ecome an addi�ional debt of Borrower nnd be ucurcd by ;�41-:�- _- <br /> X -.- this Security lnstrument.7Lexe miuums shall bcar imcrcst Gam thc Ja�c of di.burscment,at du Notc retc,and at the option of � F qn;__°-. <br /> -. a '�}� Lcnder,shall M immcdiatcly due and paynblc. < T',�'-:- <br /> �:Y: <br />_.:1<3-•':F: ?;i%`:l.;-,; <br /> '::?:';;:: 7. Condemnatlan. 'ILe proceeds of any aw;vd or claim fi�r Jamages, direct or mnsequemial. in connection with any ��L�'�'�>`%^� <br /> mndemnation or other wking ofany pan of the Propeny,nr fnr am��cyamr in place of iYmdcnmatinn,arc hercby assigned end ���"-{= - <br /> �---�; shell be pnid to Lcnder�o lM1e exmnt o(�hc(ull mnnum of thc indeM1tafnex tha�rcmains unpaid undcr the Note and l6ia Sccurity �`--��j��,=_ <br /> •:��.,. Instrument. Lcnder sh�ll npply such pmiecJ.�n thc rduc�ion af�hc inJcb�ednc>.undcr�hc Nmc anJ thi�Scariry Inavumcnt. ,;,:."tit>. <br /> �� '� firxt m any delinyucnt xnuunt+applinl in thc orJer praviJCd in par�graph ?. �nJ d�cn m prcpaymcm nf principal. Any - ":',`�-� <br /> `'�o" appliation uf�hc prnmcd�tn �he primip�l �hall nm cx�cnd or po.�p�re Ihc duc datc o(�hc mmnhly paymcnts. a�hich arc <br /> •a <br /> t �dRINEI r.y�mc <br /> `i, <br /> (�,�\ <br /> e.�\ � <br /> / �.��.✓�_�. _V/ _ .iT�^-i'i_�_��i �J �' ii� :c.i_ ��: .. j��'�.l _. . ._ _._ .. ..Z'�� '�j . . ( : ' .. <br /> • • . . j <br /> ' e � <br /> . t4 .r .- . . . .. - .- -. .. ^- . <br /> _ �— • <br /> l � <br /> 1 • <br /> J {� � . - - ' . ' _ . . <br /> . " ..' ..'_. . . . _ .. . _ . . . _ <br /> ��� j - . ' .• ' . <br /> )S.`C•.1 � .� . <br /> .. ; : . .• � .< .. .� .. . . <br /> :.f.:3'�l .f��1. ..���_ . .. � _ � <br /> ' .'_ `,_. i ` . ' . . -. . . . . <br /> L rJ... }'.' . , - � . . <br /> :,-.i:.' . - . ... _ . . . . . . . <br /> ) (i d <br /> �t . ' _ "[ � ' - . ._: . ..-_. . . . . <br /> I. <br /> S�. ) ` _ ... - . <br /> +F 1 . <br /> }�t 1 �t - ' - . <br /> h <br /> + <br /> , �41�� } - � F � - - , . . _ '� ' � � . � � -- . <br /> 1 r . .-' ' . . ... ' _ --�- . <br /> . <br /> � ��) t �_I.' J.l: _'.V ( _.�it � . r._ ._.� �...� `( � <br /> � <br /> _•• <br /> _ . . XL': _.. -. . . _ .._ _ _ _ . . - .. -. _ a_. . ._ . _ . . <br />