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_ T. ._.. <br /> . . <br /> • v ,.r, <br /> . , <br />. , ;. <br /> . . ,. _ _ . <br /> ,- <br /> _ .. ,. � ' - `._ - . :: : . . __: <br /> :. , Sd��0��� .: ,,. <br /> �ppllcUble low may�pecfty fot relnstatemenq botoro teie oY tta Property yurtuNt to eny po�ver of eale coni�SG In�� .; '. .. <br /> Securiry[aswmenu or(b)en�nr of tlud�ent entorsfn8�hie Bxuri}y In�wmenh TAose andl�lon�eto�Aat Qorroyv�ri (a) , _ <br /> �ayd�.ender�0 sum�whlch 1Aen wou10 Ae due undet thle 8ecuruy Insuumem ond�tio Noie e�if nd aae7uadiib-hnd" `" " <br /> occuJrod;(�)curea�nydefauhoinnyothercovenanuora�recmenu;(o)payeallexpensesincurtedincnfacingtNa8ecufl�y <br /> [dabiil�eot,inetuding,but not tlmiled to,t"�.:s��aDt�:itos..ys'fas;aqd(d)teka sun5 ectlun u Lendu m�r • , <br /> rcqulro to auuro thattha Ilen of thi�Sxu�try Inattumen6 i.enderl dgM�in�ha Ptoperty md Bortmvab o6ltgetlon�pe <br /> wms cawred 6Y lhls Secu�iry Inshumem thail condnue wchanged Upon rcinsta�vnent by Borrower, I1�L SeeuritY <br /> fnsl�umEnt and�ho oDllgatione securW hereby�hall remaln fuliy ellective ae it no acceleretlon AW oxurted. However,ih(a <br /> flght to roinsnte ehell not appty In�he case of nsoeleralion underparagraph 17. ,_ . ... <br /> 19. 8are of Nofer Chmge ot Loan Ssrvlar. 7ho Note or a panlul(nteast In�he Nota po�ethe+wlth ihl�eecurUy <br /> ln:wmenq m�y bo wld oao ar moM tlmes without prlor no�lce to Hortowu. A�a1e mny roaul in a chu�go In the cntfry <br /> (known e�tho Loan Servla�')�het collecn monthty paymmu due under the Noro end�hit Secudty IasUumeni: 7tiero eiw <br /> mey be ono or moro cM1anga ot Ne Loan 8ervlar unttleted to e�ate of the Nota:It thue b a elwigo ot�he Wan 8crvlar, <br /> Hortower will be given wrinen notke ot the diange in eocordence wfth poragaph l4 above and�ppticable la�v. 71ie notisa <br /> wlil uale the name end addreu of the new Loan 3ervlcer end the eddres�to which paymenro�hould 6e made. 7Le notiee will <br /> eleo romaln eny otherinto�mation requUed by epplieable law. _ .. _ _ . <br /> � 20. Hnzardau Bubstmcea. Bortower:hatl not cauw or pe�mit the prcsena,use,disposal,porage,or releaw ot eny <br /> Nezerdow Substena�on or in the Property. Bortower eAail not do,nor eilow myone elw to do,anyihing affating tde <br /> Propeny that I�In Wolation of any Environmentel Lsw. 7Le praeding two acntenoes shnli m[apply ro the presena,use,or <br /> storege on�he Property of smalt quantRia of Hezerdoue Subatances�het erc genereily raognb.ed�o be eppropdeee to normal _ __ <br /> rosidenNal use�and ro maintenance of the Properry. <br /> Bortower shall promply give Cender written naice ot eny investigulon,cleim,demand,lawsuit ot ah¢r ection by my <br /> govemmemal or roaui�tory agenoy or pdvate parry involving�he Propeny and eny Hazudous Subs�ance or Hnvtronmentel <br /> Lew of which Borcmver has ectual knowlWge. If Bortower leema, w ic notifled by my govemmenial or rcgul�tory ------ <br /> euNodty,�het any rcmoval ar othu rcmediaHon of my Hszerdoua Subs�ence atteuiag the Roperty ia neceaaery.Hortower --- <br /> �hail promptiy tnke�II necessery nmedial action�in aaordence whh 8nvironmenlel Law. _._____. <br /> As used in�h6 paragmph 20,"Ha�ardom Subs�ences'aro�hose substancea deRned ns bxIc or hezardwi�ubatances by �--�-•�•� <br />- Bnvironmenlal Law end the following substences: gssoline,keroune,olher ilammable or Ioxie pepnlam producta,toxk �:=--� <br />- pesticidea end herbicidea,volaNle mlventa,maredets comelning azbatos or Pormddehyda and rvdioactlre meteflala. As ,;:��,; <br /> used in U�is paregraph 20,"Environmrntal Lew"mew fede�el lawa end laws of�hejuddiction whue the Hopeny ie located �.:��r <br /> Ihet rel�ro ro health,ukty or envimnmentel protectlon. '+';;,-..: <br />_ NON-UNIFORMCOVBNANTS. UortowerandLendcrfurtherwrenantandegreeanPoilows: ��,�a-- <br /> 21. Acceleratlon� Remediee. I.endtr nhell give nottce to Borroner prtor to eealeration folloving BorronerY �;_��'- <br /> breach of any wvenant or agreement in lhls 3ecuriry lnatrument(but not prior to accelerallon under paregraph 17 �.