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)li ' f ba1 , � : .� :,� � ,^ r „ , � � ey„y� .� ` <br /> • <br /> �r ��: � ;,� <br /> ' � � � 1 --. � � _;• .`'. f. - •-. - ,! r ' . � ~4��� . r js � <br /> 7'oosTHnn tY�i4t ill t�e lmpmxt�ka�it_tww ac.hercdlter cu�dtd_dn Ihtr�Q[opettg.,3nd Ws�ss�cet�'r�+ `� . _�,— - <br /> � p�pyrfsiieA�sr rente;toynitfei,�lUn�tp1,0�q4d Bc}r1YAta and pfoill�,watef�1hta pod tta�kend�11 A�Ii�cex aow�'+7��•��« � � —_ <br /> ,: . . p9tt oL�B prdjx�ry..lyll�tcplaocuxrt!ptid ndaltlqm qt��l!d@o 6e¢qvertQ by Ihli¢CNt1�!/tndtwi{unt.,l�llpt�{�e tanyotng�t 'x : <br /> • rotar[cd{61�thia&atftY�Insf�unlu��aetta"Propettyn , , , � ,, ,,,;� <br /> ; . . .. .. '� , ,+ �' <br /> ,. �. { ' <br /> �OORItOWpR b0Y8NANT9�het 8qrtowor I�IawNlly ecliM of tho�s�to hucby conyeytA et�hes I,h.o dght t4�'rA�ilfiO <br /> caiv0y Iho Propeny and!flut ifie Propeny I�u�ntumb�ro0;'cxaeQ►_for t�r�mbrqncro�oP rcoo{d_9otrower yVerra{�W e�d wll! . `. <br /> defend generelty�tw t1Ao ro the Property agatnst NI cie(m4 end demand�,euDJat to any eiiciimDr9tiora otreao�d, ,• ` <br /> = 1.Pqyjnencot PAnctp�l,Iutensl and I.ate Charga Qorrower chalt pey when,duo�he princl�a!of,md intsreN oa;�M ' �- W;- <br /> dcbt ovldenced by tha Nae and tete ehargee duo under tha Noto, <br /> 2. Monthty Pajmenu ot 11uee, Insurence and Other Charga. �ortower nhall Includo In wch mon�hly payment, ._'• <br /> togaher wld�tha pdnc�pnl end intercst es set toRh in the Noto end eny lero chargea.en Instdlmem o(eny(a)ta�ieb end syecld �•: <br /> - asseasmenp lovlcd or to be lovled afntt the Propeny. @) lessehold enu or �nd rents on thp pro rly; ''- <br /> � P� B�' P� 4�d fS),, _ - - - <br /> prcmlum�for Inmrance requircd bY paregroph4. <br /> Hech monthly installment for I�ew(a),@>.end(o)shell equal on�twelM ot the ennud amounp,at reasonably estG7leted <br /> __-__ by I.endu,plus en aznount atfictent to malnteln an eddltfonal bslma ot not mora Nan one-slx�h of�he estlmatod emounta.'fie <br /> — AII ennwl amount for each Ilem�hall be axumulated by tanda wlNfn a pedod ending ona month 6eforo en item would - _. _ __ _. <br />--.—i baome dellnquem. T.ender �hall Aold tAe amountt collected In Uuat ro pay flertu (a). @). and (o) beforo thoY �� �..._.-,._ . . <br /> detlnquem. <br />'`��� If et eny Ame the total of tAe paymente held by Lender for item+ (e), @), end (c), rogetder wlth the Potux montAly -- <br />'� paymenu tor such irem+pay�6le to Lender pdor ro the due date+of such Ituns, excads by moro than one-slxth�he atlmated <br />-;{y_� amount of paymenta requirod to pry euch items when due,and if paymenu on tAe Note are cumnt,then Lender shdl elthu — <br />-�.-,�� rcPond the exces�over onmrixth of tho a�mated Qaymenu or eredit�ho�ass over one•dxth of�a esHmated peymenta ro <br /> ;-:,� �ubuqurnt paymmte by Bortower,n the opNon of Borrower. if ihe to�al of the p4ymente m�de by Bortower for Item(a). (b), <br /> --- or(c) Is Insufficlrnt m pay the (tan when dua then IInrrower chall pay to I.ender any omount necasary to moke up the — -- <br /> -��'"� dtflclency on or beforo tha daie the item becomes due. <br /> �� <br /> � " Aa used in th6 Saurlty Inswmen6•'Secre�ary" means the Secrctery of Housing end Urban Development or hb or hu <br /> ��i� dwlgnee. In any year In whlch the I.ender muat pay a mongege Insuranco prcmlum to the Secrctery, cech monthly paymen� -- - - - <br /> '� ehell alw Includo elther:(U m Inatellment of the annual mongege Insurance premlum to be qld by Lender to Uu Secretary,or <br /> (Ip a monthly chargo Inatead of a mong�go Inaurence prcmium If�hla Securtty Insuument Ia held by �he Socrctary. 