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t`� . , r ,r� _ ._ _. __ <br /> -t ._v�...A 11.� .. .. 1 1 S <br /> ,;: � . : i�3•��.���(�; , _ _ <br /> � 1 -. • -.- . . . .. . ..., ... . .i5 - :° 4%_ <br /> � oondaryna��qtt orotliertekit�gofmypaROl�h0.�toDerty�qtforCOpvey4neolQU�uofmAdenjnatlon,prqhorobyull(�A.aM �` <br /> thulfbDpal4 r�d • � <br /> • Tn+h9��Toi e ioiai Tdun`g dt�Rv�c�zy�tiiatn-�a t�i�lt ba dp9flFd tp:ths evr�si swrtrted 6�thle§aurity <br /> Ineauinqm,whe�fier or do�then duo,�v�m eny exces��ald�d IIotroiver. In�ho ovem ot a partlai mking.of ine�rcy in <br /> . . � - :vhtsh feti inP1�Et Yr.ldo nl�e Fropivi91mm�1�y►xifaee tha feking le equal m or�rater aan the em6wt nt euuu - . .-. <br /> cecuted�y th(a Securlry Inapumrnt immWlerelY 6ofore�hb taking,ui�eu Bortowcr ond{,ender othe�wlsa egree�n ivrlUeg, <br /> tAq� sa��eed by thl�Seadty InsWmen[shpq bo redua0 by the emount ot tne prooecd�multlptieQ by Ilio fqlloWtng <br /> fract oh� (e)the totet amou6t ol tho wms sscuted Immedlatety before�ha teking, N)tPro f+U mazka v�lue of,�he <br /> -. , Ptqpetty ImmWla�ely baforo ae Wdng. MY balanw�hall be peid lo Bortower. In Ihe orrnt ot a panlal��of the ; <br /> – Property!n whieh tlw falr mmket vdue oi Uro Propeny ImmedletelY blfore�he leking Is tw�han tha emount ot e eum� ; _ <br /> acwid Immedietcly baforo the taklua,unlw.Bortower and Londer aheiwlso agree In wriiing or unlea�nppllcabto law ; <br /> o�huwke providee,tho prooeeds sha11 be app11W ro tho sumi«wttd 6y�hls Secudty Inshument whaher or not�ho wms are i <br /> then due. . <br /> It Ihe Ptopeny ia absndaoed by 9orrower,or It,aRer notice by Lendar�o Honower thet�he condemnor of[en to maka <br /> en ewerd w eotAe s clelm for d+mage�,Borrower talle ro reapond ro l.ender wlthln 30 daya after tAo daro the no�Ico b glvrn, <br /> - Lender le euthodud ro collea�nd apply�e proceeds,e[i�e aptlon,etthcr to ttstore�lon or repalr ot the Pmpwry or w�ho <br /> wme cocurcd by I�Sewr(ty tnswmen6 whnheror not then due. <br /> Unles� er and Bortower oehernlse�gree In wrlting.nny eppllcetbn ot proceeda ro princlpal etult no[exand m <br /> . pewtpone Ne due daN otthe momhly paymenu rofemd[o In puagrapn�1 end 2 or chmge the emount ot such paymenle. <br /> ll. Horrower Not Reltased; For6earance By� Lender Not e Walver. Bx�en:Ion ot �he dme tor payment or <br /> madifleaHon of emonlzaflon of the sums securcd by�hb Saudry Inatmmmt g�anted 6y I.ender to eny�ucussor In Inrcrost <br /> of Hortowu ehdl not operate to releese�he Ilabltlty of the odglnel Barowu or Barowert�uccessow in Intercs6 Lender <br /> ehall not berequlrcd to crommenu proceedings eBe(nat any�uccesaor In inte[at or rofux ro ea.enu dme fm paymem or <br /> -"` otherwlce modUy unortlzatlon ot the cuma ucurcd by th(s Savdty Inswmem 6y reason of eny demend mede by the odgtnal _..___.