-_;__� <br /> unleas applicable la¢proridee othenrise). The nolice ehall specity: (a)the detaulti(b)Ihe eetlon requlred to cure Ihe Vr,-•� <br /> deteulti(c)e detq nat ten than 30 days hom the dale ihe nolice L+gtven to Oorroxer,by�rhich the detault must be �.z,�,:;'�; <br />._ turMi end(d)t6et fellure to curc the defeult on or Defore Ihe date specitleU in the�rotitt mer reault In eece�eradon oi �F-,.�___ <br /> the sumv secured by ihia Security Inrtrummt end sale o!the Property. The notice ehall Purther InPorm Oorrover oi �;,��_�,-_-_ <br /> the d ht to rctnstele ofter ecceteration end the rl ht to bHn e court eMlon to axvert tAe nomeziscence of e defeuit or �`�'�'�=-- <br /> 8 6 8 '- .S;-_.. <br /> eny other dettnse of Borro�ver to aeceleraiion and sete. If tAe defauit ia not cured on o� before the date specified in �.°J,";�_;- <br /> ihe nollce,Lender at ftri opllon may requlrc Immediete payment In NII of all sums seeured bJ thLv 3eeurtty Inrirument z"'`;��s:- <br /> - �dthout furiher demend end me Invoke the o�rer ot sele end an other remediea ermitted b e Iicable la�v, i�°3�,s" <br /> ' Y P Y P 7 PP ��.�� . <br /> ; I.ender ehall be entltled to wllect all expensea Incurred in pursufng ihe remedfa prov�ded In thB paragreph 21. �;,���;._.� <br /> ' Including,bu[not Ilmited ta,reasoneble ettorneya'feea end cahe of tltle evidence. =r;4;i��- <br /> � If the pmrer of mte B Invaked,7Fustec shell rewrd a notlee of defeult in eaeh cauMy In�vhich eny part of�he '-=T''-� <br /> Property Is lacated end shall mntl mpfex ofsuch nolice in the mxnner prescr(bed byeppltcabte lew ta Borro�rer end to '��'}:�%���� <br /> Ihe olher penona preacA6ed by npplirnble la�r. ARer fhe tlme required by eppllnbie law,7}ustee shell gire public �'X�:-;�°�-: <br /> notia of aele to the perxom and In Ihe manner preacrlbed br applfcable la�v. 7Y�us�ee,�vithout demand on Itorrosrer, 't7�='�-"':�. <br /> sAell ull the Pro ert at ublic aucflon ta Ihe hl heat 6idder at the Iime ond tece end under Ihe terms des� nated In `#"'`' <br /> P Y P 6 P B :`fj-,•..�y,-. <br /> the notlee oi sele In one or more parcelA and In any order Trustee determines. 7Yustce mey paslponc mle ot all or any 2:,: t'. <br /> arcel of the Pro ert b ublic ennouncement et ihe tlme xnd lace of anr revlausl schtduled aele. Lender or fta -""�>�«'-��- <br /> P P Y YP P P Y� � �;:-'. ..: <br /> deatgnce may purehacc the Propeny et eny sele. � "��4��.` <br /> Upmt rcteipt ot payment af Ihc pritt bid.7YuRce xhnll delirer ta Ihc purchuer'1}usla'x dad cunveying Ihe -�+5';T=`` - <br /> ;Y���l•�'' <br /> Property. The retlte�In the 7Yurtee's detd shnll be primo Pocie evfdence of Ihe truth af the sletements made therein. �,_�„5:.:,. <br /> 7}ustee ahall npply IAe proceedx of Ihe sale in 16e folloa�in�urder: (el to nIl c�4�and expeasa of exercfsing the pmeer ;_i:;'`-'-� <br /> i'z; <br /> •�s.;it';::-. <br /> s.S...--`.. <br /> 't�:_-_�-. <br /> �': <br />. �.�,; ., <br /> Furm.btN 9.R .MCrS..�npqrv <br /> r <br /> 7 -u ._i1�431� . . . _� —- '-r. ._.._... ._ _.. ._:' ' .. . .. �. ' _. "'- ::. ` <br /> .. , ._t. .. . _.. ,_ _ . "�cf"?'::i' -F^, <br /> ..'.," -" _ '" • ., _ ' ' _ _ - _ - ' � <br /> :" r . <br /> . .. <br /> a, <br /> �:'r.. : . . , - . <br /> _ _ f.[, • <br /> " :1= <br /> . ir <br /> .PT� .�. . . . .. <br /> :-_h�• . ._ . . . _ <br /> � (�•- : � • " . . . . . . <br /> 5 <br /> �� 1+). '..a � ' . . _ . ' . .1.:.. <br /> i � <br /> [ \ � <br /> 4 y r - ) . � . <br /> .. _ . �f r, t� �.-. � . . .. ._ _ . . ._. . �. _. ...., rt, . . <br />