0uch <br /> ti�� monthly Installment of�ho nart3xge Insumnm premlum sholl 6e In an amount:utficlent to eccumulute tho PoII annual mortgage <br /> ; ': Insumnce prcmium wlth Lender onc momh prlor to the datc the NII ennuel mortgege Inaurencc premlum B duo ro tho Secrctery, �F�y, ,,_ <br /> > - or If thls Securtty Insuument Is held by ihe Sarctery, each nwmhly charge ahell be In m miount equal �o one•twelfth of -;�.;>. -- � <br /> ;� oxhdf percent of�he wtstanding pdncipal Gilance duc on ihe Noie. � "� �--� <br /> � s <br /> _,,��� 1f Borrower tenden [o Lender the full payment of all sums secmcd by�his Secudty inswment,Borrower's eccount shall +'�i"''re�:�`.�..._. <br /> t <br /> -,�` bc crcdlccd with ihe b�lence rcmaining for all instellmenu for i�em+(o). (b), end (c) nnd my mongagc Insurnnce premlum + r� *'�sS_�,a- . <br /> ins�allnunt�hat Lender hnx nat bemme obligntcd �o pay to the Setretery,md Lender sl�all promptly rc(und nny excess funda ro -.'u:'�;�?-f`7,',;,._ <br /> '' Borcower. Immedlatcly prior w a foreclasurc mle of the Propeny or i�s ecqulsition by Lender. Bnrrower s acrount ahell be �M1E�.yii�4i�+,:;�,r;�.-- <br /> �-`-�% crcdited rvith uny bilancc rcm�ining for all installnKnts(or iicros(aL(b),and(cl. i`9`?>?`"�:'fi�-�-`r°' <br /> ,.,._.7, ,ii=�'S�'�x'''�-�'%�.�%�' <br /> i �� <br /> �-:� 3.Appllcotlon af Pnymenis.All payments under paragruphc I and 2 shall 6c applicd by Lendcr as follows: ''i. g Y?f}`�1 i <br /> � 1 +�; r. <br /> Fim,�o the mongage imuramc premium�0 6c p�iJ M1y LenJcr to thc Snreeaq•or to �he monU�ly charge by thc Secretary � �}'E �,f�, <br /> --�:,� in�icad of thc monthly mongagc inwran�ro prcmium: �- �' ?i f'`''. � <br /> Second,to any taxes,�pecial uuccnMUU. Iea.eholJ pa�•mcnu nr grnmd rcnu.anJ firc.IlocKl and nther ha�rd inwwntt , �L` F��'�+ -� <br /> Y;;� rcyuircd: �, si" .4�i x r :. <br /> Thi�d,to imcrcxt duc undcr thc Natc: `..< .`.�xx,,t.,," <br /> .. �;,. .:,,,. <br /> amnrti�atinn nf Ihcprirnipal nl lhc Nnlc: ';+.r;'4.�..L,;��:;i.;�: <br /> late chargcx Juc undcr�hc Na�c. '� -`�? �� <br /> .�� <br /> ''..' ..._�=:: <br /> �amxei ..��a�s ,�r''.:,.-: <br /> o �i%':;i`-.:�. <br /> .e' i_: ,��,`: <br /> ?r�"T!°...."�^.:^` -'•�y-�_' . '- _ • . -. .... _ . -. .n-.r r.�� - ': ._ . . ' .' .. . I{ . . <br /> �'Y.�.iJI`_ �'�/ . . . <br /> _ .. .�.� _ _. _.._ .. . ._. . _ _ <br /> \ ! ' <br /> `,:fi;i: - _ ::� ' . - . <br /> -.,t-;� '� - - <br /> ;,�.,. .:<:,��:;_.' _ . . . . <br /> � - � . .: <br /> �z .. . <br /> _�,:,S,A.-,-_ �, _. - . � �. . . ' � . . _ ' <br /> .� - . _ - .. . - � <br /> � <br /> J)� .. <br /> � � i <br /> y i4 .t <br /> � <br /> ...�c� ._ �, _. .. . �.•. -f�S ,ti . _, . . .. , . - - � . . . . . .. �. ,�� _ �' ' _ _ _ � . <br />