__. <br />–�"— Dorrower or Bortowerb cuccason fn Nrercst Any forbearance by I.ender In axerclsing eny dght or remedy ahall not he a — <br />. weiverof orpreclude the exerclse of eny dgAt or remedy. <br />-��`_� 12. Succeasore end Aal�s Dound;Jolnt and 8everal Ltabfl(ty�Co-slgnere. The covenanu md agreemenn of�hie <br /> Secudty InstmmeM�hall bind end 6cneRt the sucasaow end suigna ot Lender end Borro�va,eubJa[ro the provlslons of --�- <br /> -'u� paragnph 17. Bortowerl wvenenta end egreemenu ahall be jolnt end several.My Bomower who caaigna thla Sccudry _ <br /> n ,�,`� Inauument 6ut doe�not oxeeme�he Note: (e)ia co•slgning thB Security Insimment only to mortgaga 6��and wnvey�hat =.-- <br /> :-: ra Bortowerh Intarcst in the Proputy under the�ertns ot this Secudty Inatmmenc (b)Ia not perwnally obllgated to pay�he wma __ _ <br /> -_?� «curcd by�hle Secudty Instrument:and(c)edrcea�hot Lender end any other Bomower mey egrce ro extand,modlty,forbear _ <br /> F_i� or meke eny exommodatlov w8h regard ro �ha mrma of�hls Sewrity I�suument or �he Nore without thet IIortowerh F-� -- <br /> > consent. - <br /> r 13. Loan Chargea. If 0e lom:ecurcd by �hia Security Inatrvment Is mbjat to e law whlch seu meximum loan �,." <br /> ' �. : <br /> .. �t ehergea,and�hat lew 1a Flnelly interprcted w�het the Interest or other Iwn cliarges collected ur�0 6e collee�ed In connectlon �,w,c n,. <br /> n w(th Ihe loan ezcad IhE pmmintO IImIW.then: (a)eny such iaan charge aheil 6e reduttd by ihe arnounl ncaiasury iu iatucc . <br /> ;.� the chuge to the pe�mftted Ilmit:and(b)any cumx elrcady rnticeted trom Borcower which ezceeded pefmllted Iimlla�vill be �F;.��'_ <br /> roPonded to Bortower. Lendermay choose to meke thla rcfund by redueing the princlpal owed under the Note or by making a , , <br /> �%t dlrect payment a Bortowee If n rePond reduees principal,ehe reduction wlll be vemed es a partinl prbpayment w�thout eny rkk ��`ir-- <br /> -- 'i/� prepaymmt chargc undtt the Nore. �i TSy <br /> _(� ; <br /> • 14. Noticee. Any no�Ia ro Borrower provided for in ihis Sewrity Instrument shall he given by dclivedng it or by r�i - <br /> � ' malling It by flnt clav mail unless applic¢blc lew rcquires use of ano�her me�hod.The notice shall be directed to ihe Propeny ,}�1�`��` <br /> � Addrcn or eny o�her addrc-4e Borro�ver desi6natos by�wtice to Lender. Any nollce to Lender shall be given by first clua y�`,� <br /> i i_�_ meil ro LendetS address slarcd hercin or any aher addrcss Lender design�tes by notice�o Borco�ver. Any notice provided for `��� <br /> In �hh Security Instrument slwll be dccmed�o hare 6ecn given to Bortowcr or Lender when given ac provided in �his ���2' f <br /> � ��i peregrnph. *� �" <br /> � 4 I3. Governing Lew; Severablllty. This Security Ins�mmrnt shull he govemed by fMeral lew and the Inw o(lhe r �� <br /> '�; ! Judsdictian in whlch the Propeny is locnted. In the event�hat any provision or clause of�his Saurity Instrument or�he Note a u �� -- <br /> ;:!;,;4� confticu wl�h eppllenble I¢w,mch con0ict shall not afkc[o�her provisioac of this Security Insuument or the Note which can c f . <br /> in?,- . ,�•"-'.-�_ <br /> be gIven etkct withom�he cm0icting pmvision. Tu �hi+end ihe pmvisiun.of this Security Instrument und thc Note ure ;�(�.=��i,!•�� <br /> -_�r; declered tobe sevemble. , <br /> ,:,�r�, lG Iforrower'a Copy. Dorrower shull 6c given one confanneJ copy of�he No�e und oRhis Security Instmment. `"{� --. <br /> l7. 7}enafer oi the Property or n Uenellclal Interest In Oarrax�er. If al I nr nny pan of Ihe Property or nny infercst in , `,, � ��- <br /> `„r�.; i� ia aold or tmnsterted(or it o beneficial intcrost in Bortou�cr i.+old ar transicrted and Dortowcr is not a numml pcROn) 1�f�� M1.:.. <br /> .-�,';. wi�hum Lenderh prior wri¢en conunt,Lender may,m ii+np�ian,rcyuirc immediate pryment in full of all sumi securcd by ., <br /> thla Security[nstrumcne However.�his option�hnll not hc cxcn ixd by Lcidcr if cxcrci+c ix prohibited 6y feder�l Inw u+of ,�, <br /> :i 7" thc dme of ihia Securit Instrument. s�'���'-`� <br /> i:t:;.;:r;,::-.: <br />.f'.;e � If Lender ezercixes this op�ion.Lender shnll gire BuRm�er notitt af•rccclentian. The no�ice shall provide n periud ot ;, r,'Uy.._ <br />-�""� ! not Icss than 30 Aays Gom Ihedate Ihe noli:e ir dcli�'crcd or mailed wiihin which Ilortmrer musl pay all.ums xcured by Ihis '{'-��`��'��- <br /> 'F��.-a.Yi•�__. <br /> Securily Inslrumem. If Borrower hils ro pay Ia Ihe expi�:ttian af Ihi. period. Lender may invoke any ;; it.^:: <br /> . �_f i rcmedies permitted by�his Sttvrity Instrumem withom funhcr nu�ice nrdcmanJ nn Dovoa�cr. � <br /> 18. 6orro�ver's Rlght ro Refnstate. 1(fiom�wer ma�. rcnain canJilianw Borcoi��cr.hall have �hc right �u havc ,•r >.�.� <br /> �~;+. ' en(artemem of this Securily Imtnnnent dixantinucJ ai any�ime prinr�o�hr eadicr nL (a�$Jay.�nr.uch o�her periud:u '•-C:.,.�, �:_ <br /> �'�:�i Sinpkl'vm�y�-Funnit\IsNFrtddlvMucCWfUlt\16tilRC\If.tiT-PmfmmCnrenm�. 9/90 IryyN Jnry�ra� =- - <br /> >5 <br /> �� I <br /> Y� ' <br /> t4 . `� <br /> l"�-��.,;�...^:.�}7.t nrl,�li`'l,� _:_��f.- � .- . . r(. � ' ` i . i ."<i�' -r =j1Ai"SJ...'"""':o�r.t�.:.? . . <br /> .. �. ....... .�_ .. .,, ...:. <br /> . .. ,_..-.. <br /> ` ..- '. <br /> .__ . . . . . _ .. . --. . <br /> - � . - - . . . . - . <br /> J f <br /> / .1- !. .ti. _ '. _ .. - . ."' - '• . . _ . . _ <br /> h . _ <br /> ..t��� a1i_'...'..; J `� _ _ _ . . . . . .. _ .. . <br /> z _-__ ' :'', 1 — -_ --.--_. _ - ." "__ ." "_ ' —. - _ _ __ _- ___ _— —_ _ "_ __ . <br /> 1 a.R , .�.1 . _ . . � - . - - i <br /> � S � 9 1 - - . ' ' - - � . ' <br /> 7it �. �_ `.,- : . . " . <br /> ? - t " . _ . - _ _ _ <br /> ?�. ti ,ti"� e r '. . ._ ) y IF ' ' ' . - . . . ' _ . - . . <br /> � u <br /> t 3 - _ {'S - _� .... � _ . , - . - . . . . <br /> � 1/ t_ _� 1 P _ ~ - .' . .. .. ' -. . . . '- . .. <br /> l{ � <br /> � . ) i�( ' C'. - . ' . ' . . <br /> -�3.e'-t 1 - -r.. �x.��� � ' � - . . <br /> ` v�a _z � - �' s � --.s, F 3 ( �. i . .. . <br /> � Y � `e t r ' <br /> � $t l� l y_.. -. !1 9 -' 4� � t - <br /> � � c iT i A� - r r . F �_ � F 1 - + <br /> �� �r� - 1 � . .. � r oN f , �, � kj � i . ' }� , <br /> t ) J�f{(T 1 V .. � � • �' 3 1 . r . • <br /> . •:A'�. , . . .,$s. . . .. _ , . � _.._ t .� -.._ .. ., �. . . .� <br /> t d E ' . �-,Y� -t. , l.- ?,_' t i` . _ '- :ir�. • f .q �r4 <br />